Saving You, Villain

Chapter 64

Everyone nodded their heads in understanding, their faces indicating that they all got the message.

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And in this town, secrets were as scarce as can be. When they saw us carrying backpacks, they added, “Today must be the day we visit Sherry.”

“You’ll be working hard for two days. If you ever face any difficulties, don’t hesitate to knock on our door. Even at dawn, it’ll be fine.”

“But there’s Kamian.”

“No need to worry too much.”

When we tried to dissuade Nella from coming over to help with the evening meal, her words, “But there’s Kamian,” proved to be of great assistance. It seemed that whenever the name Kamian was uttered, the villagers would release a sigh of relief, as if expecting this child to possess some sort of magical ability.

They diligently adhered to the principle of good deeds.

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As we completed another round through the village, only five packaged cookies remained in our pockets. This would be just enough for Kamian, Sherry, and myself.

While we succeeded in reducing the quantity of cookies, another problem arose. My pitiful stamina had been significantly depleted. Despite Kamian offering to carry me on her back, I declined. I wasn’t about to collapse just yet. However, I couldn’t prevent the thief from snatching my bag.

Today’s exercise is now complete.

Finally, the freshly painted white wooden fence came into view. Unlocking the gate and stepping inside, I noticed a small figure in the distance, playfully kicking their feet as they approached.

Their hair, tied up high into two braids, danced freely in the air.

“You seem like you might topple over any moment.”

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“Alas!” exclaimed Sherry, collapsing onto the grassy lawn with a sense of dread. [Thud]
A rather painful sound echoed through the air. After a momentary stillness, we belatedly regained our senses and rushed over to Sherry.

Kamian, who arrived at Sherry’s side before me, attempted to lift her up, but Sherry brushed off his hand. Then, with an air of nonchalance, she effortlessly rose to her feet.

“You’re not hurt at all. It’s fine,” she said, feigning indifference. However, the end of her nonchalant voice trembled slightly. The pale and weary skin around her eyes turned a shade of crimson, as if tears were on the verge of bursting forth. Yet Sherry bit her lip, holding back her tears with determination. Her resolute will not to shed tears before Kamian seemed evident.

“Let’s go inside,” Kamian said, bending his knee and meeting Sherry’s gaze. Her eyes widened in surprise, unable to settle in one place as they darted around. Then, she noticed me.

“…Liv, come quickly.”

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Contrary to my expectations that she would dismiss me with a scornful remark, Sherry was calling out to me. In that instant, a profound wave resonates deep within my heart. If I were to name it, it would be… elation.

The wretched little creature has finally recognized my worth.


I stood there dumbfounded. Sherry called out to me once again. I hastened to move my legs.

Gently clearing my throat, I spoke in a warm tone.

“No matter how glad you are, it’s not right. What if you had run? How shocked I would have been…”

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Sherry scrunched up her face in a disapproving manner and tugged at my collar.

“Move forward quickly!”

Then, she stuck close to my leg, her eyes fixed on Kamian with only her gaze. What is this? I felt like an obstructed barrier. The fleeting moment of elation disappeared without a trace.

Taking Sherry’s stride into consideration, I cautiously stepped forward. She covertly stole glances at Kamian, and whenever he lowered his head in her direction, she quickly covered her face, hiding from view. Despite being treated as a barrier by this little imp, there was no denying her cuteness. A chuckle escaped me.

“What’s so amusing? Don’t laugh!”

…she said, causing my laughter to abruptly fade away.

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