Saving You, Villain

Chapter 54

“…So, I decided to wait until Sherry’s brother arrives. His circumstances are rather unfortunate.”

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The sound of a towel being wrung out reverberated satisfyingly. I nodded my head while drying my frozen hands in the breeze.

“Rest, Jex. I will go. It’s summer vacation, after all, so we have plenty of time.”

Sherry’s parents were embarking on a ten-day trip to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. Sherry’s older brother, Leo, who had gone to the capital for work, had planned to take a vacation and join them. However, due to poor communication with his superiors, his vacation was delayed by three days or something of the sort.

Consequently, Sherry would be alone at home all day. Worried about leaving young Sherry by herself, her parents had initially decided to cancel the trip. But Jex generously offered to take care of her, allowing them to embark on their journey without any worries.

“Debra, isn’t Kamian supposed to come instead of Liv?”

Debra chuckled and replied, while Kamian entered the room, carrying a basket brimming with freshly washed laundry.

“What is it?”

I relayed Jex’s words to Kamian exactly as he had spoken them to me. She snatched the cloth from my hand and said, “Got it,” before adding another remark.

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“Instead, you should come along.”

The spark flew to me as well. While it was fine for me to take care of Sherry in place of Jex, there was no reason for me to accompany Kamian. It would be a waste of manpower.

“Why me?”

“Because I don’t know how to entertain girls.”

“You don’t have to do anything at all. Just sitting quietly would bring immense joy to Sherry.”

“How can she find joy in just sitting quietly? Especially children require activity…”

“Sigh, I understand everything. She would probably flip if you called her ‘Princess’ occasionally, wouldn’t she?”

Kamian gave me an indignant look.

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“Come along.”

Initially, Jex had tried to exclude me, insisting that if he had to go alone for other arduous farming tasks, I should be left behind to take care of Sherry. It was quite amusing for someone to come and ask for my help first.

However, my plan to tease him a little longer was thwarted by Debra.

“You were planning to go in Jex’s place anyway. It’s summer vacation, after all. Don’t leave Kamian struggling on her own. It’s also a chance for you to apologize for yesterday’s incident.”


I was as still as a cornered mouse, unable to move a muscle. Aside from saying, “Yes, I will go and help with all my might!” and clenching my fists tightly, there was nothing else to do.

And swiftly, nightfall arrived.

I couldn’t even remember how the day had passed. Outwardly, I engaged in conversations with Kamian as if nothing was amiss, but deep within a recess of my mind, the thought of “sex, sex, we’re about to have sex” persisted. By now, I felt like a bundle of desires.

I illuminated the lamp on the side table. The warm orange glow spread from the table to the surrounding area of the bed.

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“You shouldn’t cough tonight.”

I emptied a cup of water in one go and scratched my throat, making a deep, raspy sound. Thankfully, there was no itch or tingling sensation.

Having completed all the preparations and waiting for Kamian, it felt as if I had become a bride waiting for her groom on the first night of their marriage, with an exhilarating heart.


We weren’t on our first night, nor were we a bride and groom. And there was no need to wait solely for Kamian’s arrival.

Realizing this fact, I rose from the bed. Confidently opening the door and taking a few steps forward, I caught sight of Kamian’s door opening. In that instant, my pupils darted around quickly, as if searching for a place to hide.

“Why are you here?”

However, Kamian noticed me even faster. I calmed my startled mind and lifted my head upright.

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“You were so late.”

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly.

“Did you miss me to the point where you couldn’t bear it?”

“Why are you asking when you know it’s not true?”

“I was just joking, but your ears turned red.”

I instantly regretted tucking my hair behind my ear. I resisted the urge to cover both my ears with my palms. Showing an excessive reaction here would only validate his words. Let’s just pass over it as if it’s insignificant.

“I naturally blush easily.”

“Right. You’re easily embarrassed.”

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