Saving You, Villain

Chapter 55

I felt a sense of defeat, having to bend Kamian to my taste. The fact that he had heard my emotions was enough to make me feel that way. I couldn’t afford to lose the upper hand before the game even began.

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“Do you remember what I said yesterday?” I asked, observing his once cheerful face darken. Secretly, I chuckled at the subtle changes in his expression.

“Are you serious?” he replied.

“Do you not want to?”

“…,” he remained silent.

“Even if you don’t want to, it’s inevitable. We’ve already made a promise. You said you would keep it and wait patiently.”

His lips remained sealed for a long time. He simply stared at me with inscrutable eyes.

After a brief silence, his damn voice trembled with irritation. It was barely noticeable, but it was enough to keep me on edge. What would I do if he asked why?

In that fleeting moment, I conjured up various excuses, but my efforts were in vain. Kamian never criticized my voice.

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“It has to be today,” he said firmly.

“What difference does tomorrow make?”

“…Fine. Do as you wish.”

I clenched my fist and slowly released it. I raised my hand and placed it gently on Kamian’s chest. As I exerted a slight pressure with my fingertips, Kamian recoiled without any resistance.

He yielded to my push. He walked as if it were only natural, without looking back or showing any sign of unease.

Thud. His toe collided with the closed door. I lowered my hand, grasped the doorknob, and opened it.

“Roughly,” I whispered and entered the room. I sensed Kamian’s body tense.

But as soon as the door closed, the situation took a turn.

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[Thud] Once the door was locked, without any need for words, our lips met. Tilting our heads, we explored each other more deeply, our hot bodies clashing in frenzy.

“Mmm, ah…”

The mere kiss seemed to melt my entire body. Was a kiss truly this blissful? I became intoxicated by the ecstatic sensations conveyed through our lips. Despite knowing that the one nibbling on my lips and caressing my waist and hips was none other than Kamian, my excitement did not wane.

Kamian forcefully sucked my lower lip and trailed his tongue along my gumline. The tingling sensation from his teeth made my shoulders involuntarily shudder.

“Like this?” he asked, his lips still attached to mine. I tightly embraced Kamian’s neck.

“What have you done?” I whispered.

I concealed the overwhelming sense of embarrassment, pretending to be even more brash. In an instant, his eyes emitted a dangerous gleam. A dizzying sensation coursed through my spine, a premonition that something had gone awry. And sure enough, the large hand that had lingered near my waist forcefully gripped my buttocks, just like I had done to Kamian yesterday.

Startled, my toes trembled.

“Speak up. How rough was it?”

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“Do I have to explain every detail? Just figure it out yourself… uh!”

A sharp pang stung my lower lip, followed by a tangy taste that lingered on my tongue. This rascal had just bitten my lip. Despite today being a day for bloodletting, my lips were too sore.

However, my discontent did not reach Kamian. His voice, dripping with excitement, turned even painful sensations into pleasurable ones.

“Open your mouth wider. I want to lick your throat.”

Kamian whispered while his lips were still pressed against mine. The low resonance that accompanied each word sent ripples through my chest.

There was no place left for him to approach, yet Kamian slid his foot between my legs. My body, unable to bear his weight, swayed backward, and I leaned against his arms in a clumsy posture, continuing the kiss.

Hot saliva overflowed, not only drenching my lips but also smearing my cheeks and chin. His graceful nose brushed against my cheek, and my moans were all swallowed by his mouth. Kamian showed no mercy and pushed forward, revealing his desires.

“Mouth, open wider.”

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He bit down harshly on my upper lip.

“Oof, mm… I… need to… breathe… um!”

I longed to open my mouth wide, take a deep breath, and fill my lungs. Even when I briefly turned my head to catch my breath, his lips clung to mine, replacing the air with his tongue. I endured by barely managing to take in his exhalations.

In agony, I dug my nails into his chest. Thumping and pounding, but his solid body did not budge. I strained my neck and shook my head. In the moment his lips parted from mine, I gulped down a mouthful of air, expanding my chest as I gasped.

Accompanied by the welcome breath, his two fingers pushed forward. They gently grazed the tip of my tongue, applying pressure, and my jaw instinctively opened wider.

Despite my attempts to withdraw, my body trapped within his arms remained motionless. I looked at Kamian with confusion, my eyes wide open. Kamian averted his gaze, silently observing my mouth.

“I can serve your pretty throat when it’s opened like this.”

Just like the day I had said those words to Kamian, his long fingers gently caressed my tongue back and forth.


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