Chapter 117: Demure

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There are certain conflicts that cannot be resolved.

For example, for Concubine Fang to rise to the top, she had to make Li lose her voice in the Ren Family.

So Ren Yaoqi would need to confront Concubine Fang one day for the sake of her mother, Ren Yaohua, and her own interests.

This was also why she was so concerned about Concubine Fang.

Pingguo was still whispering to Ren Yaoqi about Mrs. Wen.

Ren Yaoqi had instructed Zhu Ruomei to let Mrs. Wen go after she get the information she wanted.

When Zhu Ruomei was hesitating, Mrs. Wen who had her eyes and hearing in all directions, heard the sound of horses neighing and yelling outside. There was a group of people coming this way, and judging from the noises, quite a few of them.

Taking advantage of Zhu Ruomei’s dazed state, Mrs. Wen used all her strength to jump to the side of the carriage. Zhu Ruomei reacted immediately with fierce eyes and wanted to stop her.

Mrs. Wen screamed for help loudly as she rolled outside.

Mrs. Wen managed to alarmed the oncoming team as expected. Zhu Ruomei caught up with Mrs. Wen who fell to the ground and originally wanted to continue the murder, but the group in front of them was a group of merchants passing through Baihe Town. Leading them were a few sturdy bodyguards. They had already heard the sound and galloped over at this point.

Zhu Ruomei hesitated for a moment, and finally abandoned Mrs. Wen and turned to flee.

Mrs. Wen was eventually saved. Several bodyguards chased him to catch the assailant, unfortunately they searched all around and returned in vain.

Initially, Mrs. Wen was going to go to Lin Family in Yunyang City. But now she was scared out of her wits to go to the Lin Family’s territory, and because Lin Kun is still in Baihe Town, she did not dare to go back either, for fear of running into another murder trial. It happened that the caravan that rescued her was going to the capital and would pass through Jiangning, so Mrs. Wen gave the leader ten taels of silver and followed the caravan back to Jiangning.

As for reporting to the official, she dared not. After all, if this matter gets serious, her master would be implicated, so she lied to others that the previous man was a robber who came to steal money.

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Concubine Fang wouldn’t receive any news until Mrs. Wen had left Baihe Town for a long time. At that time, she couldn’t find anything to check anymore.

The East Mansion’s Ren Yaoting has finally recovered from his injuries and has begun to come over to the West Mansion from time to time to talk to Ren Yaoqi. Ren Yaoqi did not treat her coldly, and every time she came, she would stop what she was doing to receive her.

Today Ren Yaoting come to the West House again. She invited Ren Yaoqi to visit Ren Shijia’s newborn son Lin Cen, who is less than a month old. Lin Cen is the name Old Master Ren chose for his grandson. Although Old Master Ren said that it is only a nickname, after Lin Kun discussed it with his wife, he decided on the name Lin Cen.

The Old Master did not say anything, but he asked the Old Madam to prepare a pair of golden qilin longevity locks for their grandson.

>> golden qilin


>> longevity lock


Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaoting were walking and talking at the same time. Sometimes Ren Yaoting came to Ren Yaoqi’s ear to whisper a few words, looking very close. Although Ren Yaoqi didn’t say much, it made Ren Yaoting feel that she was listening very intently.

After visiting Ren Shijia and Lin Cen, the two of them came out of the Nuanxiang Pavilion and took another path to go to the Ronghua Courtyard.

When they walked to the vicinity of the Fifth Branch’s Liuli Courtyard, Ren Yaoting saw a lot of colorful butterflies on the grass around them. Turned out that there was a big camphor tree as thick as two people hugging by the side of the road, alongside some potato vines, which were the butterflies’ favorite place to live.

>> potato vines

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Ren Yaoting said on a whim, “Fifth Sister, do you want to play catch butterflies?”

Ren Yaoqi was not young in her heart, so she naturally had no interest in the kind of games that children like. But she can’t spoil Ren Yaoting’s eagerness, so she nodded and ordered her maids, Sangshen and Xueli, to go back and get a few fluttering nets. She also instructed Pingguo to go and ask Ren Yaohua, Ren Yaoyin, and the other girls if they want to come over to play with each other.

The maids answered and went away, then Ren Yaoting pulled Ren Yaoyin to sit and chat in the nearby corridor.

Not long after, Sangshen and Xueli came over with a few butterfly nets. Ren Yaoting picked one and held it in her hand, looking excited.

The two of them were about to return to the banyan tree, right when Pingguo came back, but there is no Ren Yaohua, Ren Yaoyin, or others.

“Have you asked at Eighth Sister’s place?” Ren Yaoqi herself took a catching net in her hand to match the occasion, while casually asking a question.

Apple sniffed and looked hesitant to speak, then glanced towards the way she came.

Ren Yaoqi was feeling a little strange, but from not far away there were voices getting closer and closer, sounded like people were arguing.

“Shameless… vixen… get out”

Although Ren Yaoqi only heard a few words and phrases clearly, she recognized the identity of the person who was speaking. it was the Ren Eighth Miss Ren Yaoyu that she had just asked about.

It was obvious that Ren Yaoyu was reprimanding someone. Ren Yaoqi also heard a low soft female voice, but that person’s voice was too small to hear clearly.

Ren Yaoqi frowned and was thinking about whether to avoid it or not, when Ren Yaoting who was about to go and catch the butterflies also heard the commotion, ”Huh? Isn’t that Eighth Sister’s voice? Who is she talking to?”

Ren Yaoqi was about to say something, but Ren Yaoting pulled Ren Yaoqi’s hand with some curiosity in her eyes, “Go, let’s go over and take a look!” With that, he pulled Ren Yaoqi away without another word.

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She had guessed what was happening over there and was almost staggered by Ren Yaoting pulling her.

However, Ren Yaoqi didn’t need to walk more than a few steps, those two people had already walked out in front of her.

It was Ren Yaoyu and the new concubine of the Fifth Branch, Kang. There is a talking that Kang has now been officially recognized by the Ren family, and in a few days, Fifth Master Ren will also set up a banquet for Kang to go through the formality.

“Don’t even dream of entering my family’s door! My mother won’t allow it!” Ren Yaoyu roared like a small beast.

Kang seemed to have glanced over, but there is no telling if she had spotted Ren Yaoyu and Ren Yaoting or not. She continued in a very soft tone, “Eighth Miss, I’m just a concubine who can’t stand on the stage. Even if you don’t mention it, I still understand my own status. Why do you need to reprimand this concubine every day? Eighth Miss, if you don’t like this servant, this servant will try to appear in front of your eyes as little as possible, but this servant still hopes that in the future, Eighth Miss will like the child in this servant’s womb.”

When she mentioned the child, for some reason it made Ren Yaoyu more and more furious: ”I don’t want to like your child! He’s nothing! He’s just a bastard!”

Kang seemed to freeze at her words, then said in a trembling voice, “Eighth Miss, how can you say that? You…”

“I want to say it! Bastard! Bastard! Bastard! He shouldn’t exist in this world!” Ren Yaoyu spoke without thinking. Where she learned these words from, no one knows. Any large family wouldn’t teach their daughters to say such words.

This Ren Yaoyu is still really…

Ren Yaoqi suddenly had an urge to stroke her forehead.

Sure enough, Kang couldn’t bear it and began to cry, and her maidservants hurriedly came forward to console her.

Ren Yaoyu saw this but she hummed proudly instead, evade her, and walked out.

When Ren Yaoyu came out and saw Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaoting, she was taken aback for a moment as if she didn’t expect them to be there, then she nodded indifferently and left. The only one left was Concubine Kang who was still crying.

The maidservants around Concubine Kang who were busy persuading Concubine Kang also noticed Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaoting. Concubine Kang raised her head and looked at them. She managed to stop her tears, took out a handkerchief, and wiped her face. Then she curtsied to their way and led her people back.

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After watching the whole show, Ren Yaoting smiled at Ren Yaoqi when everyone was gone, “Eighth Sister has a worse temper than me. If I talk to my concubine-mother like that, my mother will be the first to stand up and scold me. Forget it, let’s just go and catch the butterflies.”

Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaoting, who was still in high spirits, went to chase butterflies. But Ren Yaoting’s spirits came and went quickly, or perhaps her physical strength couldn’t keep up, because within a short while she was out of breath and said that she didn’t want to play anymore.

Ren Yaoqi ordered the maid to release the butterflies that Ren Yaoting had caught.

Ren Yaoting didn’t object to it, she was just catching them for fun, not because she wanted the butterflies.

After they went to Ronghua Courtyard to pay respect, Ren Yaoting returned to her East Mansion. She promised to come over again in two days to do embroidery together with Ren Yaoqi.

Ren Yaoyi sent Ren Yaoting away and also resigned from Ronghua Courtyard.

On the way back to Ziwei Courtyard, Ren Yaoqi noticed her maid Pingguo several times wanted to talk about something but stopped herself.

She didn’t say anything until they returned to Ziwei Courtyard and ordered the others to retreat,  to ask Pingguo directly.

Just don’t know why, Pingguo was still a bit hesitant.

Ren Yaoqi encouraged her, “If you have anything to say, just say it, it’s fine.”

Only then did Pingguo talk, “Miss, this servant feels that there is something strange about Concubine Kang.”

These words made Ren Yaoqi’s heart flutter, “Oh? How strange?”

Pingguo thought for a moment and whispered, “Didn’t we just come across the Eighth Miss chastising Concubine Kang earlier?”

Ren Yaoqi nodded, and Pingguo continued, “When this servant came back after invited the Third and Fourth Misses, she happened to see the Eighth Miss and Concubine Kang. At that time, in order to hurry, this servant took a shortcut and thus they did not see this servant. This servant saw that when Eighth Miss encountered Concubine Kang, she didn’t look good, but she didn’t want to talk to her. Then Concubine Kang said something and suddenly Eighth Miss became angry, pointed, and cursed at Concubine Kang. This servant stood in the dark and watched for a while. This servant found that although Concubine Kang didn’t talk much, every sentence she said made Eighth Miss angrier and angrier. This servant was afraid of being discovered, so she quietly left, then Concubine Kang and the Eighth Miss also came over.”

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