Scientist to God

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Spiderman’s Secret

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After more than ten days of research, John discovered the secret of Spider-Man. It turned out that Peter could become Spider-Man, not accidental, but because of his father.

John discovered through research that animal genes and human genes are two different species of genes, which are conflicting with each other. Human injection of animal genes can only become animal forms, just like a lizardman. In order to maintain human form, animal genes must be adapted to human genes. The solution is to cultivate animal genes. The method of cultivation is to use the user’s own gene as a blueprint, and select the mammalian gene to be fused in advance, and wait until the animal is mature before using the extracting agent.

This technology matured more than a decade ago. This person is Peter’s father, Richard Parker. Richard Parker uses his son’s genes as a blueprint to train special spiders, so that this special spider is constantly updated and perfected. After more than ten years, he finally developed a special spider. At this time, Peter just came to the Osborne building and was bitten by a special spider, so that the gene of the special spider was perfectly integrated into Peter.

Peter was able to become Spider-Man, but it was the result of his father’s scientific research, and he had been in Osborne for more than a decade. Osborne worked hard to cultivate spiders for more than a decade, but eventually made a wedding dress for others. Because the genes of these special spiders are based on Peter, they can only work for Peter. Other spider genes can only become monsters.

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These are all methods of John’s research on the perfect integration of animal genes and human genes. After alleging through various signs, he firmly believes that basically eight to nine are inseparable.

[“Hey! Host has developed a method of perfect integration of animal genes and human genes, and the task is completed to reward 10,000 scientific values.”]

With John discovering the secrets of Spider-Man, the system also issued a prompt to complete the task.

Hearing the sound of the system, John can only smile. Although he fully understands the perfect combination of animal genes and human genes, the problem is that to do this must be the same as Peter’s father, and the time of cultivation is generally very long, and it is generally possible for ten or twenty years.

John, who has this time to consume, has ten years of energy to create a spiderman, it is better to study the mutant gene, the mutant is also human, their genes and ordinary people will not conflict.

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Thinking of the mutants, John couldn’t help but be excited. The many abilities of the mutants made him jealous, such as the regenerative ability of Wolverine, which can make people feel immortal, Professor X telepathic ability, Storm manipulates lightning storm… and so on, many, many.

Solving the problem of the perfect fusion of species genes, John condition is like he find a treasure, which can be used to fuse the genes of the mutants. Just like a sentinel robot, it is easy to fuse the genes of the mutant.

Thinking of this, John couldn’t help but laugh, and he was so excited that he couldn’t be another Spider-Man but can be a perfect mutant.

“Where is the mutant school? If you can enter the mutant school and get some blood from the mutants.” John mutters.

“Mutants?” Always pay attention to John’s behavior, Gwen said. “You are very interested in those monsters?”

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“Of course.” John nodded and yearned: “You see that mutants have a lot of strange powers. Can fly, will spurt fire, can become invisible, and even immortal, this incredible ability if we can master, then humanity will be a huge evolution!”

Gwen did not agree with his point of view and she shook her head: “But, Mutants are very dangerous. They are often lawless, unscrupulously destroying the law, often hurting ordinary people, people are very disgusted with them…”

John slightly frowns: “This is the process of two races working together, mutual understanding, mutual distrust, eventually evolved into conflict, even war. This kind of thing is inevitable. We are scientists, we can not control social ethics problems, we need to focus on is this strange magical ability mutant race.”

Gwen said: “If you are interested in Mutant gene, you can go to the biological warehouse to collect some samples to study.”

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“What do you say, we have Mutants blood in Osborne?” John was amazed and staring at Gwen.

Gwen grinned and said: “Our Osbourne company is the world’s leading biological research company. You are now a first-class researcher at Osborne and have the right to watch these things.”

“Great, Gwen, let’s go to the bio-warehouse!”

John can’t wait to let Gwen take him to the bio-warehouse. Really, he came to Osborne for many days, but he has been painstaking researching spiderman, he is not familiar with this building.

Fortunately, with the help of Gwen, the two entered the biological warehouse very smoothly.


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