Saving You, Villain

Chapter 48

The day had started off well as I walked out the door to go for my morning exercise. However, I found myself frozen in place, shoulders tensed up and raised to my ears. An icy chill ran through my body, rendering me unable to speak.

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A warm embrace touched my stiffened back. Strong arms gently wrapped around my waist, leading me into the house. It felt as if I had become a doll being moved from one place to another. As soon as my feet touched the ground, my body trembled uncontrollably.

“Wow… I almost… almost died,” I exclaimed.

Kamian lightly tapped my buttocks with the palm of his hand, as if scolding a stubborn seven-year-old child.

“I told you not to say such things, even as a joke.”

“Don’t touch my buttocks so secretly,” I retorted.

“If you feel wronged, you can touch mine too.”

I glared at him intently. It annoyed me every time he whimpered in such a pitiful manner. And the fact that he had put his finger in my mouth. Was I just supposed to let this happen?

Did he think I couldn’t do the same? I immediately reached out and firmly grasped his buttocks with all my strength. The supple, rounded buttocks bounced in my hand. Oh, they felt even better than I had anticipated. Although Kamian had only mentioned touching, I hadn’t expected to touch him like this. I could feel the muscles of his buttocks tensing up, solidifying with tension.

“…Don’t grope,” he murmured.

“Why? I’m touched because you told me to.”

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Our lower bodies pressed closely together. Kamian’s hands gently grabbed my shoulders, moved to my back, then swept my hair aside. He was in a complete frenzy. His rare moment of bewilderment was so amusing that I couldn’t help but burst into laughter.

“Phew, take it easy,” he said.

This mischievous act with his finger had caused my confusion, damn him.

I rested my forehead against Kamian’s broad chest and whispered in a low voice.

“Can you put your hand inside my clothes and touch me?”


Kamian took a step back. But instead of retreating, he leaned in closer and embraced me entirely. “Just stay a little further away,” he said, turning his head and gently pushing my shoulders.

“I don’t want to. This position feels secure and pleasant,” I replied.


I heard a moist exhale. At the same time, I felt a slight pressure on my lower abdomen. The thing between Kamian’s legs, which had just been quiet moments ago, now began to make its presence felt. If I hadn’t mentally prepared myself for it earlier, I might have just pushed him away forcefully.

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Kamian struggled to release me from his grip, but all he could do was breathe heavily.

“Please let go,” he pleaded.

“I want to keep touching you.”

“Ah, I am driven to madness.”

The prank that had originally begun merely to tease him had now taken a strangely perverse turn. Kamian could not contain the mounting excitement and roughly ran his hand through his hair. Such a sight could not help but be provocative. As he gasped for breath, with his body tense and his face flushed, a sense of arousal even reached me.

[Thunk] His heel collided with the wall. Kamian, realizing there was no room to retreat, grabbed my shoulders and began to plead.

“Please, Liv… Ah, stop.”

“If you want me to stop, why do you keep standing like that?”

“Step away… Ah, stop touching.”

I tightly gripped his firm buttocks with my fingers, squeezing and shaking them. If only my hands were slightly larger, I could have grasped them all at once. A sound of regret involuntarily escaped my lips.

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“Your muscles are so abundant that even your buttocks are shaped so beautifully.”

Envious. If only I had brought one lump of muscle like this one in my feeble arms, I would have no more desires.

“Your thighs are firm too.”

I turned my hands forward and slowly caressed his thighs. Kamian tilted his head back and made a scratching sound in his throat. His swollen Adam’s apple bobbed heavily. While pressing my forehead against it, I lightly tapped his collarbone with my fingertips as his chest swelled and quickly deflated.

“Even this part looks so attractive.”


“I should have devoured you earlier. Then we could have engaged in such acts for a longer time.”

“Don’t… undress me.”

“Why? You have to unwrap the packaging to use the actual product.”

“Why are you like this? Ugh…”

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“Well, I wonder why. Just hold on to this for a moment. Be a good sport.”

I rolled up Kamian’s shirt and forcefully pushed it into his mouth. His exposed large frame displayed muscles with distinctive contours without reservation. With admiration, I caressed his abs. The muscles twitched and contracted.

“Just stay like that. I’ll touch you a little more, just a little.”


“Your chest looks so inviting. I want to suck it.”


“Oops, don’t spit out the cloth. Just stay still. After I touch you a little more, I’ll let go…”


Startled, a voice filled with astonishment pierced through from behind like the sound of shattering glass. When I turned around, Debra stood there, her eyes wide open. Searching for a divine intervention, she clasped her own hair with both hands and released it.

“What on earth are you doing?!”

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