Translator: RandomAlex

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Editor: Makoto


Ding Luxin’s current husband keeps no less than three mistresses outside, one of whom is a young artist who had just entered the entertainment circle. Originally, for artists that are good-looking and had a good figure, it was normal for them to take advantage of it to find a rich boss to support them. After all, this era despised poverty but not prostitution.            

(TNote: despising poverty but not prostitution = the notion in society that it’s better to get ahead in the world by abandoning one’s scruples than to suffer poverty.)

But the problem was that the man, who was almost 60, liked to hit people.

He was old. With such overindulgence at an advanced age, ‘that’ place wouldn’t work from time to time, and any medicine he tried wouldn’t help anymore. Nowadays, he would often fall weak in the middle of it, and would start to release his anger to the person below him.

Ding Luxin used to be the one who was the target for his anger. Later, since she grew older and looked more aged, the old man stopped looking for her, and she breathed a sigh of relief. Although she was afraid that this man would divorce her at any time, at least she didn’t get beaten as frequently.

However, in her place, the little artist was beaten several times. Just, since it wasn’t serious, and he gave her compensation afterwards, although she felt wronged, she still endured it.

But this time, the man drank too much wine, and because he couldn’t get hard, he punched and kicked her. She screamed and attempted to run away, which angered him even more. Consumed by rage, he kicked her several times in the abdomen.

After that, she went to the hospital for examination, and the doctor told her that she could no longer have children.

This event was simply the most horrible punishment in the world for a woman who still wanted to be a mother.

Now, she didn’t want to be a rich woman, and she didn’t want to get ahead anymore. She just wanted justice for herself. Of course, it would be better if she could get some compensation from that damn old man.

As soon as this incident came to light, people immediately associated it with Ding Luxin’s loss of fertility. 

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When she said Wei Mingyan’s father abused her, it was a lie. So, who was the real abuser?


Soon, it was revealed that the accusation of ‘Ding Luxin’s ex-husband sending someone to smash her hotel’ was a lie, as those who smashed the hotel had been arrested. As it turns out, they were from the debt collection company, appearing there to collect the debt Ding Luxin’s current husband had accrued. These people were hired to ask for the money back. As usual, if they didn’t get the money, they would smash the hotel. 

‘The loss of fertility due to domestic violence by the ex-husband’, was a complete lie. ‘The hotel was retaliated against’, was also a complete lie, even the so-called ‘son wasn’t filial’ was all made up.

When her own son borrowed money from his father to save his girlfriend’s grandmother, she accused him of using it to buy luxury goods.

Furthermore, she said that he was violent and led a lavish life, when in truth he was reluctant to buy expensive things, and insisted on giving money to the orphanage every month, on top of frequently volunteering there.

There was also the girl who was supposedly once pursued by Wei Mingyan, and had been criticized by netizens until she cried. She couldn’t stand the criticisms and admitted the truth.

She was paid to deliberately smear Wei Mingyan’s name.

As for the person who gave her the money, at this point, even if she didn’t say it, everyone could guess. 

Such a vicious woman who treats her own son so badly. They were actually fooled by her pitiful appearance for so long. 

On the other hand, there was Wei Mingyan. If no one knew him before, then after this, everyone understood what kind of person he was.

When he was a child, he was abused by his mother, but he worked hard to grow up. His father became rich, but he insisted on working part-time without his father’s money. He saved money from working multiple part time jobs and donated money to the orphanage. When he had time, he would volunteer. When his girlfriend was in trouble, he didn’t hesitate to borrow money from his father to help her.

Good grades, good character and good looks!

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This was the perfect good man! 

The followers in Wei Mingyan’s Weibo account and the live broadcast account shared with Xuan Lele climbed at a rate of several hundred per second. After this, he became extremely popular.


After the matter was completely cleared, Father Wei sued Ding Luxin.

After a series of procedures, evidence collection and analysis, Ding Luxin was sentenced to 1 and a half years in prison, according to the laws of China.

If she just spread rumors on the Internet, she wouldn’t have been jailed, but who told her to falsely accuse people, falsify evidence, and lie to the judge? She was sentenced as such, which was already very kind of the judge.

With how much publicity this incident garnered, many reporters were watching when the judge handed down the final verdict. After the woman found out the verdict, her face suddenly turned pale. Ignoring the wink of the lawyer beside her, she kept shouting.

“That’s not true. My husband asked me to do this. Mingyan, Mingyan! Help your mother. I’m your mother!!”

She shouted at Wei Mingyan, and the reporter quickly pointed the camera at Wei Mingyan.

On the screen, the beautiful young man’s eyes showed a little suffering, but his face was still expressionless. However, at his sides, his hands were shaking slightly as it grabbed his clothes, his slender fingers clenched tight.

Ding Luxin, who was full of panic, couldn’t see these little details, only that her own son’s expression was indifferent. She gritted her teeth and her eyes shined with hatred, “Unfilial son! I should have drowned you in the first place! I should have starved you to death!!!”

She was only halfway through that sentence when she was pulled away.

With threats thrown around in court, the verdict looked like it was going to be taken to another level.

However, no one paid attention to her any more. Almost everyone’s eyes were on the man in the camera whose gaze was instantly disoriented, and he dismally released his grip on his shirt and hung his head without saying another word.

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He didn’t speak, but it didn’t prevent his fans from feeling distressed.

How can their Anchor be so pitiful? How can such a good anchor be born from such a vicious woman?


“Tsk tsk tsk…”

Wang Cao didn’t work overtime today. He happily bought fruit to visit his old Mother. As soon as he opened the door, he saw his gray-haired Mother exclaiming in front of the TV.

“Mom, what are you watching?”

He put down the fruit and planned to mop the floor with a mop.

“Watching the news. This woman really doesn’t deserve to be a mother. How can she do this to her son? Listen, she ran away with another man when her son was young. As a result, her son grew up, but she came out to speak ill of him. She also bought that, whatever water army, to pour dirty water on him. But now, she has been sentenced. Really… if I had such a mother, I would definitely beat her. It’s too bad.”

Wang Cao’s hand that was holding a mop froze, and he looked up. Wei Mingyan was on TV.

Hesitation appeared in his eyes. “Maybe he isn’t filial to his mother. He also said that he would sever the mother-child relationship with his mother.”

“Filial piety also depends on who it is filial to. I think he is good to his father. Just now, he was still holding out. With this kind of mother, if I were him, I would also be unfilial.”

Listening to what the old lady said while she was eating soft peanuts, Wang Cao’s face looked embarrassed. He continued mopping the floor, pondering on what his mother just said.

That evening, in Wei Mingyan’s microblog, a comment appeared. 

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[I’m sorry blogger. I was too biased before, I apologize to you.]

The owner of the comment finished posting. He looked at the computer in front of him, still full of rants about the vicious woman, while tutting and shutting down the computer.

There really are such cruel mothers in the world. This was really an eye-opening experience for him.


Father Wei himself didn’t expect this matter to be so full of twists and turns, but in the end, it was solved peacefully. Moreover, because his ex-wife made such a fuss, their hotel was a little famous now. Every day, guests came like clouds. It seems that he can start planning to establish another branch now.

Of course, he sometimes helped out at the hotel, and every time he was there, he had to answer a query that he had answered a thousand times before.

“Mingyan is not at our hotel right now. Yes, yes, I can’t see him here.”

Although the guests always left with disappointment each time, Father Wei’s heart had some pride and some helplessness.

Mingyan, this kid, how many fans did he have on the internet?

“Are you Wei Mingyan’s father? May I take a photo with you?”

“Eh? Okay.”

Watching another fan sitting back in her seat, satisfied with the photo, Father Wei helplessly packed up his things.

He’d better take a trip and hide from the fans who saw them, father and son, as idols.

Fans were really looking for Wei Mingyan everywhere. The reason was naturally because their Anchor had never broadcasted live since the incident. At first, everyone thought that he was hurt by his mother and needed time to heal. However, it has been half a month by now, and this healing time was too long.

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