Saving You, Villain

Chapter 56

When his fingers touched a certain spot on my tongue, a sharp pain shot through me. It wasn’t particularly intense, but I had been caught off guard, causing my body to react strongly. Kamian made a clicking sound with his tongue.

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“I seem to be the one in pain here.”

It was the spot I had accidentally bitten before. Why touch that place? Looking at me with reproachful eyes, Kamian spoke with a face full of frustration.

“Stick out your tongue. No playfulness? Stick it out further.”

Kamian tilted his head back to make it easier to see my wounds. Then he extended his tongue as far as it would go, causing it to pull at the base.

The swallowing of my tongue happened in an instant. Startled, I tried to pull my head back, but his firm hand had already gripped the back of my neck, leaving me with no escape. Confusion washed over me as I realized there was nowhere to retreat.

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Slurp. His moist mouth enveloped my tongue, sucking and painfully tugging at it. I tightly shut my eyes and repeatedly lifted and lowered my heels. The sharp pain mingled with a strange pleasure, sending shivers down my spine.

“Mmm, umm.”

Just when I thought my tongue was finally released, his tongue pushed its way into my mouth. As Kamian straightened his previously deeply bowed waist slightly, my head stretched back to its limit. My throat felt taut, and my open mouth refused to close.

When he twisted his head slightly, his tongue plunged even deeper. Was he trying to thrust it into my throat? Could a person’s tongue really elongate to such an extent? Well, he wasn’t exactly human, so I entertained all sorts of thoughts. The tip of his tongue grazed the rigid palate of my mouth, and the sensation of touching the tender flesh inside made everything before my eyes turn white.

“Umph! Ugh!”

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With all my strength, I pushed against his shoulders, and Kamian, who seemed immovable, obediently backed away.

“Haah, haah…”

I hastily took in a surprised breath. I could feel the sticky saliva gathering near my lips, but I couldn’t even bring myself to wipe it away.

Beneath the faint moonlight penetrating through the window, Kamian undressed. A muscular body, crafted to receive my admiration, was revealed. I wanted to applaud his efforts in creating that body. From well-balanced clavicles to thick pectoral muscles and even the defined abdominal muscles, everything pleased my senses.

Kamian gently embraced my waist. I naturally leaned my arms against his shoulders as we walked. I didn’t realize my gaze had never strayed from Kamian’s face. Slightly swollen red lips and eyes sparkling with mischief captivated my gaze.

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[Thud] I tightly gripped his shoulders at the sudden noise. Various objects were tumbling on the spotless floor, as if not a speck of dust had ever existed. I could even see the wooden artwork Holt had given me before.

Kamian had gestured to scatter the objects he had neatly organized on his desk onto the floor. Then he placed me on the cleared desk. It was a startling action, far from what one would expect from the person who had carefully arranged books in order.

“Focus on me.”

He held my chin with his large hand, fixing my eyes on him. Kamian cleared the chair and stood between my legs. My legs, spread uncomfortably wide, trembled.

“…Suck my skin.”

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He pulled down the loose collar, revealing one shoulder. The hand that had gripped my chin now enveloped his rounded shoulder. Slowly caressing the skin, he stopped near the scarred area around my neck.

“Don’t do it after sucking.”

I couldn’t help but be taken aback by his unexpected words. I wasn’t foolish enough not to understand what “don’t do it” meant. After getting all worked up and erect, why would such words come out now?

And the addition he made was even more perplexing.

“I can’t tell if you truly desire me or not.”

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