Saving You, Villain

Chapter 49

A chilling stream of cold water was sprinkled over the petals of the blooming flowers. I made an effort to see objectively what my appearance was like.

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First, I pushed Kamian against the wall, forcefully removing the detestable creature’s clothes before groping his body.

“…This can’t be real, it’s a joke…”

The situation at hand did not seem plausible. Kamian, say something. However, Kamian blushed like a beetroot, gasping for breath.

Debra, after reaching a conclusion in her mind, sternly called out my name.

“Liv. Kamian. Follow me to my room immediately.”

As I watched Debra’s figure recede, I tapped my forehead in frustration.


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Sure enough, Debra’s sermon seemed endless. If Jex hadn’t come knocking at the door after finishing his work, I would have been trapped in this room until today turned into tomorrow.

Throughout the sermon, I heard Kamian being told to express his desires clearly during sexual intercourse, and I was scolded for engaging in beastly behaviour by satisfying my own desires with an unwilling person.

But Debra, she also participated willingly. She clearly enjoyed it!

My timid outcry did not escape my lips. If I had opened my mouth and couldn’t hold back, the sermon would have been even longer than it is now.

And Debra, whether she had already considered us as lovers from the beginning or not, showed no particular surprise at the fact that we had engaged in physical intimacy.

An awkward silence settled during the evening meal. Jex, unaware of the full story, tried to lighten the mood by making a joke, but after hearing Debra’s remark about how long he would continue to live so cluelessly, he fell silent.

Kamian, who set down his spoon first, waited for me to finish my meal. On a day like today, it would be considerate to go upstairs first. I couldn’t tell if the rice was going into my nose or into my mouth.

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The suffocating atmosphere made me uncomfortable, so I swallowed the food without properly chewing it. I felt the large chunks rushing into my throat, but I thought it was better to endure the discomfort and burn in my stomach than to sit at this thorny table for a long time.

As I chewed on the fish flesh, simultaneously trying to pick up the broccoli with my fork, the plate that should have been in front of me disappeared.

Kamian had taken my plate towards himself. Normally, I would have snapped a retort, wanting attention, but given the circumstances today, I suppressed the rising irritation with superhuman patience.

“…What are you doing?”

And with a trace of intimidation, she timidly asked.

“Pass me the fork, please.”

“…If you want more, get a fresh one. What will you do if you snatch mine away?”

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Today, of all days, this mealtime seems unusually long and uncomfortable, even without your interference. She, with her confident demeanour, must have no inkling of my true sentiments. Is that so?

“Enough with the jokes, can you please pass it back?”

Clenching my teeth, I spoke in a low voice. Meanwhile, my eyes darted busily, observing Debra’s expression. As her stern and piercing gaze turned towards me, I hastily turned my head in Kamian’s direction and forced a slight upward curl of my lips.

Kamian glanced at my trembling fork, then grasped her own. She then took the broccoli I was about to eat and held it in front of her mouth.


The broccoli lightly brushed against her lips. Kamian may have been the one feeding me rice not just for a day or two, but today, I truly wanted to decline. She shows no consideration for my earnest desire to quickly finish the meal and escape to the second floor.

How would our actions appear in Debra’s eyes?

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Kamian, with her sincere and kind heart, considers even the perpetrator who violated me as her friend and tirelessly cares for her friend’s well-being. It’s a rare sight, reminiscent of a true gentleman in a world as callous as the present.

And me?

I forcefully violated Kamian, who had cared for me with more devotion and concern than my own parents. If you were to materialize my ingratitude, you would see a familiar sight. My eyes, nose, and mouth.

But Debra, she stood up too. It wasn’t just me who enjoyed it! Although I felt injustice welling up inside me once again, there was no point in speaking up. It was clear that I would only end up looking like a frustrated fool. The stifled frustration and sadness in my heart sharpened into a piercing blade directed at Kamian. The situation worsened as that brat tightly sealed his lips and didn’t say a word.

Furthermore, now that she’s even feeding me, it was impossible for my composure to remain intact. The most exasperating part was that I couldn’t show the turmoil boiling inside me to the outside world.

“…I can eat on my own.”

The only resistance I could muster were those words. However, Kamian didn’t back down and playfully brushed the broccoli against her lips. I felt a moist sensation on my lips and my eyes trembled.

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