Scientist to God

Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Invade the computer

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John is not very good at hacking techniques, so his computer will be invaded by human beings, but it doesn’t matter. His ability to learn can make him a powerful hacker soon.

John did not alarm the software. Anyway, his computer has no special things except books and simple materials.

He first went to the hacker’s professional website to browse through the books, and then bought dozens of professional books online, such as assembly language programming, encryption and decryption technology, Trojans and worm technology, intrusion and prevention knowledge, etc., a wide variety, classification.

Because the network knowledge is very complicated, the general hacker gangs are classified into categories, and one person is responsible for one profession, which is more proficient in this aspect than other team members. Unlike John, his strong learning ability can make him proficient in all aspects. He spent six hours, read more than one hundred professional books, and mastered all kinds of hacking expertise in his mind. He is confident that his current hacking technique is absolutely top on the earth. Of course, he is not confident on Marvel earth. There are too many black technologies in the world. There are a lot of artificial intelligence or black technology gangs. Even if he has strong knowledge and technology, he will not be their opponent, because he can’t compare with others in hardware.

John spent half an hour writing a firewall and an invading Trojan and virus. After he started the firewall, what surprised him was that he found a Trojan.

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This Trojan is hidden deep enough, this is the top hacking technology, the previous one can only be regarded as professional level.

John eyes condensed, and his hands and fingers leaped fast on the keyboard. After half an hour, he finally found the source of the Trojan horse through numerous obstacles.

“Shield?” John was slightly surprised, and then smiled bitterly: “It was actually monitored by the SHIELD. No wonder the hacker technology is so powerful.”

After he finished, he threw the virus he had written into, and then quickly quit and disappeared. There is no trace. Then he found the source of the first Trojan software. It was very smooth this time, but after a minute, he found the other party.

John smiled, this person he knows, it is his boss, Norman Osborne.

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“Norman Osborne also invaded my computer. It seems that he should have noticed something.”

John frowned slightly, but he was most worried about this Osborne boss, because all his research is in Osborne company. And it was probably monitored by this guy. It is very likely that his research was clearly seen by him.

Thinking of this, John immediately launched an offensive, entered the computer of Norman Osborne without a word, and checked the computers of his related chain. Finally, he even entered the monitoring equipment of the Osborne building. The land was found several times before it retired.

He took a sigh of relief, and Osborne did not find his genetic fusion and research on mutants because Osborne’s surveillance system found that John had a record of deleting test data, which caused Norman Osborne to get alerted, but he obviously does not think that someone can break through these scientific difficulties in a short period of time, so he did not go deep into it. He just used hacking techniques to check John’s computer to see if he had hidden anything.

This is what Norman used to do. His hacking software was purchased from a top hacker gang in the world. It is said that the hacking gang is ranked in the top ten on the planet. The intrusion software they provide can be invaded even to the US government. In general, they will not go to do that.

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Norman is using this software to monitor the scientists with strong capabilities. It is unbelievable and has never been discovered. This time John’s outstanding performance caused Norman’s interest. According to the previous rules, he also invaded John’s computer. He browsed it on John’s computer and found nothing suspicious. He just found this young man is very good at learning, because there are many professional books in his computer.

“It’s no wonder that this young man can help Connor improve the formula for the rate of change.” Norman exclaimed.

He is a successful entrepreneur and a well-known scientist. He is always very appreciative of young and hard-working young people.


Suddenly his computer made an alarm, this is someone invading, or a virus destroying the computer system.

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Norman’s action was fast, and he quickly cut off the network, but the alarm continued, and a video suddenly jumped out and occupied the entire screen of the computer.


A blonde naked girl riding on a man, constantly up and down, very hard and full of soul, this is a pleasing picture, if this blonde is not her own secretary and the lover is he himself, it will be perfect.

“Fuck!” Norman angered.


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