Chapter 131: It Isn’t Right to Eavesdrop

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As smart as Concubine Fang was, she was still perplexed at this moment.

She had never felt that the things she had done over the years could be hidden from certain smart people in the Ren family, and everyone was fine with each other, so she didn’t know why the East Mansion would intervene so much now.

When the Ren Family had this kind of family scandal, the one who was the most angry was Old Master Ren. After the Kang Family and the Liu Family were put in their place, Old Master Ren scolded Old Madam Ren severely. He was only taking into account Old Madam Ren’s face in front of the younger generation, and lectured her behind closed doors.

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Since she married into the Ren family, Old Madam Ren had been in harmony with Old Master Ren, and they were quite amicable in front of strangers. They had coordinated for decades and rarely got upset with each other. Occasionally Old Madam Ren would make a small fuss, and Old Master Ren turned a blind eye to it, except this time the problem was getting so big it became a disgrace.

Old Madam Ren also understood that she had done something wrong, so she didn’t argue after being scolded. Although she still felt resentment, after a few days, she still released Ren Yaoyu according to the instructions of Old Master Ren and relieved Fifth Madam Lin from being grounded.

Ren Yaoyu was only a teenage girl, and this incident was a great blow to her.  In just a few days, she lost a circle of weight, and when she was released, she was wilted without the spirit of a young girl of her age.

On the other hand, Fifth Madam Lin’s face was flushed, and looked a dozen years younger when she came out.

This incident was a blessing in disguise because the Fifth Master finally regained the acceptance of the Fifth Madam. Now both of them acted like a newlywed couple, sticking together all day long, and even their daughter Ren Yaoyu also had to step aside.

As for the insignificant Concubine Kang and her banishment, it had long been forgotten by the two of them.

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If anyone stands in front of Fifth Master Ren Shimao now, points at him and asks, “What about the vow you made to Concubine Kang back then? What about taking care of you?” The Fifth Master will definitely give you an eye roll and back to be lovey-dovey again.

The first day of May is the birthday of Old Madam Liao of the East Mansion.

Liao’s 50th birthday was in the year before last. At that time, Su made a massive arrangement. The Second Old Master and the Fourth Master of East Mansion who were far away in the capital all went back to Baihe Town. Liao’s fiftieth birthday was passed with grand.

It was just a normal birthday this year. The Second Old Master and the Fourth Old Master did not come back because of their busy schedule. However, they had sent birthday gifts half a month in advance. Those gifts were naturally delivered in two large carts, filled with many things from clothing to food.

Initially, Su would also want to invite a dozen or so tables for Old Madam Liao this year, then called an opera troupe to make it festive. Unexpectedly, when Liao visited a nun to ask for alms, the nun gave her advice to not be extravagant this year or it will shorten her life.

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So in the end, Su only invited the people of the West Mansion and made it a family party. Outsiders were not invited.

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The East Mansion and the West Mansion were only separated by a half wall, so there was no need to bring out the carriages.

Although Liao didn’t like to interact with people from the West Mansion, their family had not separated, so it was still necessary to put up this front of affection.

Ren Yaoqi and other juniors followed Old Madam Ren to the East Mansion. Concubine Fang was a special presence in the Ren Family. As in previous years, Old Madame Ren also allowed her to come with.

In addition to respectfully following other aunts behind Li, Ren Yaoqi also saw Ren Yaoying who hadn’t appeared in front of everyone for a long time.

Ever since Ren Yaoying lost face in front of everyone a year ago, she had not been seen for more than half a year. When Ren Yaoqi saw her again this time, Ren Yaoying felt different than before.

When she came to greet Li, Ren Yaoying kept her eyes down, her voice was much lower than before, and she looked much quieter. Apart from growing a little taller, her face was still as fair and delicate as before.

If it was in the past, her deadly rival Ren Yaoyu would definitely have ridiculed her. But lately, Ren Yaoyu had been very unlucky. Wherever she went, she was listless, and looked far worse than Ren Yaoying. In addition to the fact that Old Madam Ren’s temper had not been very good in the past few days, no one dared to stir up trouble at this time, so Ren Yaoying’s reappearance did not cause much commotion.

The elders were playing leaf cards in the flower hall of the East Mansion, while Ren Yaoying and several sisters of the Ren family were drinking tea and chatting in the side hall.

Today was a rare occasion that the sisters of the Ren Family gathered together again, but the scene wasn’t very lively.

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Ren Yaoyu and Ren Yaoying were sitting far away from each other, and neither of them paid any attention to each other or said anything. Ren Yaohua had a cool temper and rarely spoke. So only Ren Yaoting, Ren Yaoyin, and Ren Yaoqi who were occasionally chatting.

Ren Yaoting was the first who couldn’t stand it, and said to Ren Yaoqi, “Fifth Sister, do you want to come with me to change clothes?” She secretly winked at Ren Yaoqi while doing so.

Ren Yaoqi nodded, and the two walked out of the side hall hand in hand.

When passing by the flower hall, Ren Yaoqi took a look inside. The two Old Madams of the Ren Family, the Eldest Madam, and the Second Madam gathered together to play leaf cards. Concubine Fang moved a small stool to sit behind the Old Madam Ren and give her advice. The Eldest Young Madam sat behind the Eldest Madam to observe. The Fifth Madam, Lin, was not in the flower hall, and only the Third Madam sat drinking tea by herself.

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Ren Yaoqi was used to this kind of situation. Her mother had never really integrated into the life circle of the Ren Family all these years after she married.

After Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaoting finished changing their dress, they came out and saw that Ren Yaoying had also come.

Ren Yaoying saw that the two of them acted a little strange, so she nodded and walked away quickly.

Waiting for Ren Yaoying’s figure to enter the bathroom, Ren Yaoting puffed out and laughed, came to Ren Yaoyi’s ear and whispered, “I guess the Ninth Sister is uncomfortable when she hears the word “changing clothes”, she didn’t come with us before, but had to sneak around by herself. “

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Ren Yaoqi just smiled and changed the subject. Then she noticed that Ren Yaoying was followed by not only her own maids but also Concubine Fang’s personal maid, Jinju. What happened last time still had lingering traces for Ren Yaoying.

When the two of them were about to reach the corridor next to the flower hall, Ren Yaoqi stopped Ren Yaoting, “It’s a bit stuffy inside, let’s sit here for a while.”

East Mansion arranged the banquet to be held on the east and west sides of the large hall and spilled into a medium-length section of the corridor, but they didn’t use the side halls. In front of them laid a square courtyard, and the back was surrounded by dense green shrubs. Without burning the heating floor, the hall would be cold in winter, but it was very nice in summer.

Ren Yaoting smiled and said, “I also do not like to be stared at if we go in. But it is too early to leave the banquet now. Just sit here for a while.”

Ren Yaoting then sat down on the green-painted fence in the corridor first, and Ren Yaoqi sat beside her.

The environment here was quiet and occasionally the chirping of birds and insects could be heard, it was more elegant than the large hall in the West Mansion.

The two of them were chatting. Ren Yaoting asked Ren Yaoqi about Concubine Kang’s miscarriage. She stayed honestly in the East Mansion for a while and didn’t go to the West Mansion, Su has been a bit strict with her lately because she has had nightmares for several days since she last came back from the West Mansion.

In the end, an old nun gave her a bowl of talisman water before she got better.

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She was still scared but her curiosity got the better of her. Now that she met Ren Yaoqi, she started to ask around. She even sent her maids away with a guilty conscience.

Ren Yaoqi was talking about unimportant things, then slyly suddenly changed the topic, “This year the mansion is not as lively as it was the year before last. I remember when Grandaunt’s 50th birthday last time, there were guests from Yunyang City who came early in the morning. The hall here couldn’t accommodate all of them, and even the Rongjin Hall in the West Mansion needed to be opened.”

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Ren Yaoting bristled, “My mother initially wanted to invite the Dexin Troupe from Yunyang City to sing a grand opera. She had scheduled it a month earlier. However, a few days ago, an old nun came. After talking nonsensically, my grandmother agreed that she wouldn’t invite guests or opera singers this year.”

“But I heard from the servants below that quite a few people came to the mansion in the last few days to send gifts.”

Ren Yaoting explained disapprovingly, “Except for the two carts of presents sent by the Fourth Uncle in the capital, it is just the filial piety of the stewards from all over the place.” After thinking about it, Ren Yaoting continued, “The Su Family and the Lin Family in Yunyang City also sent their stewards.”

Ren Yaoting had also learned some household management from Su’s side for a while, so she also knew a bit about these courtesies.

“This time, the birthday gift sent by the Lin Family is even thicker than the year before,” Ren Yaoting said casually.

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Ren Yaoqi smiled at her and asked, “You even remember that? Do you still remember what gifts each family sent the year before last?”

Ren Yaoting glared at Ren Yaoqi, “You don’t know, my mother just gave me all the gift lists from the mansion in the past few years. She said that she wanted me to learn how to reciprocate gifts. I remember that the last time the Lin Family sent a big red coral statue, but this time the gift is a white jade statue of Guanyin. When I went to my mother’s main room, I happened to meet the lady who brought the gifts from the Lin Family. She gave me a purse containing two golden pearls the size of a longan, saying that it was Old Madam Lin’s gift to me to suppress my shock.”

Ren Yaoting nudged Ren Yaoqi with her elbow, and winked, “No wonder Fifth Aunt and Eighth Sister usually never think much of you, this Lin Family is so generous when they make a move, which shows that the family has a solid foundation.”

Ren Yaoqi thought for a while and said, “Isn’t the Lin Family close to our family? Do you have a problem with them being generous to you?”

Ren Yaoting smiled smugly, “I naturally have no opinion, I am flattered, okay? The pearls were put away by my mother, saying that they would be used for me as a headdress. But I have never seen the Lin Family be so generous before, and I have never seen such fine pearls from Fifth Aunt and Eighth Sister.”

“Then could it be because the Lin Family and your maternal grandfather’s family are getting closer?” Ren Yaoyi asked suspiciously.

Ren Yaoting inclined her head to think, somewhat uncertain, “My mother did not explain it to me, but the last time I was in Yunyang City I followed my Eldest Aunt to the Lin Family as a guest, my Eldest Aunt has indeed become closer to several Madams of the Lin Family.”

Ren Yaoqi nodded, and seemed to understand something, “No wonder Old Madam Lin mentioned Eldest Madam Su and Third Madam Lin when she went to our West Mansion last time. It seems that the two have a good relationship in private.”

Ren Yaoting didn’t care about this matter and didn’t take it to heart after hearing Ren Yaoqi’s words.

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Third Madam Lin or Second Madam Lin didn’t make much of a difference in her mind, she didn’t connect anything by their conversation, so her attention quickly shifted elsewhere.

Ren Yaoqi saw out of the corner of her eye that someone not far away turned around and retreated from the path. Not long after, Ren Yaoying came out from the path with a few maidservants.

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Several people walked past Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaoting. Ren Yaoqi glanced at the skirt of Aunt Fang’s maid Jinju and shifted her gaze.

When she was talking to Ren Yaoting before, Ren Yaoqi had realized early that someone was standing behind a bush and eavesdropping, but she didn’t make a sound.

Presumably that person saw that Ren Yaoting dismissed everyone around her from a distance and thought that they were talking about something private.

Ren Yaoqi had deliberately mentioned the Lin Family’s Third Madam just now.

The famous families in Yanbei intermarried with each other, and the more deeply rooted the Ren Family was over the generations, the more complicated the relationship became, and each family could always have something to do with each other.

The fact that Concubine Fang’s sister-in-law would be coming to Yanbei made Ren Yaoqi finally remembered something.

Fang Yacun was going to Yanbei to be an official. His wife’s visit to Yanbei this time was not just to attend the full moon banquet of Ren Shijia’s son, she was here to give her husband a head start. As the seat of the Yanbei Royal Family, Yunyang City was essentially the hub of all parties in Yanbei, so it was natural to open up the joints first.

Fang Yacun wanted to fight for the official position in Yanbei, and the vacancy in Yanzhou was the best. However, Ren Yaoqi remembered that Fang Yacun failed to stay in Yanzhou in her previous life, but a relative of the Su Family and Fang Yacun were the same group of local officials sent to Yanbei by the imperial court to stay in Yanzhou.

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Ren Yaoqi had already inquired about it before. That person was the Eldest Madam Su’s natal brother, also came from the family of a Jinshi, and wanted to use the Su Family’s connection to enter Yanbei as a small magistrate. The husband of Third Madam Lin was a powerful official in charge of dispatching officials in Yanbei and equivalent to an official of the imperial court’s Ministry of Appointments.

Although the court has the right to transfer officials to Yanbei, how these officials are ultimately arranged was still up to the Yanbei Royal Family.

The maid who had eavesdropped on the two men’s conversation, Jinju, had indeed relayed what she had heard to Concubine Fang as soon as she returned to the house.

“Third Madam Lin?” Concubine Fang slowly lowered her eyes and thought carefully. The pair of jasper butterfly earrings swaying in her ears cast light dark shadows under the lamp. She always liked to wear these small tassel earrings, making her look like a Jiangnan woman with a rare kind of gentleness.

After a while, Concubine Fang frowned slightly, and raised her head in astonishment, “I see.”

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