Saving You, Villain

Chapter 41

“Shh, it’s alright.”

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A tender touch gently caressed the back of my head. I struggled to find composure, holding on tightly to what was within my embrace. Desperately, I gasped for breath, my hazy eyes restlessly darting around. My arm convulsed fiercely from the aftermath of the nightmare.

“Breathe slowly, Liv.”

Amidst the swirling confusion in my mind, a soothing voice penetrated like a meteor shower. A warm hand calmly swept across my back and head, urging me to find tranquillity. In that moment, the chilling depths that had pierced my thoughts dissipated, and I felt the embrace pulling me in.

With a determined effort, I slowly parted my lips that had been sealed shut. As the blocked breath rushed in, the rigid muscles gradually loosened.


There was a soft thud as my arm dropped, and my body fully relaxed. Leaning against something solid, I tried to focus my blurry vision. Even though my body had completely calmed down, the caressing hand on my head didn’t withdraw.

“Jex, a towel please.”

A low rumble resonated through my cheek.

“It will be cold.”

I nodded weakly. A damp towel tapped gently against my forehead, then wrapped around the back of my neck. Only after the coolness of the towel touched me did I realize that my body had been burning like an ember. My head felt slightly dizzy too.

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Gentle hands carefully supported my neck and gently guided me to lie down. The first face I saw up close was Kamian’s, followed by Debra and Jex, all wearing concerned expressions.

Did I have another seizure? But this time, it wasn’t accompanied by the same excruciating pain, just a slight dizziness in my head. Fearing that I had caused unnecessary worry, a pang of guilt stung my chest.

“I’m f-fine…”

“You’ll be fine.”

Kamian interrupted my words, folding a fresh towel neatly and placing it gently on my lips. What on earth was he doing? I furrowed my brow, but he paid no mind and simply went about his task.

“You’ve been unable to wake up for over half a day, from morning until now.”


“You may be aware of the condition of your own body, but it’s sweltering hot, and your entire body is drenched in sweat. Moreover, you cried like a child, almost succumbing to dehydration. Even when forced to drink water, you vomited half of it. So, you’re not okay right now.”

He always behaves like this. Normally, wouldn’t one soften the symptoms, considering that patients might be frightened or shocked? They would try to instill hope by saying things will get better. But this guy talks about how I suffered, in a brutally realistic and unadorned manner. Well… that doesn’t mean I’m frightened or shocked, though.

I removed the towel covering my mouth and glanced over Kamian’s shoulder. It was important to put Debra and Jex at ease.

“Don’t worry too much.”

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A hoarse and dry voice slipped out. As I cleared my throat, Kamian leaned over my shoulder and brought a cup of water to my lips.

“It’s just that I pushed myself too hard during the harvest season. I’m not in pain like before.”

Even Kamian remained silent for now. He knew that Debra and Jex, who were sensitive by nature, would toss and turn all night worrying about me.

“Let’s go see the doctor first thing in the morning.”

“I’ll go with Kamian.”

“They’ll bring the meal to your room, so don’t move and rest today.”

“Kamian will take care of that.”

Kamian also turned his head toward Debra and Jex and said a few words.

“I haven’t been able to eat a proper meal either because of this. Since I’m making mine, I’ll make some more.”

Debra nodded her head but still couldn’t completely relax. She looked at me with eyes full of concern, unable to leave the room so easily.


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When I gestured with my eyes, Jex embraced Debra’s shoulders. Her complexion was gradually returning, and with words of reassurance, she opened the door.

“If you need any help, call us anytime.”

“Thank you.”

Only after the door closed could I finally relax on the bed.

Lying comfortably in bed while receiving Kamian’s care, I suddenly remembered the words I had said to him, words that I shouldn’t have said.

“Kamian, why did you kneel? Sex is just sex.”

As soon as I realized, his touch felt unbearably burdensome. The room, with only the two of us, became overly silent, and I became acutely aware of Kamian more than ever.

With my eyes alone, I examined Kamian’s face. He focused diligently on wiping my body, devoid of any discernible emotions.

…Does he really feel nothing?

“Stop fussing and relax your feet.”

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I was taken aback, my body trembling with surprise. When I curled my toes, Kamian stared at me intently.


Feeling embarrassed, I let out a loud voice.

“Stop it. I’m going to take a bath anyway.”

I tucked my feet under the blanket, feeling self-conscious. Kamian, who had been gazing at the wrinkled blanket for a while, casually put down the towel without hesitation.

“Fine then.”

As he rolled up his sleeves, there was something suspicious about his form. Upon seeing the veined forearm, I couldn’t help but have a sense of doubt. That doubt quickly turned into certainty.

I firmly grabbed Kamian’s hand, attempting to lift myself up.

“What are you doing?”


“I can do it alone.”

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