Chapter 62: Returning with shame

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A girl from the Liu Family of Guidong in Yunyang City?

Ren Yaoqi’s heart twitched at her words, and she looked toward Ren Yaohua beside her.

Although Ren Yaohua did not look at Ren Yaoqi, she seemed to know that Ren Yaoqi was looking at her and nodded invisibly.

Ren Yaoqi knew in her heart that it was one of these two that the Eldest Madam had come to see for Ren Yijun today. She just didn’t know which one exactly.

When the two girls heard that they were from the Ren Family, they also looked over curiously, so they must have known about today’s events.

The younger one, who was slightly more attractive, looked at people with a bright and unapologetic look in her eyes. Especially when she was staring at Yun Wenfang, who was only twelve or thirteen years old, she had a charming look on her.

The older one was a bit more disciplined, but her face, which was barely called delicate, was cold and icy. She only talked to her cousin Tang beside her and ignored even other people’s greetings to her.

The two girls could not pass the test of the Eldest Madam, so today’s affair was likely to be another failure.

Ren Yaoqi was thinking about Ren Yijun’s affairs when Su Yunchen’s next words immediately drew her attention away.

“The eighth day of next month is my brother’s wedding day, so you must be there to observe the ceremony.”

Su Yunchen’s elder brother, Su Yunyu, was the Eldest Young Master of the Su Family. Ren Yaoqi remembered him.

The wife he was about to marry into the family was surnamed Zeng, a distant niece of the wife of the heir of the Marquis of Xichang, and Zeng Yu, who would be the General Military Officer of Ningxia in three years, was her uncle.

Even though she had already experienced one life, when she heard about people and events related to the Zeng Family again, Ren Yaoqi could not help but feel chills all over her body.

The current Zeng Yu would still be living in Kyoto with a casual official job as a sixth-ranked military official titled Zhongxian[1], relying on the shade of his family. Who would have thought that in just three years he would have been rewarded by the powerful minister Yan Ding with his constant manipulation and eventually sent by the court as a pawn to keep the Yanbei Royal Family in check?

People still cannot understand why the Su Family would allow the eldest grandson to marry a distant relative of a fallen noble family with far-reaching ties.

The current wife of the head of the Su Family was the second wife, but the Eldest Master, Su Keqin, and Aunt Su Yi who married into the Ren Family were from the original spouse. So everyone guessed that this Old Madam Su was deliberately found such a nondescript in-law for the Eldest Grandson left behind by the original spouse.

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At this time, a servant ran over and came up to the Liu Family’s Eldest Miss and whispered a few words in her ear. The Liu Family’s Eldest Miss, although she still had a cold expression, her face was tinged with a hint of red.

“Got it, I’ll go with my sister.”

“Cousin Yun’er, is it that Aunt has summoned you and Cousin Zhu’er over?” The Tang Family’s Eldest Young Master asked in a low voice.

Liu Yun nodded and said to Liu Zhu, “Mother is looking for the abbot to interpret the signatures and asked us to go over to ask for fortune sticks as well. Let’s go there now, so we don’t keep Mother waiting.”

Liu Zhu withdrew her eyes from Yun Wenfang, smiled delicately, and agreed, following behind her sister.

The two sisters of the Liu Family saluted everyone and left the pavilion.

Ren Yaoqi was a little uneasy about Ren Yijun when she saw the way the two Liu sisters acted. She wondered if these two sisters were the fatalities of Ren Yijun’s fate.
After standing there and hesitating for a long time, Ren Yaoqi decided to follow them over and take a look. In case something happened, she would be able to persuade Ren Yijun to stop him from getting into trouble.

After all, there was a human life involved.

“Third Sister, I want to go and change my clothes.” Ren Yaoqi whispered to Ren Yaohua.

Ren Yaohua frowned at his words and looked around, “I’m afraid there’s no place around here where you can change your clothes, you’ll have to go back to the temple.”

“Then I will go back first, and come back to you later.”

Ren Yaohua nodded, not saying anything.

Ren Yaoqi also curtsied towards the crowd and then took her maidservants and left.

Not wanting to walk only a short distance away, Ren Yaoqi felt someone following her, and when she turned around, she saw Yun Wenfang walking leisurely this way.

Ren Yaoqi stopped walking and smiled faintly at him, “Please go ahead, Young Master Yun.”

Yun Wenfang didn’t pay any attention to her words and stopped when he reached her.

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Ren Yaoqi sighed and looked at him straight, “Young Master Yun, I need to go and change my clothes.”

Yun Wenfang gave her a look, “Hm.” But he still did not move.

Ren Yaoqi had no choice but to ignore him and continue on her way. Yun Wenfang followed unhurriedly. After she had sent a maid to ask for the room where Ren Yaoyin was resting, she turned her head and finally found that Yun Wenfang had gone.

Ren Yaoqi immediately turned around and headed for the place where the Eldest Madam and the girls had asked for fortune sticks.

Unfortunately, when they got there, the Eldest Madam and the girls had already left. Only after asking a monk did she find out that the Eldest Madam and Madam Liu had gone to a side hall for the distinguished pilgrims to rest.

Ren Yaoqi went back to the hall where the monk said they had gone.

When she stepped out of the hall, she turned a corner and saw the figure of Ren Yijun.

But it seemed that Ren Yijun was not the only one there, there were two sisters from the Liu Family standing opposite him.

Ren Yaoqi heard the girl called Liu Zhu sneer and say, “My eldest sister just doesn’t like you, so I just let you know in advance, how dare you call my eldest sister ugly? You are a sick child, a disease ghost! Looks short-lived at first glance, whoever marries you will be a widow!”

Ren Yaoqi felt a mental thump and hurriedly looked toward Ren Yijun, who was already standing there with a cold face.

The girl called Liu Zhu, who had learned her shrewish posture from somewhere, continued, “A person like you should have a coffin prepared at home earlier so that you can die early and be reborn early! Why do you want to come out and harm the girls of good families?”

“Shut up!”

This was a bit too much, and Ren Yaoqi could not listen to it anymore. She stopped Liu Zhu in a cold voice and walked towards Ren Yijun.

“You’re the Ren Family girl from the pavilion just now?” Liu Zhu was displeased by the interruption and looked at Ren Yaoqi with disdain.

But Ren Yaoqi did not even look at her, only turned his head to look at Ren Yijun and gently chided him, “Third Brother, we have been looking for you for a long time. Why have you come here? This monastery is full of bad and good people. There are all kinds of rotten people who can’t be seen at first glance, so in case you accidentally meet them, you can’t blame yourself.”

Then, without waiting for the crowd to react, Ren Yaoqi turned her head and ordered her maids, “Go, give those two who are in the way a reward of five taels of silver each. Our Ren Family has always rewarded good opera singers generously, so we won’t bury her good voice.”

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“You… you called me a… an opera singer?” Liu Zhu’er reacted and pointed at Ren Yaoqi.

She just lift her hand before she was hit by something flying, causing her to scream in pain immediately.

A copper coin landed on the ground and rolled around her feet.

When Ren Yaoqi turned around, she saw that Yun Wenfang had come over at some point and was standing there with his mouth slightly raised, looking like he wanted to join in the fun.

“Second Young Master Yun, what do you mean!” Liu Yun, the Eldest Miss of the Liu Family who had been standing by the side watching her sister’s antics, said with a cold face.

Yun Wenfang picked the corner of his mouth and said lazily, “Seeing that you guys are singing well, I’ll reward you. You continue to sing, and this young master will continue to reward you.”

Liu Yun’s face turned red and she could neither speak nor not speak.

Finally, Liu Zhu, who was beside her, cried out “uwahh-“, her voice was indeed clear and bright.

Fearing that the two sisters would attract onlookers, Ren Yaoqi did not want to be embarrassed, so she dragged Ren Yijun away.

When the two sisters’ voices were finally gone, Ren Yaoqi looked at Ren Yijun, who had not said a word.

Ren Yijun’s face was silent, and Ren Yaoqi was trying to get him to speak to dissipate his anger, but Ren Yijun burst out laughing without warning.

Ren Yaoqi was dumbfounded as she watched him laughing without care, and was speechless for a while.

When Ren Yijun finally had enough of laughing, Ren Yaoqi said helplessly, “Third Brother, don’t scare people like that, okay?”

Ren Yijun looked at her for a long time: “I thought your temper had changed recently, but I don’t think you are still so…”

Seeing that Ren Yijun’s heart had improved, Ren Yaoqi let out a sigh of relief and followed his words, “Still so what?”

Ren Yijun thought about it with a tangled brow, and finally shook his head, not saying anything.

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Ren Yaoqi also did not pursue the question, the former Ren Yaoqi must have hated Ren Yijun.

“Third Brother, are you still angry? Still want to get out the anger?” Ren Yaoqi asked tentatively. As long as Ren Yijun didn’t do anything ruthless and didn’t cause any casualties, she wouldn’t stop him if he wanted to teach the Liu sisters a small lesson.
Back then, Ren Yijun had brought her to smash the ancestral hall in anger, and now she was helping him to bully the young girls.

Speaking of which, it was Ren Yijun who taught Ren Yaoqi to let go of the three views and morals properly at certain times, to make herself happy.

But Ren Yijun said in a disinterested manner, “Forget it, I’ll scold you for going back too.”

When Ren Yaoqi asked, she found out that it was the Liu sisters who had secretly called Ren Yijun aside and told him not to think about marrying a girl from the Liu Family, then Ren Yijun casually said that he did not want to marry an ugly girl. Then the argument started.

The two were talking when a slightly joking and disappointed voice came in, “I also brought the reward money to watch the fun, why did the show break up so quickly?”
Qiu Yun and Yun Wenfang, who had not followed them, appeared together in front of the two.

Following them were Ren Yaohua and Ren Yaoyu.

It was obvious that both had heard the news and had come over.

Ren Yaoyu said, “That Liu Family’s Second Young Lady was not a good one as soon as I saw her, and only after asking around did I find out that she was just a concubine-born and from an unclean background.”


[1] (忠显校尉), I don’t know if the Zhongxian here is his courtesy name or the actual title of a military official


I laughed so hard reading this chapter. Watching Ren Yaoqi drop burns after burns are so satisfying lmao.
Also so far my favourite side character is probably Ren Yijun. What about you guys?

The lineage background is now updated with the addition of Su Family! For anyone who nerds about the smallest details like me, or just trying to understand the relationship between the characters more, go check it out in ‘Table of Contents‘ button below!

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