Saving You, Villain

Chapter 57

“Very well, Kamian is such a man. He is deeply immersed in ‘love’ to the extent that he stays up all night reading romance novels. He despises any physical relationship that is not consensual, even going as far as urging himself to plunge a knife into his own body.

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He possessed a heart purer than most humans when it came to the subject of demons. And I find myself in the position where I must ruthlessly trample upon that delicate aspect.

“Speak plainly. I don’t desire you…”

“Yes, my body.”

…I can’t fathom why I feel wounded. I deliberately feigned ignorance of the chill creeping into my throat and took his hand.

“Kamian, I already told you. Sex is just sex.”


His massive body poured over me. I couldn’t overcome its weight and leaned backward, colliding with the window. Thankfully, the impact on my head was spared due to the palm that had slipped between us.

“Still, before we do it, don’t suck any blood.”

Kamian remained stubborn. When blood flows quickly, only the instinctual craving for pleasure takes control of the body and mind. It allows one to escape the pangs of conscience.

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“Do as you wish. Ah…”

A kiss landed on the bridge of my nose. When I raised my eyes, this time his lips met my eyelid. Blink. One eye closed, and a shiver ran through my thigh from the eerie tingling. But the angle created by Kamian thrusting between my legs remained unchanged.

The hot flesh glided gently over my eyelid. Drawing a round outline, it then plunged into his own lips. It felt like my eyeballs were being swiftly sucked.

“It tickles.”

He pulled his lips away and gently wiped my eyelid with his thumb. Blink, blink. I felt the smooth red iris staring at me intently as I focused my gaze. It was quite beautiful, emitting a pitiful glow fully enveloped by the moonlight. And I understood why he had licked my eyes for such a long time.

“It’s beautiful.”

I brushed my fingertips against his tightly-knit eyelashes. The soft touch of the trembling strands caressed my fingers. It was an action I didn’t realize I had taken.

Kamian contorted his expression and buried his face in my neck. A faint moan escaped him. As I stroked his abundant black hair, his chest swelled and then subsided.


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I called out his name as I exhaled feverishly.


His lips brushed against the nape of my neck where I had thrust my teeth every time. It wasn’t the pain that pierced my flesh, but rather a sensation that tenderly engulfed it. Slowly, his lips moved downward, caressing my collarbone and exploring the fabric of my clothes.

Moist breath seeped through the soft fabric. The sensation of it against my bare skin ignited a different kind of stimulation. The wetness from his mouth and the fabric clung together, soaking into my flesh.


Stark stains marred the pristine white fabric, evidence of passionate embraces that left indelible marks. Lips that had kissed with fervour now pressed heavily against a racing heart, unable to contain a stifled moan that escaped from my trembling mouth.

“Ah…! Oh!”

Kamian, along with the clothes, ardently absorbed the peaked summit. Saliva mingled with silk, producing a moist sound that resonated more intensely. An erotic warmth spread across my chest, compelling me to clutch his hair with force.

“Ah, hot… Ah!”

His large hand firmly supported my heaving bosom. As flesh gathered upwards in a plump mound, he enveloped my nipple with his lips. With his broad tongue, he sensually flicked it, alternating between teasing nibbles and gentle sucks like a child. The saliva-soaked fabric clung to the contours of my nipple, revealing its outline in exquisite detail. Aroused, Kamian tenderly caressed the erect nipple with his fingertips.

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“You’re standing too.”

I was consumed by embarrassment and wished the ground would swallow me whole. It would have been less shameful to be completely naked. The bunched fabric made my nipples appear conspicuously prominent.

The fingers that wandered across my chest were insatiably tantalizing. Just the sight of them made my breath hitch, prompting me to bite my lip with my front teeth. When I subtly turned my head away, Kamian pressed his lower body closer to mine.


Kamian whispered into my ear, his movements subtly suggestive.

“Don’t be ashamed. I feel the same way.”

[Thump, thump] I trembled in response to Kamian’s deliberate motions. My shoulder bumped against the window, producing a rhythmic noise.

Each blunt touch between my legs sent a dizzying sensation coursing through me. It was as if I could sense the rise of pleasure solely through his slow, solid movements.

“Hmm… Ah.”

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Kamian fervently massaged my chest, urging the pleasure on. When his fingers forcefully squeezed my sensitive nipple, my lowered head instinctively tilted upward.

“Ah, ah, hmm…”

The mounting heat forced me to release a laborious exhale. Above the audible gasps, I caught a glimpse of Kamian’s face. With each sway of his hips, his dark hair gently swayed, while his desire-filled eyes intently captured me. My agitated movements were etched into his pupils, a reflection of my heightened state.

In an instant, Kamian’s grip tightened around his jaw. In the blink of an eye, he lifted me by the waist, swiftly discarding the dress. The rush of air against my bare skin caused my arms to wrap around him.

Like a deflated doll, I yielded effortlessly only to be seated, which stung my pride slightly. However, before I could reveal my wounded pride, I found myself embraced by warmth, which enveloped me without giving room for such vulnerability.



Intoxicated breath fanned out in my ear, penetrating its depths. Relentlessly gnawing at my earlobe, his tongue and lips soothingly alternately. My head involuntarily tilted towards the right ear that was being tantalized.

“Hmm… Stop, please. Ah, ah!”

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