Scientist to God

Chapter 14

Chapter 14: Gwen became girlfriend

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“Please wait a moment.” John stood up and greeted Gwen, “Gwen, you finally came, I almost died waiting.”

Gwen rolled his eyes and looked at the women’s clothing ~ the staff is not good: “I think you just talked very happily.”

“Yes? We just talked about what to drink.” John has a gentlemanly style to help Gwen remove the chair.

After the two were seated, the staff said politely: “What do you want to drink?”

“Green tea.”


“Okay, please wait a moment.” The waiter turned and left.

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Gwen smiled and said: “The big scientist, the girl was just good, right?”

“It’s just a good look. I like a woman with good looks and brain.” John smiled.

“I know your taste.” Gwen smiled, and a pair of sapphire sneered at John. “But men like to play one night stand many times.”

“Okay.” John took out the note written by Professor-X from the pocket. “You see this is just the address of a school. I have to go to school as a guest..”

“Xavier talent Junior school? Haha, this is a mutant college, how can you go, John, are you a mutant?” Gwen laughed.

“Do you know the mutant school?” John was surprised.

“What’s weird, you do not forget my dad is the police chief of New York City, the school, he mentioned it before.” Gwen laughed, “You have not told me how you are invited to that place?”

Gwen’s eyes are like a curious cat. John knows that this girl is very curious. If he wants to continue to communicate with her, this secret is not good for her.

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John whispered: “Because I am a mutant.”

“Oh, you are a mutant.” Gwen smiled, but his expression was not surprised at all, like a look that she knew early.

John frowned: “You don’t seem surprised at all?”

Gwen shrugged and smiled. “You are so prominent in the lab. Dr. Conner spent ten years studying the metamorphosis formula. You only perfected in one day. How can you have such a smart brain? How can you be an ordinary person? You know, my colleagues said that you are an alien!”

“You have already guessed my identity.” John smiled and said: “So are you not afraid?”

“You look handsome, have a peaceful personality, and can solve human problems. Such a useful person should be treated as a baby by human society. How can you be afraid?” Gwen looks at John.

John was a little surprised, only to realize that his powerful ability is to build, not destroy, to help human society, human society will naturally accept.

John relaxed with a sigh of relief and looked at Gwen: “Gwen, then, what do you think of me?”

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“Well,” Gwen smiled and said, “Besides being a little handsome. In addition, you are a book worm, sometimes became a madman while researching, and always forget that there is a lady around.”

“Sorry Gwen, I still think that you are more interesting than those studies, you are willing to be my Girlfriend?” John looked at her with a smile.

Gwen was silent for a while, and her face was slightly red. She said, “I don’t think I should refuse it. After all, you are a mutant, hehe!”


Two decided the relationship and their moods became incomparable pleasant, the conversation has become very easy, they talked a lot, and they felt that time passed quickly.

Half an hour later, Gwen retired. After all, she is still a high school girl. Her life is still controlled by her parents. She can’t stay too late outside.

After the two separated, John immediately returned to his home, turned on the computer, and looked at the scientific materials.

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He is now a fourth-level brain. He doesn’t want to waste and decides to read all night.

While reading the book, there was a small normal interface flicker on his computer screen. This change is very subtle, and ordinary people can’t see it, but he is now a four-level brain domain, and he has a super five sense, this change is easily captured.

The interface flickers, generally the voltage is unstable, or the amount of information processed by the computer is too large, so that the computer host chip generates too high computing speed, which makes the computer display interface flicker, and the network suddenly becomes congested. These are normal. The phenomenon, and the most worrying one is that there are other programs that hack into the computer without permission, causing the processing speed of the computer to be delayed. The so-called hacker invaded his computer.

After a few seconds of searching, he noticed that something was wrong. He actually had a well-known computer operating system. If he changed it to the average person. no one will remember the files in the system.

After some searching, John found this extra software. This is a very inconspicuous software, disguised as a system image processing system, which is difficult for most people to find, and only John who know everything about it find it easily.

Now John has determined that this software is a hacking software.

John is very angry and must give this hacker a profound lesson.


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