Chapter 127: Those Who Should Come and Those Who Should Not Have Come

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Ren Yaoqi sought an opening and called Ren Yaohua aside to whisper, “Send someone to keep an eye on the East Mansion side, and report back immediately if there are any movements in there.”

Both of them were still in the east living room of the main building of the Ronghua Courtyard.

Old Madam Ren was listening to the senior maid Jinlian’s report on the gift list brought by Old Madam Lin today in the parlor next door, and personally explained what to return later. Their voice came through the decorative carved mottled bamboo curtains.

Initially, Ren Yaoyin was also there embroidering shoes with a small embroidery basket in the east living room, but she just got up and went to the small pavilion where she lived to get silk threads.

Ren Yaoqi’s voice was very small, so close to Ren Yaohua’s ear. When Ren Yaohua heard this, she cautiously glanced towards the mottled bamboo curtain. She was not used to it, but in order to be afraid of people hearing it, she still learnt some of Ren Yaoqi’s style and came close enough to bite Ren Yaoqi’s ear, “What’s going on in the East Mansion? What are they doing to do?”

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Just as Ren Yaoqi was about to speak, the sound of light footsteps came from inside. Ren Yaoyin had come out of the small pavilion, and the two sisters sat down as if nothing had happened.

Sure enough, Ren Yaoyin came to the east living room, holding a lock of golden silk thread in her hand.

Old Madam Ren told the sisters to stay in the main building while Old Madam Lin have a meal at Ronghua Courtyard at noon, and let the sisters also accompany her.

It was not a good time for an explanation. Ren Yaohua lowered her head and thought for a while, put down the teacup in her hand, slowly got up, and instructed her personal maid Wujing, “Let’s go to change clothes.”

Ren Yaoyin arrived and smiled gently at Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua, then sat back on the kang to busy herself with her embroidery work, didn’t notice anything strange.

Ren Yaohua took the maid out.

Ren Yaoqi was still sitting at the same place drinking tea. She sometimes went over to ask Ren Yaoyin about her needlework. Ren Yaoyin answered her patiently one by one, and even stopped to take out the unused scraps from the embroidery basket to show her the complicated stitching.

Ren Yaoyin was ready to give the sisters any guidance they needed, whatever it might be. She would always answer you seriously, not perfunctorily, without concealing anything. It was undeniable that among the several sisters of the Ren family, Ren Yaoyin was the one with the best behavior.

It wasn’t long before Ren Yaohua came back. Ren Yaoyin shifted her gaze up at her, and Ren Yaohua stealthy nodded.

Although she didn’t ask what Ren Yaoqi was going to do, Ren Yaohua still went out and arranged for someone to keep an eye on the East Mansion.

When it was almost time for lunch, Old Madam Ren sent someone to the Liuli Courtyard to invite Old Madam Lin over.

The Eldest Madam did not come. It was the Eldest Young Madam Zhao who accompanied Old Madam Lin, while the Eldest Madam personally went to keep an eye on the kitchen. The sisters went out of the east living room, and after that, the Eldest Young Madam Zhao called Ren Yaoyin and gave her instructions.

It just so happened that Ren Yaohua’s personal maid, Xiangqin, came in at this moment and quietly stood beside her master.

Seeing that Old Madam Ren and Old Madam Lin were talking aside and had no time to pay attention to them, Ren Yaohua and Ren Yaoqi went back to the east wing.

Xiangqin immediately whispered after making sure that there were no more outsiders watching,

“Miss, there are a few servants from the East Mansion who came to visit here today, and one has been chatting at the concierge. Other than that, there is no other movement.”

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The East Mansion and the West House were still one family, and many of the servants on both sides were relatives, so it was normal for having contacts with each other. Although the Old Madam of the East Mansion didn’t like it when people from both sides had to interact, the Second Madam, Su, wasn’t too strict about this.

Ren Yaoqi nodded and explained, “It’s enough for those few people to stare from a distance for the time being, and don’t let anyone find out.”

Ren Yaoqi and Xiangqin both spoke in extremely soft voices, and Ren Yaohua also deliberately lowered her voice and said, “What will the East Mansion do?”

Ren Yaoqi thought for a moment, “I hope that she will do something. Otherwise, all my efforts will be wasted.”

Ren Yaoqi precisely wanted to pull the East Mansion under the water. According to her understanding of Su, Su should be suspicious of Concubine Fang.

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The last time she used Ren Yaoting to pull the Su family down, Ren Yaoqi deliberately didn’t pick herself too clean. Relying on Su’s shrewdness, she would definitely associate Ren Yaoting’s perversity with the contact between the two of them.

Ren Yaoqi was not afraid of Su thinking too much. She was afraid of not wanting to think too much.

But she wasn’t sure if Su would want to enter this mess, she wasn’t a prophet after all.

“Then what should we do next, Fifth Miss? Should we just keep an eye on it?” Xiangqin didn’t really understand.

Ren Yaoqi considered for a moment and instructed, “Just observe it first. If the people from the East Mansion have any contact with Old Madam Lin, find a way to get someone to bump into them. It can be anyone, but take off your own people first.”

Xiangqin nodded her head quickly, “This servant understands, this servant will explain them to those two people.”

Ren Yaoqi whispered a few more words and sent her down.

Ren Yaohua didn’t quite understand this arrangement of Ren Yaoqi’s, but this wasn’t the time to talk, so she didn’t ask any more questions.

Afterwards, Eldest Young Madam Zhao brought Ren Yaoyin over to ask Old Madam Ren if it was time to set up the meal, and after receiving Old Madam Ren’s order, Zhao brought Ren Yaoyin to command the maids to set up the table.

The reason Zhao called Ren Yaoyin away before presumably was to teach her some housework. Ren Yaoyin and Ren Yaohua were not too different in age, and it was also the time for her to set up marriage. Eldest Madam usually has too many things to take care of, therefore it was Zhao, this sister-in-law who was bound to teach her more. As a result, the relationship between Ren Yaoyin and Zhao was very good.

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Zhao and Ren Yaoyin were in the same generation as Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua. Given how busy they were, it wouldn’t be a good look if Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua didn’t also go to help, even if there wasn’t much else to do now.

Zhao’s nature was simple and honest. There would inevitably be bias toward her sister-in-law, but when she saw Ren Yaohua and Ren Yaohua also coming over, she was also willing to teach them.

The Ren Family entertained First Mistress Lin thoroughly, and arranged eight cold dishes, sixteen hot dishes, plus eight porridge, and snacks to be served.

Old Madam Lin didn’t show any strange expressions. Although everyone in notable families was strict about not conversing during dining, the host and guests can enjoy themselves after a meal.

After finishing the meal, they sat down for a while and drank tea, then Old Madam Lin bid farewell. After coming out of Liuli Courtyard, Old Madam Lin didn’t mention her daughter and granddaughter to Old Madam Ren again, and she seemed to be very relieved to leave everything to Old Madam Ren.

Old Madam Ren stayed with Old Madam Lin for a time then getting up to see her out personally, ordered Matron Gui to have the presents prepared by the Ren Family for the Lin Family carried to the Lin Family’s carriage.

The two Old Madams walking in the front held hands with each other, and the atmosphere was harmonious and courteous.

Old Madam Ren sent Old Madam Lin until the second gate before turning back to Ronghua Courtyard.

Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua did not go back with Old Madam Ren, who had the habit of taking a nap. The two sisters went straight back to Ziwei Courtyard.

The Third Madam, Li, had met then sent back by Old Madam Ren, who refused to allow her to attend the guest. Li had long accustomed to it. Seeing the two sisters come back, she asked them if they were full.

Although there were a lot of dishes at the banquet, it was common to not eat enough.

Ren Yaoqi was not hungry, she ate when she should eat, drank when she should drink. She casually instructed her maid to bring a lot of dishes, and her amount of eating was the same as usual. She ate a lot, but her etiquette was still pristine, so no one said anything to her.

Xiangqin also came back soon after that. Ren Yaohua made some excuses, and the two of them took the maid to the east living room where they usually talked and drank tea together.

Xiangqin was also prudent.  She immediately reported, “When the Old Madam Lin was still in the mansion, the people from the East Mansion did not come up. However, when the Lin Family’s carriage drove out, the East Mansion’s servant who was chattering in the concierge also took the opportunity to leave the mansion. The servant we sent to observe was also clever, and immediately managed to instruct the two gatekeepers to run errands, while others quietly went out from the side door to take a look. They happened to see that servant was allowed to get into Old Madam Lin’s carriage at the entrance of the alley.”

Ren Yaoqi felt relieved after hearing this and said to Xiangqin, “Very well, each person will be rewarded one tael of silver.”

Xiangqin’s eyes twinkled as she joked, “That’s several taels of silver! Is it from the Fifth Miss’s account, or from our Third Miss’s account?”

Ren Yaoqi glanced at Ren Yaohua, and said magnanimously, “Of course it was the responsibility of whoever sent the person.”

Xiang Qin choked.

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Ren Yaohua sent the stink-eye to Ren Yaoqi. She softly snorted, but didn’t argue.

Xiangqin stuck out her tongue and went down.

“What is your idea?” Ren Yaohua finally got the chance to ask.

Ren Yaoqi stopped joking, and whispered a few words to Ren Yaohua.

Ren Yaohua couldn’t help but frown slightly when she heard it, “Can Second Aunt find a way to bring down Concubine Kang?”

Ren Yaoqi stretched out a finger and shook it, “Second Aunt is not trying to bring down Concubine Kang. She just wants to give Concubine Fang a warning. Who wins or loses between Concubine Kang and Fifth Aunt has nothing to do with her. You see that this Concubine Kang is a tricky and calculating woman, right? But no one in the Ren Family has taken her to heart.”

Ren Yaohua thought for a moment, “Is it because of the way Fifth Uncle treated her?”

Ren Yaoqi couldn’t help but smile at her words, “Then what do you think of father’s attitude towards Concubine Fang?”

Ren Yaohua was stunned.

Their father, Third Master Ren, didn’t care much about Concubine Fang, and he didn’t spend a lot of night in Concubine Fang’s courtyard. But everyone in the Ren Family knew that Concubine Fang was not a simple character, and no one dared to underestimate her.

“This is the Ren Family. How your position in the Ren Family depends on the family behind you.” Ren Yaoqi’s voice was extremely light, “Concubine Kang’s background doomed her to be no more than a pawn that can be discarded at any time, no matter how deep-minded and intelligent she is.”

“No wonder Old Madam Lin felt a lot more relieved after meeting Concubine Kang.” Ren Yaohua seemed to realize something.

“Old Madam Lin is a smart person, so she didn’t take Kang’s matter to heart. Instead she was more worried about whether her own daughter and granddaughter had suffered. The only effect of Kang’s appearance is just to strike a blow at the Fifth Madam.”

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The authorities were confused, the onlookers were clear. Only the Fifth Madam would be messed up by someone like Concubine Kang.

“That’s why you’ve been keeping me from meddling in the affairs of the Fifth Branch in the beginning,” Ren Yaohua cited one example and murmured, “Because you know that Concubine Kang can’t set off too much of a storm, and that even if the Fifth Madam and Ren Yaoyu fall out of favor, the real reason can’t be Concubine Kang?”

Ren Yaoqi did not deny her words.

“Second Aunt also knows this, so her meddling is just a painless warning to Concubine Fang without any real intention to make an enemy of Concubine Fang, is it right?”

Although Ren Yaohua’s nature was impulsive, she was a smart person, so she gradually thought far ahead.

“If that’s the case, then Second Aunt’s meddling won’t be of much help to us. It’s even very possible that Concubine Fang showed favor to her because she was concerned about the Second Aunt, and the two worked together.”

Concubine Fang had always been a smart person, she wouldn’t meet force by force, and she didn’t mind lowering her stature for things that were beneficial to herself.

Ren Yaoqi looked at Ren Yaohua with an appreciative smile. “That’s true at first,” She didn’t expect Ren Yaohua to improve so fast.

Ren Yaohua couldn’t help frowning, showing a little puzzled look, “At first?”

Ren Yaoqi nodded, “So what we have to do is let Second Aunt get involved deeper.”

Ren Yaohua froze, “Second Aunt would?”

Su was a shrewd person, naturally she wouldn’t deliberately feud with the Fang Family, but…

“Isn’t there still Old Madam Lin?” Ren Yaoqi winked at Ren Yaohua, showing a bit of mischief.

“Is it that easy for Second Aunt to pull out in time? Since she has intervened, then don’t think about being clean alone.”

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This was Ren Yaoqi’s calculation.

The strife between Concubine Kang and the Fifth Madam was just a family matter of the Fifth Branch, it had nothing to do with her, she didn’t care at all who took the limelight and who suffered. She had only been waiting for another opportunity, an opportunity to pull Su down.

The Lin Family and the Ren Family were due to the relationship because of Ren Shijia’s marriage.  It was hard to say how the future would be, so the Fifth Madam, Lin, could only take a passive role and was beaten by Concubine Fang.

That is why Concubine Fang’s life was too idle. She needed a real opponent.

“But you also said that Old Madam Lin is a smart person, would she dips her toe into this muddy water?” asked Ren Yaohua, uneasy.

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Ren Yaoqi smiled, ”Old Madam Lin is indeed intelligent, but she is also a mother. Concubine Kang is not considered a problem to her, but she knows what Concubine Kang’s existence means to her daughter. If there is a chance, Old Madam Lin wouldn’t mind helping her daughter to remove this eyesore.”

Ren Yaohua was speechless.

After a long time, she unconsciously let out a sigh, then stared at Ren Yaoqi with a complicated expression, “Your calculations are really precise, and you have even taken people’s hearts into account.”

Ren Yaohua’s tone was filled with rare admiration, but Ren Yaoqi did not feel joyful or complacent after hearing it.

In her heart, she understood that the reason why she was able to calculate everything so clearly was because she didn’t treat these people as her family. Because of the experience in her last life, it was hard for Ren Yaoqi to feel good about the Ren Family.

From the moment she and Ren Yaohua were pushed out by them to be sacrificed, she had seen and understood many things.

And after the Ren Family’s downfall, the Lin Family, The Qiu Family, the Fang Family, and other in-laws’ families who usually had close contact with the Ren Family also hid as far away as possible. Not to mention helping, it was not uncommon for them to take advantage of the fire and embezzle the partnership business.

After a few more days, Concubine Kang seemed to be a lot better. She offered to go back to her small courtyard, and Old Madam Ren let her move back and assigned a few more maids to take care of her.

The Fifth Master Ren Shimao seemed to have really contemplated things behind closed doors with the Fifth Madam. Since entering the room, he hadn’t shown his face again. He ate, drank, and discharged in the room. He just sent people to visit his daughter every day, or called his son in to test his homework.

Old Madam Ren was a little dissatisfied with this, and sent people to call Ren Shimao several times. However, Ren Shimao seemed determined and refused to come out. He did not act coquettishly and went to Old Madam Ren to intercede for his wife and daughter. On the contrary, he was very satisfied with the current situation.

Old Madam Ren tried to control him a few times, but in the end, she had no choice but to let him go.

On this morning, Ren Yaoqi was with Ren Yaohua and Ren Yaoyin in Ronghua Courtyard learning needlework from one of the senior matrons of Old Madame Ren. A gatekeeper servant entered to report that someone from outside was looking for Concubine Kang, and the person who came was her sister-in-law.

Old Madam Ren didn’t care, thinking that it was Concubine Kang’s family who came to visit after they learnt of her miscarriage.

Since Concubine Kang’s miscarriage, Old Madam Ren had arranged for someone to take care of her. But since the Fifth Master Ren didn’t pay any attention to her, she also couldn’t pay too much attention to a concubine, lest people think that she was intentionally stirring up the relationship between her son and her daughter-in-law.

So when someone came to look for Concubine Kang, Old Madam Ren only ordered a lower servant to entertain them. Concubine Kang was only a concubine after all, her natal family was not considered a serious relative, this ancestor was already given her a lot of face to regard her this much.

Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua were sitting opposite each other under the south window, and Ren Yaoyin was asking the senior matron how to do needlework in a low voice. After hearing the report from the visitor, Ren Yaohua’s eyelids twitched subconsciously, and she looked up at Ren Yaoqi.

Ren Yaoqi was raising her small embroidery hoop against the south window to take closer look,

her slightly furrowed brows seemed to be agonizing over what colors to fill in the small lotus pod next to the water duck above, and did not pay attention to Ren Yaohua’s gaze.

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Ren Yaohua also just glanced at her, and continued with her work as if nothing had happened.

Not long after, someone came in again to report.

This time, the person who came was not the gatekeeper, but the servant from the Ronghua Courtyard that the Old Madam had sent out earlier.

Old Madame Ren saw her hurriedly running back. Knowing that things might not be simple, she frowned and asked, ”Why did you come back? Didn’t I ask you to lead the guest to see Concubine Kang?”

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That servant hurriedly said, “This servant originally wanted to lead people to see Concubine Kang, but this servant didn’t expect Concubine Kang’s sister in law to say… that she wanted to see you”

Old Madam Ren sniffed with some displeasure: “No need, I don’t want to see a guest right now.” Old Madam Ren did not intend to see a concubine’s relatives, it is a loss of status.

The servant looked anxious, looked up at Old Madam Ren then hesitantly said, “Concubine Kang’s sister-in-law didn’t come alone, she…. brought a family surnamed Liu, said she had something to tell you.”

Only soon after, another gatekeeper entered the courtyard outside, seen by Ren Yaoqi who was sitting under the south window. She heard the visitor say, “Quickly help me go in to report, there’s a commotion outside.”

Old Madam Ren’s ears were sharp and she heard the conversation outside. She shouted, “Who is outside? Come in and report!”

The visitor was the servant who guarded the second gate, and after hearing Old Madam Ren’s order, she hurriedly came in.

“What’s going on, why is it so noisy outside, don’t you know the rules?” The Old Madam sat at the top, not angry, but authoritative.

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The gatekeeper wiped a handful of cold sweat on her forehead, “Forgive me, Old Madam. Those people outside insisted on coming to see you. Without your order this servant didn’t dare to bring people here, but they didn’t listen to persuasion and intended to break in, and we couldn’t stop them.”

“What?” Old Madam Ren stunned.

On the contrary, the servant who came in earlier also looked surprised, “Wasn’t the situation fine before? Why did they suddenly make trouble?”

It turned out that the few people brought in by Mrs. Kang didn’t say a word when they were outside the mansion, it was not that they didn’t speak. After entering the mansion, the servant just said that she would take them to Concubine Kang’s place, but Mrs. Kang said that she wanted to come to see the Old Madam.

The servant saw something was wrong, frantically ran to report to the Ronghua Courtyard. She didn’t want to leave them too long outside for fear they would make a scene.

Old Madam Ren said coldly, “How many people?”

The gatekeeper replied, “Together with Mrs. Kang, there are three women and four men. Those men can’t enter the inner courtyard and have arranged to be served tea in the outer courtyard, and only three women have entered the second gate. The Eldest Madam has already rushed over after hearing about it.”

When she heard Eldest Madam had already gone over to take care of it, Old Madam Ren’s face looked a little better.

“Why is that Mrs. Kang came with the Liu Family?” Old Madam Ren was no slouch and quickly discovered that something was amiss.

The servant she sent out to receive them said, “Mrs. Kang only said that she was a relative from Concubine Kang’s natal family.”

Old Madam Ren thought for a moment. She ordered, “Go and invite that Mrs. Kang over to talk, and the rest of what’s-her-name Liu Family will go to the outer courtyard for tea.”

The servant obliged. Before she went out, she was called by the Old Madam again, “Find a small garden in the outer courtyard that is more remote, and get someone outside to keep an eye on them, don’t let them wander.”

The servants all retired. Old Madam Ren lowered her eyes and pondered for a while, turning her gaze to see Ren Yaoqi, Ren Yaohua and Ren Yaoyin, these three sisters are still sitting on the side. Old Madam Ren hesitated for a while but still said to them, “Grandmother wants to see the guests, you guys go to the inner room for now, and the rest of you will retreat first.”

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Old Madam Ren didn’t let her granddaughters go out, instead she dismissed all servants, leaving only Matron Gui and a few personal maids.

Ren Yaoqi followed her two sisters and retreated to the inner room.

During this period of time, Old Madam Ren’s education for her granddaughters was obviously different from the past. When the granddaughters came to say hello in the morning, she would give them a meal, and then let them stay in the Ronghua Courtyard in the morning. Usually she would find a matron with excellent embroidery skills to teach them dressmaking and embroidery. On normal days, when she discussed things with the Eldest Madam and dealt with household chores, she would also let them stay next to her and listen, for the most part didn’t avoid them. Sometimes she would also ask for their opinions. Although it wouldn’t necessarily be used, it was also considered a participation from them.

It was obvious that there was something strange coming from the Kang Family today, but Old Madam Ren only let the three sisters into the inner room, and did not send them away.

Not long after Ren Yaoqi and the others sat down in the east inner room, they heard someone outside reporting that Mrs. Kang had come.

After a burst of small and broken voices, a young woman’s voice rang out from the next door, “This common woman, Kang, greets the Old Madam. Wish the Old Madam is safe and healthy.”


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