Saving You, Villain

Chapter 58

The toes curl delicately, and a shiver runs down the nape of my neck. In an effort to avoid the tantalizing sensation that reaches my ears, I turn my head, only to have my lips captured this time. His tongue immediately delves into my mouth, eagerly stirring and beckoning mine, coaxing it into a dance within the confines of his oral embrace. While he engulfs me in a relentless kiss, one of Kamian’s arms slips out of his pants.

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Only after becoming a perfect stranger did he release his lips from mine. However, he didn’t fully retreat. As I replenish my inadequate breath, he leaves lingering pecks on the corners of my mouth.

“… Lips are sore.”

“Yeah. They’re swollen.”

He playfully nips at his own lips once more.


The sharp pain reverberates through his chest. Why would he provoke it again when it hurts? Without letting go, Kamian continues to roll his tongue gently over my lips within the sanctuary of his mouth.

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“Umm… my lips might get chapped.”

I push his forehead away and cover my mouth with the back of my hand. Kamian lowers his head, as if disappointed, retracting his tongue.

“Ah… hmm….”

His firm hand finds its way to the inner part of my knee. And as he pulls downward, I slide down, succumbing to his command. Amidst my struggling to get up, Kamian raises my leg, even when lying down, so that my knee is clearly visible. I can feel the pooling liquid that had been tightly contained below, now trickling down.

“Oh, uh, what are you doing?”

He discreetly collects the liquid that dripped from a finger and stealthily pushes it into my depths. In an instant, a bright light explodes like fireworks in my mind, and my thighs tremble with sweetness.

“Ah, ah! Oh… suddenly, like this… mm.”

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“You shouldn’t let it go to waste.”

His long finger explores my inner walls. It was a futile attempt to familiarize myself with the unfamiliar texture.

Leisurely, he traverses my sensitized walls. Each protruding bone can be felt as the tightness contracts. While Kamian matches his kisses with the rhythm, he tells me to relax, but it seems that controlling what lies beneath is not within my domain.

A scorching heat begins to build up from within my body. I grasp his shoulders tightly, expelling breaths that itch between my parted lips.

Even now, it feels incredibly good, no, it’s something more. I knew it. This act is not just a mere step towards reaching the pinnacle, as I had experienced during my first encounter with sex.

Due to the overwhelming sensation, my vision becomes hazy. The corners of my eyes grow hot, and my pelvis contorts incessantly.

“Kamian… huh, just… put it in.”

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“If you’re going to cry in pain.”


My hand, which had been slowly sweeping my inner walls, was abruptly thrust inward. It went in so deep that I could feel it all the way to the back of my hand, and then it began to shake roughly below. [Chuk, chuk] The wet sound struck my ears rapidly.

Overwhelmed by the unbearable pleasure, I tilted my head back. At that moment, another finger delved in. It didn’t hurt, but the sensation of my walls parting made me dizzy, so I squeezed tightly below.

“If you squeeze like this, I won’t be able to put it in.”

“Sniff, ah, ah… Stop shaking. Huh.”

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“If you say that with such a face, I feel like I’ll stop.”

“Y-Your, your voice is too, uh, loud. Hah, ah!!”

The hand that had only been tormenting my walls began to caress my nucleus as well. My mouth opened wide as a silent moan escaped. The muscular forearm moved quickly, catching my attention. Simultaneously, the lower region stirred restlessly.

“Kamian, ah! Kamian!”

The pleasure surged through my veins, heating them up, and raced through me at an incredible speed. The overwhelming sensation, so intense that it felt maddening, strangely became frightening. All I could do was cling to his muscular arm and call out his name.

“It’s too much… Ah! I think I’m going to, uh, climax. Just a moment, huh!”

Even with my pleading, Kamian didn’t stop. Instead, he moved even faster than before. He relentlessly stimulated the sensitive part of my walls and forcefully pressed down on the hidden flesh, causing my toes to curl with every touch.

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