Chapter 115: Beat the Bush to Scare the Snake

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>> beat the bush to scare the snake


Looking at the kind and affable expressions on Old Master Ren and Old Madam Ren’s faces, Ren Yaoqi slightly lowered her eyes.

This was the second time in her two lifetimes combined that she was looked at by her grandparents with this kind of importance. In her last life, when the Ren Family was about to give her to Eunuch Lu, they also had a long talk with her.

What they said was nothing more than asking her to put the interests of the family first, serve that high-ranked eunuch well, and find ways to make profits for the Ren Family.

At that time, her first reaction was nausea and disgust, she didn’t understand how anyone could be shameless to that extent.

Having lived a new life, Ren Yaoqi no longer had that kind of cynicism when she faced such a face again. Her heart was extremely calm.

It had always been the Ren Family’s style to find ways to exploit the situation. Back then, the Ren Family married her mother for her father also because they wanted to have a ‘rare commodity’.

Because before Prince Xian’s mother, Noble Consort Wan, killed herself, Noble Consort Wan’s power could not be underestimated. When Prince Xian first came to Yanbei, the current Emperor and Yan Family’s position was not stable, and King Xian may still have the opportunity to rise again.

What the Ren Family did not expect was the determination and decisiveness of Noble Consort Wan. She had tried every means to send Prince Xian to Yanbei because she wanted him to live in peace, not to retreat to seek future affairs.

The later it got, the more secure the current Emperor’s position became with the support of the Yan Family. Prince Xian’s situation was also more and more precarious, and Li, the chess piece who married into the Ren family became more and more hot.

Sometimes Ren Yaoqi couldn’t help feeling grateful that Prince Xian’s family in Yanbei where the Empress Dowager Yan in Beijing couldn’t reach. Otherwise, as long as there is something happened with Prince Xian, Li will be sacrificed by the Ren Family.

The reason why Li was able to survive even after being abandoned must also be because of the Ren Family’s instinctive fear of the surname ‘Li’.

If the court wants to trouble Prince Xian, they would certainly show their merits to the imperial court by killing Li. But the court has not moved the knife to the head of Prince Xian for the time being, so if they take action now there might be tribulation later. Therefore, even though Li had suffered in the Ren Family all these years, she did not lose her life.

Ren Yaoqi slightly lowered her eyes, her voice still respectful and obedient, ”The County Princess said that Second Young Master Xiao is here for business, and they will be returning to Yunyang City tomorrow. Today the County Princess has other places to go, so she must be not free. The Second Young Master Xiao… This granddaughter doesn’t even know how to invite him.”

Old Madam Ren frowned subconsciously after that explanation, and her tone was a little admonishing, “Why don’t you hold the County Princess today? If you can keep her in our house for one night, everything will be easy to handle. It’s rare for the County Princess to show closeness to you, and you won’t take advantage of this opportunity?”

In response to this kind of inexplicable accusation, Ren Yaoqi only lowered her head more and more, a little uneasy, “The County Princess said she didn’t want to enter the mansion, so this granddaughter can’t force her to come.”

Old Madam Ren still wanted to say something, but Old Master Ren smiled to smooth things over for Ren Yaoqi, “Alright, if she didn’t invite County Princess and Second Young Master Xiao this time, it doesn’t mean that she won’t have a chance next time. I see that Fifth Girl is smart, otherwise, she wouldn’t have won the princess’s favor, so don’t be too harsh on her.”

Old Madam Ren couldn’t say anything else.

Old Master Ren said amiably, “Fifth Girl, you must remember, next time if you have the opportunity to invite people from Yanbei Royal Family in, then you must find a way to do so. You must know that if our Ren Family can have contact with Yanbei Royal Family, it will be a good opportunity for us. Only when the Ren Family is well, can you descendants who live under the protection of the Ren Family be better.”

Ren Yaoqi answered with a soft, “Yes.”

Old Master Ren was very satisfied with Ren Yaoqi’s obedience, so he explained to Old Madam Ren, “I see that Fifth Girl is a good child, but she is a little timid. You should put more effort into her in the future and cultivate her well. I think this child must have a good future in the future!”

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Old Madam Ren glanced at Old Master Ren. Could that Old Master Ren blame her for being too negligent towards this granddaughter, causing her to develop such a cowardly nature?

“Yes, this wife knows.” Old Madam Ren was still very respectful in front of Old Master Ren.

“You’re also tired, go back and rest first.” Old Master Ren lovingly ordered Ren Yaoyi.

Ren Yaoqi obediently got up, bowed normally, and was about to retreat, when Old Master Ren added: “If the County Princess goes back, you should remember to send her a letter to greet her every now and then, so as not to let the County Princess forget about you.”

“Yes, Grandfather.” Ren Yaoqi had a well-behaved and docile demeanor from the beginning to the end.

Only when Old Master Ren and Old Madam Ren had nothing else to explain, did Ren Yaoqi gently retreated.

After lifting the curtain out, Ren Yaoqi subconsciously took a deep breath, held her breath for a moment, and slowly exhaled.

There was no greenery in the Ronghua Courtyard, there was no breath of spring and summer, which makes people feel suffocated even standing on the lawn. Despite her disdain for this place, her steps were slow and steady.

After Ren Yaoqi came out, Old Madam Ren asked Old Master Ren, “Do you think that this time the County Princess came to our Ren Family only to look for the Fifth Girl?”

Old Madam Ren had sought out Li and the other persons who served them at Bailong Temple that day to enquire after Ren Yaoqi left today. They all stated that it was the first time County Princess saw Ren Yaoqi and instantly close to her, pulled her over to drink tea.

However, no matter how quickly they connected, they can’t be that close after just meeting and drinking tea once.

Old Madam Ren was still a little suspicious about the County Princess’ visit to Ren Yaoyi.

Initially, Old Master Ren was still contemplating, but in response to Old Madam Ren’s words, he said, ”Although it’s a bit strange, I don’t see anything wrong about it for the time being. Anyway, it’s a good thing for people from Yanbei Royal Mansion to get close to our Ren Family. Many people already know about the County Princess’s visit to our mansion today, and there are quite a few people who came to inquire about it.”

The County Princess of Yanbei Royal Family came to Baihe Town and the first thing she did is visiting their Ren Mansion. This is something that makes Ren Family very proud.

“You can’t belittle Fifth Girl like before. Being favored by someone noble shows that she is a lucky person. You may not know what will happen to her in the future.” Old Master Ren told Old Madam Ren again.

Old Madam Ren was somewhat unimpressed: “What can be happening? Even if the Fifth Girl can win the favor of the County Princess, is it possible that we can get her married into the Yanbei Royal Family?”

Old Madam Ren just casually said this, but Old Master Ren fell silent, stroking his beard.

Old Madam Ren has been married to him for many years, and seeing him like this, she knew that Old Master Ren must have some calculations in her heart, so she couldn’t help but probed, “Master, do you really have such an idea? But how can the marriage to the Yanbei Royal Family be so easy?”

Old Master Ren stroked his beard while pondering and said, “It’s true that it’s difficult to get married, but it’s not like there’s no chance at all.”

“Oh?” Old Madam Ren also became interested, straightening up to listen.

Old Master Ren said, “You should know Second Young Master Xiao, right?”

Old Madam Ren nodded, “Second Young Master Xiao, Xiao Jingxi, of course I know.”

“This Second Young Master Xiao has been in poor health since he was a child, and he almost passed away a few years ago. Although he traveled far away this time and there is a rumor that his condition has improved a lot after returning, this is still an affliction brought from the mother’s womb. Can it really be cured? The medicine can control it for a while but not for a lifetime, and one day his body will collapse,” Old Master Ren said with certainty.

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Old Madam Ren ruminated over Old Master Ren’s words in her mind. As expected of a couple of many years, she suddenly looked at Old Master Ren in surprise, “What do you mean?”

Old Master Ren explained calmly, “We in Yanbei have had the custom of ‘Chongxi’ since ancient times. For those men who are terminally ill but have not yet married, when the oil is almost exhausted and the lamp is dry, the family will choose a woman with a lower family background to bring into the mansion as Chongxi bride. Although the etiquette will be simpler, as long as the status is not too low, it is generally still the status of the first wife married by a proper matchmaker.”

>> Chongxi





Old Madam Ren just guessed a little bit, but now that the Old Master Ren said it so clearly, how could she not understand it?

“You mean to wait until the Yanbei Royal Family wants to hold Chongxi for the Second Young Master Xiao, then our Ren Family…”

Old Master Ren rubbed his beard without saying a word.

Old Madam Ren frowned in thought, “If that’s the case, then who do you think is suitable? Who knows how long this Second Young Master Xiao can last, but there are still several daughters of this family who still need to be matched.”

Old Master Ren said stoically, “The marriage of the Third and Fourth Girls can be settled first. We still need to wait and see for marriage with the Han Family, but the marriage with the Qiu Family can be fixed.”

Old Madam Ren was a little hesitant, “I originally thought that Hua’er could go to the Han Family, and Yin’er to Yun’er. But now that the Han Family’s marriage is not going to work out, we can’t just pass over Hua’er and talk about Ying’er’s marriage first, can we? Or should we marry Hua’er to the Qiu Family?”

Old Master Ren, however, cast a side gaze at Old Madam Ren, “I know that you and Hua’er have always been close, and you’ve been a bit more partial to her than other granddaughters. However, this marriage matter cannot be based on preference, the most important thing is to see who is more suitable.”

Old Madam Ren sniffed a little sardonically and defended, “Isn’t it also because I’m considering their rankings?”

Old Master Ren ignored Old Madam Ren’s defense, and bluntly said, “I think Ying’er is more suitable. Although Qiu Yun is ranked third in his generation, he is the eldest son of the legitimate wife of the Qiu Family. In the future, the position of Qiu Family head will definitely fall on him. His wife must be calm and steady, and be able to take on a big role. Hua’er isn’t bad, but her ability to cultivate her temper is not as good as Yin’er’s. Besides, Yin’er is the daughter of the Eldest Branch. When our Ren Family is headed by the Eldest Branch in the future, marrying Yin’er to the Qiu Family will bring the Ren Family closer to them.”

Old Madam Ren realized that Old Master Ren had already made up his mind, so she couldn’t say anything else. Ren Yaoyin was also someone raised by her side, even if she was more partial to Ren Yaohua, this heart would not be too biased.

“The about Yanbei Royal Family matter?” Everything has already been decided by Old Master Ren, so Old Madam Ren will no longer pester him on this matter.

Old Master Ren said: “Isn’t the Fifth Girl a good friend of the County Princess? There might be a chance that she can show her face in front of the people of the Yanbei Royal Family in the future.”

Apart from Ren Yaohua and Ren Yaoyin, the girls who currently waiting to be married in the West Mansion were Ren Yaoqi, Ren Yaoyu, and Ren Yaoying.

Old Master Ren had already decided Ren Yaoyin for the Qiu Family. Ren Yaohua, not to mention Old Madam Ren couldn’t bear her becoming Chongxi bride, but she was a few years older, so she couldn’t afford to wait. Ren Yaoying was a concubine daughter, they were afraid Yanbei Royal Family will look down upon them for offering a daughter with too low a position, so she won’t get into consideration. And Ren Yaoyu is a granddaughter of the Lin Family. The Lin Family’s Old Matriarch and Old Madam were protective of their offspring, so there was no need for the Ren Family to openly offend the Lin family over this matter. Among all of them, the only one suitable is Ren Yaoqi.

Old Madam Ren contemplate it and understood. She had never cared about Ren Yaoqi this granddaughter of hers, so she didn’t find anything wrong with Old Master Ren’s decision to send her to the Yanbei Royal Family for Chongxi. Marriage matters were naturally subject to the arrangements of the elders.

“But even if it’s a Chongxi, the Yanbei Royal Family is still the Yanbei Royal Family, and there are still a lot of people rushing to send their daughter off. If their attribute isn’t on par, the Yanbei Royal Family won’t look at it either. So you have to pay attention to the Fifth Girl, no matter how much you don’t like her, she’ll carry the Ren Family’s face when she gets out of the house.”

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This is the third time today that Old Master Ren reminded Old Madam Ren not to take Ren Yaoqi lightly. Old Madam Ren knew that Old Master Ren was concerned about this matter, so she immediately said, “Don’t worry, when am I become the kind of person who doesn’t know what’s important? I will teach Fifth Girl well in the future.”

Only then was Old Master Ren satisfied.

On the next day, Ren Yaoqi noticed that Old Madam Ren’s attitude towards herself drastically changed.

Originally, only Ren Yaoyin and Ren Yaohua were the two granddaughters who were lucky enough to eat breakfast with the Old Madam every day, but from this morning onwards, the Old Madam also invited Ren Yaoqi.

After the meal, Old Madam Ren kept her three granddaughters around to talk with her, and her attitude towards Ren Yaoqi became astonishingly amiable.

Such an obvious change was not only felt by Ren Yaoqi but also by everyone in the Ren Family. The entire Ren Family naturally tried to guess the reason for the 180 degrees change in Old Madam Ren’s stance.

Although Ren Yaoqi guessed that it should have something to do with the fact that Xiao Jinglin came to find her, she still hadn’t guessed that Old Master Ren was planning to marry her to Xiao Jingxi as Chongxi bride.

She stayed with Ren Yaohua and Ren Yaoyin until it was almost time for lunch before returning to Ziwei Courtyard.

Although Ren Yaohua had some doubts about Ren Yaoyin’s sudden favor, she didn’t say anything.

On the contrary, Li was overjoyed to see that her two daughters had won the hearts of the elders of the family. She specially called Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua over to be advised. She explained that Ren Yaoqi should listen to her grandmother’s words and not be disobedient, and also explained that Ren Yaohua should take good care of her sister and advise her not to get on the Old Madam’s nerves.

In front of Li, Ren Yaoqi obediently responded, and Ren Yaohua also nodded in agreement. Li looked at her two daughters and was very pleased.

In the afternoon, Ren Yaoqi went to visit Ren Shijia again and met Mrs. Wen who came to say goodbye to Ren Shijia.

It turned out that Mrs. Wen had to rush to Yunyang City tomorrow morning. Someone from the Lin family was going to Jiangning, and she would be traveling with them. This was arranged for her by Lin Kun.

Mrs. Wen’s performance was still excellent in front of Ren Shijia. Firstly, she expressed her reluctance to let go of Ren Shijia, her old patron, and then thanked Ren Shijia profusely after she gave her some rewards.

Ren Yaoqi was secretly observing from the side. She detected that there was some unwillingness in Mrs. Wen’s eyes.

She did not want to return to Jiangning. Ren Yaoqi affirmed this thought at once.

Ren Yaoqi was still a little curious about the involvement between Lin Kun and Concubine Fang, she wanted to know what kind of medicine these two were selling in their gourds.

But if Mrs. Wen just returned to Jiangning like this, their relationship might be broken.

After coming out of Ren Shijia’s courtyard, Ren Yaoqi thought about it all the way, and decided to ask Zhu Ruomei who happened to be still in Baihe Town to do her a favor.

So as soon as she returned to Ziwei Courtyard, she called Pingguo to her side and instructed her in detail. She told her to go out of the second gate to look for someone from Yuan Family, so they could arrange for her to meet Zhu Ruomei.

Yesterday after coming back from outside, Old Madam Ren specially called Pingguo over to ask some questions, because the two times when Ren Yaoqi saw Xiao Jinglin, she only left Pingguo to wait on her.

Ren Yaoqi mull it over and decided to let Pingguo go to see the Old Madam Ren. She was a little worried at first, but in the end, Pingguo’s performance made Ren Yaoqi very satisfied.

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No matter how much Matron Gui who served Old Madam Ren used both soft and hard methods to inquire, in front of Old Madam Ren, Pingguo always insisted that Ren Yaoqi and Xiao Jinglin were just drinking tea and chatting, talking about insignificant things. Xiao Jingxi was not mentioned at all.

She looked honest and responsible. Even when Old Madam Ren asked a few questions in person, she couldn’t find anything, so she sent her out.

As expected, Ren Yaoqi did not misunderstand Pingguo, she was a person who can handle big responsibilities. Although she may not be too clever, there is no doubt that she was loyal.

Therefore, Ren Yaoqi left the matter of contacting Zhu Ruomei to Pingguo today.

Pingguo went for nearly two hours and came straight to see Ren Yaoqi after she returned.

“What did he say?” Ren Yaoqi sat on the bed and embroidered flowers. Her skills were mediocre, but they weren’t so bad that she couldn’t hold her own. All the flowers were drawn by herself, much more chic and interesting than the ones bought from outside.

Pingguo came forward and reported in a low voice, “This servant had explained your orders word for word to him. He said there is no problem, he will definitely take care of this matter. He will tell you the results tomorrow.”

Ren Yaoqi nodded at her explanation, but her heart was not without lament.

She did not have much contact with Zhu Ruomei, and the matter of helping him truly was easy for her. However, Zhu Ruomei was someone who really cherish friendship.

The two things she explained to Zhu Ruomei to do sounds a bit puzzling, even bizarre. If he were an ordinary person, he will certainly be suspicious after listening to her as a half-grown child to command this kind of thing. But Zhu Ruomei agreed both times, and didn’t play it perfunctory just because she was young.

Ren Yaoqi asked a few more questions and then let Pingguo go down to rest, and waited for Zhu Ruomei’s response the next day with peace of mind.

In the afternoon of the next day, Mrs. Yuan came with the news. Ren Yaoqi knew that the matter she told Zhu Ruomei to do must have been settled.

However, since the last time Li instructed Ren Yaoqi not to go out to meet people casually, Ren Yaoqi had not personally met anyone from the outer courtyard. Although she actually wanted to personally ask Zhu Ruomei about this matter, she didn’t want Li to worry about her because of this kind of thing.

So in the end, Ren Yaoqi gave Pingguo a few instructions and sent her to the outer courtyard to meet Mrs. Yuan.

Mrs. Yuan then secretly took Pingguo to meet Zhu Ruomei.

It was only after another half an hour or so that Pingguo came back to Ziwei Courtyard.

Ren Yaoqi sent all the maidservants out, “Did you ask everything I told you before?”

Pingguo nodded, not waiting for Ren Yaoyi to ask questions and started to report, “He said he stood outside the city with his face masked according to your explanation. He waited until the donkey cart that Mrs. Wen rode on went through a remote place outside the city, shot her unconscious with a slingshot, then entered the carriage. Mrs. Wen originally thought that he was a robber, so she handed him fifty taels of silver and even take the gold hairpin on her head out to him. But he pretended to be indifferent to the money and only wanted to kill people. After stunned for a moment, Mrs. Wen suddenly seemed to understand something, and began to curse.”

Ren Yaoqi asked with great interest, “Who did she curse? What words did she curse?”

This was the purpose of her having Zhu Ruomei purposely commit the act of intercepting Sister Wen, wanting her to think that someone was secretly trying to silence her.

Although Ren Yaoqi was still not too clear about the involvement between Mrs. Wen, Lin Kun, and Concubine Fang, but since she left somewhat unwillingly, she must have had a conflict with someone or was coerced by someone.

It was a bit risky for Ren Yaoqi to do this, but beating the bush to scare the snake is also a good thing when there was no new information.

“Mrs. Wen’s first sentence was to question if Sixth Master Lin sent him to silence her!” Pingguo replied as she touched the fine beads of sweat on her forehead because she rushed back too quickly.

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