Chapter 132: The Old Servant Who Came From the Village

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“Concubine, what is wrong with Third Old Madam Lin?” Jinju asked curiously.

Concubine Fang came back to her senses and smiled softly at her as if to appease her, “Nothing, I just remembered something.”

There was one thing that was good about Concubine Fang, she never lost her temper with the people who served her.

She was always kind and considerate, a woman as gentle as water, so the maidservants around Concubine Fang were very devoted to her.

“Serve pen and ink, I have a letter to write.”  Aunt Fang sat for a while, then finally got up and walked to the study.

(this chapter is translated with real time and effort, please read it directly in, thank you)
Jinju advised, “Concubine, it’s already very late, be careful with your eyes.”

Concubine Fang shook her head, “It doesn’t matter.”

Concubine Fang was aware that her brother was going to be promoted soon. She also hoped that Fang Yacun could come to Yanbei so that her position in the Ren Family would be more stable in the future.

Fang Yacun mentioned a few things about the officialdom to her in a letter. Her sister-in-law came to Yanbei after she inquired about the residences and preferences of various officials in advance. This time, several rich prefectures and counties in Yanbei had five or six vacancies, but there were more than five or six people competing for these seats. Fang Yacun had mentioned to her in the last letter that an in-law of the Su Family also wanted to come to Yanbei.

Concubine Fang was smart and astute. There must be a reason why the Second Madam Su helped Old Madam Lin this time. Now it seems that the biggest and most probable reason was that Su wanted to connect with Third Madam for her natal sister-in-law.

Concubine Fang was glad that she had learned of this matter now, when there was still room for things to be turned around. She needed to tell her brother about the Su Family’s intentions as soon as possible so that he could make preparations earlier.

Things were finally moving in the direction that Ren Yaoqi had hoped for. This was still just the beginning, and as long as nothing changed, everything will be easy to handle.

The Ren Family decided to depart for Yunyang City on the day of the Dragon Boat Festival. It was just over an hour’s journey, not too far.

Ren Shijia would return to Yunyang City with the Ren Family, as she had just finished her confinement month. She couldn’t stay for long or people would assume that she was hiding in her natal family. The time she went back would be right to catch up to the full moon banquet the Lin Family had prepared for her son Xiao Cen. So Old Madam Ren would also stay with the Lin Family for a few days.

(this chapter is translated with real time and effort, please read it directly in, thank you)
This time, Old Master Ren would stay at home while Old Madam Ren took their granchildren there. Old Madam Ren initially planned to not bring Fifth Madam and Ren Yaoyu, but she changed her mind somehow. As for the Third Madam Li, Old Madam Ren had always refused to take her out.

“Grandmother said that Concubine Fang and Ren Yaoying will also go,” Ren Yaohua told Ren Yaoqi when she just finished greeting Li in the evening.

“Because that Madam Fang is coming?” Ren Yaoqi raised her eyebrows slightly, but did not looking surprised.

“Uh-huh,” Ren Yaohua was not in a good mood, her face was cold.

When they were about to part, Ren Yaoqi heard her hidden grudge, “Who exactly is the concubine in this Third Branch, and who is the proper wife! Is this the so-called rule of our Ren Family? It’s really ridiculous!”

Ren Yaohua didn’t expect any answer when she said this. She walked away right after with a tense body. Ren Yaoqi stood in the courtyard and watched as her figure gradually disappeared into the dark shadows of the corridor, her dark red dress swayed behind under the light of the lantern in her maid’s hand. After a while, it also disappeared at the corner ahead.

The next day is the Dragon Boat Festival, and everyone in the Ren Family was preparing for the trip.

Although Li did not go, she was also busy packing things for the two sisters, Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua.

Their daughter was fighting for Li but Li was already used to it. She did not mind the fact that she was left at home, instead looking in a good mood.

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Ren Yaohua had been sullen and unhappy for the past few days. It seemed that even the smallest thing could provoke her and caused her to blow up.

Ren Yaoqi was worried that she would lose control of her temper, so Ren Yaoqi finally pulled her aside and persuaded her with a smile, “Third Sister, what are you sulking about? You’ve been angry for a few days now, it’s time to stop. As long as Mother is happy, isn’t that all right?”

Ren Yaohua was furious when she heard this, “What as long as Mother is happy! I don’t believe she is really happy! I even went to beg Grandmother yesterday, but she changed the topic just as I opened my mouth.”

Although Ren Yaohua had a violent expression, her voice was aggravated.

Ren Yaoqi knew her temper. Ren Yaoqi was not angry when Ren Yaohua lashed out, instead she smiled and said, “I do think that Mother’s smile doesn’t look forced, because… isn’t Father not going this time either?”

Ren Yaohua froze, her furious look turned into a daze.

“So I think it’s good for Mother not to go this time. You know Father’s nature, once he starts painting he can totally forget to eat. Even if Mother goes with us to Yunyang City, she will still miss Father.” As she spoke, Ren Yaoqi winked at Ren Yaohua with a teasing look, “Third Sister, you are so old and still can’t leave Mother, don’t you feel ashamed?”

“I, I’m not…” Ren Yaohua subconsciously tried to defend herself, but when she saw Ren Yaoqi’s smirk, she realized that she was being teased by her sister.

“You’re full of nonsense!” Ren Yaohua whisked her sleeve and put on the posture of an elder sister. After thinking about it, she asked uncertainly, “Is Father really not going?”

Ren Yaoqi nodded, “Of course, I’ve asked. Or else you can go ask Mother?”

Seeing Ren Yaohua’s face finally looking better, Ren Yaoqi couldn’t help but purse her lips and smile.

(this chapter is translated with real time and effort, please read it directly in, thank you)
Whether she went to Yunyang City or not was actually not that important to Li. Even if Li went, would she be able to show off her status as the main wife while Concubine Fang was in there? Even if Li was aggrieved, she still had to endure for the sake of Ren Shimin.

So while Ren Yaohua was furious over this matter, Ren Yaoqi secretly asked Yuan Dayong to help her buy an old painting from the previous dynasty from a poor scholar.

Ren Yaoqi knew the source of every beloved painting in Ren Shimin’s hands in the previous life. Originally, this painting was to be bought back by Ren Shimin’s steward this autumn as a tribute to him. Ren Yaoqi bought this painting back in advance.

Ren Shimin had a habit, every time he gets a good painting, he will spend half a month carefully pondering it, and then copy it himself.

Sure enough, when Ren Shimin saw the painting, he couldn’t move his feet, and the dragon boat race at the Dragon Boat Festival was all clouds in his mind. He will not neglect his own heart for the sake of passing clouds. So the Third Master waved his hand, decided to stay at home and not go to Yunyang City. Li became happy, and Concubine Fang now depressed.

If Concubine Fang and Ren Shimin go together to Yunyang City to watch dragon boat races, while the main wife, Li, was left at home, the outsiders would naturally make some guesses about the status of the Third Madam and the concubine of the Ren family. Then Li would inevitably be looked down upon. Concubine Fang, on the other hand, would be treated as a main wife, and it was easier for her to travel around Yunyang City.

Now that Ren Shimin was not going, Concubine Fang wouldn’t be able to act so easily anymore.

In the afternoon, Old Madam Ren sent someone to find Ren Shimin, and wanted him to go to Yunyang City with her. After all, this was an annual event. Reputable families in Yanzhou would go there, and the men could also build social connections between gambling and drinking.

But who was the Third Master, he wouldn’t go if he said he couldn’t, and not even a bull could pull him. No one could force him to do what he didn’t want. When the time came, he lay down in the main room and pretended to be sick. Old Madam Ren was furious, but there was nothing she could do about him.

Li cooperated and served in front of the Third Master’s bed. When he was thirsty she brought water, when he was hungry she served food, basically went all out.

(this chapter is translated with real time and effort, please read it directly in, thank you)
Now even Ren Yaohua was also happy, her face that had been smelly for several days finally cleared up, and her mouth was curved while she watched the maids pack up their things.

Ren Yaoqi was also in the room observing, although it was Matron Xu who actually was instructing the maids, and she was bending over the bed reading.

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It was at this moment when Matron Zhou came over.

Seeing Matron Zhou entered the room, Ren Yaoqi thought that something happened to Ren Shimin and Li in the main room, so she immediately put down the book in her hand and sat up straight.

Matron Zhou moved forward and bowed, but said in a low voice, “Fifth Miss, Servant Luo is here.”

Ren Yaoqi didn’t react after she heard that name, “Servant Luo?”

“It’s the old servant from the village that Miss wanted to meet a while ago,” Matron Zhou explained softly.

Ren Yaoqi immediately remembered.

She had asked Matron Zhou about the Qu Family when Matron Zhou said that there was an old servant living in the village who knew a lot about what was going on in Baihe Town.

That servant should have arrived a long time ago, but she was bitten by a wild dog outside the village a while ago, so her departure was delayed. Ren Yaoqi also temporarily put this matter aside because of the chaotic situation in the Ren Family.

“Where is she?” Ren Yaoqi asked.

“Right now, the whole house is busy. I asked a junior maid to take her to eat and rest. After all, she is already old, so I am making sure she is alright. Do you want to see her now?”

Ren Yaoqi thought for a moment, “Let her rest first, and bring her to see me later.”

“This servant originally told the people in the village to wait for her to recover from her injuries before bringing her here. This servant thought it would take a few more days. Unexpectedly, she arrived right before everyone left for Yunyang City.  This is due to this servant’s poor arrangement,” Matron Zhou pleaded guilty.

Ren Yaoqi waved her hand and comforted, “It is okay, I just want to ask her something. It doesn’t matter if she comes early or late.”

Matron Zhou went down to make arrangements, and Ren Yaoqi asked her to bring Servant Luo over after dinner.

Mrs. Luo was in her seventies and had been working in the village. Her hair was gray, her complexion was tan, and her face was full of wrinkles. She walked with a limp, but she seemed to be in good spirits.

(this chapter is translated with real time and effort, please read it directly in, thank you)
The one supporting her was an eight or nine-year-old girl. She was pretty but her complexion was too dark. She had braids combed into a double bun, wearing a red coarse cloth shirt, and her eyes were lively.

Seeing that Ren Yaoqi’s gaze stayed on the little girl, Matron Zhou hurriedly explained, “This is the granddaughter of Mrs. Luo. They depend on each other for life. Mrs. Luo was worried about leaving her in the village, so she brought her here together.”

Although it was a little strange that Mrs. Luo was so old and yet her granddaughter was still so young, Ren Yaoqi didn’t ask any more questions. She nodded with a smile, exempted Mrs. Luo’s salute, and asked Sangshen to go and fetch a stool for Mrs. Luo to sit on.

Mrs. Luo strongly objected, carefully sitting down on the half of the stool, not daring to speak first. The little girl who followed was very curious about the things in the room.But seeing that her grandmother was reserved and did not dare to be presumptuous, she stood obediently behind Mrs. Luo.

Ren Yaoqi said gently to that little girl, “You can follow this Sister Sangsan to have some snacks, okay?”

The little girl glanced out of the corner of her eye and swallowed saliva at the decorated red octagonal snack box filled with all kinds of fruits, ear-shaped sweets, fried chop rice cakes, honey fried dough twist, candied lotus seeds, sunflower seeds, and other pastries. But then he peeked at her grandmother and didn’t move.

Mrs. Luo gently patted her hand, “Listen to the master, go.”

Sangshen picked up the decorated red octagonal snack box and waved towards the little girl, leading her outside.

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Mrs. Luo watched her granddaughter leave step by step. Shaking her head, she said to Ren Yaoqi, “Miss, don’t blame her, that child grew up in the countryside and has never seen the world.”

Ren Yaoqi smiled faintly, “She looks good to me. Her body is also strong. Does she usually go to work with you?”

Mrs. Luo’s face wrinkled deeply when she smiled, “This child has a good heart. She wanted to help me with my work when she just learned how to walk. She would follow me and help me whenever I did anything. I never have children. It is a blessing for me to pick up such treasure after getting this old.”

Ren Yaoqi was taken aback, it turned out that the little girl was not Mrs. Luo’s biological granddaughter.

Mrs. Luo seems to know what she was thinking, and explained, “I picked up this child years ago in the field. At that time, she was only six or seven months old.”

Matron Zhou was a bit surprised, “So she’s only seven years old? I thought she was nine years old.”

That girl was physically strong and tall, and she looked clever. She has the same stature of an eight years old child.

“That’s not true. She has a lot of appetite! Fortunately, she can work, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to support her.” Mrs. Luo shook her head and smiled.

(this chapter is translated with real time and effort, please read it directly in, thank you)
Ren Yaoqi observed Mrs. Luo from the side. This woman was very old, and her appearance was no different from that of ordinary peasant women who worked in the fields all year round. But Ren Yaoqi felt that her words and actions were not as vulgar as those peasant women outside. Even her adopted granddaughter was well-behaved.

“Has Mrs. Luo lived in our village all this time? Where is your family?” Ren Yaoqi asked.

Mrs. Luo squinted her eyes and thought for a while before she said, “This servant is from the suburbs of Baihe Town. This servant’s parents died of starvation during the calamity year, so this servant has been working in the village since young. But the village originally wasn’t owned by the Ren Family.”

“Oh? Which family did that village originally belong to?” Ren Yaoqi asked.

A lot of farms owned by Ren Family were bought when the former patriarch Baoming was still alive, along with this Ren Family Mansion.

“Before it was sold to the Ren Family, that village belonged to a family named Tang,” answered Mrs. Luo.

Ren Yaoqi remembered that this house was also bought from a family named Tang. It may be that when this family sold their ancestral house, they also sold the farm under their name to the Ren Family. This was a pretty regular occurrence.

Realizing that Ren Yaoqi was enquiring Mrs. Luo, Matron Zhou contemplated a bit, then ordered all the maidservants to go out, but she herself stayed in the room to guard.

“I wonder if Mrs. Luo remembers a family surnamed Qu? It should have been a wealthy family in Baihe Town a few decades ago, and then for some unknown reason the family fell apart.” Ren Yaoqi stared at Mrs. Luo and asked softly.

Mrs. Luo again squinted her eyes in thought, this seemed to be her usual expression when she was thinking, “This servant has not heard of such a rich family.”

Ren Yaoqi couldn’t help but frown, “There really wasn’t? Can you please think about it more carefully?”

Mrs. Luo really tried to remember again, then shaking her head, “There was not. Miss, are you sure that they are from our Baihe Town? Could it be that they came from another place?”

Ren Yaoqi couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed and nodded, “Maybe I remembered it wrong.” After considering it, she asked again, “In my grandfather’s generation, did the Ren Family ever get into discord with any family?”

Mrs. Luo glanced at Ren Yaoqi when she heard that question, and smiled apologetically, “Miss, what are you talking about? The Ren Family has always been harmonious and friendly with their neighbors.”

Matron Zhou stood beside Ren Yaoqi and interrupted in a cold voice, “Mrs. Luo, our Fifth Miss didn’t invite you all the way here to listen to your nonsense. Answer whatever you are asked, and if you answer well, Miss will reward you with a silver and send you and your granddaughter back properly.”

Mrs. Luo paused, looked at Matron Zhou and then at Ren Yaoqi, who just smiled indifferently without speaking. She thought for a long time before slowly replying, “A family that we aren’t harmonious with… is not unheard of. When the Ren Family bought a few hills in Xishan to build a coal mine, a nearby mountain owner sued Ren Family to the County Magistrate for digging a coal mine under his mountain. Not long after, Ren Family spent a lot of money to pay that owner and buy his mountain along. The two families then reconciled. There was also a year when a coal mine collapsed and buried a lot of people. One of the victims’ son took the lead in making trouble, and was finally arrested by the authorities. He managed to run away during the escort, but before leaving, he proclaimed that he would be at odds with the Ren Family. But no one showed up after so many years. Probably he had turned into a pile of soil.”

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Ren Yaoqi quietly listened, making a mental judgment.

Mrs. Luo went on to talk about a few more families, all of which had large and small quarrels with the Ren Family decades ago. In the end, Mrs. Luo couldn’t think of anything even after racking her brain, and looked at Ren Yaoqi blearily with a helpless smile, “Miss, that’s all that this servant can remember.”

Ren Yaoqi gazed out the window. It was already past the time to light the lanterns. The lanterns were lit in the yard outside, and candles inside the house started to shone through.

“Let’s stop here for today, go back and rest first.” Ren Yaoqi smiled and served tea, signaling Matron Zhou to bring Mrs. Luo out.

Matron Zhou sent Mrs. Luo out to a maid, who took her to the outer courtyard to rest. Then Matron Zhou turned around and came back.

“Miss, will this servant be kept in the mansion?”

(this chapter is translated with real time and effort, please read it directly in, thank you)
Ren Yaoqi was leaning back on the kang to consider things, then raised her head, “Well, for the time being, let her stay in the mansion. Wait for me to come back from Yunyang City before making any plans.”

Ren Yaoqi felt that there were still some things she could still ask to Mrs. Luo, but she had to leave for Yunyang City early tomorrow morning and didn’t have the time to interrogate in detail today.

“Then this servant will first arrange for her grandchildren to stay in the outer courtyard. Miss, take an early rest today, we have to leave tomorrow when the dawn comes.” Matron Zhou instructed and retired, ordering the maids to come in and serve Ren Yaoqi wash up.


Footnotes of the food that came up:

[1] Decorated Red Snack Box

[2] Ear-shaped sweets (糖耳朵)

[3] Fried chop rice cakes (豆面糕)

[4] Honey fried dough twist (蜜麻花)

[5] Candied lotus seeds (糖莲子)

[6] Sunflower seeds (葵花子)

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