Scientist to God

Chapter 11

Chapter 11: Beat lizardman

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John slightly frowned, his body suddenly disappeared, and appeared beside the big lizard, and his foot was on the sly face. Lizardman is not agile enough to dodge this and fly out.


The strong vibration pulled out a few pits on the hard iron bridge. The big lizard’s eyes were enlarged for a moment, and the distorted face was more awkward because of the pain.


The big lizard stood up angrily. The strong resilience quickly restored him to normal. He grabbed a small car next to him and threw it away. The bulky car turned out to be like a small stone.

John just sneaked away to avoid the thrown car, and then the body quickly approached, the fist quickly shot, and constantly hit the big lizard. The big lizard screamed, waving his sharp claws and constantly attacking John, who always dodges his attacks.

The big lizard attacked fiercely, but in the eyes of John, it was very dull and clumsy. He was like bullying a drunken fat man.

John has noticed the problem of this big lizard. This big lizard should be like a baby born. It is now in a toddler stage. It has not fully grasped the body, and it has a huge power, but it cannot be used flexibly. John is different from him. John is now opened a three-level brain domain. The mastery of the body is as sophisticated as a computer, and it can control every movement very flexibly.

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The big lizard had no power to fight back. In the end, John grabbed the tail of the big lizard and slammed against the bridge in the fierce struggle of the big lizard. In the snoring, a huge pit was formed on the iron bridge.

Come on!

Suddenly, John’s hands were empty, leaving only a vibrating lizard tail in his hand, and the big lizard was fleeing quickly, and throwing a car.

A car whistling to fly, John dodges, suddenly a car tumbling quickly in the air, accompanied by a woman’s horror.

Someone is inside!

John did not hesitate, and he grabbed the car in front of him. The huge impact force knocked him out to some distance and was able to stop.

John lifted the car very easily, and the car floated in the air. The people in the car were still screaming, and John try to comforted them but it was useless.

John was helpless, flew quickly, put the car on the side of the bridge, and then flew to the big lizard.

In order to prevent more casualties, it is necessary to make a quick decision.

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When John saved people, the big lizard ran fast on the bridge, and the sound of bumps on the bridge surface, the huge body slammed into a commercial vehicle.


The commercial vehicle was directly squashed, and the huge claws of the large lizard suddenly pierced the outer shell of the commercial vehicle and pinched an Indian middle-aged man inside.

The big lizard smiled and said: “Dr. Ratha, didn’t expect us to meet so soon?”

“You are, are you?” Dr. Ratha looked at the big lizard in shock, suddenly flashing a glimmer of light, incredulously shouted: “You are, are you Dr. Connor?”

“Yes, right.” The big lizard smiled and said: “How do you see my body, is it perfect? ??Perfect and strong limbs, and hard scales, do you marvel at it?

“Right?” The big lizard is a self-indulgent look. Dr. Conner completely regards himself as a lizard. He agrees with the current body and thinks that the lizard is the most perfect creature in the world, but human beings are some large numbers of locusts.

“Yes…Yes, Dr. Connor, why are you looking for me? I have no intention of offending you. I just obeyed the execution order of Mr. Norman Osbourne.” Ratha said in horror.

“Do you know what the characteristics of lizards are? Strong, cold-blooded, and they must attack back when they feel the danger.”

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The huge lizard’s huge pupil stared at the face of Ratha’s fear. A feeling of contempt for the creatures came to my heart. This feeling he liked very much. This little bug also dared to offend the king of the great lizard. This is to find death, in order to punish small offense of the bug, I should torture him, but now the annoying flying guy is coming again… the sharp claws are slightly closed, the neck of Ratha is pierced, and the head is crushed, brain and blood splashing around, Dr. Connor did not feel disgusting, but this bloody smell made him very excited.

This time the goal was solved. Dr. Conner swooped forward and climbed the iron pillar of the bridge and quickly climbed to the bottom of the bridge.

“Hey, where are you going, big lizard?”

At the bottom of the bridge, a man in a red and black coat stopped in front of the man’s head and feet, tied with a thread, hanging like a spider.

Dr. Conner scorned: “Small spider, do you want to stop me? You have to know that in nature, spiders have always been the food of lizards, small spiders, you have to deal with reptiles smaller than you.”

Peter does not care: “I think I am a breeder. I will take you into the zoo and let the children see what you look like.”

“A group of bedbugs also want to catch me!”

Dr. Conner suddenly rushed over and Peter sent out the spider web, a dexterous jump around the big lizard, soon the lizard was covered with a white spider web and hung on the bridge like a dragonfly.

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Peter smiled and turned. “You see, man, this big guy is easy to deal with!”

“Is that the case?”

John floated in midair and looked at Peter’s uniform with interest and asked: “Do you have this uniform for being hero?”

“Yes.” Peter renewed his body~ and asked, “How?”

“Bright red, you won’t be a sissy?” John sneer.

Peter suddenly looked at John’s look and curiously said: “Man, don’t you get a uniform? You expose your appearance and it will cause trouble. Oh, I know, you are the government person?”

Only the government people will not mind to expose themselves. The average superheroes will have the uniforms. Wrap your face and avoid a lot of trouble. After all, they have families and friends, fighting evil forces is very dangerous, the government will also talk about rules, but those evil forces can not care.

Once again being teased, Dr. Conner burned in anger and began to lose his senses. Several claws shredded the spider web and rushed to Peter.


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