Translator: RandomAlex

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Editor: Makoto


[There should be a pearl inside, right? Don’t pearls come out of clams?]

[Previous commenter, you’re talking about pearl clams.]

[It doesn’t make any difference. But the clam looks clean, and its surface pattern is stunningly beautiful. Although it is a bit strange to use it as a gift for a marriage proposal, there’s nothing wrong with it.]

[You are all wrong, I’m guessing they are keeping it as a pet.]

[I think it’s food.]

[I say, your focus is wrong. Would the Anchor really succeed in proposing so soon? Although the two are on break, they haven’t graduated from college yet!]

[A successful marriage proposal doesn’t mean he has to get married just yet. In another year, the Anchor will be at the legal age of marriage. It could be that he is just getting engaged now. Hey, look at the handsome Anchor and the beautiful Little Sister Lele. Then look at me, I am turning thirty and I still don’t have a boyfriend, what a shame!]

[The single dog was hit by a storm!]

Wei Mingyan should be regarded as the epitome of an overnight sensation. He had never mixed around in the entertainment circle, and he didn’t do much professional food live broadcast, but because of his looks, and because of the incident regarding Ding Luxin, which exposed all his good qualities, he had already become the most eligible bachelor in the country.

Weibo comments bristled with speculation as they have been waiting for his post for half a month. Shortly after, he uploaded a second post, one a bit longer than the first. 

It was still a picture, but now, the beautiful clam was opened, and inside it, there is a ring holder with a beautiful pearl inside. Interestingly, there was no ring.

In the caption, Wei Mingyan said, [This must be the most creative proposal in history. I brought this clam back and told Lele we would eat mussels tonight. Then, I asked her to take it to the kitchen to wash it. After that, she opened it… and well, here we are.

When we met for the first time, we opened clams together in the shop kitchen. Later, when I confessed to her, I was also opening clams. Since the clams played a significant role in our memories, I specially made a fake clam for my proposal. This clam represents me, and the pearl represents Lele. Just like the two of us, staying together forever and always.]

People can see that Wei Mingyan was proud of his work, even waiting for someone to praise him.

[….. Clam proposal, so awesome!]

[Anchor, do you really want me to praise you…? Well, for the sake of being so handsome, I praise your creativity…]

[Wait a minute, the pearl is Miss Lele, and the river clam is the Anchor. So, in the heart of the anchor, is he this ugly?]

[I only have one question. According to the correct treatment, it should be to soak the clam in water for a few days. It’s good enough that you didn’t soak the ring, Anchor.]

[We shouldn’t call him Anchor in the future, just call him Wei Hebang. Wei Hebang, it’s okay with you, right?]     

(TNote: 河蚌 [hé bàng] = clams/mussels; bivalves grown in rivers and lakes.)

[Ha ha ha ha good, good!! Mr. Clam and Miss Pearl!]

[Congratulations to Mr. Clam for his successful marriage proposal. Harmony for a hundred years, and giving birth to little pearls soon.]

Starting today, Wei Mingyan had a new name: Mr. Clam. 


Under the dark night sky, the handsome man sat on the bench, looking at the comments constantly praising in the comment section, appearing more depressed as he saw more of them.

“Why didn’t you praise me?”

Xuan Lele was hanging clothes to dry, and after listening to him, she couldn’t help but smile. “What they said is also true. When you gave me the clam, I knew there was something in it. Really, the mussel was so light.”

“Ah …”

The man leaned helplessly against the wall, and his expression was again accompanied by a few points of sweetness, “It seems that it’s the beauty of the past few days that made me lose my wits.”

“There you go!” Xuan Lele sat on the bench next to him, leaning her head gently against her boyfriend, her voice was full of happiness. “I’m already happy that you thought of using clams for this.”

“Mingyan, the thought of us graduating together and getting married makes me feel so happy. It’s everything I dreamed of.”

A year ago, she was just an ordinary student, struggling between part-time jobs and school every day, on top of worrying about her grandmother who lived far away.

Now, her grandmother was being treated in a hospital not far away. After such a long treatment, she would recover and be discharged from hospital soon.

Her boyfriend Mingyan was so perfect.

She herself, under the supervision and guidance of her sweetheart, began to find her own path to tread, to slowly reach for her own dream. The day before Mingyan proposed, Xuan Lele got a reply from her mentor who praised her strongly and said that she would recommend her as an intern for a big company once Xuan Lele graduates.

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Her career, family, love, her everything seems to have reached its peak.

“I’m really happy. Do you think we will always be happy like this?”

She leaned on her boyfriend’s shoulder and asked softly.

“Of course.”

Wei Mingyan held up Xuan Lele’s left hand, and his lips gently kissed the finger wearing a beautiful ring. His magnetic voice promised softly, “Lele, I promise that I will spoil you and love you for the rest of my life, and when we are old and our hair turns gray, I will be with you every day.”

“Mingyan.” Xuan Lele smiled happily. She looked up at her boyfriend with a pair of beautiful almond eyes. “I never asked before, but why did you like me at the beginning?”

The man gently stroked Xuan Lele’s hair, his eyes turning serious. “You are kind, hard-working, enthusiastic, and beautiful. When you smiled at me in the sun, I thought an angel was smiling down at me.”

“Looking at you, I thought to myself, I want to be with you, spoil you as my Princess, and make you happy every day.”

Xuan Lele was embarrassed by his words but felt sweet in her heart. She leaned into the man’s arms with satisfaction and sweetness, “Then, Mr. Clam, in this life, I will be counting on you!”


Their wedding photos were taken at school.

It was another summer vacation, and the weather was just right, neither cloudy nor hot. The faint sunshine shined on them, making them warm and comfortable.

They walked past the canteen where they shared steamed bread before. Then, they passed by the academic building where they used to find themselves in a crowd as they ran up and down the stairs in a hurry. They passed by the basketball court where Wei Mingyan liked to hang around. Some students who hadn’t yet returned home were passing by on a bridge nearby. Upon noticing the two acting so intimate, their eyes brimmed with envy.

“Look at them, they should be our seniors who have graduated.”

“What a happy look.”

“That’s nice.”


Many people came to their wedding.

Father Wei helped Grandma Xuan, who has long been discharged from the hospital, go about except when he went up to talk as the groom’s father. Although they were one generation apart, and their conversation was very harmonious.

You praise my granddaughter, and I praise your son. When the newlyweds came on stage, Grandma Xuan watched them walk on the long red carpet. The bride exchanged rings with the young and handsome man with happiness in her eyes, and her tears couldn’t help but fall.

Father Wei hurriedly handed her a tissue. “Old Lady, don’t cry, don’t cry. I promise Lele will be like my own daughter in the future.”

“No, no, I’m happy for her…”

Grandma Xuan looked at her granddaughter on the stage, with tears in her eyes and a happy smile on her wrinkled face. “I never thought I would be so happy to see Lele married off in this life.”

How many times has she laid in her damp, rotting bed, inhaling the stench of her own body, thinking she might never wake up.

But then, Grandma Xuan wasn’t afraid to die. On the contrary, she even longed to reunite with her family upon death.

However, every time she felt that the energy was about to leave her body, she thought of her poor granddaughter again.

She was only that big, and she has never seen her parents since she was a child. If she, her only grandmother, also left Lele, how sad would her life be?

“Lele has a home now. It’s time for me to let go of my worries.”

Father Wei listened to Grandma Xuan’s words as if she had completely let go of her worries and smiled cheerfully. “Me too, Mingyan, this boy, has finally settled down.”

“Let’s not worry so much in the future. Let’s have a good life. When they want children, we will take care of them. I wonder if my little grandson or granddaughter will look more like Mingyan or Lele…”

“They are both good looking, and the child will surely be a clever little one too.”

Thinking of this, Grandma Xuan’s toothless mouth can’t help but open with a grin as she gesticulated cheerfully. “My family’s Lele was just like a jade doll when she was a child, and she was clever and obedient too. In the future, with her little one, it surely wouldn’t be any worse.”

“My family’s Mingyan, too, was really…”

The more the two elders talk, the happier they were, and the original melancholy in Grandma Xuan’s eyes completely dissipated with the possibility of future great-grandsons or great-granddaughters.

The doctor said that although she was old, she was in good health. Even if she wasn’t as good as a young person, she was certainly doing fine.

She can also help her granddaughter with her kids.


Unfortunately, Grandma Xuan’s wish to help bring up children wouldn’t be realized anytime soon. After graduation, Xuan Lele entered the company as recommended by her mentor as an intern. As she worked there, over time she realized the decline of her career prospects and in hesitation, turned to her husband for advice.

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Wei Mingyan wasn’t used to living a 9 to 5, as he simply developed live broadcasts. At home, he cooks three meals a day, and he broadcasts himself cooking live, and he doesn’t advertise. It was enough for him to enjoy and support himself.

After hearing out his wife’s confusion and uneasiness, Wei Mingyan chose to support all her decisions.

Xuan Lele, who was gentle in character and was even described as somewhat insecure, decided to change jobs.

Because of her studies and work, she never had a chance to take a break, so she never had children. After that, Xuan Lele gradually emerged in the business world with the support of Wei Mingyan, and by then, it was already time for Ding Luxin to be released from prison.


Ding Luxin had a bad time in prison, and was not much better after she came out. When she entered prison, her husband divorced her. Also, before they got married, they signed a prenuptial agreement, and through that, Ding Luxin was purged from the family as the cruel man left her nothing.

After she came out, she discovered that her husband went bankrupt, too. Although the thin camel is bigger than a horse, who made his bad habits persist. He never gave up on gambling, and he still hoped to turn the tables with it. Once he had no money left, he had to borrow, so he borrowed from loan sharks.         

(TNote: the thin camel is bigger than a horse = a bankrupted wealthy family still had its stuff/ a down and out noble family still had its connections/ a sunken ship’s nuts and bolts is still worth something.)

Although they were divorced, Ding Luxin still went to look for the man, wanting to get some compensation for all the years of this marriage with abuse and exploitation. She didn’t get any compensation for it at all. This matter was not justified no matter how it was stated. Ding Luxin thought so.

Unfortunately, she didn’t know the man’s situation before she found him.

Ding Luxin would never have thought that for her ex-husband, who had already lost it all, the Ding Luxin who came to his door was a godsend for him. As soon as he saw her, he rushed forward and frantically grabbed all her valuables. In retaliation, she screamed and beat the old man until finally, the police were called.

Ding Luxin was the robbed party, so she had nothing wrong to be accounted for. Thus, she left the police station after finishing her statement, and met her stepson as she went out.

He looked impatient and walked inside with hurried steps, looking as if he was forced to be there to pick up the old man.

The stepson, who had always looked at her with cold disdain as if he were looking at a bedbug, had lost all his brilliance. He was no longer wearing the tailored clothes he once wore, and he was no longer wearing branded watches. The clothes on his body were no longer as proper as they once were, and as he passed by her, Ding Luxin realized he stank as if he had not showered in a while.

It finally became clear to her that the father and son were completely unable to give her a comfortable life anymore.

What should she do now?



Translator: RandomAlex

Editor: Makoto


After she left the police station, Ding Luxin wandered on the streets until nearly dusk. In the end, she sat in the freezing cold at the bus stop by the side of the road, her stomach rumbling with hunger. That man scratched her hand when he tried to snatch her valuables. Now, the wind was blowing, and the wound hurt and it was painful.

The woman couldn’t help but feel aggrieved.

She had never suffered like this before. Although according to her, she suffered with Father Wei for so many years, in fact, when she married Father Wei, she had been well taken care of. That man won’t even let her touch cold water or ask her to do anything. She can play cards at will, and there was always a tall figure behind her to protect her from the wind and rain.

Since she followed the old man for money, she was always beaten and scolded. She also had to pretend she did not know that he had other women outside. On the surface, she was the madam of a rich family, but in reality, she had no children and had to rely on making her stepson, who totally despised her, accept her as his mother.

Over the years, she waited on the old man who already had one foot in the grave with trepidation. Although she didn’t do housework, because of the harsh attitude of the old man, the housekeeper simply despised her and scolded her behind his back for relying on her beauty.

In this way, she didn’t even dare to get angry openly. Looking back over the past 10 years, she almost always spent her time humbling herself.

As it turns out, the smoothest and most comfortable time of her life was during the years she spent in her ex-husband’s home.

For a moment, she quietly reminisced on the history of the Wei family fortune. If she hadn’t left at that time, but stayed there for a few more years, the Wei family with her in it would become rich. That way, she wouldn’t be a gold worshipper who was ridiculed, but instead be a good woman who always stayed with her husband.

A gentle husband, a dutiful son, all these would be hers.

Regret spread from the bottom of her heart like a crazy vine that quickly spread over her entire heart.

Ding Luxin then walked on aimlessly, unaware of her legs turning sore. Then, she ended up walking slowly outside the Wei family’s hotel. 


Although it was getting dark at the moment, the hotel was still busy and brightly lit. The beautiful girl in uniform stood by the door to greet the guests. When she saw a gaunt middle-aged woman standing at the door, she bowed respectfully and asked in a crisp voice, “Hello, welcome.”

“Xiao Zhang.”

A deep and mellow voice sounded. Ding Luxin did not see the person, but she recognized her ex-husband’s voice instantly. She subconsciously hid behind a billboard and listened to the man talking with a smile as she held her breath.

“Come with me after work for a while. I booked a place in the teahouse.”

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“Okay, Boss, can you wait for me for a bit? I want to put on some makeup and make sure I look good before I go.”

Father Wei had a good temper, and the employees here were neither too afraid of nor formal with him. Sure enough, Father Wei wasn’t annoyed, but instead smiled and agreed, “It’s just the right occasion for you to get dressed up. I’ll be helping out at the front desk for a while, so just give me a shout when you’re ready.”

“Ah, okay!”

Ding Luxin hid behind the billboard and looked at the man dressed in plain clothes. Father Wei aged like fine wine with the times barely doing a number on him, but his success added an element of charm to his figure. She still remembered when this man was much younger and had a handsome face, and he was so nervous his face turned red as he half knelt down to propose to her.

He said that he would be good to her for the rest of her life, as long as she promised to stay.

He did as he promised, but this opportunity had been thrown away by Ding Luxin herself.

“Xiao Zhang, are you and the boss… you guys?” Another doorman saw Father Wei leave, and immediately got up to ask Xiao Zhang upon noticing gossip with curiosity.

“The Boss is handsome, and although you are a little younger, such a handsome and gentle man with a lot of money is really hard to come by! If you guys really have a chance, you must hold on to such a good man. Only a blind person would let him go!”

Only a blind person would let him go…

Ding Luxin’s brain went blank, and she couldn’t hear any sounds after that. Only this sentence echoed in her head. 

She left the place muddled and stiff.

As to where she would go, she didn’t know either.

In the first half of her life, she was pampered by Father Wei. After that, she was a rich madam for more than ten years. After staying in prison for so long, with no education, no beauty, how she will be able to live…

As the woman walked, she cried bitterly.

She threw away treasure and picked up trash.

Now, retribution has come for her.


She walked away, and naturally didn’t hear what the girl had to say. Xiao Zhang waved her hand, smiled and denied her colleague’s words. “What are you talking about? Remember the son of the Boss’ friend who came for a meal last time? The other party said that he was slightly interested in me, and the Boss asked me if I wanted to get in touch with him. After we met, the talk went well, and we talked further about meeting my parents. If it goes well, the Boss is going to help me with the venue. After all, you can see my own qualifications, right?”

“Ah… I’ve been on leave for so long, I’ve been lagging behind on news. But the Boss is really nice, it’s a pity that he was hurt too deeply by his ex-wife. Obviously, despite such good qualifications, he still stayed single for so long.”

“Yes, the Boss is good. It’s a pity…”


However, Father Wei didn’t feel sorry at all, especially right after he received news that his daughter-in-law was pregnant.

“Really?? Great, great, Mingyan, you take good care of Lele. Does she have anything she wants to eat? I’ll buy it when I come home! I’m not busy now. I’ll go to the supermarket, buy it and bring it back.”

“Dad, there’s no rush. You can bring it back when you get off work tonight, you’re still on the clock.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m getting off work soon, so I might as well go back now.”

Listening to Father Wei’s uncontrollably joyous voice, Wei Mingyan hung up the phone and smiled helplessly at his wife beside him. “Dad is so happy that he will come with a bunch of things soon. I have to free up the refrigerator quickly. He can’t stop shopping when he has something happy going on. He won’t be able to relax for a while.”

Xuan Lele put her hands on her lower abdomen subconsciously, and she couldn’t help but smile. “Mingyan, what do you think this child will look like?”

“Um … a girl would look just like you, a boy would be just like me. I want a little girl who looks the same as you. I heard Grandma say you were so cute when you were a child that you simply melted people’s hearts.”

Xuan Lele couldn’t help laughing, “Dad told me the same thing about you, saying that you always had a straight face when you were a child. It sounds pretty cool.”

She thought of the smaller Wei Mingyan, and her heart couldn’t help but soften, and her hand gently stroked her stomach. “I wish it’s a little boy, just like you. When he grows up, you can teach him a lot of things and make him a man like his father.”

“Whether it’s a boy or a girl, it’s our baby.” Wei Mingyan took something out of the refrigerator and poked his head out to take credit. “See how foresighted I am. I thought of decorating a nursery when I was decorating.”

The two were obviously married for quite a while, but they were still as sweet as newlyweds, and today, no matter what they did, they had smiles on their faces.

Who can say that they know the father more than his son? As Wei Mingyan guessed, Father Wei walked with a spring in his step and drove to the supermarket, buying as many things as he could possibly carry. As he drove his car back to his community, he happened to come across Grandma Xuan, who was walking her dog at dusk.

Xuan Lele made a lot of money through her business recently. On the other hand, Wei Mingyan had become the family cook. Fortunately, both of them didn’t mind this. With her money, she bought a house together with Wei Mingyan, and planned on buying a set for Grandma Xuan and Father Wei.

Both of them were people who were smart with their money, and all three houses were paid in cash. They bought three households on the same floor, essentially buying the whole floor for themselves. Wei Mingyan and Xuan Lele live in the middle, whereas Grandma Xuan, since she has poor legs and feet, lives on the left side near the elevator, while Father Wei lives on the right.

Father Wei himself doesn’t lack a house, but he liked the feeling of living with his son, daughter-in-law and her grandmother. Therefore, the family of four basically eats together and gets up early every day, then goes to work after greeting.

No, it’s six now!

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Grandma Xuan has recovered fully and looks much healthier, but she was still weak and she couldn’t travel or walk too much. She even took as few car rides as possible. On top of that, she was illiterate, and she could do nothing but watch TV when she stayed at home alone.

To help stave off her boredom, Father Wei bought her an assistance dog. The dog was trained, clever and sensible, and also could call for emergency help. Grandma Xuan came to love this lovely little guy deeply very fast. Soon, she started taking it downstairs for a few laps every day, and started calling it ‘Sanya, Sanya!’ every day, as if it really was her daughter.                

(TNote: San Ya = Third girl/ a nickname usually used by elders to call the third daughter of a family.)

Now she was away from those horrible people in her village, she was always in a good mood and smiled more. She was one of the most popular old ladies in the neighborhood.

Before Father Wei encountered her, Grandma Xuan was chatting with a group of old ladies for a while, and then strolled around the inside of the garden with Sanya for a couple of laps, and was ready to go home. However, she didn’t expect to meet Father Wei, whose hands were full of things.


“Why did you buy so much stuff ah? Come on, quickly put down a little. I’ll help you carry them.”

After such a long time getting along with each other, Grandma Xuan has completely become familiar with Father Wei and went up to help. Sanya obediently followed behind, shaking her tail as her warm and round almond eyes kept on looking at Father Wei.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s not too heavy. We’ll be at the elevator soon, so come on! Let’s go back together. Lele is pregnant, it’s time to celebrate!”

“What? Lele is pregnant?”

Grandma Xuan immediately froze in place. Then, inside the pair of already cloudy, elderly eyes, a little bit of joy was born.

At first, she rubbed her hands on her body at a loss, as if she didn’t know what to do. Then, upon digesting those words, the old lady, whose face appears much older than her actual age due to her hardships, smiled broadly.

“Then… then we have to go home quickly!”

She had lived in E City for so long, and did as the Romans do. She learned a little of standard Mandarin. It was only when she was excited that she couldn’t help but speak in her native accent.

Sanya seemed to feel the master’s joy, so she shook her tail, and led the way in front.

That night, Wei Mingyan cooked a table of good dishes.

“Here, Grandma, this is a new dish I learned. It’s nutritious and soft, and it’s perfect for you.”

Wei Mingyan, as her granddaughter’s husband, put the food in front of Grandma Xuan. The old woman’s smile almost hid her eyes. After hearing it, she replied repeatedly, “Eh, good, good. Sit down and eat quickly.”

“Dad, this is your favorite spicy chicken, as spicy as you like it.”

Wei Mingyan put the plate from his other hand in front of Father Wei and winked at him. “Congratulations on becoming a grandfather.”

Father Wei walked over, “Congratulations on being a father, too.”

Xuan Lele was sitting comfortably at the dinner table as she watched Wei Mingyan bring her milk from the kitchen to drink. She was now the treasure of the whole family, with four sets of eyes staring at her every time she moves.

— Sanya, although not really understanding why everyone was staring, but since her master looks at the mistress, she will follow!

Everyone was smiling while having the meal, not only because of Wei Mingyan’s cooking skills, but also in anticipation of their new family member.

After dinner, the family sat on the comfortable sofa. The TV was playing Grandma Xuan’s favorite old movie, and Xuan Lele was leaning back with a soft pillow at her waist as Wei Mingyan came out to join them after clearing the dishes.

“Dad, Grandma. I want to take Lele back to the village to worship our ancestors.”

He turned around and looked at his wife gently, and said earnestly, “Lele is pregnant. Such an important matter has to be told to my in-laws no matter what.”

“Yes, it’s time to do so.”

Father Wei agreed.

However, Grandma Xuan looked a bit gloomy upon hearing that. She looked at Sanya, who was playing with a toy ball in the living room, and her aged voice said, “This time, I will go back and take a look too.”

“But your body…”

“It’s okay, didn’t the Doctor say that I’m almost well enough? It’s just a few hours drive, so it’s not a problem.”

Although she didn’t feel as lonely with Sanya by her side, she still missed her husband, her two daughters, and her simple son-in-law when she sees them in her dreams. 

“If Grandma wants to go home, let’s go home and have a look. I’ll drive slowly, so the ride would be less bumpy.”

Wei Mingyan patted Xuan Lele’s hand with a worried face and agreed with Grandma Xuan’s decision.

Xuan Lele was disgusted with the villagers. Every time they go back to clean the graves of her relatives, she makes sure Wei Mingyan drives straight up to the cemetery without encountering the villagers. Until now, those people didn’t know that the so-called big Boss who bought the mountain was actually the son-in-law of the Xuan family.

Now, the time has come to let them know.

With this, they can finally soothe Grandma Xuan’s heart from grievances that have been unresolved for a long time.

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