Chapter 133: Met by Chance

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Early the next morning, before dawn, the Ren Family’s subordinates began to quietly get busy. The maidservants had to move the things they needed for the trip to the carriage first, while their masters would get up later.

Ren Yaoqi woke up earlier. She washed up, changed her clothes, and sat in her room for a while until there was movement in the main room before going to greet her parents.

Today, Old Madam Ren excused everyone’s greetings, so Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua could have breakfast with Li.

When someone came from outside to tell Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua it was time to go out, Li gave a few pieces of advice to the two sisters and asked Matron Zhou to give them each a heavy purse.

“If it’s convenient, remember to go to your grandfather’s house to visit your grandfather and grandmother,” Li gave her final words.

(don’t forget to read it directly on ! >.< )
Ren Yaohua didn’t say anything, but Ren Yaoqi smiled and said, “Alright. I heard that Grandmother will also go to watch the dragon boat race, so we may meet them there. Does Mother have anything she wants me to tell to Grandmother? Or anything to pass on?”

Li thought for a while, but still shook her head, “Talk to your grandma well, she always asks about you in her letters.”

Ren Yaoqi obliged and then went out with Ren Yaohua. When she turned her head while walking to the courtyard entrance, she could still see Li standing under the porch watching them.

There were more than twenty carriages traveling today, causing a long line in front of the second gate.

Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua were arranged in the same carriage. If they were in the past, neither of them would want to. Now that the relationship between the two sisters was much better and they were biological sisters, they would often be arranged in the same carriage when traveling together.

Both of them were led out of the second door by the steward. Their carriage was arranged in the middle like the carriages of the other ladies of the Ren Family.

The two sisters came out relatively early. Except for the Fifth Master and the Fifth Madam who came sooner with Ren Yaoyu, and now squeezed into a carriage and chatted happily, no one else came yet. Only servants in twos and threes were standing by the carriage waiting for their masters to get in.

Ren Yaoqi and Ren Yaohua were about to wait inside the carriage. Unknown to them, a little girl suddenly popped out.

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“Fifth Miss…”

Ren Yaoqi turned her head in surprise and realized that it was actually Mrs. Luo’s granddaughter.

(don’t forget to read it directly on ! >.< )
Ren Yaohua also looked over and immediately frowned, “Where are you going, little maid? Who is your supervisor?”

The little girl had changed into a summer shirt of a third-class maid in the mansion today. Ren Yaohua also realized that this girl looked new, so she thought that this girl was a new little maid who didn’t know the rules of the mansion.

The little girl looked at Ren Yaohua and then at Ren Yaoqi.

Ren Yaoqi said to Ren Yaohua, ”She came from the village yesterday. Get on the carriage first, I’ll come later.”

Ren Yaohua suspiciously glanced at that little girl before turning around and walking away.

Only then did Ren Yaoqi gently speak to that girl, “Why are you here? Didn’t Matron Zhou arrange for you and your grandmother to stay in the outer courtyard?”

Seeing the fierce Ren Yaohua leave, the little girl became more courageous. She said crisply, “Grandmother said that there is still some work to be done on the farm, and wanted to ask Fifth Miss when we can leave. But the people in the inner courtyard will not let us in, and will not tell us anything. I just saw you come out from afar. So I ran over.”

Ren Yaoqi then realized that although the little girl’s complexion wasn’t very good, her voice was very nice, so she couldn’t help but smile and asked, “What’s your name?”

The little girl blinked her bright eyes and smiled at Ren Yaoqi, “Shui’ai, my name is Shui’ai. It’s a kind of wild vegetable. Grandmother said that wild vegetables are the best, when you’re hungry, you can eat them and they grow again in the spring.”

>> Shui’ai


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At these words, two senior maids behind Ren Yaoqi burst out laughing.

Ren Yaoqi also laughed, but when she looked up, she saw Mrs. Luo running from afar. She looked like she wanted to come over, but after seeing the situation, she didn’t dare to. She just stood in the distance and stared at Shui’ai worriedly.

Ren Yaoqi pointed behind Shui’ai, ”Your grandmother is looking for you. Go over and help her. Walk slowly, you are not allowed to run in the mansion, or else the sister who teaches you the rules will catch you and beat your palms.”

Shui’ai winked mischievously at Ren Yaoqi, “They can’t catch me.” Although she said so, she still lowered her head and followed the way the maids in the mansion walked, turned around, and left. That step was so well done that even Ren Yaoyi couldn’t pick any mistakes.

Ren Yaoqi couldn’t help but laugh. After considering it, she ordered a few things to her maids. Then she walked towards Mrs. Luo with Pingguo and Sangshen.

(don’t forget to read it directly on ! >.< )
When Mrs. Luo saw Ren Yaoqi come over, she frantically pulled Shui’ai to salute. She explained anxiously, ”Miss forgive me, miss forgive me. Shui’ai doesn’t know the rules, and has offended you.”

Seeing her trembling appearance, Ren Yaoqi hurriedly asked Pingguo to help her up, then smiled, “It is okay, children are always lively. I’m going to Yunyang City for a few days, so stay in the mansion first. Send someone to find Matron Zhou if you want to do something. I’ll give you instructions later. About the farm, I will assign someone to take care of it.”

“Are there gonna be snacks every day?” Perhaps seeing Ren Yaoqi’s gentle temper, Shui’ai was not afraid of her, so she suddenly interjected and asked in a small voice.

Before Ren Yaoyi could say anything, Mrs. Luo immediately glowered and lectured in a stern tone, “What happened to the rules you were taught before? Who gave you permission to be so ungrateful?”

Shui’ai seemed to be startled by her grandmother’s expression and lowered her head, not daring to speak.

Ren Yaoqi was about to say something when a person walked in the corridor leading to the gate.

The man was dressed in a sky-blue-colored Lu silk robe. It was just ordinary clothes, but he wore it with an elegant and dignified air that set him apart from others.

Ren Yaoqi was about to tell the pair of grandmother and granddaughter Luo to go back to the residence arranged for them first, but she shifted her gaze and saw Mrs. Luo staring blankly at the visitor with a surprised look on her face.

Ren Yaoqi immediately frowned and took a look at the visitor again.

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He also sensed the line of sight from this side. His footsteps stopped momentarily, before decided to walk out from the corridor until he reached three or four paces in front of Ren Yaoqi, then calmly bowed and saluted, “Fifth Miss Ren.”

Ren Yaoqi curtsied back, “Young Master Han.”

The visitor was none other than Han Yunqian.

(don’t forget to read it directly on ! >.< )
Han Yunqian straightened up. His line of sight swept over grandmother and granddaughter Luo’s faces, then turned away again, as if he didn’t notice them. Mrs. Luo also had put away the astonishment on her face and stood at the side with her waist bent and her head lowered.

“Is Young Master Han not going to Yunyang City today?” Ren Yaoqi smiled and asked like nothing had happened.

“My grandfather asked Yunqian to come over and ask the Ren Family when they will depart and how many carriages and horses they have. We are taking precautions to avoid getting stuck at the city gates.”

There were several other families traveling from Baihe Town besides the Han and Ren Families. Each of them had quite a few carriages, so it wasn’t unheard of that the city gate would be blocked or they couldn’t get past the narrow passage leading to the outside of the city. Preferably they would address it to each other beforehand in order to avoid it.

Ren Yaoqi nodded and hurriedly said, “My Eldest Aunt is the one who arranged all of our trips, she is over there by the reception hall. Go quickly so as not to delay your traveling.”

Han Yunqian nodded slightly, bowed to Ren Yaoqi again, before he turned around and left.

“That young master… his surname is Han?” Mrs. Luo, who had been standing aside with her hands dropped, suddenly asked.

Ren Yaoqi stared at her, and explained calmly, “Yes. The Han family had moved here from Jizhou the year before last. Do you know about Young Master Han?”

Mrs. Luo was taken aback, then quickly shook her head, “Doesn’t know, this servant doesn’t know. This servant just feels… that he seems familiar.”

Ren Yaoqi smiled faintly, “Oh? Where did you meet him?”

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“This servant has not come out from the village for so long. This Young Master Han is so young, it is impossible for this servant to have seen him. Maybe my old eyes are blurred and misunderstood,” Mrs. Luo shook her head again.

“That may be because he looks similar to one of his elders. Perhaps the one you’ve met is his elders,” Ren Yaoqi reminded.

(don’t forget to read it directly on ! >.< )
Mrs. Luo thought for a while and sighed, “This servant is already old and can’t remember.”

“There is no rush, you can remember it slowly these few days,” Ren Yaoqi said meaningfully, peeking behind her back, and saw that Ren Yaoyin and Ren Yaoyu had also arrived.

“It’s getting late, I’ll leave first. Please feel at ease and stay in the mansion. If you need anything else, go find Matron Zhou.” Ren Yaoqi nodded, and turned to leave without waiting for Mrs. Luo to say anything.

Ren Yaoqi was now certain that this Mrs. Luo knew something about the Han Family, but for some unknown reason, she was unwilling to speak.

Since she had found the right person, Ren Yaoqi was in no hurry. She could always think of a way to make Mrs. Luo talk.

Mrs. Luo watched Ren Yaoqi’s figure gradually walk away and shook her head. A bitter smile spread from the corner of her mouth, making her wrinkled face look even more vicissitudes.

“Grandmother?” Shui’ai timidly tugged on Mrs. Luo’s sleeve, calling her in a small voice.

Mrs. Luo came back to her senses. Her rough palm touched her granddaughter’s head, and said lovingly, “Haven’t I explained to you many times? Be good when you enter the mansion, don’t talk nonsense, and don’t do anything wrong.”

Shui’ai saw her grandmother regaining her usual compassion, and asked in puzzlement, “Grandmother, this Fifth Miss looks very nice, why would you rather let a dog bite and injure yourself than come into the mansion?”

(don’t forget to read it directly on ! >.< )
Mrs. Luo was so frightened that she covered her granddaughter’s mouth, looked around and saw that they were the only ones there, then breathed a sigh of relief. She lowered her voice and scolded,  “I told you to be careful with what you say, why don’t you listen to me? Are you going to wait until we both die before you regret it?”

Shui’ai was aggrieved by the scolding, but she still lowered her head and admitted her mistake, “Grandma, I was wrong, and I will never dare to do it again. Don’t get so angry, it will hurt your body.”

Mrs. Luo gazed at the surrounding scene, her eyes were old and mournful, and she murmured, “What should come will always come.”

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