Saving You, Villain

Chapter 38

He pulled out his d*ck that had filled me completely, only to forcefully thrust it back in with vigour. As I buried my face into the pillow, I couldn’t help but release a scream-like moan.

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“Ah, from the moment I first saw you…”

“Guh…faster, Kamian, it feels like I’m going mad…ah…”

“I knew we would end up like this.”

The first encounter between “Liv” and Kamian took place during their tender childhood years. Had these thoughts been simmering within me since then? How wicked and lascivious I must have seemed. The disapproval I briefly felt toward Kamian’s words was quickly replaced by a spine-tingling pleasure.


The pleasure Kamian provided was overwhelming, making it difficult to enjoy this tryst leisurely. My body burned like a fiery ember, unable to overcome this intense excitement. Like a child, I gasped, “Ah, Kamian, I’m going to…die…”

When I turned my head back from pleasurable contortions, Kamian thrust into my exposed neck, running his tongue along its length and releasing warm breath.

“Ah… Liv.”

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“Slowly…please…ah! Ah!”

“I want to stay like this forever.”


Kamian wrapped his hand around my waist, securing me in place. With his other hand gripping the headboard, he intensified his thrusts. [Puh! Puh!] Unlike anything before, he pushed me to my limits with an incomparable speed. My screams were trapped within the narrow gaps, and even breathing became arduous. Pleasure and pain inundated my senses completely.

The bed creaked uneasily, shaking vigorously, as if the entire house might collapse.

“Ah, ah! I’m going to…uhh!”

“Do you like it when I thrust here? Hmm?”

“Huuuh! Slowly…please! Uh! It’s too much, Kamian.”

Overwhelmed by the surging pleasure, I failed my arms helplessly. I tore at the bedsheets, pushed against Kamian’s chest, and clawed at the air.

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Beads of sweat trickled down Kamian’s chin. While he relentlessly plunged his d*ck toward climax, he abruptly released the headboard and pulled me closer, maintaining a steady rhythm. I, on the verge of reaching the pinnacle, exhaled my suppressed breath, my waist trembling uncontrollably.

“If I continue to indulge myself, I fear you might shatter.”

Suppressing his instincts, he murmured fiercely,

“Do not break.”

With a blink of an eye, as tears welled up in his eyes, streaming down his cheeks, the Adam’s apple bobbed. The crimson eyes, submerged in intense desire, momentarily flickered and anxiously swallowed his lips.

“[Sob] ah, insane…! Ah, ah!”

In the face of a violent gesture on the verge of climax, I lost my resolve and trembled. The surging waves of pleasure engulfed me in an instant. With every thrust of the substantial member, the fluid that had pooled inside surged and spurted outward.

“[Sob] ah, ah!”

It reached the extreme apex before Kamian. The open mouth only trembled, unable to produce any sound. Nerves tingling, becoming as white as snow, I couldn’t think of anything. Kamian continued the thrusts a few more times before withdrawing his d*ck. It remained steadfast and upright.

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Inebriated by the lingering effects of climax, I felt my consciousness gradually fade away. I seemed to have cursed when Kamian pulled out his d*ck, but now, even after hearing it, I couldn’t remember what it was. The euphoria was rapidly overtaking me.

Kamian hurriedly moved his hand, indicating that he had no intention of continuing the thrusts on my unconscious body. [Thump, thump]. I sensed him masturbating right next to my face. Just before the perfect darkness descended upon my mind.

[Plop.] Something viscous splattered across my face.


* * *


For two whole days, I couldn’t leave the academy.

One day it was due to severe muscle pain, and another day it was due to the excruciating self-reproach that surpassed the pain in my muscles.

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As if seized by a fit, I opened my eyes and felt my heart plummet to the tips of my toes. Surely, it couldn’t be. I even tried to deny it. My body, drenched in sweat and fluids, felt excessively refreshed, and the damp sheets that had been soaked were impeccably clean. I reasoned that it could be nothing more than a dream.

However, the congested sensation permeating my skin and the tingling sensation between my legs made it clear that yesterday’s events were not a mere dream.

Sleeping with Kamian of all people. Not anyone else, but Kamian!

The fact that I had engaged in such an act while still in a somewhat conscious state alone was enough to drive me insane.

It was true that my sensitivity to pleasure increased when blood was drawn, but I was not completely devoid of reason as before. Undoubtedly.

As evidence, I hadn’t desperately begged Kamian for sex as I usually would, but rather subtly created an atmosphere this time.

…Truly, there is no doubt that I am insane. Was I always this weak when it came to desire? A deep sense of doubt flooded over me.

And there was another problem. It wasn’t just me, but Kamian too… He still had his senses intact.

The girl who would usually forget the events of a drunken night as if they were wiped clean the next day, she remembered that day as clearly as ever.

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