It turns out that Wei Mingyan had such ability.

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During the whole operation, he had cold sweat dripping down his forehead, but his hands were steady all the time. Even at the most difficult level, he didn’t make any mistakes.

The interns huddled like quails outside the sterile area, stretching their necks to watch the man in the surgical suit perform various operation skills. 

At the last step, almost everyone was relieved for him.

Dean Lan’s vital signs were normal throughout the procedure, and there was no danger in the whole process. It was like completing a small operation, as he easily took out the benign tumor.

It was the first time for students to watch such an operation. It opened their eyes one by one and they planned to study hard. However, when Wei Mingyan finished the operation, they became depressed as they came to realize that the operation skills could be learned, but this psychological quality could never be learned.

When the operation was officially over, he kept calm all the while. Even the young doctor did not shake his voice for even one second, as he looked up at the vital signs and confirmed that they were normal. Only then did he really relax.

This operation could be called as struggling for a life with God, Wei Mingyan snatched Dean Lan’s life. From then on, Lan Xue was still the Lan Xue with her father’s protection.

Out of the operating room, Lan Xue, who was full of anxiety and uneasiness in her eyes, looked over anxiously. “Mingyan…”

She was afraid that what she was going to hear would be bad news.

I’m scared…

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“The Dean is fine,” said her boyfriend.

Lan Xue breathed a sigh of relief, and tears, which she had barely held back, fell down her white cheeks. “he’s fine, he’s fine…”

Wei Mingyan walked up to the girl and was hugged by her.

Her voice still had a slight nasal sound, which sounds very lovely to men. “It’s good to have you.”

The long fingertips with the smell of disinfectant, fell on her hair, gently stroking it.

Lan Xue closed her eyes and rubbed her head in her lover’s arms.

Mingyan, like a saint, took care of her in silence and full of care, chopping down thorns in front of her.

“Are you an angel?” the girl asked softly.

Wei Mingyan couldn’t help but laugh and touched her head with a smile. “Angels can’t get married.”

Seeing that Lan Xue looked up in confusion, he continued, “the Dean said, when he gets better, he would let us get married.”

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“I’ve chosen the day. How about the eighth day of next month?”

Lan Xue hadn’t yet recovered from her delight when she heard such good news. She was stunned before she responded, “isn’t it too soon…?”

“That’s… true. “

Wei Mingyan’s eyes gleamed with contemplation. “I think it’s a little too soon, too. Why don’t we wait another three months? “

He changed his mind so quickly that Lan Xue was a little embarrassed, but she knew exactly how her lover was, so she no longer refused.

Like an old husband and wife, the two decided the wedding date easily.

Dean Lan learned the news only after he woke up. Three months, it was just enough for him to recover.

This is definitely a conspiracy, absolutely!



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Early in the morning, the people in the small village near the mountain got up to work.

In the recent dry weather, strong laborers need to water the fields first, and then they would keep busy all day. When the sun sets, the sweaty laborers would have free time to sit under the trees and gossip.

During this time, the old ladies in the family would get together, either sewing clothes or doing manual work brought from town. In short, their hands were never free.

Although Wan Youlan had gray hair on her sideburns, she was a little out of tune with a bunch of old ladies who seemed to be shrinking with age. Fortunately, these old people watched her grow up and didn’t care much about it.

“Youlan, you are fine now. You don’t have to do any work every day, just enjoy yourself. Why do you pick up these jobs with us?”

Wan Youlan sat there, but her hands were quick at doing things. She heard an old lady ask about it, and answered with a smile on her face. “Mingyan doesn’t have it easy in the big city. We old couple can’t slow down even if we can’t help much.”

Wei Mingyan gave her the money, but Wan Youlan didn’t take the huge wealth as her own. After being unable to get rid of it, she decisively put it in her bank account, and there were some savings provided by Wang Tie, although not much, but she was happy to think that these were for her children.

“Mingyan is a filial boy who comes back to see you every week on holidays. When he was a child, I did say he must be a clever one. You and Tiezi have not eaten such sufferings for nothing all these years. In the future, you will go to the city with your child to enjoy happiness.”

Hearing these words, Wan Youlan smiled happily. She didn’t want to go to the city to be a burden for her child. During this period of time, as long as she remembered that the child who had been lost for more than 20 years, the child who they worked so hard to find, was so filial, and such an honest and kind-hearted good doctor, she couldn’t help but feel happy in her heart.

As soon as she felt happy, the movement of her hands was a little faster.

Wang Tie and Wan Youlan were hard-working, even when the family didn’t have the expenses needed to search for a child, since Wei Mingyan was found, they were still very happy with their hard work.

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Of course, Wang Tie wasn’t going to pick up those physical jobs that were extremely harmful to his body now, and his son said he didn’t want them to work so hard.

They go to the fields every day to weed, and every time Wei Mingyan came to visit them, he would always carry various bags of nutrition, as well as all kinds of meat he knew they didn’t want to spend money on.

He could keep the money for his son, but there was nothing he could do about the food that couldn’t be kept for a long time. The couple were so moved by the warmth in their hearts that they ate it without saying anything more. With that their faces turned ruddy and even their bodies were healthy.

If there was anyone in the village who people envied the most, it was undoubtedly them.

Even if they have been searching for their son for so many years before, it’s not that no one has been whispering behind their back.

When the child was young, it was easy to say that they had been looking for him for so many years. But that little child had long grown into an adult. Even if they did find him, whether he recognized them or not was still a matter of discussion. 

But what they didn’t expect was that Wei Mingyan not only recognized his parents, but he also tried his best to be filial. He took Wan Youlan to the big hospital to cure her waist disease, and also came back to help work as soon as the holiday came. It really made people marvel at the good luck that Wang Tie and his wife had.

Several people were gossiping when someone heard the sound of a car and looked up towards it. “Youlan, your Mingyan is here to see you again…”

With a look of joy on her face, Wan Youlan stood up and greeted them and went home happily.

She didn’t know that as soon as she was at home, she heard her son speak seriously.

“I’ve decided to marry Ah Xue. “

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