Translator: RandomAlex

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Editor: LuffyLucy


(TNote: Little Puppy/ Milk-dog = it’s usually a term for a kind of boyfriend that acts cute, spoiled, or younger. As opposed to a more aggressive wolfdog boyfriend.)

This kind of creature, slacker scums, had existed throughout the ages. They usually slacked off by themselves, the teacher would sigh, but it had nothing to do with others.

But the original owner slacker was very different.

The original owner was a playboy, and his family was well-known in the capital. He had a half-brother who was 10 years older than him. The eldest brother had been excellent since childhood. He had done everything in an orderly way, both in academic performance and in his own company. So every time they went out, people would praise his eldest brother.

However, the original owner was the opposite. Since he was a child, he liked to play all kinds of games and almost failed in his studies. He didn’t want to study, but he was jealous of his older brother, who was at the top of every subject in school. So, he took the wrong path.

He was young and also had an outstanding appearance. Although he usually liked doing all kinds of foolish behaviors, his sweet mouth made people spoil him. Of course, his parents wouldn’t say it, but they doted on him in their hearts. So when he did something wrong, the original owner would act spoiled, and both husband and wife would let it go.

It was because the original owner was spoiled that he became unruly. Then, after being provoked by his minions, he became even more jealous of his older brother.

The college entrance examination was coming soon. China’s science and technology era had just started not too long ago. There was no monitoring in the classroom of the college entrance examination, and when caught, it wasn’t very strict. 

The original owner’s follower bought a small cheating machine from a foreign country to cheat, get a good score on the exam and hit those people who mocked him hard in the face.

He was encouraged by this follower and heard the elders say that his older brother was the top student in the province. The older one was so competitive, how could the younger one fail the exam?

The original owner felt that his older brother was pressing on him like a mountain, and no matter what he did, he couldn’t be as good as him.

This time, he finally got a chance to overcome him, and he had to seize it.

So, after paying with the pocket money he saved for half a year, the original owner confidently held the cheating machine and started the exam.

The result was so unfortunate. This year’s college entrance examination happened to be the first time the government tried to catch people with cheating tech.


The original owner’s position was in the back row. He watched nervously as the overseer took the signal measuring machine and measured it from the front, row by row. Finally, in desperation, he threw the small earphone in his ear into the classmate’s desk, sitting in front.

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That unlucky classmate was the female lead of this book.

Because of the cheating tools found inside her desk, the female lead was disqualified from the college entrance exam. Yet, no matter how she argued, no one believed her. 

Caught cheating on the college entrance exam would lead to a lifetime disqualification from the exam.

For Du Zeyu, a woman born in a poor family and could only study hard to get into a good university to turn things around, it was almost equivalent to a world-ending catastrophe.

The most terrible thing wasn’t just that.

The news that Du Zeyu was caught cheating in the college entrance examination was spread out by the students present. She had a strong personality and didn’t get along well with some classmates. So finding out about this was as if they found a big shameful thing about her.

If it was before, people might have debated this because Du Zeyu’s grades had always been excellent. But three months before her college entrance exams, her father broke his leg, and her mother was sick. So, for the sake of taking care of her parents, the young girl was running continuously between school and home, and her grades were inevitably affected.

Hence, some people made a conclusion.

Du Zeyu’s grades dropped, but she wanted to get into a good school, so she took a risk.

Who knew she was so unlucky. This year’s college entrance examination became so severe.

As for Du Zeyu’s family’s poverty and lack of money to buy expensive cheating tools… didn’t her father just get hit by someone, and they compensated a sum of money?

But Du Zeyu’s father was hit by the drunken Eldest Uncle Du ah…


Her Uncle’s family was poorer than Du Zeyu’s, and her Uncle and Aunt came to cry and beg. Father Du and Mother Du couldn’t help weeping, they had to bear the medical expenses themselves. Thus, the two families regarded it as settled.

After this cheating incident occurred, Du Zeyu’s parents went to ask Uncle Du. But he insisted that he had compensated when he hit Father Du.

The amount he said, which wasn’t small, was enough to buy the cheating tool.

Once Uncle Du said so, Du Zeyu’s cheating in the examination was almost confirmed and settled.


Cheating in the college entrance examination at that time was equivalent to cheating in the ancient imperial examination. Although she didn’t have to bear legal responsibility, it was despised by everyone. Du Zeyu and her family had to live under the contemptuous eyes of everyone.

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No matter how good her grades were before, now when the neighbors saw her, they would only point out behind her back and say:

“Look, that’s the one who cheated in the college entrance exam, so shameless.”

Du Zeyu was suffocated by the rumors of people around her.

She never gave up trying to prove her innocence because it was useless no matter how hard she tried.

Before the exam, all the tables were checked, and each table was relatively far away. So who else could get close to that table except for Du Zeyu?

As for the real cheater, the original owner, who could come out and testify, had long been scared by the way people around him treated Du Zeyu.

He didn’t think much when he was cheating. He just wanted to surpass his older brother and prove that he was better than him. It never occurred to him that getting caught would result in being scorned by millions.

So, he, who could have stood up and taken the blame, just watched Du Zeyu leave the school in shambles.

He had always been spoiled by his family growing up, and when something like this happened, he reflexively tried to cover up. But just as he was desperately trying to pretend that nothing had happened, Du Zeyu found him.


The girl who had turned haggard in a short time, a pale face, and her eyes looked at the original owner like she was facing her last hope. She asked, “Wei Mingyan, did you throw that cheating tool at me? “

The original owner repeatedly said that it wasn’t him. 

The more he thought about it afterward, the more scared he was. He was afraid that Du Zeyu would find out the truth, and then, his stern father would teach him a hard lesson.

He wanted to drive Du Zeyu out of the city completely, so he secretly hired someone to mess up the stall run by Du Zeyu’s family.

Those people threw the kitchen utensils that the Du family relied on for their livelihood onto the main road and then dispersed in a flurry.

No one expected that the Du parents would be hit and killed by an oncoming car to pick up those things.

As if overnight…

Du Zeyu went from being a girl with two parents, excellent grades, and poor but happy life to being an orphan who was despised by everyone and charged with cheating for the rest of her life.

She left the city as her original owner wished.

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The original owner, too, continued his life as a young master, and his parents helped him buy his way into a good university. During this period, he very smoothly maneuvered his older brother’s new wife to fall down the stairs, causing his sister-in-law to miscarry and never have children again.

Just when the original owner was filled with the feeling that he would be the only heir of the family, even if he couldn’t beat his big brother, the family’s future would be his bloodline, Du Zeyu appeared.


Without a father or a mother, and even the family property quietly hidden by her Uncle’s family. Du Zeyu, who was slandered by people, desperately started a business.

At first, she almost slept for less than 3 hours a day. Then, to force herself to seize the opportunity to make money, she continuously drank several coffee packets and grew her business from the roadside to become bigger and stronger, which only took a few short years.

Because of her pretty face, she suffered a lot at first. Unfortunately, in this world, pretty women always had to face more ugliness.

After nearly being r*ped, Du Zeyu schemed to send the man to prison, returned home, looked in the mirror at the haggard but still beautiful face, expressionlessly took the knife and cut her face.

The disfigured Du Zeyu was a well-known and ruthless person in the business world. Although she was very young, she had a bright mind and was vicious to be cruel to others and even more so to herself. Soon, she stood at about the same level as the original owner’s family.

With a wealth of money and numerous companies, she was almost the idol of the younger generation of girls.

But no one knew that Du Zeyu’s body had almost been exhausted during the years of desperate work. Though she was still very young, she often felt pain all over her body whenever it rained on a cloudy day. Moreover, she had a serious chronic disease and couldn’t work for too long. The doctor advised her, and also her subordinates advised her, but Du Zeyu seemed to turn a deaf ear.

She had no family, no husband, no children, and people around her wondered why she struggled so hard. If she worked so hard and reached an early death from exhaustion, who was the wealth for that, she earned with her life?

Just when they were wondering, Du Zeyu challenged the original owner’s family.

She never gave up on finding out who was behind her family’s death, and after finally finding the group of gangsters and confirming the truth from them, Du Zeyu began a 5-year plan of revenge.

The Wei family collapsed rapidly, which was also due to the original owner dragging his feet.

And because of this muddling along with behavior, he had changed from a high-ranking dude to a prisoner. So, without surprise, he would suffer in prison for the rest of his life, just as Du Zeyu did at the beginning, no matter how painful he had it.

The family went into debt because of bankruptcy. His older brother was struck down and killed, his mother died of a sudden heart attack after learning why Du Zeyu targeted their family in this way, and his father suffered a stroke.

This family just fell apart.

But Du Zeyu, who got the desired result, wasn’t happy.

For revenge, she became the last person she wanted to be.

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Ruthless and forcing innocent people to die.

It had only been 5 years. The former young girl with a hint of naivety was now already covered in scars, disfigurement, chronic illness, and with a few days remaining of her life.

She went to her parents’ grave to pay her respects. It was raining that day, Du Zeyu was aching all over, she was rich with billions in fortune and had just forced a company to collapse, and whenever she went out, everyone had to call her President Du.

But, what was the use of that?

Her parents, her innocence, and her happiness were ruined 5 years ago.

Even after she personally sent Wei Mingyan to prison, everyone thought she hated him so much that she wanted to eat his flesh raw and bite his bones.

But no one knew that the young girl had once secretly liked him.

But after a long time, she realized the boy she liked was such a shameless person. 

At the end of this book, Du Zeyu donated all her fortune and closed her eyes quietly in the hospital.

Before she died, she still recalled her parents’ voices and smiles when they were alive.

At that time, she was so happy.

Wei Mingyan closed the book and thought deeply.

[This world’s mission: Protect Du Zeyu’s happiness. The current mission completion is 0. Please complete it as soon as possible.]

He received the task, knocked on the mirror in front of him, and looked at the teenager inside.

His face was handsome but not feminine. Because of age, he looked a little immature. But, coupled with the white skin inherited from his mother, it seemed absolutely outstanding among his peers.

Wei Mingyan smiled in the mirror, and two small tiger teeth were revealed.

Indeed, it was an appearance that was very pleasing for women.




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