Chapter 63: The Affair

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The way Liu Zhu looked at Yun Wenfang earlier made Ren Yaoyu extremely uncomfortable. Seeing that they were acquainted with Young Master Su and had some scruples about them,  as soon as the Liu Sisters left, she ordered someone to find out more about the Liu sisters.

At this time, the Eldest Madam sent a maid over and asked Ren Yijun to come back.

Seeing the appearance of that maid, it should be that the Eldest Madam knew about what had happened before.

Ren Yijun curled his lips and said to Ren Yaoqi, “I’ll go and see my mother. This matter is because of me, it has nothing to do with you.”

Ren Yaoqi was not worried about Ren Yijun blamed by the Eldest Madam. They were mother and son after all. There was no need for her, an “outsider”, to meddle in the muddy waters.

And this time the matter was not as big as last time, so the Eldest Madam should be able to resolve the conflict with the Liu Family herself.

So Ren Yaoqi smiled and winked, “Good luck, Third Brother!”

Ren Yijun laughed in exasperation at her words and glared at her, before walking away arrogantly with his hands behind his back in a pompous way.

Only after Ren Yijun had left did Ren Yaoqi notice something strange about Ren Yaohua. She didn’t blame her for meddling?

Ren Yaoqi looked over at Ren Yaohua but found that her mind was not there at all, she was frowning slightly with a thoughtful look.

Ren Yaoqi was about to speak to her when Ren Yaoyu came over and said, “Didn’t Fifth Sister say she was going to change her clothes earlier? Are you still going now?”

Remembering that she had indeed excused herself from dressing earlier, Ren Yaoqi nodded, “I was delayed because I met the Liu Sisters.”

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“Then it’s just as well that I want to go too, so I’ll join you.” Ren Yaoyu said.

Ren Yaoqi didn’t mind, so she asked Ren Yaohua, “Does Third Sister want to join us?”

Ren Yaohua shook her head, “You guys go ahead, I’ll walk around the temple.”

Ren Yaoqi thought that she would talk to Ren Yaohua later when no one was around, so she and Ren Yaoyu both left first.

On the way, Ren Yaoyu, in an unprecedentedly intimate manner, leaned over and took Ren Yaoqi’s arm.

Ren Yaoqi looked at her in surprise, but heard her whisper mysteriously, “Fifth Sister, what do you think of Young Master Yun?”

Ren Yaoqi raised her eyebrows secretly, but said on her lips, “Young Master Yun? Since he is Cousin’s friend, he should be good, right? I’m not familiar with him, why is Eight Sister asking about this?”

Ren Yaoyu covered her mouth with a smile and squinted at Ren Yaoqi, “Is Fifth Sister really unfamiliar with him? Don’t coax me. Just now he followed you after you left, and yesterday, I heard that he went to the Ziwei Courtyard to look for you, and then went with you to Auntie’s Nuan Pavilion.”

Ren Yaoqi stopped and said with a frown: “Eighth Sister, such unfounded words should not be said in the future. Yesterday he went with his cousin to pay respects to my father and mother because it was just on the way to Nuan Pavilion. If you don’t believe me, you can ask Cousin, he’s always there.”

Ren Yaoyu looked at Ren Yaoqi seriously for a long time. Finally, she shook her arm away, suddenly changed her face to one of arrogance, and hummed lightly, “That would be best! If I find you misbehaving, I will tell Grandmother, lest you do something shameless.”

Ren Yaoyu looked at her smug look and smiled angrily, “Then thank you for reminding me, Eight Sister.”

Ren Yaoyu let out another cold snort and left Ren Yaoqi behind to walk straight away.

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On the way, the two never said another word.

By the time they came out of the bathroom, Ren Yaoyu had already gone nowhere. When Ren Yaoqi went to find Ren Yaohua, she learned that Yun Wenfang and Qiu Yun had been called away by Ren Yijian and that Ren Yaoyu had followed them after she came out. Ren Yaohua said that she wanted to go for a walk in the apricot grove and left on her own.

As she thought about what Ren Yaoyu had said earlier, she became more and more convinced that Yun Wenfang was a calamity and that she should stay away if she could. She didn’t want to get involved in a joke about little girls fighting over jealousy.

So she took her people to Ren Yaohua.

Only Ren Yaoqi had searched all the almond blossom groves in the back of the mountain but still hadn’t seen Ren Yaohua.

Ren Yaoqi didn’t care and went to a few large halls in the temple at random, not cared what kind of bodhisattva was worshipped in the halls, and worshipped Buddha on sight anyway.

She had not believed in Buddhism in her last life, and she had not had time to believe in it in this one.

When she came out of the Hall of the Buddha of Immeasurable Life, the Bodhisattva of Guanyin, and the Bodhisattva of Great Strength, Ren Yaoqi heard the whispering of servants from someone’s house behind a large ginkgo tree.

“To hell with you! Is everything you said true?”

“If it’s false, let me be struck by lightning! I heard that the man came out of the nearby Baiyun Temple in disarray, was chased by the nun’s relatives, and fled to the mountain. I heard that he even fled into the Bailong temple!”

“It’s morally corrupt! That nun has no shame either! Since her mortal heart won’t die, she should not become a monk. Now that she tarnished the pure Buddha temple, is not afraid that the gods will come down and strike her with thunder to death?”

“Hey! You don’t know, but I heard that before her husband died and enter the temple, this Aunt Liang was very restless and not easy to live with. She is so powerful that her husband’s relatives don’t have a good word to say about her! After her husband’s death, she hooked up with a nobleman and ended up in a nunnery with her husband’s fortune, where even her husband’s family could not do anything about it. Now she is at ease! She has money and keeps a young man! She lives like a god, how can she care about god with her head up three feet high?”

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“Does the Master of the Bailong Temple not care? Is he just going to let her run wild in front of the Buddha like that?”

“Hey! Money can make the devil push the mill, so what if the nun still follows her mortal desire?”

Although Ren Yaoqi had not deliberately eavesdropped, she had still heard what the two said.

The few young maids who followed behind her were blushing scarlet and full of curiosity.

The two maids who were hiding behind the tree noticed that someone was coming and stopped talking.

Ren Yaoqi was thinking of going to the Longwang Hall at the back to have a look. Then she saw Ren Yaohua’s senior maid Xiang Qin walking and looking around as if she was looking for someone.

Ren Yaoqi’s maid, Ping Guo, was a sharp-eyed one, and she had a good relationship with Xiang Qin, so she waved over to her. As she saw Ren Yaoqi, Xiang Qin quickly walked over to her.

Ren Yaoqi was surprised and asked her, “Why are you here alone? Where is Third Sister?”

Xiang Qin looked at the maids and ladies behind her, but said, “Third Miss is resting at Fourth Miss’s place, and asked this servant to come and talk to Fifth Miss about something trivial.”

She said that it was a small matter, but after she said that she stopped talking, and only quietly winked at Ren Yaoqi.

Ren Yaoqi knew that there must be something going on, so she nodded and said, “There are too many people in the front halls, I am going to the newly renovated Longwang Hall at the back to have a look, you can come with me.”

Xiang Qin bowed her head and answered yes, coming forward to hold Ren Yaoqi’s arm on one side.

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Longwang Hall was located on high ground and close to the back of the hill, so it was rather remote, and as it was newly built, not many people came there.

When Ren Yaoqi saw a small pavilion at the side of Longwang Hall. She sent her maids to put on incense and relieve themselves, while she took Xiang Qin with her to the pavilion.

After walking a few steps, she saw three or four women hurrying towards the pavilion. The women, both young and old, were all looked around as they walked, panted as if they were looking for something.

“Fourth Aunt, could she not be in the temple? I’ve searched everywhere but I can’t find that adulterer.” A slightly younger woman asked the middle-aged woman in the lead.

Although the middle-aged woman had some uncertainty on her face, she shook her head and said, “My family saw him running towards the mountain. The only place that can hide people on this mountain is the Bailong Temple. There should be no mistake. Let’s look carefully again, and when we find someone, we’ll sink that little whore in the pond on the way back!”

“I’ve never seen a woman with so little shame! This slut has disgraced our old Zhang Family! If we find that adulterer, we’ll see how she can deny it!” Another middle-aged woman said with an angry and somewhat excited look on her face.

When those few people saw Ren Yaoqi’s master and servant, they only glanced at them before hurriedly heading towards the Longwang Hall.

Xiang Qin froze and looked at Ren Yaoqi in confusion, “Fifth Miss, what are they doing here?”

Ren Yaoqi remembered what she had heard from the two women behind the ginkgo tree and knew that they were probably looking for the nun’s young man, so she shook her head and said, “Don’t mind that, did you come to me because Third Sister asked you to? Is she really at Fourth Sister’s?”

The two had already reached the pavilion in front of the pond. Xiang Qin shook her head and was about to speak when another person suddenly came out from the side road branch in the path.


*du du du duuunn* *bethoven’s 5th symphony start playing*

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