Chapter 126: Xian Royal Family Entered the Stage

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When Li married into the Ren family, there was only Matron Zhou by her side.

Although there was no shortage of people around Prince Xian, under the circumstances where soldiers were held at their necks, the only person who was suitable to follow Li to the Ren Family was Matron Zhou who had originally served Princess Consort Xian. Nowadays, the people serving Li’s mother were not their original maidservants.

At least that none of the long-time subordinates of the Xian Royal Residence who could follow them to Yanbei were incompetent, and Matron Zhou was considered to be a one-person over ten character. Li didn’t have dowry maids, but look at the maidservants Matron Zhou had trained for Li over the years; she had the ability to build something from nothing.

This is also why Li would trust the person chosen by Matron Zhou so much. Even Ren Yaoqi didn’t doubt Matron Zhou’s ability to pick people.

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The Matron Xu standing in front of Ren Yaoqi with her head bowed and her hands tied, was the person that Matron Zhou held in high esteem. Today, Ren Yaoqi learned more about her methods.

Ren Yaoqi slowly stretched out her hand, pulled out a gold lace hairpin in the shape of a ‘butterfly love flower’ from her bun, and gently fiddled with the medicinal residues on the kang table, until she found the medicinal material she expected, only then her hand stopped.

“Where did you get this?” Ren Yaoqi looked towards Matron Xu and asked with a smile.

Matron Xu did not raise her head, “The mansion will arrange for this kind of filth to be cleaned out every day.”

 Ren Yaoqi was stunned, and took another look at Matron Xu, “You retrieved it from the dumping grounds?”

Matron Xu hurriedly explained, “This servant had already taken a bath and changed her clothes when she came.” After thinking about it, she continued, “The filth that goes out from our mansion usually will be set aside, and they will be sorted out one by one before processed.”

Baihe Town had a special place to deal with this daily trash. The things that were shipped out from the homes of large families like the Ren Family, even if they had been discarded, would be picked through with a focus to see if there was anything that could be exchanged for money. After all, for the poor people, the things that came out of the teeth of the rich were all infinite good things, so many people relied on rummaging through these for a living.

She herself had never been to that kind of place. But Ren Yaoqi could imagine how much effort it took Matron Xu to find these dregs of medicine out of so much trash from the Ren Family.

Ren Yaoqi looked at Matron Xu, who had already cleaned and tidied herself up, and was speechless for a long time.

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Seeing Ren Yaoqi did not say anything, Matron Xu pondered and said cautiously, ”Miss, this servant… Actually, this servant had accidentally overheard what you and Matron Zhou talked about yesterday. Although in the end you were generous and did not pursue this servant’s fault, this servant is still anxious.”

Matron Xu glanced at Ren Yaoqi and saw that Ren Yaoqi just stared at her without speaking. She was even more anxious about this seemingly gentle and good-natured little miss, paused for a moment, and continued, “This servant heard that you wanted to find the dregs of medicine used by the Eighth Miss, so she went to find it on her own. Please don’t blame this servant for making a fuss.”

When Ren Yaoqi was talking to Matron Zhou yesterday, she wasn’t sure how much Matron Xu had heard. It would be reasonable for Matron Xu to pretend that she was discovered by Matron Zhou as soon as she came in, or else she would be suspected of eavesdropping and displeased her master.

So this was a risky move made by Matron Xu.

Matron Xu was a little apprehensive right now.

She was not stupid, so how could she not know that if she was not careful, she would offend her master? So she was betting.

Matron Xu had been in the mansion for a while. She felt that Ren Yaoqi’s temperament was very gentle and was very easy to serve. But it would be a big mistake to think that this little master was foolish.

On the contrary, after careful observation, Matron Xu concluded that Ren Yaoqi was a thoughtful person, which can be seen from the obedient attitude of Matron Zhou, the housekeeper in charge of Ziwei Courtyard.

However, she also sensed that although Ren Yaoqi’s attitude towards her was very good on the surface, would left all the matters in the house to her, and never commented when she dealt with the maids and the affairs in the house, but she always felt that Ren Yaoqi didn’t really trust her.

Matron Zhou had tested her several times before she entered the mansion. She knew it well and still cooperated seriously, because she sensed that Matron Zhou and Third Madam were looking for a confidant for the young misses.

Although the first half of her life had not been too satisfactory due to various reasons, Matron Xu was a smart and somewhat ambitious person. Being able to enter the Ren Family Mansion to assist Miss and follow her to her husband’s family in the future was a rare opportunity, and Matron Xu wanted to grasp this opportunity which might be the only one in this life.

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Matron Xu’s hard work and intellect ultimately distinguished her from the mass of contenders. She was initially in charge of serving the Third Miss, but the Fifth Miss later asked her. To be honest, Matron Xu was initially more enthusiastic about Ren Yaohua than Ren Yaoqi, therefore it would be wrong to state that she was not disappointed when the masters were swapped. However, she swiftly concealed her disappointment. She recognized that there were certain things she couldn’t control, but she could still fight for how she would travel the road in the future.

Now that she was faced with the ambiguous attitude of the young miss, Matron Xu felt that it was worthwhile for her to take a risk. She could see that with the current situation of the Ziwei Courtyard, Ren Yaoqi also needed a capable and trusted matron. She did not choose to play dumb and directly prove her ability to her master.

Although Ren Yaoqi didn’t say anything, the change in Matron Xu’s expression was caught in her eyes, including the determination to fight hard and the longing for recognition in her eyes. Ren Yaoqi could already tell. The Matron Xu standing in front of her right now was just an ordinary matron with ambition, who only wanted to show herself in front of her master and hoped to be reused. She wasn’t someone sent over by any power, at least not yet.

As for whether or not Matron Xu would be bribed in the future, or whether she will defect in battle, it is still hard to say. After all, in many cases, something like ambition will not only become the driving force for people to work hard, but also the fuse that leads people to detours.

During this period of brief silence, the minds of both master and servant turned several times.

Just as the anxiety in Matron Xu’s heart gradually became greater than her certainty, Ren Yaoqi finally spoke.

“For Matron to do this trip, I bother you.”

Hearing Ren Yaoqi speak for some reason made Matron Xu feel relieved, so she hurriedly said, “Sharing my master’s worries, this is what this servant should do.” After glancing at Ren Yaoqi, Matron Xu asked tentatively, “Miss, what is the next step? If there is anything you need this servant for, please just ask.”

Ren Yaoqi used the golden hairpin in her hand to pick up the corners of the coarse cloth on the kang table. Covering up those medicinal dregs, “There is no need to do anything for the time being, take these things out and dispose them.”

Matron Xu hastily came forward and put the bag of dregs back.

Ren Yaoqi watched Matron Xu’s movements and suddenly spoke out, “Matron Xu, I’ll fine you for three months, do you have any objections?”

Matron Xu was stunned at first. When she came back to her senses, her face was filled with undisguised joy, “This servant has no opinion, this servant thanks you, Miss.”

Yesterday, she heard the talk between her master and Matron Zhou. Although she didn’t deliberately eavesdrop, somehow she decided not to leave immediately, and even calmly found the things her master asked for.

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From yesterday until now, Ren Yaoqi hadn’t made any move. Ren Yaoqi didn’t get angry at all, but it made her even more uneasy. This shows that Ren Yaoqi did not treat her as one of her people. Such a lighthearted attitude was a kind of defense.

Now after she did all of this, Ren Yaoqi not only didn’t reward her but even punished her. This not only didn’t make her feel troubled, but made her feel that the master might value her in the future.

Because only disposable people need to be appeased, while usable people need to be knocked down at the right time.

So Matron Xu was relieved.

When Matron Xu retreated with eased expression, Ren Yaoqi leaned on the kang table with her hands on her chin and thought for a while, and finally smiled.

“The Lin Family is here, this time it’s the Old Madam of the Lin family who is personally come over. Old Madam Ren has asked Madam and Misses to go over and meet her.” Li sent Xi’er over to tell Ren Yaoqi.

The Old Madam of the Lin Family was the Fifth Madam’s mother. The reason she came to the Ren Family this time must be for Ren Yaoyu’s matter.

Ren Yaoqi changed into a dress for meeting guests and went to Ronghua Courtyard with Li and Ren Yaohua.

This was not the first time that Ren Yaoqi met Eldest Old Madam Lin. The Lin Family and the Ren Family had a close relationship. There were always exchanges during Chinese New Year and festivals, and when there were weddings or funerals in any of the families, they would also go to each other’s homes.

Eldest Old Madam Lin and Old Madam Ren were from the same generation. However, Old Madam Lin was much younger than Old Madam Ren. Her appearance was five points similar to Madam Lin’s, except that she was more rounded. Ren Yaoyu looked more like her, so it was no wonder that Old Madam Lin had always loved her granddaughter Ren Yaoyu very much.

When Ren Yaoqi arrived, Eldest Madam and Ren Yaoyin were already arrived.

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Seeing Li bring the two sisters, Old Madam Lin stopped talking and looked at Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua and said teasingly, “Oh, the appearance of these two sisters does not change each year. The Third Madam is blessed.”

Old Madam Lin was now the madam of the Lin Family, but she was more friendly and humble than Old Madam Ren. She always smiled whenever she met someone, and she looked friendly to everyone. She was very popular in the circle of madams in Yunyang City.

Li brought Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua up to greet her. Old Madam Lin pulled the two sisters one by one, and when the two sisters got up, she still held their hands and didn’t let go, looking very fond, “I always say that the girls from the Ren Family are such darlings, unlike those monkeys in our Lin Family, naughty children who act like boys.”

Everyone loves to be complimented. Old Madam Ren’s complexion looked a bit better, and Li said a few words of humility.

Old Madam Lin asked the two sisters a lot of things before letting them go and sit down.

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Ren Yaoqi listened to Old Madam Lin and Old Madam Ren talked about the family affairs, from the marriage between the Li Family and the Zhang Family to the price of old ginseng from Guandong had increased by twenty percent after the beginning of spring. Her words were witty, her voice was crisp, an ordinary thing from her mouth always came out more interesting, and even Old Madam Ren could not help but listen to it.

All in all, Old Madam Lin was a very talkative person. However, her conversations were all about some recent interesting events in Yunyang City, and she did not mention her daughter or granddaughter for a long time. It seemed as if she really came just to visit the Ren Family this time.

After three cups of tea, the atmosphere in the house was cordial, and Old Madam Ren was also smiling, only then did Old Madam Lin mention the purpose of today’s visit.

“I know my daughter’s temperament, it is lucky for her to marry into the Ren Family. If she married into another family… Ah! Mother-in-law, I’m sorry for you for all these years!”

The moment she opened her mouth was to admit her own faults. Old Madam Ren softened her tone, and she had to speak for Lin, “I watch Fifth Daughter-in-law grow up, and I treat her like my own daughter. She is just a straightforward person, but I don’t believe that she has bad intentions”

Mrs. Lin sighed and was grateful when she heard that, “In-law, I’ve made things difficult for you.”

Old Madam Lin was really a master at regulating the atmosphere of a conversation, and both sides continued to be harmonious. She was able to make Old Madam Ren allow her to see Lin and Ren Yaoyu without having to ask.

But Old Madam Lin smiled and said, ”Forget about Huijun. It’s better to ignore her so she can learn a lesson, and I think the punishment from her mother-in-law is still light.  I’ll take a look at Yu’er, then go back and chat with Old Madam.”

Old Madam Lin had received the news and rushed over, so she naturally also knew that the Fifth Master was guarding the Fifth Madam’s place. She was a smart person, of course she wouldn’t disturb the reconciliation between the young couple right now. It was her granddaughter that she was really uneasy about. She wanted to visit and ask her questions.

Old Madam Ren nodded. She explained to Eldest Madam Ren, “Accompany the in-laws over to take a look at Yu’er.”

Old Madam Lin hurriedly said, “The Eldest Madam is busy, how can I ask her to accompany me.”

She looked at the Ren Family’s daughters and said with a smile, “Why don’t you send the girls to go with me? Just by looking at them, I like them. Don’t be reluctant to part with them.”

Old Madam Ren laughed and glanced at her granddaughters, “Then how about let Hua’er and Qi’er keep you company?”

Old Madam Lin rejoiced, “That’s great.”

So Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua went out with Old Madam Lin.

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Today was another sunny day, the sunlight was perfectly gentle. Ren Yaohua led several people towards the shade.

The Ren Family was not as old as the Yun Family or the Qiu Family, its roots were still shallow. So the Ren Family’s large ancestral hall was located in the northwest of the Ren Mansion.

Ren Yaoqi was not unfamiliar with this place. After she and Ren Yijun made a big fuss about the ancestral hall in her last life, that scene appeared in her dreams from time to time. Ren Yaoqi thought that it might be because her hatred for the Ren Family was too deep and she had nowhere to vent it out, so the moment she smashed the tablet was the most wanton and happiest time she had been in the Ren family for so many years.

Old Madam Lin pulled the two sisters along the way to talk. She acted very kindly, and although she chatted a lot, she could make people unable to hate her.

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When the two courtyards that sat north to south appeared in everyone’s line of sight, Old Madam Lin suddenly smiled and said, “By the way, you sisters will also go to Yunyang City this year to watch the dragon boats, right?”

Ren Yaohua nodded, “Hmm. We’ll follow Grandmother.”

Old Madam Lin, however, smiled and said, “I heard yesterday that your maternal grandfather’s family also received an invitation, directly sent to the Mansion of Imperial Prince Li.”

Ren Yaohua and Ren Yaoqi were froze.

Xian Royal Family was a very special existence in Yanbei. Their status was more honorable than any lineage, but they would always be ignored on various social occasions in Yunyang City.

Most of the time, they won’t even be remembered.

Prince Xian had been in Yanbei for over ten years, but he had never participated in the dragon boat race in Yunyang City. This year however, the Yanbei Royal Family sent an invitation to him. It was no wonder that the two sisters, Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua, would start speculating.

Old Madam Lin moved to another topic after telling this news. Ren Yaohua couldn’t help but open her mouth and ask, “How come the Yanbei Royal Family sent invitations to my grandparent’s family? Wasn’t there none every year in the past?”

Old Madam Lin smiled at her questions. She was not blaming Ren Yaohua for interrupting her, and replied good-naturedly, “I heard that Princess Consort Yanbei happened to meet your grandmother when she was out a few days ago, and the two chatted for a while. At that time, the County Princess was also there, so she casually asked if your grandmother would go to see this year’s dragon boat race. The Yanbei Royal Family then sent the invitation after they both left.”

Old Madam Lin stared at Ren Yaoqi with a meaningful smile, and continued, “Although the County Princess rarely returns to Yunyang City, she is Princess Consort’s only daughter after all, it’s only natural that she will be spoiled a little.”

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Every move of the Yanbei Royal Family has always been the focus of the public’s attention, so everyone in Yunyang City knew about the matter of the County Princess had come to Baihe Town to pick up the Fifth Miss of the Ren Family. Old Madam Lin also thought that it was because Ren Yaoqi was close to the County Princess, that the County Princess intentionally asked that when she met Princess Consort Xian. Since the County Princess had already mentioned it, Yanbei Royal Family could only send the invitation over.

Ren Yaohua was happy, she felt that it was a good thing for her maternal ancestor’s family to be able to integrate into the circle of families in Yunyang City.

Ren Yaoqi, on the other hand, was thinking a little more.

She was wondering if the reason for Prince Xian Residence obtaining the invitation to the dragon boat race was just due to a careless statement from the County Princess.

The face of someone who always seemed to carry an immortal aura for some reason manifested in front of her. From his appearance to his figure, someone so perfect without any flaws. Mount Tai couldn’t pressure him, the threat of the swords couldn’t change him.

Any word in this world that denotes goodness could be used on him. But such a person was always less popular, he was more suitable to be enshrined on the altar.

In her heart, Ren Yaoqi was spitting him.

This person’s mind was too difficult to guess. Ren Yaoqi wasn’t sure if this matter had anything to do with him, and what his purpose could be.

Different from Ren Yaohua, Ren Yaoqi did not want to see the Xian Royal Family being pulled out to be implicated by all parties in this kind of situation where the situation was unclear. Compared to integrating into the circle of families in Yanbei, Ren Yaoqi would rather have the Xian Royal Family settled down and be deliberately forgotten by everyone.

If the Xian Royal Family jumped up and down in Yanbei and got too close to the aristocratic families, some people in the court would not be able to sleep.

The foundation of the Ren Family’s ancestral hall was much higher than other courtyards, and there were more than a dozen long steps to enter the door. The ancestral hall is divided into front and rear courtyards. The front yard is not much different from ordinary yards, and both men and women can enter. The backyard is only open during New Year’s Eve, and only the men of the Ren Family are eligible to enter.

The place where Ren Yaoyu locked to contemplate was the west wing of the front yard, where the small Buddha Hall was located.

They went up the steps, and the maids stepped forward and gently pushed the closed door open. The vast green stone courtyard appeared in front of everyone.

This ancestral hall was not originally present in the old mansion. It was built by the former head of the Ren Family, Baoming, after the Ren Family moved in, and was much newer than the rest of the Ren Family’s buildings. The site selection was also very particular.

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The front courtyard faced north with the main building held by five pillars. The hanging-mountain-style roof is closed at this time. The whole courtyard was cold and gentle, and at first glance there was no one in close vicinity.

Ren Yaoqi heard a sigh from Old Madam Lin and turned her head to see the slightly red eyes.

“Eighth Sister is over here in the west wing, does the Old Madam want us to accompany her in?” Ren Yaohua asked as she pointed to the west wing.

Old Madam Lin came to look for Ren Yaoyu must have some words to say in private. Ren Yaohua had a good impression of Old Madam Lin, so she sold her a favor and didn’t go along to stir up trouble.

Old Madam Lin hastily said, “I should go in by myself. But you sisters…”

Ren Yaohua smiled, “We’ll go sit in the east wing for a while. Call us when you finished, Old Madam.”

Old Madam Lin thanked the two of them and went to the west wing.

Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua headed to the east wing. The several servants who served at the ancestral hall greeted them from the corner room on the side of the west wing.

Ren Yaohua didn’t need them to serve and sent them away, only letting them open the door to the east wing.

The front yard of the ancestral hall was rarely visited on weekdays. The east wing was a hall with nothing more than tables and chairs inside. Ren Yaoqi stood at the door and seemed to smell the damp and decaying smell inside, which she didn’t like.

“Let’s wait outside.” Ren Yaoqi said to Ren Yaohua.

Ren Yaohua didn’t care, they could still sit on the porch.

So the two of them sat under the veranda and waited for Old Madam Lin to come out.

The two sisters had nothing to do and chatted aimlessly. Ren Yaohua asked Ren Yaoqi, “Were you mentioned this year’s dragon boat race to the County Princess?” Ren Yaohua asked about the invitation card received by Xian Royal Residence.

Ren Yaoqi shook her head, “I didn’t.”

Ren Yaohua couldn’t help but ponder.

Ren Yaoqi also had no clue about this matter for the time being, and did not say anything more about it.

They could hear Ren Yaoyu’s crying sound from the west wing. There was a large courtyard between the east and west wings, but her sobbing could still be heard clearly, heart-piercing.

The two sisters glanced towards the west wing and were speechless.

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Old Madam Lin stayed in the west wing for about half an hour before coming out. Ren Yaoqi saw her eyes were redder than when she entered. Her face was calm, but she still couldn’t hide the worry in it.

Compared to the grandmother Old Madam Ren, Old Madam Lin’s feelings towards Ren Yaoyu as her granddaughter were a lot deeper.

Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua didn’t ask any more questions, they just led Old Madam Lin out.

On the way back, it was obvious that Old Madam Lin was quieter.

After returning to Ronghua Courtyard, Old Madam Lin asked Old Madam Ren to go to Liuli Courtyard. However, Old Madam Lin did not go to visit her daughter, Lin, she wanted to see Concubine Kang.

Old Madam Ren also agreed, and this time she accompanied Old Madam Lin herself. After all, it was inappropriate for Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua to go to Concubine Kang’s place.

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