Scientist to God

Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Dinner

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John smiled: “Miss, I am very good at organizing data. This is my specialty. You don’t have to worry about it!”

“Do you think I am a fool?” Gwen’s face was black. “Do you think that you can do so much faster than me?”

“You don’t believe, even try me!” John is confident.

“Of course!”

Gwen deliberately made some very complicated data and equations, and the results were that John answered with the flow, no stagnation, even he can tell the opposite of the original data, and finally start to optimize, and get better data and equations.

“This, this…” Gwen looked at him like she is looking at a monster. After a long time, she said: “Mr. John, you are really strong. It seems that I am unemployed!”


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John was dumbfounded, but I didn’t expect this old-fashioned girl to be joking. As a powerful assistant to Dr. Conner, Dr. Conner found that John was more qualified than her for the job and would not let her lose her job. She can do a lot of things.

“Miss, do you need me to give you unemployment benefits?” John joked.

Gwen shrugged his shoulders and said: “If you have this ability, I don’t mind if I want to cook for you!”

“Do you want me to treat you? No problem, eating with a beautiful girl, I am very happy!”

John smiled and looked at Gwen’s eyes. The sapphire-like eyes were as deep as a pool of water, and filled with some mystery, attracting John to explore.

He has some interest in this beautiful girl.

“Do you want to pursue me?” Gwen smiled slightly and was very sensitive. She pointed out John’s intention. Sapphire’s eyes turned and said, “I can give you a chance, really, I am also very curious about you!”

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The western peoples were straightforward and generous, out of John’s expectation, he did not expect the other party to agree to it so quickly, so that he was somewhat uncomfortable, and some strange ideas appeared in his mind. Maybe this Western girl had already talked many times about Love.

“No problem! I will work hard!” John said.

“You have such outstanding talents, I need to inform Dr. Conner immediately, let him know.”

Gwen opened the internal contact and explained the situation of John to Dr. Connor. Dr. Connor soon came, he tested John again and found the same. As Gwen said, suddenly they found a treasure, and it was a surprise.

Dr. Connor said with joy: “John, I really did not think you are so talented, I think let you organize information will bury your talent, so you and I will study cross-species gene together, will you?”

Connor looked at John with an eager look. John naturally promised: “No problem, Dr. Conner!”

[“Ting! Host got the approval of Dr. Connor, the famous scientist, and entered the core experiment. The system rewards 100 point value.”

Hearing the sound of the system, John was a bit surprised. He quickly asked: “What are the methods for obtaining scientific value?”

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“There are many, mainly one, Completing the task of which system release, and second, through scientific research with some achievements, third, the reputation of the host has improved, for example, recognized by famous scientists!”

“Prestige?” John slightly indulged, said: “If I publish a paper in a famous scientific journal, can I also get points?”

“Yes, the system will reward scientific values based on the influence and depth of the paper.”

John’s thinking is very fast now, and these are systematic conversation seems to have a lot of power.

Dr. Conners sudden attention to John, makes Gwen slightly embarrassing. This man, who was a few years older than herself, actually blew her on IQ, which made her self-confident and arrogant behavior to rebel, and began to confront him. Full of curiosity, or a feeling of admiration in the heart, but this emotion is not even aware of by herself.

“We have protein structure, ribosomal DNA, chromatographic analysis, transgenic testing, which is the X-ray imager, the only one in the world.”

Dr. Conner took John through a heavy checkpoint and came to the core experiment. In the room, he introduces the laboratory equipment to John while walking.

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“Human line spectrum evaluator.” John pointed to a device and said, “I have seen this thing!”

“Canary equipment!” Dr. Conner glanced at it and said: “The principle is very simple, it is loaded on this. An antigen, the reaction cloud it produces can cover a nearby area, or even the entire city. In theory, you can cure a small numbness in the whole city in one shot.”

“Very good equipment,” John pretending to be careless: “But some people use it on the reverse side. In this machine, some kind of toxic substances are loaded, and toxic substances cover the whole city. That is a disaster for the city.”

Dr. Conner smiled: “Don’t worry, the startup core device of this device is strictly kept, except for a limited number of people who have the right to activate it, no-one can activate it.”

John secretly turned his eyes, his heart spits, my biggest worry is you!

In the Ultimate Spider-Man, Dr. Conner used this device to send out the lizard virus, covering the entire city, almost turning every city’s people into lizards.

Seeing this scourge, John is very worried, but he is completely powerless with his current ability.


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