Saving You, Villain

Chapter 65

“Ah, ah! It hurts! [Sob] gasp!”

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I long to return home. It is a day when I unusually yearn for Debra and Jex. It hasn’t been even an hour since I arrived at Sherry’s house, yet my homing instinct wildly thrashes about.

I lift Sherry’s clothes, gently applying ointment to her scraped knees, elbows, and palms, while she cries and protests in pain. Just as Kamian enters, her tears abruptly cease as if to say, “When did that ever happen?” and she hides behind me.

To apply the ointment, Sherry must first separate herself from me, but no matter how much I coax and soothe, it proves futile. Her determination to endure and withstand is fully apparent. In the end, with a sigh, I can only say, “Kamian, leave.”

And then, Sherry, as always, launches into a fit of nerves, questioning why I sent Kamian away.

“You need the medicine to alleviate the pain.”

“[Sob] Ah!”

As I lightly touch her wounded area, Sherry emits a shrill scream. If someone unfamiliar were to hear, they would surely think I was causing harm.

“Ah… Should I call Kamian to apply for it?”


Sherry, with her face drenched in tears and her nose running, tightly seals her lips.

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“Then it will hurt less, won’t it?”

After contemplating for a brief moment, Sherry flicks her fingers against mine. Leaning closer, she discreetly whispers with her fragile, fern-like hand.

“Well… promise me, swear it wasn’t an injury from falling earlier.”

“Got it. I’ll definitely say that.”

“Promise me.”

“Yeah. Promise.”

I rummage through Kamian’s backpack and retrieve a handkerchief. I reflect on how I once scoffed, saying, “Are you going into business?” when he packed spare handkerchiefs.

I wipe Sherry’s face with the handkerchief, then call for Kamian. As soon as he enters, Sherry, who had been sitting quietly on the sofa, stiffens up completely.

“Don’t hold your breath. We need to apply the medicine.”

Sherry could barely hear the faint murmurs, but it seemed as if the small head was hesitant rumbling.

“Sorry. Sherry, can you apply some ointment? Oh, don’t misunderstand, it’s not a wound from falling earlier.”

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Oh, I should speak seriously, even if it’s to Sherry… But whenever I see Sherry, laughter escapes me uncontrollably. Why is her nervousness so adorable?

“Liv, don’t go anywhere, stay here,” Sherry said in a gentle voice. She had briefly considered resting in another room but gave up. I sat down next to Sherry and watched her apply the ointment.

Kamian’s long and graceful fingers cautiously grazed Sherry’s knee. When I touched it, it trembled as if the world was on the verge of destruction, but now it remained calm. Sherry’s eyes were fixed on Kamian, unaware of their own movement. My gaze followed Sherry’s, turning towards Kamian.

A straight forehead, thick, elegantly arched eyebrows, densely packed eyelashes that formed a long curve, and within them, enchanting ruby-like irises. From the sleek bridge of the nose to the deep, likable lips, there was no deficiency in Kamian’s appearance. Not only was he exceptionally handsome, but he also exuded a peculiar aura. Who could simply pass by without noticing Kamian’s face?

Kamian, who had been blowing a gentle breeze on Sherry’s knee, suddenly raised his eyes. His shimmering pupils landed directly on me. In that moment, my heart throbbed as if I were a guilty person. I hadn’t seen anything I shouldn’t have… Why am I so startled?

Kamian pursed his eyebrows slightly and spoke only with the shape of his lips.

“What are you looking at?”

Can’t I even look? It must be quite expensive.

As I remained silent, his gaze narrowed even further. Sherry couldn’t take her eyes off Kamian’s hand resting on her knee. Knowing that Sherry would cause a commotion if she realized he was looking at me, I eventually spoke up.

“Apply the ointment.”

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Momentarily withdrawing his hand that had been gently caressing Sherry’s knee, Kamian leaned back and asked tenderly,

“Are you okay? Any other injured spots?”

“…No. I’m not seriously hurt.”

“Is that so? Quite mature of you.”

“Yes, Tom got hurt because of a prank, it was inevitable. It was Tom’s fault.”

Poor Tom. Sherry, unaware that she’s betraying you, continues to play innocently.

Kamian chuckled softly and gently stroked Sherry’s head. That laughter momentarily captivated Sherry and even me. How much fire does it take to ignite the heart of a ten-year-old?

Sherry’s face turned as red as a radish. Then suddenly, she buried her face on my thigh.

Kamian looked bewildered by Sherry’s sudden aversion. Then, he made a slight gesture towards me, as if asking why Sherry was behaving like that.

“Acting as if you’re such a sinful man.”

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“I hope you’re not referring to me.”

A laughter escaped with an innocent tone.

“Are there any other men here besides you?”

I shook my head and gently patted Sherry’s shoulder, trying to comfort her.

Sherry’s love for Kamian knew no bounds. When Kamian went to take a bath last among us, Sherry firmly grasped my hand and earnestly requested some advice.

“I want to marry Kamian!”

“That’s not possible.”

“Why not? It’s never allowed! And Liv also likes Kamian, that’s why you’re opposing it, right?!”

“I’ve been saying this before, but I don’t like Kamian.”

“Don’t lie! But why are you opposing my marriage to Kamian?”

“Well, that’s…”

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