Translator: RandomAlex

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Editor: LucyLuffy


Pleasing a girl?

Wei Mingmu blinked in confusion, “Mingyan…”

“I’m not asking for myself!” The teenager rushed to explain in a panic, “I don’t like her. I’m asking for someone else!”

After finishing his speech, without giving Wei Mingmu a chance to answer, the teenager on the phone then threatened fiercely, “Do you know or not? Don’t waste my time if you don’t know!”

The teenager’s crude cover-up was immediately obvious to the adult, and it took Wei Mingmu only a few seconds to get back to his senses.

My brother has a girl he likes.

But Wei Mingmu didn’t know what to do about this problem. 

He grew up studying, working, studying, working, and never fell in love. He never took the time to pay attention to others in love and simply didn’t understand the process.

But this was the first time that Mingyan turned to him for help after he went to school. Perhaps this was an opportunity to ease Mingyan’s hostility towards him.

Even if he didn’t know the answer, he should answer it.

After thinking for less than a minute, Wei Mingmu coughed nervously, “If you want to please a girl you like …”

The young man’s clear voice immediately retorted nervously, “Not me! It’s my friend!”

“Ah, yes…”  

Wei Mingmu replied dryly, “If they want to please girls, they should …”

Should … What should he do …?

Wei Mingmu, who talked to his father about big company things at ease and always kept steady, was a little panicked this time. He tried to recall the romantic things he had seen in his memory.

Voice wasn’t smooth, but somehow spoke with a breath, “What does she like? Just buy it for her.”  

The younger brother’s voice, which was drier than his, came with some grievances, “I don’t know what she likes. I just think she looks good …”

The answer to the question was actually not feasible, Wei Mingmu was a little bit worried. 

The two brothers fell into an awkward silence across the phone.

— knock knock.

A beautiful-looking subordinate knocked on the open door, brought some documents, and went up to him, “Chief Wei, I have something for you …”

Wei Mingmu held the phone and looked up at his subordinate. She was beautiful, elegant in temperament, had slender legs and a white complexion. 

No more than 30 years old, with excellent office skills. She had now taken up a modest but significant position in the company.

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Wei Mingmu usually came into contact with her as his direct subordinate, and she was the one he contacted the most. Of course, it was the boss’s appreciation for a competent subordinate. 

Such an excellent woman must have a boyfriend.

He suddenly had an idea in his heart and spoke to his younger brother, “You should focus on the exam now. Here’s the deal, you take the exam first, and then I’ll teach you in detail when it’s over.”  

Wei Mingyan was somewhat suspicious, “Why do I have to wait until the exam? I can’t pass anyway …”

The more he thought, the more unreliable he felt, “I’ve never seen you with a girlfriend. Can you really teach me how to please girls?”

Wei Mingmu’s expression remained unchanged, “There are many things you haven’t seen. Do you want to learn or not?”

“I want to learn!”

“You wait. I’ll come to you after your exams!”

He was just about to hang up the phone when he suddenly thought of something else and lowered his voice to threaten, “Don’t tell Mom and Dad about this!”


The teenager spoke with a commanding tone. After finishing, he felt a bit stiff and deflated and quickly snapped a cover story, “I… I’m helping my classmate. There’s no need to tell Mom and Dad!”

Wei Mingmu’s eyes involuntarily carried a smile. He asked with a light smile, “If I help you … help your classmate with this favor, how are you going to repay me?”

“Wei Mingmu, don’t take advantage of the situation! You’re my brother; what’s wrong with doing me a little favor!”

So now he knew he was his brother…?

The handsome man listened to the teenager’s justifiable tone, the smile in his eyes deepened, “You said you are my brother, begging for my help. We spoke for so long, and you still haven’t called me Older Brother, ah…”  

There was no sound on the other side. Wei Mingmu could imagine his brother’s angry grimace, a pale fuming look. 

He didn’t try so hard. So he waited patiently. And sure enough, after waiting for less than a minute, there came a sound that if he didn’t listen carefully, he might think it was a mosquito.


Then came the fierce voice of the teenager, “I’ve called you that, all right!?”

“I’m not going to talk to you; I’m going to eat. Last warning, don’t tell others. Otherwise, I won’t call you Brother for the rest of your life!”

The other side promptly hung up.


Wei Mingmu held the phone, not angry at all. Thinking about his brother’s last threat that wasn’t at all threatening, the corners of his lips couldn’t help hooking up, showing a helpless smile.

It’s been a long time since he talked and chatted with his brother properly like this, like a normal brother.

When he was young, the cute child always came up with his beautiful cat’s eyes wide open and waving his little hand. He would call him, ‘Brother, Mingyan wants brother to hug …’

He was holding his soft little brother and wanted to take good care of him for the rest of his life and be the best big brother he could be.

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But in the end, when his brother grew up, he hated him, refused to communicate with him, and everything had to be better than him. When his brother did this, let alone Wei Mingmu, his parents were also sad, ah …

This time, he must seize the opportunity and repair his relationship with his younger brother so his parents could relax.

Wei Mingmu made up her mind, and his firm eyes fell on his subordinate, who was waiting for him with the documents.

“Xu Xinran, as a woman, what gift do you desire most?”

The expressionless subordinate was thinking, ‘Boss, why are you procrastinating, wasting time? I still have a lot of work to do, can’t you hurry? I’m in a hurry!’ 

But hearing the question, she was stunned. 

“The gift I want…” As a woman …?

After living for almost 30 years, except for the teenage years, Xu Xinran had never really thought of herself as a woman.

She wrinkled her brows for a moment and answered honestly, “I think I want a bigger desk, Chief Wei. Our company’s desks were all designed a few years ago. This design isn’t reasonable at all. Things can’t be arranged, and it takes up a lot of space.”  

Although he was a bachelor, his man’s intuition made Wei Mingmu feel that the girl his brother likes wouldn’t want a desk as a gift. 

He twirled the pen in his hand and looked at his subordinate across the table, “Do you have a boyfriend?”

Xu Xinran shook her head, “No.”  

“Ever been in love?”

She shook her head again. 

Wei Mingmu nodded, “All right, you can go.”  

“Oh, okay.”  Xu Xinran subconsciously nodded her head and hugged the documents to go out, and just walked to the door before she came back to her senses.

“Chief Wei, I’m here to tell you about this. Look …”

She quickly went to work mode, so Wei Mingmu, who wanted to hurry up and find an experienced teacher, could only work with her. By the time the problem was solved, he had thought, the woman should finally go away.

Xu Xinran added, “Chief Wei, when are you going to change the desk I just mentioned?”

Wei Mingmu: “… I’ll contact some people this afternoon…”

Looking at the subordinate with a pretty face, a great body, and an elegant temperament leaving with satisfaction, he knocked on the table. He suddenly understood why such an excellent woman like Xu Xinran was still single.

When asking for a gift, she actually asked for a table, heh.

Sure enough, there was a reason why she didn’t have a boyfriend in her thirties.


Xu Xinran went out the door, thinking of her boss’s expression when he asked her what she liked just now, with some amusement.

He actually asked her, the famous unmarried person in this company, about buying for his girlfriend. Who in the whole company didn’t know that she, Xu Xinran, never liked what those little girls liked?

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However, taking advantage of the opportunity to ask for a desk was great. Xu Xinran went downstairs in a good mood. Thinking about the boss’s distress after she left, she couldn’t help laughing.

Sure enough, there was a reason for him not having a girlfriend at the age of thirty.


Du Zeyu was thinking about the exam in her heart. She didn’t sleep well and didn’t know how long she had been lying down. She opened her eyes in a daze.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw the face of a teenager sleeping by the bed.

Wei Mingyan’s eyes were closed, and he looked particularly sound asleep. From Du Zeyu’s angle, she could see the long eyelashes that were completely exposed because his eyes were closed. 

Looking at these long and curly thick eyelashes, she somewhat understood why the teenager’s eyes would look big when they were open. Such beautiful eyelashes were rare, even for girls. 

Du Zeyu couldn’t help breathing lightly to observe the teenager in front of her secretly.

His skin was very good, white, and tender. From such a close distance, there were no spots, and it looked smoother than an egg. She restrained her hand and hid it carefully, holding back the desire to touch it.

Even the teenager’s lips were red, slightly puckered in his sleep, as if he had seen something dissatisfying in his dream.

Looking at it, Du Zeyu wanted to use all the adjectives to describe good looks on Wei Mingyan.

How could there be such a cute person in the world?

Just looking at it made people’s whole hearts feel tender, and couldn’t wait to take him home so that he would only smile softly at her.

Just as this thought rose, Du Zeyu was startled.

She hurriedly covered her mouth for fear that the sentence just now would accidentally come out, and her face grew even hotter.

How… how could she think so? It was so shameful!

Du Zeyu was condemning herself. The teenager lying on the edge of the bed opened his eyes with some confusion and woke up.


He rubbed his eyes and sat up straight. His white face had red marks because he was lying on it. After yawning and stretching, his sleepy, watery big eyes met the girl’s sights.

Immediately, a soft, delighted smile appeared on that handsome face that had been carefully looked at by Du Zeyu several times before.

Even his voice was soft because he was sleeping before, “You’re awake!”

Du Zeyu still covered her mouth. It was clear that the teenager in front of her just woke up and greeted her, and nothing else. But the burning feeling on her cheeks, which she had just tried to calm down, soared up again.

Ah, so adorable!

In her mind, only this sentence was left …

Wei Mingyan didn’t notice the girl’s thoughts as he reached out his hand and touched her forehead under Du Zeyu’s gaze.

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It was the same measurement method as in the morning – one hand on his forehead and one hand on her forehead.

The teenager felt the temperature on her forehead and nodded seriously, “It seems that the fever has gone down. Are you still uncomfortable now?”

Du Zeyu was in a trance. She shook her head while covering her mouth.

“That’s good. Let’s go, the exam is in half an hour.”  

The young boy stood up from his chair. He couldn’t resist another stretch. He hadn’t slept on his stomach like this for a long time.

He was comfortable, but of course, he still wouldn’t forget Du Zeyu. He carefully supported the girl to sit up. Seeing her eyes looking dazed and dull, he thought it was because of the illness, so he carefully advised, “I’ll go get some water to wash your face later. Otherwise, you won’t be able to do well in the afternoon.”  

Wei Mingyan himself didn’t care about the college entrance examination results, but he wasn’t really stupid enough to think that everyone didn’t care.

“Oh, by the way.”  

The young man suddenly remembered something, turned around, took a bottle of warm soybean milk from the table, and handed it to Du Zeyu.

“For me?”

Du Zeyu held the soy milk and looked at the bright-eyed teenager in front of her.

“Did you not eat? I just saw that it was for sale, so I bought a bottle and brought it here.”  

Wei Mingyan saw that she was holding the soybean milk; thinking she was still sick, he went over. He inserted the straw into the soymilk bottle and smiled somewhat proudly.

“You just got sick with no strength in your hands. I’ll fix it for you. Drink up.”  

Du Zeyu, who could lift a table with one hand even when she was sick, silently put a straw in her mouth and took a sip.

The warm soy milk went into her stomach.

A smile appeared on her good-looking white face, and she said to the teenager, “It’s sweet.”  

Seeing her happy, Wei Mingyan was also very happy. He said somewhat braggingly, “I specially asked them to add more sugar. You are sick and need the sugar to replenish well.”  

“Just now, the doctor didn’t give you glucose. I saw that there was so little glucose in the IV bag, so I wanted to make up for it for you.”  

Du Zeyu was drinking soybean milk. After sobering up, the knowledge in her mind told her that the two were different.

But looking up, she saw the teenager in front of her looking rather proud.

She looked up and earnestly said, “Wei Mingyan, you’re so smart.”  

The teenager gave a reserved and self-satisfied smile.

He waved his hand and spoke modestly.

“No, it’s just average intelligence.”  

Du Zeyu tried to hold back her laughter and nodded, “Yes, you’re average intelligent!”

Seeing that she went along with his words, Wei Mingyan added a bit of a stutter, “Actually, I’m still a bit smarter than most people.”

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