Lithium, 19th Chapter: Occult Fantastical World and Fellas

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The title has been permitted to be slightly changed.

“Oh, Shin! How did the exam…”


“——To be of help to Shin sama, even if only just, I brought savings with me from the village.”
“I’m telling you I’m not some hero… Frey.”

Even after leaving the exam room, the storm of Luna’s extolling words for Shin had yet to abate.
Was she happy to be able to talk like that to her hero Shin, whom she had yearned so much for? Luna suddenly turned talkative.

Just as Frey–who was waiting at the exit from the exam room–approached Shin, she saw a girl–her blue hair swaying smoothly–accosting Shin; her words stuck.

“…For you to flirt with a girl in the middle of exam, Shin, it seems you had quite a lot of time to spare.”
“It’s not what you think.”

With both sides having a misunderstanding, Shin–who could not even joke about being a chick magnet–was at his wits’ end.

“…Who is this person!? …I-I see, this miss is Shin sama’s partner. I understand. So, I have to get permission from this miss… u-um… excuse me!”

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Luna, who had somehow piled up another misunderstanding over the other, rushed to Frey for permission to join them in their travels.

“Um, I’m called Luna=Lanford. In pursuit of Shin sama, I have now become a Class D3 Guild member. Although I’m just a novice, would you please allow me to accompany you!?”

“H-Hey, hey… what the heck is this?”

“……I would like to know that myself.”

Appearing all of a sudden—actually, she was there before them—was the misunderstanding Mage, Luna=Lanford.
This girl’s existence was a setback to Shin’s plan of living inconspicuously in this world.
‘Even if there had to be karma for saving them at the spur of moment, did the retribution of that have to be this?’

Shin just stood there and sighed greatly.


“…I see. So he saved you when you were in a crisis of life, that’s why you call him hero. I get the gist of it. But you came here alone for Shin, who came from a faraway village in the south? …Shin is equally guilty as a man.”

Shin, Frey and Luna were circling the round table in the meeting area on the second floor of the Guild called lobby. While waiting for their Guild badges, the three of them were talking over the details.
Luna–as she had told Shin–told her about how her village had been attacked by monsters, how powerless she was, and how she was saved. She also, exultantly, told her about how she believed Shin to be the hero from the lore passed down in her village.

“I’m not…”
“Well, whatever that is… there’s no problem with traveling, but; Luna, this is your first time in the Royal Capital, right? This place is vast. You should work here as a Guild member and, slowly, try to understand your power. It’s not late for you. What do you think? Besides, doesn’t Shin too plan on staying here for now?”

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“…Oh well.”

‘For good, actually.’ In this situation, Shin could not say out loud that he planned on living out the rest of his life here somewhere until his body rotted away.
However–as you would expect of an experienced Class B Guild member–Frey gently remonstrated him and, in that short conversation, swiftly manipulated Luna. Thus concluded the round table conference.

Luna, as if she had realized how her erratic actions had annoyed Shin a little, was reflecting. With her head downcast in shame, she looked just like a pet.

“…Enough about that. So, how did the exam go? Shin, didn’t you receive a fairly high assessment——”
“What do you mean? Frey san!”

Luna, who had been meekly reflecting, reacted strongly to Frey’s question.

“I can wield Mana, but I can’t handle a weapon. My Mana can easily be erased… yet that examiner gave me the same class–D3–as Shin sama? Isn’t it ridiculous? Didn’t Shin sama knock down that examiner barehanded? When it comes to sword… compared to back then, it was a little… still, it’s ridiculous for me to have the same class as Shin sama, who singlehandedly annihilated a horde of Blue Ogres. It’s presumptuous!”

‘To say all that so firmly, doesn’t she talk well?’ When Shin turned his line of sight to Luna, however, her eyes were serious.
Calling the Guild’s class system ridiculous, she continued to propose methods to Frey.

“Haha, it sure is. Shin is quite strong, but that’s the Guild’s policy. Those who can’t use Mana Calculus start from an even lower class, so granting Shin Class D is already a concession… N, wait”

Frey, who was treating Luna’s rebuttal as a kid’s whim, suddenly frowned and cut her words short.

“…Luna, which monster did you say attacked your village?”

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“Eh, they were Blue Ogres. My Mana could not even put a scratch on them, but then Shin sama appeared and rounded all of them up… haven’t I told you that already, Frey san?”

Although Luna was irritated at Frey for not paying any mind to what she was saying all this time, she didn’t show it on her face for she was a partner of the hero Shin.
Frey recollected her shocked expression and, with her mouth partly open, her gaze swam to Shin.

“…Shin, what she just said is true?”

“…What now? I don’t know whether they were monsters or not, but I did exterminate them. They were blue, and they were huge. If I remember correctly, they were carrying a sword and had something that looked like armor wrapped around their body.”

Shin recalled the apparitions he had slain back then. They had bluish black body that looked like an ogre’s; they were holding a greatsword in their hands; and they were wearing a chainmail on their waist.
The biological weapon he knew didn’t have such a disturbing form. Even if the monsters he had encountered first in this world were biological weapons, they were weak so much so that they could not be a match of Android Killrers. That was why he had survived, was what he thought.

Having heard about this world from Frey, Shin had started to think that this place might be more dangerous than Earth; might be no less dangerous than Japan.

“…They were Blue Ogres without a doubt. That horde… alone… you said? Even one of them is too much for me! I remember there was a subjugation of one in the past, and they had to form a party… even then, those with inadequate combat experience ended up as victims… and you alone… that’s… stupid… Shin, what in the world are you…”

Frey had her body trembling and her fists clenched.
Although that apparition was too much for Frey, he didn’t think it was such a threat. When Shin considered that there might be even more dangerous beings in this world, he didn’t think what he had done should be exaggerated to that extent.

“Speaking of which, what’s Frey san’s class?”

As if what Frey was brooding over had no relation to her, Luna asked such a question.

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Which reminded Shin that he hadn’t introduced Frey to Luna. Once again, he told her how he had met Frey.

“…Really… I had no idea there was such a town close by our village. I remember Chieftain san saying something like that, but it’s my first time outside the village, so…”
“Now that you mention it… Luna, you came all the way here from your village. There must be a lot of beasts on the way. Were you fine?”

Thinking carefully about it, Luna had fought so hard against those monsters known as Blue Ogres, so she must be safe coming here from the village by herself.
‘Even though I made use of all my time in Wde town, here I am in the Royal Capital like this. How was such a girl, who didn’t know anything about the world outside, able to sleep in the open?’ Shin had his doubts.

“Beasts…? Ah, don’t worry… I was guided here by a Graze Wolf… when those kids grow up, will I be able to ride them?”

“What did you just say!?”

Shin was having a hard time understanding what Luna had just said so nonchalantly. Having a beast as a guide? Much less to say about riding it? ‘What’s going on here?’
Shin was getting increasingly convinced that this world was an occult fantasy beyond the realm of his understanding. Only, even Frey could not keep her surprise under the lid this time. She–who had been mumbling, “Blue Ogres… singlehandedly…” for some time now–cried out at Luna’s talking about beasts.

“E-Eh… what happened? …everyone in the village is friends with beasts. Is it that unusual? Eh, oh. How did you two arrive here…”

“…I had only heard stories about a village of beast tamers existing somewhere, but I had no idea it was in the same kingdom I had grown up in… it was even close to Wide town… what do I do with you guys?”

Muttering to who knows whom, Frey leant back on the chair like a puppet with its strings cut.
‘I hope I’m not part of that ‘you guys’,’ Shin was at his wits’ end over the reality of this world.

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