Chapter 116: Inside Story

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Lin Sixth Master Lin Kun?

Sure enough, it’s him…

Ren Yaoqi wasn’t surprised to hear that name.

“Seeing Mrs. Zhu take out the tied rope in silence, she scolded, ‘Don’t think that if you kill me, no one will know what he has done! Sixth Master Lin was definitely aware that the Lin Family had caused the Sixth Madam to miscarry multiple times, but he feigned not to. It’s all to push the Ren Family and the Eldest Branch Lin against one another, so that the Ren Family would side with him when he splits up with the Lin family! Cuih! He is not a man! Isn’t he attempting to warn my master by having you murder me now?'”

Hearing such a sentence, Ren Yaoqi stunned with bewildered expression.

Lin Kun knew that Ren Shijia’s successive miscarriages were the work of the Eldest Branch Lin? How could this be possible?

Ren Yaoqi subconsciously didn’t want to believe it, because if it was true, it would be too cruel to Ren Shijia.

Moreover, when she went to Ren Shijia’s courtyard these few times, she saw that Lin Kun was very loving towards his newborn child, and this kind of love didn’t seem to be fake. So even though she felt that Lin Kun was a complicated person and hiding a lot of things, it was hard for her to believe that Lin Kun would treat the lives of his own wife and children as if they were grass.

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Although Ren Yaoqi was very surprised, she still suppressed her emotions and continued to ask, “Who is the master that Mrs. Wen spoke of?” Ren Yaoqi already had a guess at this time, but she still wanted to confirm it.

Pingguo immediately continued, “Mr. Zhu then sneered and said, ‘You’d better shut up and die, how can your master take care of our Sixth Master? After you die, remember to open your eyes to see if he dares to say anything!’

“Mrs. Wen screamed, ‘Don’t come over! My master would! My master is a sixth-ranked court official with an unlimited future! Sixth Master Lin didn’t worth shit compared to him! If you dare to kill me, my master will not let you go!’

“Zhu Ruomei was unmoved, ‘I’m just following orders, what’s it to me if you die? I’ll take your money and leave.’

“Mrs. Wen had an idea and immediately said, ‘Don’t be fooled, Mister! The reason why Sixth Master Lin wanted to kill me was because I knew that he was setting up his own in-laws and wife in order to take over the family fortune. I just told you about this matter, do you think he will really spare you? As soon as you go back, I’m afraid that you won’t be able to get the money and you’ll be silenced!’

“Zhu Ruomei froze and snorted, ‘What does this old me know? It’s not like I’m going to go out and talk nonsense!’

“Seeing that Zhu Ruomei was about to pounce, Mrs. Wen was anxious and added, ‘I didn’t lie to you, Mister! My master sent me to help my madam. After my madam knew about the matter with Lin Family, she wanted to cooperate with Sixth Master Lin and get what she needed, so she helped him. I didn’t expect Sixth Master Lin to be so cruel, how he is on the surface is different from how he truly is, even kicked away my madam after achieving his goal. Not only he can’t bear the previous debt he owe, but also want to use this method to scare my master to stop him meddling in the affairs of the Lin Family. Think about it, how can a cautious person like him rest assured that someone like you may know his secrets? He will not be at ease until the Lin family’s property is in his hand. ‘”

“Zhu Ruomei had astounded and stopped, so Mrs. Wen secretly looked around for an opportunity to escape, while continuing to use her three-fork tongue and racking her brains to distract Zhu Ruomei’s attention, ‘The Lin Eldest Branch had designed to kill Sixth Master Lin’s mother, and caused him to be nearly 30 years old and still childless. Mister, tell me, is this feud not shared? Over the years, he has been careful to stay low in front of the Lin Family and in the family of his in-law, in order to one day reclaim the family property and hold his mother’s revenge! Such a person’s mind cannot be described as not deep! But if the matter of him using Sixth Madam Lin to win the help of her family is leaked, not only will her family will dislike him, even the members of the Lin Family will be wary of him. It will make his success more difficult. So he will definitely not allow this matter to be leaked. If you really kill me, my end today is your end tomorrow!’

“She had to admit, this Mrs. Wen was really capable. Zhu Ruomei couldn’t help but listen to her non-stop chatter, which was full of sensational and confidential things. Although it was mostly pretense, this woman’s tongue was really powerful.

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“Mrs. Wen found that if she wanted to jump off the donkey cart, she would have to get out of Zhu Ruomei’s side, which was very difficult. There was a cart window behind her, but it was not able to accommodate a person of her size.

“As she spoke, her whole body was in a cold sweat, almost incontinent.

“Mrs. Wen was so scared she did not pay attention to why a killer would listen to her talking so much nonsense, and his tool for killing was just a thick long rope.

“‘What would I gain if I let you go?’ Zhu Ruomei fiddled with the rope in his hand and stared fiercely at Mrs. Wen, not allowing her much room to think.

“Mrs. Wen was startled and scared by his fierce gaze, so she didn’t try to think about what was wrong anymore. However, the words of the person in front of him imply that the matter is not unnegotiable. Mrs. Wen’s words blurted out without thinking, ‘Naturally, there are benefits! If you don’t kill me, I’ll give you all my possessions. I know Mister may look down on this small amount of money, but don’t be impatient. As long as you come forward to testify against Sixth Master Lin when my master needs it, my master will not treat you badly! You should know that my master is a government official, and the Sixth Master Lin is just a puppet figure who doesn’t hold power in the Lin Family, how could he possibly defeat my master?’

“‘Who can say what will happen in the future? Let’s talk about the present! Your master is not in Yanbei right now, is he? Water from afar cannot put out a nearby fire, can I still go to Jiangnan to ask him for silver? Do you think I’m stupid?’

>> water from afar cannot put out a nearby fire


“The ferocious light in Zhu Ruomei’s eyes was as frightening as a hungry wolf, and Mrs. Wen became more and more convinced that this person was an outlaw.

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“‘How… about you let me go back and I’ll ask my madam for some silver?’

“Zhu Ruomei looked disdainful, ‘Your so-called Madam is just a concubine, right? What can she do? If you want me to turn against Sixth Master Lin, you should at least give me someone I can rely on! Otherwise, if Sixth Master Lin wants to make trouble for me, I won’t have anywhere to complain, will I?’

“Mrs. Wen didn’t have time to think it over and immediately said, ‘Then Mister, please wait a little longer, it won’t be too long now! My master’s wife will come to Yanbei in a while. At that time, if you want to have backing, she can be in charge. Wouldn’t it be a shame for someone as capable as you to become a robber? If you join my master, you can at least have good support!”

“Oh? What is her business in Yanbei?” Zhu Ruomei couldn’t help but ask.

“But his question brought back the vigilance that Mrs. Wen had lost, and she immediately looked suspicious.

“Zhu Ruomei cried out inwardly, immediately threw the rope in her hand, and said impatiently, ‘Forget it, why do I listen to so much nonsense from you, bitch? It’s all nonsense, who knows which one is true! I’ll just kill you and go back to Sixth Master Lin’s place to get my orders!’

“Seeing Zhu Ruomei’s rope wrapped around her neck in the blink of an eye, Mrs. Wen screamed, ‘I didn’t say a single lie! Why don’t you save my life and wait and see? See if she will come to Yanbei! My madam wrote a letter back to Jiangning a few days ago, asking my master to send his wife to attend the full moon banquet of Sixth Master Lin’s son. In addition to filling my madam’s face, it was also because my madam wants to find a good marriage for her daughter. With the importance that my master places on my madam as his sister, he will definitely have his wife make this trip!’

>> full moon banquet

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“Zhu Ruomei’s rope was still slowly tightened around her neck, and her neck would snap with just a little bit of force. Mrs. Wen kept coughing while tears, snot flew out of her eyes and nose as she said, ‘Cough, cough… my master may be sent to Yanbei to serve as an official in the future. Not only you, but you have family and friends in Yanbei, right? If you offend my master, you will be in great trouble!'”

Ren Yaoqi listened to Pingguo’s colorful account of the scene and couldn’t help but frown when she heard this, “Fang Yacun’s wife is coming to attend the child’s full moon banquet? Fang Yacun is planning to come to Yanbei?”

Ren Yaoqi suddenly remembered back to her last life. That time, Ren Shijia didn’t give birth to her child in the Ren Family, and Old Madam Ren didn’t take her to the full moon banquet. That is why she really didn’t have any memory of whether or not Fang Yacun’s wife had traveled to Yunyang City to attend the full moon banquet.

However, she vaguely remembered that it seemed that from then on, Concubine Fang had more and more prestige in front of Old Madam Ren. In the end, even the affairs of their Ziwei Courtyard were finally handed over to her. Her reason was that Mrs. Li is in poor health and still needed to raise her two daughters seriously.

She didn’t know it at the time, but now that she thinks about it, Old Madam Ren will not treat some irrelevant people well for no reason. It must be that the Ren Family had got some benefits from Fang Yacun, or was promised to get some benefits, so she changed her attitude toward Concubine Fang.

Fang Yacun also seemed to be promoted to Yanbei later. Although it was not in a state a bit far from Yanzhou, Concubine Fang could straighten her back even more because she now has a member from her natal family as her support.

Not everything that Mrs. Wen said is true, but at least part of it is.

However, these are not good news for Ren Yaoqi.

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