Scientist to God

Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Study Spider-Man’s serum

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After greeting Mr. Connor, Peter and Gwen became John’s assistants. After John found a few more people, he set up a group for a while. The new members are very simple, still in the initial stage, but John does not care, in fact, these people are just for deceiving people, to study the results mainly to see John himself.

In the lab, John waved: “Peter, Gwen, you two come over!”

Peter and Gwen quickly came over and asked, “What’s the matter, John?”

John holds two syringes in his hand, smiled and said: “The ultimate goal of our research is to use on the human body. Today Dr. Connor asked me to prepare the cell fusion between the human body and the lizard blood, so I need some human blood. Are you willing to contribute to science??”

Gwen complained: “Human blood, you can go to the hospital to buy blood, our are very valuable.”

Gwen although complain, but she has begun to roll up her sleeves.

In the eyes of Peter, there was a slight panic, and he shook his head. “John, I am sorry, I am anaemic, I can’t draw blood!” Gwen looked at him contemptuously and cried, “No, Peter, I see you are very lively jumping around. How can it be anemia, you don’t want to draw blood, you can say, there is no need to lie!”

“Yes, Peter, why don’t you want to draw blood, can you tell us? I want just a little blood. Nothing fussed, can you be compared to a girl!” John looked at him with a smile.

Peter sneaked in his heart: Was it seen by him, no, no matter what, I can not let his blood appear on the test bench.

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“I am sorry, I can’t draw blood!” Peter shook his head.

John said: “It seems that Peter has some other reasons he can’t give blood, I am not reluctant.”

Gwen looked at Peter’s eyes full of contempt, not willing to draw blood, maybe this Peter really got a bad disease.

Peter’s face was awkward and his heart was bitter and awkward.

Between John and Peter, suddenly pressed the button on the console, the two robots on the console suddenly reached out, and grabbed Peter, and then a pinhole penetrated Peter’s body, but in less than a second, a lot of blood was taken.

“What are you doing?”

Peter was furious and wanted to explode his strength, but his low-key personality made him give up on this plan, just glaring at John.

“John, what are you doing, hurry up and put him down!” Gwen also looked at him with dissatisfaction.

“Don’t worry, I just take a little blood and make a contribution to the evolutionary cause of mankind.”

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John shrugged indifferently, when the robotic arm reached, he took the syringe filled with Peter’s blood, and then the syringe is retracted into the safe.

“Peter, your blood, I have accepted it, you can rest assured, if you have any secrets, I will keep it secret for you!” John blinked at Peter and let the robot arm release Peter.

Peter looked at the safe and wanted to rush to take the blood away, but it was bound to expose his ability. This John seems to have discovered my secret. He said it would keep my secret. I hope so.

Gwen sees Peter was so nervous, and her heart is funny, she thinks that John will keep Peter secret is the kind of messy infectious disease.

After getting Peter’s blood, John was excited. He began to work overtime to study Spider-Man’s serum. He just started to sort out the data. He only used the first-level brain domain. One scientific value per day is enough. After finishing the data, the research began in the secondary brain domain. Finally, even the third-level brain domain was opened. His IQ was further improved, but the corresponding scientific value was also consumed very quickly.

It takes 100 points a day to open a three-level brain domain. His scientific value is only a thousand points, and it can be consumed for a few days.

Because these John gave up research on lizards, the progress of research on lizards has stagnated, and Dr. Conner has had trouble.

In Dr. Conner’s office, Dr. Conner and Dr. Ratha are in a tit-for-tat.

Dr. Connor looked at the bird mouse on the table, and looked a little excited: “Interracial genetic already fully functional, and Freddy’s leg has been completely regenerated and healthy, recently found to have no side effects!”

Freddy is the little mouse on the table.

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“This is a miracle.” Dr. Ratha echoed and randomly looked at Dr. Connor. “But now the test progress is too slow! You have no further breakthroughs in recent days! The magical genius John has not had any movement in recent days as well!”

“Slow?” Dr. Connor shook his head, “I do not think so, science is a sequential gradual process, not a poet has inspired you to create basic scientific research, we need to improve basic research, our Inspiration can work, or it will be the result of detonation, it will have the opposite effect.”

“But, BOSS has no time to wait for you to study slowly.” Dr. Ratha stared at Dr. Connor.

Dr. Conner was slightly stagnated, and said: “He has to wait, there is no way. Unless he wants to be a little mouse.”

Ratha shrugged: “He will not be a little mouse, he now is very anxious, he hopes that you will speed up the pace and eliminate the useless steps!”

Dr. Conner browed: “What do you mean, don’t you think…”

“Yes, it is human trial!” Dr. Ratha said, “you need to do some human trials!”

“No, absolutely not.” Dr. Connor angry denial, “this is a disregard for human life! Life is not a joke, not to mention you can not find volunteers!”

Dr. Ratha smiled and said: “We can say that it is a flu vaccine. Who cares, we can try it in the Veterans Hospital.”

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“Are you kidding?” Dr. Conner looked at Dr. Ratha incredibly.

“What do you think?” Dr. Ratha sneered and said, “Don’t talk in this kind of sinful tone. The same is true for Richard Parker. You know what happened?”

The result is that the plane is out of order, and both husband and wife are dead. He left Peter Parker, which is now Spider-Man.

Dr. Conner trembled in his heart and looked at Dr. Ratha silently. He finally resolutely shook his head: “I can’t do it!”

“Well, the equation is now in the company. Say goodbye to the arm that you dream off.” Dr. Ratha regretfully shakes his head: “You are fired! You can vacate the office tomorrow morning. Your little pets can also be taken away.”

He picks up some information and a bottle of serum out of the office.

Dr. Conner was staring at Dr. Ratha leaving, remembering the efforts of more than ten years, the dream of ten years of persistence was to be shattered in a day, and his heart was desperate. Then there was full of anger and unwillingness.

“There is always a way.” Finally he looked at the serum on the table. “Maybe I can give it to myself!”


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