Saving You, Villain

Chapter 42

“If you faint in the bathroom, it will be more troublesome. It’s better for you to wash quickly and come out while you’re still coherent.”

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“What’s the point of washing? Am I a child?”

“It would have been easier if you were.”

I pushed his hand away and got up from the bed. Although only for a moment, I closed my eyes and opened them slowly, feeling dizzy. As my vision returned from blackness, Kamian’s smug face appeared right in front of me.

“You’re quite capable of washing alone.” There was a clear mocking tone. Damn it.

Kamian has washed me countless times. During the time when my health was at its worst, whenever I lost consciousness covered in sweat, he took responsibility for my bathing. However, all those moments occurred when I was unconscious.

“Anyone would feel dizzy if they lie down and suddenly get up.”

“Don’t be stubborn. It’s not because I’m worried about you, it’s for my own comfort.”

“Just leave me alone without doing anything to make yourself more comfortable. I will never faint. I know my own body.”

“Aren’t you ashamed to be seen naked in your right mind?”

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My mouth snapped shut. Despite my refusal and irritation, my words were pierced by the truth. Just the thought of being naked and pressed up against Kamian in the half of my bedroom space already made my ears burn. And it’s not just being close. In order to wash, he would have to touch various parts of my body. How can I endure that in my right mind?

“Then should I undress too?”

“That would be even more strange, wouldn’t it?”

“I’ve done much worse things, so why be ashamed of simply being naked?”


“It’s just a bath. There’s no need to feel any emotions.”

I received the words I had spoken before thrown back at me. Bathing may be nothing compared to sex, but I couldn’t help but let it slip from my lips. No words of rebuttal came to mind, nor did I want to admit, “Is that so?” and concede. If I did, it would mean having to bathe with Kamian’s help.

I had fallen into the trap I set myself.

“…Nevertheless, I dislike it.”

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I groaned, flipping the blanket over my head. Kamian was waiting for me to give up and leave, but suddenly the blanket was forcefully pulled back. Before I could even adjust to the light pouring in through my eyelids, I heard a firm voice.

“Listen before you dismiss it.”

That person’s stubbornness was more terrifying than a bull’s. Anyway, there was no way to just let it go, not at all.

It’s not hard to understand why Kamian didn’t step back. Being trapped in a steam-filled, cramped bathroom while still not fully recovered could easily result in a real collapse.

But I am not a child. I didn’t plan to stay in the bathroom until I collapsed, and I still had enough strength to splash a little water on myself.

As the conversation dragged on, the embarrassment faded, replaced by a tumult of emotions. It was annoying enough that I couldn’t bathe as I pleased, and now I felt indignant that Kamian couldn’t even trust me with something as simple as this.

“Do you have to talk like that?”

“Get up.”

“Get out of my room.”

“Don’t tire me out, listen to me.”

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“Who are you to tell me what to do? I said I can wash by myself. I don’t even want you to scrub me like this!”

“This time, think of it as a brush instead of using me as a m**********n tool.”

It was a sincere statement, not a sarcastic one. Was I in my right mind? Who in the world would accept being thought of as a tool and being used like that?

I lost my words and could only mutter a few incoherent sounds. Kamian asked in a low voice, “Am I wrong?”

I had chosen those hurtful words deliberately to make sure all traces of arrogance in me were shattered, but the situation was unfolding in an entirely unexpected direction.

I couldn’t close my heart and had become a sight of blindly confirming his one-sided love.

This bastard, seriously…

He was an incurable lover, a soul steeped in a love that had no answers. Even a hint of weariness crept in. How could “Liv” hold such sway over me, to the point of dominating not only my body but also my mind? I should have realized this from the moment I developed a fondness for romance novels. Kamian was undoubtedly a devotee of love, living and dying for it.

The intense emotion that had surged within me at the sight of this wretched creature dwindled like a deflated balloon, devoid of any vitality.

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A chilling smirk escaped my lips, and Kamian furrowed his brow at my laughter.

“Are you not at all concerned?” he asked.

“I couldn’t care less.”

Instead of answering, Kamian opened the closet door, his movements graceful as he retrieved a change of clothes.

I quietly observed his back, a sense of incredulity washing over me. Truly, is he doing alright? Frankly, as myself, I find it difficult to comprehend his blind love. Even if I were to spit venom and demand his departure, it would be inadequate for him to offer himself as a tool. It is beyond my understanding, to the point of being refreshing, provoking curiosity after astonishment. Then… how long can he possibly be okay?

Kamian stood before me, holding the new clothes. He gestured as if urging me to get up immediately, but I remained seated on the edge of the bed, my backside firmly planted.

“Are you protesting by sitting there?” he asked.

I didn’t respond to his words. In truth, I couldn’t even decipher what Kamian had said. My mind was filled with a sudden surge of curiosity, leaving no room for other thoughts.

The rooted curiosity began to sprout and branch out into various thoughts, and a spark of realization ignited within my mind. What would happen if Kamian were to become not alright… What would become of us then?

There was no need for lengthy contemplation; the answer was simple. The end of love.

Where was his breaking point? How harshly would I have to push him to bring our love to its inevitable end?

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