Lithium, 20th Chapter: Night at the Vander Royal Capital Guild

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A certain receptionist’s story.

It was when the late night sky was studded with twinkling stars.


“Let’s call it a day, Neil. How about dinner after this? A new shop has opened near Iluto. I thought about trying it out, but”

The woman changed from the scarlet uniform–with the crest of Vander Kingdom embroidered–to a fine white dress robe.

“Thanks Julie. It’s my night today, so”

“…Ah, really. Yeah, now that you mention it; this work is a problem in itself. If we work so late at night, how are we going to maintain our beautiful skin? It would be different if there were handsome knights here, but there are only filthy men.”

The castle town of the Vander King Capital was vast. It was divided into Nort in north, Sourt in south, Eart in east and Wert in west.
However, the Guild was the only establishment in the sourthern district of Sourt.

Neil=Fragrance was born in that Vander King Capital. She was a Guild official who had grown up in the Royal Capital.
Her work was mainly correspondence with Guild members and filing. Amongst Guild officials, there were those who dealt with the remuneration of Guild members, those who traded beast parts and a variety of items, those who conducted class examination, those who liaised with the kingdom and those who managed shifts of Guild officials.

Guild official was a job next only to mercenary and knight. Although there were only a few jobs that offered guaranteed stable income from the Kingdom, Neil—not just Neil but every receptionist—was discontent for they had to deal with men without a shred of intellect–who would put their body on the line to get rich quick–every day.

The only redemption for these girls was putting a stop to the grumblings of their work, eating and drinking delicacies in a posh shop, and spending half of their pay on their beauty in preparation for marrying royalty, aristocrats or knights.

While listening to the habitual complaints of one such Julie inside the Guild that was void of any sign of life, Neil suspended the Manacraft that supplied light to the second floor.

“Bye Neil; work hard. Even if you get to replenish your skin, it’ll be morning soon.”
“Yeah, got it.”

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Julie, who was assigned where Neil would soon be, said “bye” and carried a red clutch bag made from dragon scales—which she claimed to have purchase at bargain–on her shoulder and left the Guild in merry.

“…Haa, I wonder if it would be morning soon.”

Alone, Neil murmured absentmindedly.
Neil was the only one at the reception of the Guild. People visiting the Guild at night were few.
However, there still were urgent quests and Guild members jumping in at the last seconds of time bound quests.
The nighttime was thus passed with the minimum of staff member deployed.
However, it was decided that there would be one more staff member—an able Guild official or a medical specialist–beside the receptionist, so the Guild would soon return to two staff members.

“Then… the quests with the time limit of tonight… two.”

Neil, alone, decided to file the last document. There were three quests with the deadline of tonight. If no one received the quest, it would be cancelled for the time being. A letter requesting the client to change the particulars would then be sent. Neil was scanning through those particulars.

The quest said, ‘find the cat.’ The reward was one copper coin. ‘Some kid?’ Neil found it lovely. However, this was a place filled with trying-to-get-rich-quick people. No matter how low the class of the Guild member was, they would never accept this quest.
As she was moving on to the next quest with that thought, the sound of the door opening could be heard from behind.


Humming in good mood, a man with green hair—and the upper half of his body naked—walked down the lobby.

“…You seem to be in good mood, Shigue.”
“Oh, it’s Neil chan’s shift tonight, eh? Also, can you please stop calling me like that? Do you have no sense of intimacy to me? It’s Highlight for you.”

Highlight=Shigue, who was assigned as the examiner, was a big shot who had Class A strength in terms of a Guild member. This man, who also happened to be Neil’s colleague, said so to her with steam rising from the upper half of his body.
‘Was he training alone in the exam hall?’ Neil discerned so upon seeing that appearance of Highlight.

“…It’s rare for you to train by yourself. Since it’s free time, let’s have a drink?”

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“I’m so happy to be invited to drink by Neil chan. It’s a lucky day today.”

With Highlight’s words in her ears, Neil went up to the lobby of the second floor.
She poured chilled water into a glass, poured warm caffeine for herself and passed the water to Highlight.
It was indeed an occasion for him to drink.

“…Kaaa! Nothing beats natural water after training.”
“Someone looks happy?”

“Yeah, been a long time since I last met such a fine talent… that young man was a little peculiar, but he was strong… or maybe it was careless of me to lose.”
“You lost… to whom?”

Ever since he was assigned as an examiner here, he had almost never headed out to the field.
Although he had went out to the field in the past when they were short on hands, Highlight had never heard about that grapple.

“…Class D Grade 3 Guild member. Even though it was me who assessed him so.”

If he became a Guild member today, then he must have been examined today by Highlight for registration.

“If I’m not mistaken… he was called Shin. What a waste. Honestly, I wanted to give him Class B or higher… maybe because I met a fellow countryman after so long.”

Upon his “fellow countryman” words, Neil took some time to think.
Highlight hailed from south’s Revival Kingdom. ‘Then new registrations with the Guild today…’ Neil scanned through the documents.
There were two people who had become Guild members today.


Although he had written nothing more than ‘a remote location in south’ in his info, Neil fetched out of her memory the young man who had shown up with a Guild member she was acquainted with—Frey=Foures.

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That young man was following Frey in a somewhat timid state. However, even though he was told he would be registered with the Guild later, a disparate attitude could be seen in his eyes; as if that young man had settled down already.
Neil had spent some years in this place. She had seen combative men. To some extent, she was able to deduce the level of their ability.

The Shin in Neil’s memory had a mysterious air about him. To be remembered by the Neil, who dealt with hundreds of Guild members every day, was a feat in itself. She could not help but evaluate him in her subconscious mind.

“…Oh well, he didn’t seem to have any ambition, though. For a Guild member, that’s fatal.”
“Aren’t there many of those already?”

Neil detested those Guild members who would party up with strong ones for piggyback; those who would be content with passing up a big reward in favor of safe bucks.
However, since she herself was in this place for stability, she had no right to unconditionally abase such people.

“I don’t… want him to be one of those.”

Finding it rare of Highlight to persist with someone so much, Neil kept staring at the back of Highlight who—having put the glass on the counter after drinking—was on his way to the standby room.

“…Put what you drank back yourself.”
“…This is where I make a cool exit.”

Scratching his head, Highlight said so hesitantly and left for the second floor.

“Shin, huh…”

‘What in the world is he?’ Neil cast her eyes down on the document as she recalled his figure.
Remaining overdue quest: Subjugation of Blue Ogre; Reward: 50 silver coins only. Although the quest seemed to be from a remote village, would anyone up to the task face that monster for such a reward? Doubting it was too cheap for anyone to accept it, Neil decided to ask Highlight.

“Hey, is a Blue Ogre worth 50 silver coins?”
“…N? Blue Ogre? Haven’t heard much about that monster after coming here. Still, that monster can’t be subjugated for silver coins. Besides, Blue Ogre has resistance to Water and Fire. For that reward, I’ll just say, ‘sorry’.”

“…I guess.”

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Neil regretted engaging in chat with Highlight over a matter of course.
Subjugation of monsters went generally for tens to hundreds of gold coins, and the reward for collection of parts went as high as a white gold coin.
They would have to form a party for subjugation. It was obvious that 50 silver coins wouldn’t pay off.

“This remote village… where is it?”

If there was no address, how would the letter be sent?
At any rate, no one would accept it. Besides, it had been a few years since the village was troubled with the monster and had submitted the quest. It was long overdue. They must have requested another Guild.
‘Or the village must have been wiped out,’ Neil judged so and decided to cancel the quest.

With the file gripped in hand, she searched for the papers of the quests to be cancelled and unpinned them from the bulletin board.
Both of them were posted under ‘Class: No restriction’.
It was clearly written in the file as well.

“…Isn’t it unreasonable for subjugation of monsters to be under ‘Class: No restriction’? It was negligence on part of the person in charge of reception.”

High class Guild members intentionally ignored ‘Class: No restriction’ bulletin board.
‘The quests haven’t been accepted yet because of you.’ Neil wanted to say that to the person in charge, who hadn’t proposed otherwise back then.

Even though the reward was insignificant, there also were eccentric ones amongst high class Guild members, who just wanted to fight strong foes. Therefore, it was important to post these quests on the bulletin board of high class.
‘Let’s suggest to the top the idea of posting on the bulletin board in the order of reward,’ with that thought, Neil shredded the quest papers apart and cancelled the quests.


“…Kkushun! …Is someone talking behind my back?”

With the delusion that it was perhaps a knight of the castle town, Julie headed inside the newly opened restaurant–which she was talking about before–with light steps.

She had no idea that she was called negligent by her colleague—and friend—Neil.

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