Saving You, Villain

Chapter 37

Initially, the very act of engulfing this ignorant monstrosity within my body was simply impossible. I had foolishly succumbed to the allure of his muscular physique and committed a foolish act. To think that I had pleaded for such a thing. I was shortening my own name.

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I pushed Kamian’s finger away with my tongue and sobbed softly.

“No, please, st-stop.”

“Is it too difficult?”

Kamian asked, his eyes welled up with tears clinging to my eyelashes. I nodded my head, exhaling a long, restrained breath. The slow intrusion came to a halt, and Kamian gently wiped away the tears and sweat that had smeared my face.

“I don’t want you to feel any pain either.”

Yet, despite his words, the d*ck that was halfway inside me tremble with desire. Kamian suppressed his urge with great restraint and withdrew his hips.

Instantly, a profound sense of regret surged through me. The lingering excitement had not yet subsided, and it churned restlessly within my abdomen.

Before Kamian could fully withdraw, I hastily spoke.

“Just, halfway… Put it in.”

[Thrust.] Without warning, the d*ck forcefully plunged inside. The blunt tip pressed against the sensitive area, causing my waist to tremble.

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“Is this far enough?”

Then the d*ck slowly retreated once again. As my tight walls brushed against the firm surface of the d*ck, it felt as if a scream would burst forth, swelling my chest. And then, with more force than before, it plunged deeper inside me.

A tingling pleasure spread from within. A moan of a different texture escaped my lips.

“Should we stop at this point?”


“Or, hm, here. Would it be slightly better?”

“Heh, Kamian. Ah, hng!”

The damn d*ck was still burdensome. However, unlike when it entered slowly, there was a clear sense of pleasure coursing through my entire body. Kamian also noticed my change and moved his hips more dynamically.

“Ease up a bit… Hoo, that way, I can penetrate deeper.”

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“If it goes deeper… I, I might die. Hya!”

Despite sounding like the cry of death, I could sense that my walls were not releasing Kamian’s d*ck. The moans of ecstasy carried a sense of satisfaction, and my teeth, instead of clenching in pain, were partying in intoxication, spreading open both below and above.

My tongue delved between the parted lips. Gripping the bed sheets, I wrapped both arms around Kamian’s neck and eagerly accepted his kiss. And once again, thump. An immense wave of pleasure surged through me, resonating deep inside.

“Haah, haah…”

It was only a matter of time before the pain was buried beneath the ecstasy. Even the agonizing sense of fullness had transformed into something strange.

“Does it only have to be difficult and painful?”


Kamian’s voice no longer held any trace of ease. As I closed my eyes tightly and nodded, Kamian arched his back dramatically. Without a moment’s pause, he thrust the phallus into the depths I had never felt before. Overwhelmed by the haphazard pressure, I forgot how to breathe and held my breath. Not a single sound escaped my wide-opened mouth.

It felt as if an electric current, not blood, flowed through my veins. My limbs convulse in spasms, and my brain tingles sharply. Reluctant to believe it, I couldn’t help but experience an o****mic sensation from Kamian’s complete penetration.


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A suppressed moan seeped past my lips. Kamian clutched my convulsing body tightly. He waited until I regained my composure, then pushed forcefully, not removing what he had inserted, and applied pressure with his weight.


“I almost laughed when I saw the expression on your face.”

Kamian twisted his hips, as if desperate to move. When the stimulating point pressed against the thick end, uncontrollable moans burst forth incessantly.

“Ah, ah… Like that, yes, ah!”

I lowered my hand and stroked his resilient abdomen with my palm. It was more like a weak hand that lightly grazed his sweat-slicked abs. Understanding my intention, Kamian began to move his hips. With each thrust of the phallus inside, my body trembled.

Sensations piled up, flipping my mind upside down countless times. The sound of flesh colliding was violently audible. My lower body felt numb, but I hoped Kamian wouldn’t stop.

Good. I’m so delighted to the point of losing my mind.

Is it normal to feel this sense of madness? It was a sensation I had never experienced before in my life. The pain of insertion had long turned into pleasure. Every time the phallus pierced inside, my body jolted as if struck by lightning. I barely held onto Kamian’s sweat-soaked shoulder with my fingertips, shaking as he shook me.

“Huh, good… Ah, Kamian so deep, ah! Huh!”

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“Give me more moans.”

“Kamian ah, huh, deeper… ah! More, it feels good. Haah…”

Kamian withdrew his hips, then thrust the phallus forcefully inside. With the momentum to penetrate even the depths of my womb, he pressed his lower body tightly against mine and then released himself, sliding out in a large, round motion.

The intensity of pleasure rapidly swelled to its limit. I grazed his body frantically, shaking my head. The more I felt, the faster Kamian’s thrusts seemed to become.

“Haah! Don’t shake so much… Ah, ah!”

Amidst the blurred focus caused by the heat, Kamian’s crimson eyes stood out sharply. Excitedly, he gazed at my dishevelled face and absorbed every bit of my lascivious appearance.

“Haah, each time I thrust here, you tighten so much inside.”


Kamian persisted in penetrating me, closely observing my every change rather than focusing on his own pleasure. He adjusted the rhythm of his thrusts, carefully targeting sensitive areas and exploring how to elicit my loudest moans.

It was a sexual encounter designed solely for my satisfaction, disregarding Kamian’s preferences entirely. Without his delightful ministrations, I couldn’t help but surrender myself to the pleasure.

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