Translator: RandomAlex

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Editor: LucyLuffy


Du Zeyu waited for a short time. Soon, the boy ran back quickly, holding a bottle of water in his hand. He handed it directly to the girl.

“There was only a small stall outside, but no medicine. I bought hot water from them. You drink this. It should be somewhat useful.”  

Even before she could react, a bottle of hot water was stuffed in her hands. 

Because she was sick, Du Zeyu’s hands were originally cold. The warm water felt a little hot against her palm, and it made her cold hands warm.

She looked at Wei Mingyan and thanked him somewhat shyly, “Thank you, how much is this water?”

“It’s okay, we’re classmates!”

The handsome-looking teenager smiled broadly, showing two small tiger teeth, with round cat eyes shining brightly like there were stars in them.

“It’s almost time for the exam. I’ll go in first.”  

Seeing the pretty girl in front of him holding the water bottle and looking at himself, not knowing what she was thinking, the young man’s eyes suddenly dodged. He subconsciously pinched his ears and said goodbye quite awkwardly.

Seeing Wei Mingyan enter the classroom, Du Zeyu unscrewed the water bottle, raised her head, and drank two sips. The slightly hot water ran down her throat into her belly, and her uncomfortable body seemed to feel a little better.

Even her heart seemed to feel a warm current.

She closed the book, put her school bag outside, and went in.


Du Zeyu entered only to find her position in front of the teenager. He was lying lazily on his desk and fiddling the piece of table paint chipping in front of him. Out of the corner of his eye, he faintly saw someone moving in front of him and casually raised his eyes.

Seeing that it was Du Zeyu, his cat-like eyes widened, and he instantly sat up straight with his hands in front of the table in the standard sitting position required by elementary school teachers.

“You’re in front of me?”

Somehow, Du Zeyu looked at the teenager trying to stiffen his spine and found him even cuter. Although her head was still a bit dizzy, she showed a smile, “Yes, what a coincidence.”  

Waiting for the test, the girl was supposed to review what she had just memorized, but as she did so, she couldn’t help but think of the soft, caring smile on Wei Mingyan’s face when he handed her water.

When she first met Wei Mingyan, she could see that this was a young master who had been pampered, raised with no worries about food and clothing, and just needed to be himself freely.

He didn’t have to worry about outstanding relatives or guard against those unsavory people around him, nor did he need to study hard to get ahead.

Maybe human nature was just like this. The more you lack something, the more you like it. Du Zeyu envied Wei Mingyan for his wantonness, cheerfulness, and friends.

At first, she just subconsciously put her eyes on the focus of the crowd and later watched. Her heart gave birth to an indescribable feeling.

Because of the family ties, Du Zeyu was probably strong by nature and had even less resistance to such cute-looking boys.

Of course, she had never exposed her thoughts. She was very smart and knew her present situation well. If she were known to like the famous Young Master Wei Mingyan in her class, those who didn’t like her would certainly make trouble again. 

What’s more, she and Wei Mingyan’s family background had too big of a gap, and the two have never crossed paths. Since they were destined to have nothing to do with each other, revealing it would only get her into trouble, nothing more than that. 

But just now, when the handsome cat-eyed boy handed her the bottle with a smile, the fondness that had been forcibly suppressed resurfaced.

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Du Zeyu gradually stopped memorizing the text. She stretched out her hand and subconsciously stroked the lines of the transparent bottle on the table, and the hot water inside, which had not been drunk, transmitted its heat to the girl’s hand.

So warm.


The exam started very quickly, and Du Zeyu knew she would fail as soon as she got the exam paper.

Although she had a solid foundation, she was busy taking care of her family for the last few months, and she didn’t study much at all. Even if she desperately tried to review at the last minute, almost half of the things on this paper were unfamiliar to her.

What’s more, she wasn’t feeling well now, and the level she could exert her mind to was limited. 

Du Zeyu gritted her teeth, simply stopped thinking, lowered her head, and answered the questions seriously. As time went by, her head became more painful, and her white forehead was beaded with sweat. Her hand that was holding the pen was already unstable.


When the paper was turned in, the girl’s entire face was miserably white.

Wei Mingyan was the first to notice that something was wrong with her.

He just answered the questions carelessly and was about to go out after handing in his paper when he saw Du Zeyu weakly stand up in front of him and stumbled, almost falling.

The teenager quickly held her and was shocked to see that her face and lips were white, “Du Zeyu, are you okay?”

“It’s okay …”

The girl shook her head with difficulty. She propped her hand on the table, barely stood, and then saw the anxious look of the cat-eyed teenager who looked so nervous that he did not know what to do.

He was circling, literally walking around Du Zeyu, with worry on his face, looking at her over and over again. His pair of big cat-like eyes were full of bewilderment.

“You, you look ill. What should I do now …?”

Wei Mingyan was born with a golden spoon in his mouth. He had only been taken care of by others and never took care of others. It was amazing enough for him to think of buying medicine before. But now, the medicine couldn’t be purchased. Looking at the girl who was going to faint at any moment, he was completely confused.

“It’s okay, the next exam doesn’t start until 3 p.m. I’ll just go out and buy some medicine and take it.”  

The good thing was, Du Zeyu, despite struggling, could still think clearly. She informed the teenager, who still didn’t know what to do.

“Right, right, the door is open; we can go outside right now. I’ll quickly help you to the clinic. I remember when I came in the morning, there’s a clinic near the school.”  

As he said so, he naturally swept the powerless young girl towards himself and let her lean on him as they walked out.

Du Zeyu was shocked by this sudden closeness and quickly struggled to stand firm.” No, I can buy it myself. Don’t you need to eat lunch?”

“I will help you go down, then have a meal.”  The boy replied confidently.

Du Zeyu didn’t want him to help her down. She was used to taking care of herself since she was a child, and sometimes she had to take care of others. She was used to taking care of everything by herself and didn’t want to bother others.

But this was Wei Mingyan.

The person she likes …

“I was sick when I was young. My mother sat by the bed and told me stories. I was very happy when I heard these stories, and it didn’t feel so uncomfortable. Do you want to listen to my stories?”

While Du Zeyu was still hesitating, Wei Mingyan began to answer his question, “Since you want to hear it, I will tell you. It was said that there was a country …”

The teenagers’ voice was crisp and pleasant to listen to, with a burst of vitality and full of cheerfulness. Their combination of ‘a boy supporting a girl’ was quite eye-catching in the crowd as they went downstairs. He ignored the eyes of the people around him, chattering about the stories he had heard as a child. 

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Translator: RadnomAlex

Editor: LucyLuffy


By the time Du Zeyu was brought to the clinic outside the school, he had just finished telling his third story.

The doctor administered an IV drip and told Du Zeyu to rest for 3 hours, enough time to regain some energy.

The girl was lying on the hospital bed, looking at it for a while. Then, she stretched her neck to look at the teenager, who seemed like he had no intention of leaving.

“Wei Mingyan, hurry up and go eat. Thank you today. I could have done it myself.”  

“I’m not hungry.”  

The teenager with his back to her stiffened and turned his head to show a smile, as if afraid Du Zeyu wouldn’t believe him, and repeated, “Not hungry at all.”  

With that, he rather cheekily sat down on the hospital bed next to him and patted the top, saying, “This bed is good. I’ll take my lunch break here.”  

If she didn’t know he was stealing glances at herself while talking, Du Zeyu would really think that Wei Mingyan wanted to take his lunch break here. Her heart warmed for the teenager who found a reason to stay and his good intentions in doing so.

Unconsciously, she used a tone of coaxing a child, “I’m really fine, as the doctor said. I’ll be fine after I sleep a bit. You should rest quickly. There’s an exam in the afternoon.”  

“If you don’t do well in the exam because of me, then it would be my fault.”  

The teenager’s large cat eyes dimmed for a moment and reluctantly stood up. He muttered, “I didn’t do well in the exam, and all the questions were filled out blindly …”

Saying that, he walked out while looking back, “I’m off then.”  

When he saw Du Zeyu smiling and nodding, he still refused to turn his head past the door. He slowly walked to the door, then stiffly reached out to pull the door. With some unwillingness, he said, “I’ll really go ah…”  

“Go on and eat.”  

Although she was still feeling unwell, Du Zeyu was also amused by Wei Mingyan’s reluctance.

She used to have very little contact with the class, but every time she saw Wei Mingyan, the teenager looked like ‘the best young master’. This was the first time she ever saw him like this. 

But come to think of it, she was always observing from afar and had never spoken to Wei Mingyan up close.

And …

Du Zeyu somewhat embarrassedly stretched out her right hand, which didn’t have the needle, and touched her cheek; it was a little hot because of the thoughts in her mind.

Why did it feel like Wei Mingyan seemed to treat her in a special way?

Was she overthinking it…?


The teenager didn’t go too far from the clinic. The day was still quite hot, so he casually found a tree closest to the clinic and pulled out his phone from his pocket.

He pressed it a few times and called Mother Wei.

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Almost immediately, she picked up. Not waiting for her to speak, Wei Mingyan said first and started complaining of grievances.

“Mom, I don’t know any of those questions. What should I do?!’

“I’m so sad now. I also told everyone that I want to pass Eldest Brother. As a result, I’m sure I can’t even get a fraction of his scores. It’s really shameful, and I’m pissed off!!”

He had always been spoiled and pampered. Hearing that, the gentle female voice didn’t want to blame her son but was afraid that Wei Mingyan might think of doing something silly, and advised him repeatedly.

“Mingyan, don’t mind if you didn’t do well in the exam. Our family doesn’t rely on grades to eat. It’s okay. At worst, we could buy your way into the university. Why are you angry …? Have you eaten yet?”

“No, I don’t want to eat. A group of people is outside, all parents. I feel even more uncomfortable seeing them outside.”  

“When Eldest Brother took the exam, you guys were outside accompanying him. How come when it’s my turn, I can’t even see your shadows…?”

The teenager’s clear voice carried resentment and was full of aggression, “You must think that I definitely can’t do well in the exam, so you won’t come over to watch over me …”

There was a sudden impatience, “Mingyan, didn’t mom explain to you? Something happened over at the southern branch, and we have to stay here to watch …”


“Forget it, you guys are just biased towards Eldest Brother. It’s just because he has good grades! Mom, don’t ask Dad to buy me into some crappy school either. If Eldest Brother could go to Liu University, why can’t I!?”

“No, Mingyan, listen to your mother…”

“I don’t want to hear it. When I get into Liu University, I’ll see if you guys are still biased!”

“Mingyan …”

Zhong Yicai wanted to say more, but the phone was disconnected.


She sighed; her gentle, pretty face was full of worry for her son. Father Wei pushed the door open and came in, holding his waist as he walked.

“I really can’t accept feeling old. Just sit for half a day, my waist hurts.”  

Zhong Yicai quickly went to help her husband massage his waist and couldn’t help but mention her son, “Mingyan just called me.”  

Father Wei was about to close his eyes for a nap when he heard his youngest son’s name and quickly opened his eyes, “Is he upset?”

He also knew his youngest son’s capability, and he didn’t even think about asking about his grades. Anyway, he definitely wouldn’t pass the exam. 

“Yes, he just called and told me that the other parents are waiting outside the entrance. He also didn’t do well in the exam, and before that, he said he wanted to do better than Mingmu, and now he’s angry.”  

Father Wei snorted, “Growing up with a big temper, everything has to be compared with Mingmu. Now, he moved stone and smashed his own foot. Not looking at his qualities, he would suffer a big loss sooner or later.”           

(TNote: moved stone and smashed his own foot = getting oneself into trouble/ misfortune because of one’s own doing.)

“What are you saying about your own son?!”

Zhong Yicai was instantly unhappy. She waved her hand with a tiger face and stopped massaging.

“Mingyan was so well behaved as a child. If we had time to manage him, he wouldn’t have compared everything with Mingmu.”  

What Zhong Yicai regretted most was that when the youngest son was only a few years old, to take care of her husband, she accompanied him to work. Although Mingmu was not her own, she also brought him up from childhood. They weren’t so rich at that time, but Mingmu didn’t lack maternal and paternal love.

When it came to Mingyan, all they could give was money. However, he was temperamental and loved to compare. He always thought that his Eldest Brother was brought up by his parents, while he could only be brought up by the nanny. So, he was preoccupied with comparing to Mingmu.

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Speaking of this, Father Wei’s face was also a bit gloomy, “Forget it, at least this kid has a sweet mouth. Wait until we get back, and pay his way into university.”  

“Do you want to pay, but he doesn’t want you to…”  Zhong Yicai sighed. “He was engrossed in wanting to compare with Mingmu, and just now said that he had to get into Liu University, and likely wants to repeat his studies.”  

Thinking of her youngest son’s fairly standard failing scores from childhood to now, she got a headache and couldn’t resist hammering her husband on the shoulder, “It’s all your fault!”

Father Wei looked confused. “Why blame me? It’s not like I told him to take the exam for Liu University …”

“You grew up with bad grades. If not for your poor genes, Mingyan wouldn’t have failed to get into university. He’s a very serious kid, and if he can’t pass the exam, he would really keep repeating it. What should I do? Tell me …”

Father Wei was blamed out of nowhere and couldn’t help holding his wife, who had suffered a lot with him. He thought about it and snapped his hands.

“Get him a tutor, get the best, the most expensive; so, he can get into Liu University …”

As he spoke, he quieted down on his own.

As far as the younger son’s grades were concerned, how many tutors had he looked for before?

“Ah….” Father Wei sighed. How was this going to work? 


In the office, the alarm clock set by Wei Mingmu, who was buried in his work, went off.

The handsome-looking man took off his glasses and pressed a phone number on the phone.

“What is it? “

“How was your exam?”

The teenager over there paused for a moment and then somewhat stiffly pretended to answer arrogantly, “Mom and Dad didn’t come. I’m angry, just answered it casually.”  

Wei Mingmu knew as soon as he heard it that he was feeling guilty and that he didn’t do well on the exam. He asked in a deep voice, “Do you want me to accompany you this afternoon?”

“Who wants your company! I’m not a 3-year-old kid. Do you think I’m you? Needing my parents to accompany me to the exam!?”

The clear, crisp voice suddenly blew up, sounding domineering and bossy, but Wei Mingmu managed to capture the sourness and aggravation in it.

He knew that his younger brother had always been jealous that he grew up with his parents. His parents didn’t go to the college entrance examination this time and didn’t know how uncomfortable his brother felt.

Probably, again, his brother would blame him. 

Wei Mingmu didn’t know what to do. He could perfectly control the company handed over to him by his father. However, to this brother, who grew up and regarded him as an enemy, he really couldn’t do anything at all.

In the end, he could only reply rigidly, “Call me if you have anything. I’ll let the secretary do it.”  

The conversation between the two would usually end in this sentence, but there came the eager voice of the teenager, “Wait, wait, wait!”

For the first time, he asked his half-brother, in a gentler tone of voice, while squirming…

“Umm, do you know how to please a girl?”

Wei Mingmu hadn’t reacted, and the teenager added again with emphasis, “A pretty girl.”  

“The very beautiful kind.”

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