Translator: RandomAlex

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Editor: LuffyLucy


It was time to enter the examination room soon. Just now, the original owner went to the toilet nervously with his cheating tool.

Strictly speaking, although he had been doing bad things since he was a child, such a big thing as cheating would still make him nervous. Just now, someone came in, and he was covering his ears to adapt. When he heard the noise, his hand shook, and his earpiece fell to the ground.

When Wei Mingyan came, the original owner was looking for the earpiece everywhere. According to the original story, he should find them next to the trash can and wear them on his ears.

He went up to him, looked at the earpiece next to the trash can, and kicked it inside.

Making sure the earpiece was kicked out of sight, then he clapped his hands clean and walked out.

Outside, a teenager with a lot of freckles on his face, skinny and short, with a cannon fodder face, greeted him and asked nervously, “How is it? Are you wearing it?”

“Just now, someone came in, my hand shook, and I lost it.”

Wei Mingyan shrugged his shoulders, with an indifferent expression on his face, “I can’t find it after a long search. But forget it, it’s too much trouble. Anyway, even if I can’t pass the exam, I can ask my Dad to pay my way into a school.”

Bao Da was stunned at first, his eyes showing a surprised look, and then he quickly covered it up. He tried to persuade, “I’ll help you find it together. Let’s find it quickly. Don’t forget, this time you wanted to tell your family that you could get better results than your brother. “

He spoke anxiously and pushed Wei Mingyan to go inside. But the teenager’s feet seemed as though it was rooted to the ground. No matter how Bao Da pushed, he didn’t move half a step.

“Ah, Mingyan!!” Bao Da was anxious, but he was afraid of being heard by others. He could only whisper anxiously, “Don’t be angry this time. That earpiece cost a lot of money!”

“It’s not much money. I’ll get it back after I coax my Dad a bit. The toilet is so dirty. I don’t want to look for it.”

The handsome-looking teenager cleaned out his ear and patted his follower’s shoulder with a big grin, “Don’t worry, Bao Da, I know you’re doing me a favor. I also figured out that guy Wei Mingmu was the top student in the province. Do I have to be the top national student?”

“When the time comes, if I really go to a major university and can’t do it again, what should I do?” 

His face was filled with the naivety of being raised indulgently. He waved his hand and easily changed his attention, “Anyway, my family is rich, so it’s no big deal to buy my way into a good school. Let’s go. It’s starting in a while.”

Wei Mingyan’s face was full of ‘I’m rich, and I’m not afraid to hand in a blank piece of paper,’ that Bao Da wanted to slap him on the face.

He agreed to it, how could he change it whenever he wanted!

He didn’t give up and advised, “Mingyan, why don’t you look for it again? It’s a pity; I finally asked someone to bring it back. It took a lot of effort. “

Wei Mingyan nodded and waved his hand without care. “I know, you are good to me. After the exam, let’s have a meal, this little young master’s treat. “

“By the way, Bao Da.” The handsome teenager asked as if unintentionally, “I remember you said before that your Uncle is working in the Ministry of Education, so do you have any tidbits of information there?”

Bao Da was shocked, and he hurriedly waved his hand. “No, I’m not close with my Uncle, and I’m afraid of him. We haven’t seen each other much.”


Although he stammered a bit because of panic, fortunately, Wei Mingyan was as easy to fool as before, so he didn’t ask questions after the response.

“Let’s go, go to the exam. “


Looking at the teenager carelessly walking forward, Bao Da’s heartfelt deflated, and he didn’t dare to say anything about going to the toilet to get the earpiece back.

He deliberately persuaded Wei Mingyan to cheat this time because his uncle told him that the college entrance examination would be very strict. And to detect cheating, there would be a special effort to catch everyone after they had done it, to make an example of them.

His uncle’s remark was intended to remind Bao Da never to touch the wrong information, but he listened to it and pinned his attention on Wei Mingyan.

He knew Wei Mingyan had always been jealous of his older brother, Wei Mingmu, who was the top student in the province. Bao Da had long found out that it worked every time he used Wei Mingmu to provoke Wei Mingyan.

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Sure enough, he easily persuaded Wei Mingyan to take out money and buy the cheating tool.

The thing was real. Because the money wasn’t enough, for fear that Wei Mingyan wouldn’t buy it if it were too expensive, Bao Da himself also pushed his savings in. The monetary loss he suffered was painful.

Didn’t he do all this so that Wei Mingyan would be caught cheating?

As a result, this clumsy guy lost the earpiece, so he only said ‘forget it’.


He had been planning for so long. How could he just forget it?!

Bao Da almost fainted from anger because of this young master who didn’t take money for money. His heart was infinitely stifled, and he wanted to punch Wei Mingyan’s face that was even more beautiful than a woman.

Preferably. But he couldn’t.

Just like Wei Mingyan said, even if he didn’t do well in the exam and handed in a blank paper, the Wei family would definitely send him to an excellent school. It didn’t matter if he spent more money; his family had plenty of money.

Bao Da couldn’t even show a little of his genuine expression, or he would get noticed by Wei Mingyan in front of him. When someone suddenly came to check on the start of the exam, he would come to settle accounts with him after the exam.

Therefore, although his heart was almost vomiting blood, Bao Da still tried his best to put a smile on his face and trotted forward to follow the handsome teenager.


“What are you going to do for the exam later?”

“Blindly fill in. I don’t understand those things anyway. ” The teenager replied justifiably, leisurely throwing his school bag onto Bao Da.

There were some books in it, and the sudden throw almost made Bao Da lose balance. He narrowly caught the bag, gritted his teeth, and squeezed out a smile, which made him look like a bootlicker.

“Mingyan, you filled out Liu University as your school of choice. But Liu University won’t let you buy into the school. What’s your second choice? I’ll go with you.”

“Ah? They won’t allow that?”

The good-looking teenager turned and looked at Bao Da with some doubts, and there was a moment of hesitation in his eyes. Just when Bao Da was delighted to think that he was going to get the earpiece back and continue cheating, Wei Mingyan said, “Then I will repeat. “


Bao Da could hardly believe his ears. “Re…. repeat?”

“Yes. Anyway, where I want to go won’t allow it. If I repeat a year, maybe next year I could be admitted to Liu University. “

Bao Da almost slapped the words ‘you dream too much’ on Wei Mingyan’s skull.

As far as his grades were concerned, not to mention a year, it was impossible even if he repeated ten years.

Indeed, he had no brains, no skill, but so much confidence. He was saying such big words and wasn’t afraid to be shameless. 

Even if he cursed a lot in his heart, on the surface, Bao Da still had to persuade carefully, “Mingyan, it’s too bitter repeating a year, and you can’t afford the shame when Uncle Wei meets people for business outside. Saying that you repeated a year wouldn’t be nice. “

He knew that what Wei Mingyan cared most about was an acknowledgment, especially acknowledgment from his father’s mouth. Every time he mentions it, it was like an explosive; he would just go off.

But this time, it was the rare moment that the teenager wasn’t angry. Instead, he was somewhat proud. “Are you stupid? When I repeat, I will get my grades up. Wouldn’t it be fine?”

“I’ll comfort my parents when the time comes, and tell them how hard I studied, then wouldn’t it achieve what I want?”

His rightful words nearly made Bao Da, who heard it, dumbfounded. 

What exactly gave Wei Mingyan such confidence? Since primary school, he had failed in every class, could only say the alphabets in English, and only dozed off in classes.

Repeating his studies for Liu University? 

That was the best university in the country, with the highest scores.

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Why didn’t he just say he wanted to go to heaven!

“I won’t talk to you anymore ah… always worrying like a coward. We aren’t in the same examination room. What are you following me for? Hurry up, leave. I have to go to my examination room.”

Being driven away like a fly, Bao Da stood, looking at the slender figure wandering slowly to the examination classroom. His freckled face was gloomy, and his eyes were full of viciousness.

This was hard to find an opportunity, but it slipped away again.

It didn’t matter, Bao Da reassured himself.

With a stupid person like Wei Mingyan, even if it failed this time, he would definitely find something next time. 


Translator: RandomAlex

Editor: LucyLuffy


Wei Mingyan walked on the path, his two slender legs walked slowly, and his eyes seemed to glance back unintentionally. He saw that the short cannon fodder turned away, with a mocking smile hanging from his lips.

Although it wasn’t time for the exam yet, the classroom was almost full of students, and everyone treated the entrance exam quite seriously. Most of them stood outside the classroom reading books, feeling they weren’t ready yet, trying to memorize some more knowledge before the exam.

Wei Mingyan saw Du Zeyu among such a bunch of students at a glance, who were either standing or sitting in their school uniforms.

She leaned against the wall, slightly hanging her head and looking at the book in her hand. On her white face, her lips mumbled as if she was reciting something.

Du Zeyu was good-looking. Her eyebrows were the rare slender eyebrows type, which was different from a girl’s gentle eyebrows. It seemed that her whole aura was sharp.

Her facial features were exquisite and beautiful. When she looked over, there was a feeling that flowers were blooming.

Although she looks very beautiful, Du Zeyu was strong in character and headstrong.

The reason, of course, was family.

When she was born, her mother was injured, and she could no longer have children. After learning this news, her grandmother, who was bent on having a lovely grandson, became angry, forcing Father Du to divorce Mother Du, who had just given birth and remarry a woman who could give her an adorable grandson.

Father Du and Mother Du had deep feelings, so they gritted their teeth and disagreed.

Father Du grew up in a patriarchal village. Although he grew up knowing that this way of thinking was wrong, he loved his wife and daughter in his heart. However, he couldn’t lift his head when his mother hit him. He simply gave his daughter a boyish name, expecting her to be as good as a man.

Du Zeyu had indeed accomplished this.

Although she was a girl, she grew up witnessing her grandmother’s sarcasm and her parents being bullied for their good temper. So, the little girl had to stand up for them.

Of course, because of her young age, she didn’t win. Instead, she could only be held in her mother’s arms, watching her parents apologize to the old woman.

When she returned to the house, her mother hugged her and coaxed, “Wait until Zeyu grows up. Study hard, get into a good university; then you can protect mom and dad. “

Although this sentence was said when she was very young, Du Zeyu always kept it in mind and never forgot it.

She showed a completely unusual effort compared to other children from the beginning of school, desperately learning more knowledge to get into a good university early. From then on, she would become successful so that her parents wouldn’t have to suffer such hardships.

When Du Zeyu was in junior high school, all the money from her father’s work was quietly embezzled by her grandmother, and she gave it to her eldest uncle’s family to build a house. She coldly took the shovel outside and forced her grandmother to pay the money.

Her father got the news and rushed back. The good old man, who had always yielded to his mother, finally exploded when his daughter’s school fees were gone, and his wife was left without medicine.

He kowtowed to his mother three times. Without a penny, he took his wife and daughter to the city where he worked.

At first, the three were crowded in a tiny home without a toilet, and the days were very hard. It happened to be summer; Du Zeyu was born with good skin, white and tender, and was bitten by mosquitoes the most. Although they had mosquito nets, she always had to go out now and then, and she was afraid of itching. Every time she was bitten, she couldn’t sleep in the middle of the night.

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Mother Du could only cry. She looked at her daughter, who couldn’t eat well or sleep well in this environment and even raised the idea of going back and bowing her head to admit her mistake.

She could bear the suffering, but what about her darling baby girl …?

Du Zeyu stopped her mother.

At that time, she was only 13 years old. Although her facial features weren’t settled yet, it was clear that she would become a beauty when she grew up. The girl stood in front of her parents, gritted her teeth, and said that it was much more painful in that house.

Because of this attitude, the Du parents worked hard to survive, even though they were bitter. The family of three worked together and saved up for several years, only to buy a small house.

Father Du and Mother Du set up a small stall and usually sold some food. Although they worked hard from morning till night, they were also very happy.

Sometimes they encountered some extreme guests, and Father Du emphasized the importance of peace and prosperity. But Du Zeyu knew that the more you look weak when dealing with such people, the more they would bully you.


In the alley where they live, everyone knew that Du’s daughter was a fierce one. Although she was beautiful, she could be ruthless. 

Although every time Du Zeyu fought because someone else bullied her family. But some old people who were living nearby, at their age, would think that girls needed to be gentler. 

The gentler, the better. Under such circumstances, Du Zeyu’s always cold face, striking the table several times, and even once, smashed a wine bottle and threatened those who made trouble; wasn’t good-looking in their eyes.

Even at school, because some people lived near the neighborhood, there were rumors of Du Zeyu’s fierceness. In addition, she did fight with someone at school. Even her popularity was just average in the class. 


Because of the female classmate who made trouble with her last time, some girls isolated her.

On the surface, Du Zeyu simply didn’t care about these. She was a loner every day, traveling alone between school and home, and it seemed as if she didn’t even notice the isolation from her classmates.

Wei Mingyan knew that Du Zeyu still secretly felt sad at night because her classmates were isolating her in the plot.

After all, at this time, she was just a girl loved by her parents. She wasn’t the business tycoon with a cold heart and iron means like in the later period.

Especially in the special circumstances of the past few days. Du Zeyu’s father was hit and injured, and her mother’s condition was aggravated by anxiety. She had to run around to take care of her parents and attend the college entrance examination. Her body was already overwhelmed.


Du Zeyu was dizzy for a while. She leaned against the wall so that her body wasn’t falling. She shook her head, her eyes were even a little blurry, and she couldn’t read the words in the book she was holding.

But even so, she had to grind her teeth.

The college entrance examination was the only way for her to change her life, even for her parents. She had to hold on.

The white-faced girl rubbed her eyes, trying to wake herself up, and looked at the book in her hand.

“Are you uncomfortable?”

Beside her, a clear and pleasant male voice suddenly sounded. Du Zeyu was very slow to react. This person was asking her, right?

She was in a trance. It seemed that this was the first time in a week that a classmate had taken the initiative to talk to her.

The girl raised her eyes somewhat weakly and met the eyes of the handsome boy who was looking over with concern.

It was Wei Mingyan!

The words crossed sharply in her mind. When faced with a classmate she had a crush on, a girl like Du Zeyu couldn’t help but feel a little nervous.

She subconsciously tightened her grip on the book in her hand. Her pale lips opened and closed, “I’m fine. “

“How is it fine?” Wei Mingyan looked at her face and frowned and naturally stretched out his hands.

One hand on his forehead, one hand on Du Zeyu’s hot forehead.

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Almost at the moment when the boy’s slightly cool hand touched her, the girl’s pale cheeks suddenly blushed.

Nowadays, although the relationship between men and women wasn’t as tightly controlled as before, everyone was reserved and shy. Even if men and women were friends outside, they would deliberately pay attention to themselves and not reveal any intimate behavior.

She was embarrassed, and her heart was flooded with a hint of unexplainable joy. Coupled with a dizzy head, her whole person was in a state of shock.

And the culprit was still there reaching out, testing Du Zeyu’s temperature, nodding affirmatively, “You have a fever. “

“Look, you’re burning red.”

The girl whose face was blushing reacted to this. She quickly moved to avoid Wei Mingyan’s hand and stepped back with her red face.

“I’m fine, really.”

“How can you be fine? Look how red your face is!”

The more teenager said this, the redder the girl’s face became.

“The exam is about to start. What are you going to do? ” Before she could repeat that she was fine again, Wei Mingyan had already shown concern for her.

Du Zeyu was stunned and raised her eyes to look at the teenager.

His slightly round cat-like eyes were full of worries and no other intention.

She was a little touched and more than a little flattered.

Although she didn’t know when it started, Du Zeyu liked Wei Mingyan. She liked his flair, his looks, and his round, cat-like eyes.                       

(TNote: While in English, “cat-like eyes” often refers to the shape of the irises, in Chinese, they mean the oval shape with pointed tips. Often referred to as almond eyes.)

But truthfully, the two were hardly ever in contact.

Du Zeyu was either busy studying or taking care of her family every day, and there was no chance to communicate with her classmates. Wei Mingyan was an idler because he didn’t like studying and never did homework; instead, he constantly wandered around everywhere. 

His mind was full of wicked things, thinking about how to get rid of his eldest brother every day, monopolizing the family fortune, and didn’t even think about these students around him who seemed so childish to him.

Du Zeyu was beautiful, so what? After he became the head of the Wei family. What kind of good-looking woman couldn’t he get? 

Therefore, although the two had been classmates for so long, the actual number of times they spoke to each other was frighteningly low.

Of course, some of it was also because Du Zeyu was isolated.

Numerous times, she sneakily looked at the teenager.

She thought that people like Wei Mingyan, who only needed to eat, drink and live happily every day, wouldn’t even set their eyes on her.

But now, he was standing in front of her, looking at her with caring eyes.


“No way, you have to take the exam soon, so you can’t see a doctor. Have you taken any medicine?”

The handsome teenager in front of her asked out again. Du Zeyu shook her head in a bit of a trance, then saw Wei Mingyan clap his hands.

“Wait, I’ll go downstairs to buy you some medicine. “

“Eh? Wei Mingyan!!!”

The teenager quickly ran and waved his hand back to her, “I’ll be right back, wait for me!”

Du Zeyu froze and watched him run away. She couldn’t help but touch her forehead, which Wei Mingyan had just touched, and her face grew redder and redder.

He’s so adorable.

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