Saving You, Villain

Chapter 59

Suddenly, not a whimper could be heard. The room was filled only with the sound of gasping and ragged breaths. Overwhelmed by the pleasure that surged from all directions, tears burst forth uncontrollably. I clung to him, unable to contain my exhilarated body.

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“Ah, oh!”

I felt like I was going to die, truly… I felt like I was going to die. I clutched his neck with all my strength, releasing a sob that bordered on a wail. At the same time, the rising heat dissipated from the crown of my head. My vision turned white, and the remnants of the heat slowly subsided. I forgot all about shame and released the tension in my spread legs. My body, unable to escape the aftermath of climax, trembled uncontrollably.

As my inserted finger slipped out, my body twitched again.

Kamian took his place between my open legs and lowered his body. His face appeared blurred due to tears clinging to the corners of his eyes.

Kamian gently brushed aside my sweat-drenched hair. Then, as if handling something precious, he carefully wiped away the tears.

“Ah, ha!”

When my body was still tender from the aftermath and his gentle touch, something blunt pushed into my wet entrance. Surprised by its tremendous volume, I widened my eyes.

“Wait, just a moment.”

Kamian left a tender peck on my lips, softly pressing our mouths together and then pulling away. However, I couldn’t focus on his kisses at all. The sensation of the thick glans forcibly parting my lower region was exquisite. I pressed it forcefully, then withdrew slightly before delving even deeper. My walls expanded in all directions as I tightly embraced the phallus.

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“Ugh, ah! Oh… Kamian, stop, slow down…”

The shallow hip movements gradually grew more intense. The hand that gently caressed my head was now holding my thighs wide apart. And yet, Kamian did not cease his tender kisses.

“Ah! It’s too… intense, ha! Ha!”

“Take a breath.”

“Just withdraw for a moment. Back, just a bit. Huh.”

“You need to relax for me to withdraw. Breathe out… that’s right. Like that.”

Despite being overwhelmed by the immense fullness, with his words of withdrawal, I managed to regain some semblance of composure. Following Kamian’s instructions, I inhaled deeply before slowly exhaling. The tightly constricted lower abdomen loosened. As the phallus gradually retreated, it made a deep penetration.

“Ah! Kamian, you said you would… ha, withdraw! Huh…”

[Thrust, thrust] The phallus relentlessly pushed forward, oblivious to any limits. It delved deeper, reaching the areas that had remained untouched by my fingers, pressing against my entire inner wall.

“Ugh, it hurts! Ah, how far does it go? Kamian! Ahh…”

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“It’s alright. I’ve put everything in.”

Trembling with sweet anticipation, I delicately grazed the surface. I could still feel the lingering presence of the weapon, just a finger’s breadth away from the fully opened entrance. And then, a sudden rush of tears burst forth.

“More lies…”

Kamian tugged at my hand, compelling me to clutch the untouched nether regions, yearning to be enveloped.

“It’s not a lie. It’s barely anything at all.”

“Is it really… Ah! Ah, wait, just a moment.”

Pressing firmly against his waist, he exerted a force that seemed impossible to resist, and my inner walls reluctantly began to yield. But then, the tip of my member caught on my finger, momentarily obstructing its progress.

“Look, it’s almost in, isn’t it?”

He pushed my hand aside and forcefully thrust himself inside with a resounding thud. I convulsed with tremors, releasing a scream-like moan.

“Ah! Ah, deep…!”

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“Does it hurt?”

I urgently nodded my head. Truthfully, it wasn’t truly painful, but the sensation of my tight passage being stretched was unfamiliar. Instead of moving his hips, Kamian bent his body towards me, and the weight of his presence shifted inside. The deeply buried pleasure point was mercilessly assaulted by the robust head.


An unintentional moan escaped me, beyond my control. It wasn’t a moan born of agony, but Kamian’s contorted smirk sent shivers down my spine. Something was amiss.

“Still hurting?”

Kamian whispered while tightly pressed against my lower body. The portion of my member that brushed against him reignited the tingling sensation. Even if I tried to twist my waist and escape, the engorged veins that protruded relentlessly made it feel as though I was trapped against an impassable wall.

“Hah… Ah, don’t… don’t turn.”

He forcefully moved his waist, causing a tantalizing pressure that made it impossible for me to regain my composure. My breath grew ragged, and my pelvic bone incessantly quivered. Lost in the moment, I pressed my palm against his abdominal muscles, yearning for something, anything.

“Still hurting?”

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I desperately nodded my head. Tears trickled down my cheeks, tracing their way down.

“No, ah, no. Ah! Stop there…!”


As my excitement grew, Kamian’s breath became deeper. He grasped my hand resting on his abdomen and pressed it against the desk. Then, with his other hand, he firmly held my chin, keeping it in place. Eyes stained with longing, a vivid shade of crimson, filled my vision. And what had been pushed to its limits almost entirely receded before resurfacing forcefully.


A sensation akin to thrill, surpassing even the pain, penetrated me to the very core. The d*ck, which had slipped out tantalizingly close to the entrance, thrust back in with a resounding impact. With no more room to enter, Kamian, in the state of having fully embedded his d*ck, exerted force at his waist, thrusting upward.

“Ugh, uh…!”

“I want to live with you inside me.”

“Ah, Kamian, s-slowly…uh!”

He began thrusting his hips impatiently. It was a gesture of losing composure and being intoxicated by pleasure. His well-defined muscles moved dynamically, solely focused on reaching the pinnacle.

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