Scientist to God

Chapter 10

Chapter 10: beat lizardman!

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In the sky, there is a huge battle fortress suspended. This is the flying mother ship of SHIELD.

“Director, a big monster appeared on the Williamsburg Bridge, the initial judgment is a huge lizard.” A test agent reported.

The director Nick Fury quickly took a fancy look to the big screen. The screen was a satellite surveillance screen. There was a big lizard in the picture. The green lizard is running at a very fast speed. The two claws were sharp and strong, and the cars on the bridge were successively damaged one by one. And he roar.

Director Nick frowned and said, “This seems to be a mutant creature. I don’t know if it is a mutant, or which biochemical weapon produced by a bastard company. Look at the movement of this lizard and see, Where did it come out.”


The equipment of the Flying Aircraft Carrier is very advanced, and the agents are very efficient. It didn’t take long for a picture to be transferred on the big screen.

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Secretary Nick, saw a huge gap in the Osborne corporate building, and suddenly he made a sigh. “It seems that Norman Osborne is completely mad in order to heal his family’s genetic diseases. Inform the operations department to arrest the lizard… ”

Secretary, the satellite detected the action of Spider-Man. He seemed to enter the Williamsburg Bridge. It looks like he wants to fight with the big lizard.” A special agent suddenly reported.

“Oh?” Nick’s interest got peaked. “Look at the combat power of this little spider. We should evaluate his combat power and see if he is suitable for joining our SHIELD.”


No For too long, the agent called again: “Secretary, the little spider has not yet played, the big lizard and a person are fighting.”

“Someone else? Is it a mutant?”

Director Nick looks at the big screen, at this time the screen show a strong and burly man is fighting with the big lizard, and it is a one-sided fight.


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John did not want to gossip, the big lizard was so fierce, as long as he did not find his own trouble, he was too lazy to manage.

But the big lizard was so fierce that he throw a car like a ball, and then gradually approached its position.

John hides in the crowd, the people around him are screaming, watching the big lizard rushing over, the sharp minions attacking a seven-year-old little loli, John can’t take it anymore, and his mental energy burns like gasoline. The body flew out like a cannonball.

However, in order not to get into trouble, he used his powerful control of the body cells to transform the body into a muscular and burly man, and the appearance of his face changed. The sharp and angular face of the fortitude, Much like Superman’s look, but there is no red underwear outside.


The strong sense of crisis made the lizard squat in the blink of an eye. It hasn’t reacted yet. John’s two big fists have been hit on his head covered with scales. The blood is splashing, and the body is flying uncontrolled. Going out, the two cars were twisted.

Seeing a trick to make meritorious deeds, John looked down and saw the little Lolita as frightened. He had big eyes with sapphire color, tears in his eyes, and open his mouth, but did not make a sound.

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John’s heart began to pity, he picked up the little Loli, flew over the crowd of mad people, and cried, “Whose child is this?”

“Mom!” Loli just made a sound.

It is a pity that no matter how little Lolli shouted, she did not see anyone coming out to collect it.

There is no mother who doesn’t love children. It seems that this little Loli’s mother met an accident.

John landed on the bridge and stopped at a middle-aged woman who looked very educated and said, “Lady, can you please take care of this little girl? I have to get this big lizard down the bridge!”

The middle-aged woman was just startled and saw John talking very well. She quickly nodded and said, “Okay, ok, no problem.”

“Thank you!”

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John once again flew to the sky. And made a shadow on the bridge. Because the speed is too fast, the air is bursting with fierce friction. He feels that his body can go faster. There is no problem with the speed of sound, but he will not do it, if it try, his clothes will burn and become a stout Superman.


The big lizard screamed in the sky, and the wild voice filled the hegemony of the world. Like a king in the forest overlooking the beasts, he stared at John with arrogance and eagerness.

From a thin form to a powerful person, there will be a arrogance that dominates the world. They all enjoy this ability and cannot be challenged and threatened by others.

John also has this mentality. He flies over the big lizard and taunts: “Are you provoking me? A big lizard also feels that he is invincible in the world?”

The brilliant light flashed in big lizard’s eyes. The corners of the mouth covered with fangs are slightly stunned and seem to be very disdainful.

This humanized expression could not help John to stay a little, only to think of this lizard is Dr. Connor, who has human wisdom.


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