Scientist to God

Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Enthalpy rate equation

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Two stood in front of a three-dimensional virtual platform, where the lizard kept squirming, and the surrounding cytokines continued to emerge.

Dr. Conner finger slides ~ moving platform, while introducing: “John, the platform you see is a super computer, this lizard is simulated by this super computer by the virtual model, using the perfect data to create the model, is exactly the same as the living lizard. The supercomputer can transplant the data of this lizard model to the test subjects, such as these mice, but we have encountered difficulties, these white mice have been transplanted. After we transplant the lizards’ genes, none of them survived. Their decay rate algorithm is not perfect enough…”

[“Ting! Trigger task: Complete the enthalpy rate algorithm within three days, the mission successfully rewards with 1000 scientific values, and the mission failure deducts 500 points. Scientific value!”]

Hearing the sound of the system, John quickly said: “Dr., although I don’t know much about your experiment, I am willing to assist you with my strength. Can I look at your ambiguity equation?”

Dr. Conner looked at John through glasses and had not spoken. John was very nervous. He knew that this equation is the core of Dr. Conner’s research. The results of years of research, such a thing cannot be shown to a newcomer, he would hesitate. What if he is a spy of other companies?

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It may be that Dr. Connor was too eager to find, and John’s computing power was too shocking. He was silent for a long time and finally nodded: “Ok!”

Dr. Connor opened his computer and entered the password. After that, John saw the calculation equation of the enthalpy rate. This equation is not just a small segment as in the original book, but a space occupying a few hundreds of thousands of data and symbols, which is very complicated. John in the general state sees this equation, don’t say perfection, it is difficult to even understand.

But now it is different, he opened 20% of the brain domain, the brain movement is very fast, and it is almost unforgettable, he only finished the equation after a few minutes, then the mind will constantly split and combined to find out the advantages and disadvantages and keep improving.

At the same time, his ten fingers, such as the elf, hit the keyboard, and the crisp sound of the slaps gently echoed in the lab. The number of words and data kept appearing on the computer screen, and the calculations were constantly improved with.

At the beginning, Dr. Conner just took the attention to make John to try it. He did not think that John entered the state so quickly. He stood behind John and kept looking at the data appearing on the screen. His similarities, some completely different, seem to have different general meanings, but he does not have the quick thinking of John, and it is impossible to understand quickly or be ignorant. Gradually, with the increase of data, Dr. Conner saw the signs, and it seems that John is moving forward with a successful formula.

In the end, he didn’t bother, just watching silently. This was all day, and suddenly he heard John surprise voice: “Success!”

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Dr. Conner’s heart jerked, excited asked: “Let me see, let me see!”


John smiled slightly, suddenly jerked stiffly, feeling that his cervical spine, fingers, and arm were sore, and he could not move his body for a while. Quickly asked: “Dr. Connor, how long has it been?”

Connor saw his anomaly and apologized: “You see the sky is already dark, it has been more than ten hours. Sorry, John, I don’t want to interrupt your inspiration, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”

“No wonder my stomach is screaming. This guy is really heart-wrenching. For his equation, I didn’t eat it. I have been working for ten hours without drinking. But this inspiration is really hard to say. Maybe I haven’t had it so well after I ate. My brain domain is really changing. I feel my body became too abnormal.”

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Despite John’s complaints, He still said: “It’s okay, Dr. Connor. This inspiration is hard to say. Maybe I didn’t have it so well after eating. Dr. Connor, you can check the equation!”

John moved a little, then slowly stood up. Dr. Conner quickly sat down to look at the data. John knew that he was not as fast as his own thinking. He had to understand it for a few hours, so he went to the restaurant in the Osborne building and had a sumptuous dinner.

After eating and drinking, he smashed in the restaurant for an hour before he walked back to the Lab slowly. At this time, Dr. Conner had finished reading the equation and hugged John, saying: “John, you are a genius, no, no, genius is not as good as one of your ten thousand. How powerful is your mind is, it is not like a human brain.”

Dr. Conner looked at John with a stunned look. It’s completely fanatical, and John can’t help but feel that he’s not interested in his brain structure. Wouldn’t he want him to be the experimental mouse?

Dr. Conner did not notice John’s cranky thoughts. He cried: “We have to quickly verify this equation. I have a hunch that we can succeed this time!”

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Dr. Conner introduced the equation into the supercomputer. The supercomputer runs fast and begins the cross-gene experiment. It is to introduce the lizard’s genes into a mouse model using a new equation.

“Replace protein, eliminate immune response, start, genetic transformation… Please wait…”

The sound of the supercomputer mechanic slowly said. John and Conner’s both stared nervously at the three-legged mouse on the platform.

“The equation is calculated successfully and the regeneration is completed. The mysterious signs are normal, the blood pressure is normal, and the broken limbs are successfully regenerated.”

Listening to the success report of the supercomputer, and the mouse that has become a complete body on platform, Dr. Conner’s face has ecstatic look: “Great!”

[“Ting! Host successfully improved the equation, and the task was completed in three days, rewarding 1000 scientific values!”]


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