Scientist to God

Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Professor X

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John went to a corner of the city, restored his original appearance, took out the mobile phone, and saw a lot of missed calls after booting, all of them were Gwen’s. She is worried that he has some accident.

John calls her.

“Is it John?” Gwen asked eagerly.

“Yes, it is me, Gwen.” John smiled.

“Thank God, you haven’t picked phone up, I thought you had an accident.” The other person gave a sigh of relief and asked: “John, what have you encountered, why didn’t you pick up my phone?”

“There was a big lizard on the Bridge. I saw it that he starting to destroy everywhere, so I run away.”

“Get it, John, I have read the news. It is Spider-Man and one other person beat lizardman, he is very burly, it is not like you at all, John, I haven’t seen you in the news at all, are you hiding aside, scared and squirming, giggling…”

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“Okay, that is not me, but I’m not scared to the crap, I was a very brave man.”

“Good, brave man, you would not let me up right now.”

“Of course not!”


Two of them were chatting, then agreed on the date of the appointment, the date is a coffee shop.

It didn’t take long for John to went to the coffee shop.

There are many people in the coffee shop, men and women, many of them are obviously couples, all of them are well-dressed, whispered, and very educated.

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The doorman came to the position of John, and a beautiful waitress slowly came over.

The waitress had long blond hair with a quiet smile on her face, full of pure air, but her sapphire eyes seemed so vicissitude that she seemed to have experienced many things.

How can such a pair of eyes appear on a young girl, it should have on an old man.

When John’s heart just flashed through this doubt, he suddenly felt that his surroundings were quiet all the time. Everyone’s movements were as static as a photo, and there was no sound, and it was quiet all around. Only the sound of the women’s uniforms hitting the ground.

“Hello, my brother!” Waitress said politely.

Her voice is sweet, but the rhythm is slow and sounds like a puppet being manipulated.

John’s brain flashed a person’s name. Only in this city, he has the ability to find himself easily and call himself a brother.

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John looked at the female waitress and asked: “Are you Professor X?”

The waitress was slightly surprised and said: “Yes, I am Professor X, it seems that you are not ignorant of our mutant groups.”

“Professor X is famous in the mutants. I have certainly heard of it.” John looked at the female waitress and praised him: “Professor, your mental control ability is really powerful, and you can control so many people from a distance.”

“Everyone has some powers, your strength is also very strong, and my mental ability has no effect on you. It seems that you also have a spiritual talent.” Professor-X curiously looked at John, like founded a treasure.

John loose shoulders and said: “I have a lot of abilities. These are just some of my abilities. Well, Professor, what are you looking for me today? I don’t like to turn around, please say it straight! I am waiting for my girlfriend to date, I don’t want her to find out that I am a mutant.”

Professor-X smiled and said: “Okay, I found a new level-4 mutant today. I am very happy, so I ventured to find you, I want to invite you to come to our college as a guest.”

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“Of course, I have long wanted to meet Professor and other friends.” John promised and curiously asked: “Professor, you said that I am a level-4 mutant. How is this mutant grade divided?”

Professor X saw him agree, showing a bright smile and resolving: “Dr., you should know that our mutant ability is derived from the mental power of the X gene and the brain, the X gene has super power, and the mental power is to provide super power. The energy of the analogy is like comparing a mutant to a car. The X gene is like an engine, and the mental power is gasoline. In the engine limit, the more gasoline, the faster the engine, this is the car. The same is true for our mutants. The level of the mutant is the amount of mental power.”

This is the same as what I expected. John nodded, looking through the glass window and just seeing Gwen. He said: “Professor, my girlfriend is coming, our conversation ends here today.”

“Okay.” Professor X took out a note and wrote the address of the college. “Looking forward to our official meeting next time, Dr. Ph.D.!”

Then the spiritual power in the space disappeared, and the entire cafe revives again. The people continued to speak the original content, and did not realize that they had been manipulated.

“Sir, what do you want to drink?” waitress said politely, a pair of big eyes and watery.


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