Lan Xue’s wedding was undoubtedly smooth.

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Her parents-in-law were of gentle temperament, especially Wan Youlan, who treated her as if she was her own daughter. Her father had recovered well, although he had changed from balding to bald, his smile was still as bright as always.

Her father was healthy, her in-laws liked her, and the man who was going to spend his life with her also did.

Lan Xue sat nervously in front of the mirror with her friends and bridesmaids chirping around.

They praised her dress for its beauty and envied her wedding, being blessed by so many people.

Her face was delicately made up. Looking at herself in the mirror, her eyes full of happiness.

“Doctor Wei is really very kind to Lan Xue. Didn’t I practice with her in a hospital? At that time, a patient’s family member was making a ruckus and took a framed picture off the wall to hit Lan Xue with it. I was scared to death when I saw it happen. But in the end, at the critical moment, Doctor Wei rushed over and blocked it for her!”

One of the bridesmaids was excited. Like a storyteller, she told others what she saw that day.

“Ah ah yes, that’s what happened! Lan Xue, was that why you and the groom are together?”

One of them had gone to the north since graduating from high school. This time, the girl came back specifically to attend her friend’s wedding. She was full of yearning and excited questions.

Before Lan Xue could answer, someone immediately answered for Lan Xue.

“No, no, she and the doctor were a pair since before that. Everyday together, or calling each other. Her grades suddenly improved so much because the doctor especially taught her. At that time, I was thinking about whether love could really drive a person to study. I didn’t expect that both of them would get married so soon. “

“It’s not too fast, it’s been talked about for over a year. Doctor Wei is famous for his excellent medical skill in our hospital. Uncle Lan’s craniotomy was performed by Doctor Wei, and his recovery was good and pretty quick. He’s really super powerful!”

Listening to the warm praises from the people around her for her husband-to-be, Lan Xue couldn’t help but smile.

Someone called out outside. The bride can come out.

Lan Xue stood up. Someone helped her with her skirt. She wore a beautiful wedding dress and painted on gorgeous makeup. Slowly, she went out.

She saw the handsome man who seldom wore formal clothes. When she saw him, his eyes lit up slightly and his face was smiling.

After that, Wei Mingyan took out the ring box, and his beautiful eyes looked at Lan Xue gently. He knelt down slowly.

“Ah Xue, will you marry me?”

He was excellent, considerate and gentle. He was simply the best man in the world.

As a doctor, he was highly praised for his superb skills.

As a son, he was filial and considerate, caring for his parents.

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As a lover, he holds herself in the palm of his hand.

This person may not say too many sweet words or create romantic scenes, but he was always protecting her and making her feel happy.

Lan Xue smiled and nodded, “I do.”

The beautiful ring was put on the girl’s slender hand. She looked at her father smiling at her, and Wan Youlan, who was too excited to wipe away her tears. She kissed the man with a smile.

Thank you for making me feel so happy.

And I love you


Lan Xue’s married life was sweet.

When she wakes up in the morning, Wei Mingyan would already be awake, making breakfast and serving it on the table. When she woke up, he had already gone out for a run.

Wei Mingyan still remembered his promise. In order to protect his wife, he not only learned Sanda, but also took out his precious morning reading time to run and exercise every day.

After Lan Xue washed up, Wei Mingyan had returned from his morning exercise. They then ate a simple breakfast and went to work together.

When they first got married, the two, who couldn’t cook, ate takeout food for a while.

Wei Mingyan only immersed himself in studying before, and never thought of learning how to cook. Lan Xue, on the other hand, never went into the kitchen since she was young.

She wanted to learn, but was stopped by her new husband.

“Ah Xue’s hand is so beautiful, not a pair of cooking hands.”

The handsome man smiled and touched her hand, and went to the kitchen with the recipe.

His cooking tasted good. Perhaps, the reason was he deemed it necessary to measure everything with a measuring cylinder, before pouring salt in. Every time Lan Xue looked at Wei Mingyan, he had a solemn expression as he poured drops of oil and measured some MSG with a measuring cylinder. She had a feeling of watching a wizard cooking an elixir. 

Of course, even as a wizard, he must be the most handsome one!

Lan Xue always thought that her man was getting more handsome as he grew older. Obviously, they have been married for a long time. Every time they eat a meal, she couldn’t help but stretch out her hand to touch him when she saw how he looked with a mouthful of green vegetables, a mouthful of meat and a mouthful of rice.

If anyone else was having a good meal and was suddenly poked on their cheek, not to mention being startled, people would start to wonder what they were doing. Wei Mingyan’s reaction, however, was simply to raise his head to look at Lan Xue and reveal a shallow smile. He also held out his hand to wrap Lan Xue’s hand.

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Today’s meal between the two ended in a sweet atmosphere.

Sometimes, Lan Xue would feel like this was all a dream. 

However, she ate and went to work with Mingyan every day, which was really happening. Walking in the corridors of the hospital, she comes out of this ward and Wei Mingyan comes out of the other.

During the rest period at home, Lan Xue didn’t have to do housework at home. She felt that she should share the burden with her husband, but Wei Mingyan wouldn’t let her do it. He took his wife as a little princess and did it persistently.

At this time Lan Xue would open her drawing board and start painting. She always thought that painting was her aspiration. She wanted to abandon her profession as a doctor and concentrate on painting. But since she became a doctor, one by one, a life would be saved by her hands. The family members who learned that their loved ones had recovered were always grateful and full of excitement. The joy of survival in the eyes of the patients gradually made Lan Xue understand what her father said in the beginning.

She found pleasure in this job. Every time she saved a person, she drew a shallow mark on her notebook. Every time she drew, she couldn’t help but smile when she saw the marks.

It turns out that saving people was such a fulfilling thing.

Lan Xue also made Wei Mingyan a small notebook. When the notebook was full, the third day was their wedding anniversary.

Wei Mingyan was a person who couldn’t act romantic, but he had carefully remembered every day that needed to be treated seriously.

The wife’s birthday, the parents’ birthday, the adoptive parents’ birthday and death day. Of course, he wouldn’t miss their wedding anniversary.

Lan Xue knew that Wei Mingyan wanted to give her something. They lived together every day and knew each other’s habits like the back of their hands. Two weeks ago, when her man came home with an actual flower pot that she had never seen before, she guessed it was her gift.

Wei Mingyan had always believed that although flowers were beautiful, they needed time to take care of. He and Lan Xue didn’t have much free time, so he never mentioned raising flowers at home. At most, he bought some fake flowers for decoration.

He was rigorous and careful in his work, but in his life, he was incapable of concealing things.

Looking at the bare flowerpot without blossom, Lan Xue accepted Wei Mingyan’s reason, that he was helping his friends raise it for a period of time, with a smile.

Regardless of the fact that most of their friends were the same people, the mere reason that they needed others to help raise their own flowers was completely ridiculous.

Ignoring this point, Lan Xue watched her man wake up in the morning to wash first, then changed to water the flowers. With the sweet feeling of ‘you don’t know I know’, Lan Xue watched Wei Mingyan carefully care for the potted flower for two weeks.

She drew a new illustration some time ago. A new character, a flower sprite, was added to the illustration. He had a beautiful face and magnificent medical skills. His favorite thing to do was to treat sick plants in the mountains diligently.

This character was loved by fans, and after Lan Xue had marked the muse, it became even more wildly praised.

Wei Mingyan accidentally saw the prototype of the flower sprite painted by Lan Xue and looked at the beautifully painted blooming flower. He asked, “Do you like flowers?”

Lan Xue knew why he asked, and she smiled and nodded, “I love it so much!”

The handsome man showed a smile. He felt that Lan Xue didn’t know why he smiled, but Lan Xue knew that he was giving the gift that she liked.

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Her husband was always so sweet.

She drew a small picture on the new notebook. Thinking that Wei Mingyan carefully cared for the potted flower during this period of time, Lan Xue couldn’t help but show a sweet smile. When she went out today, the flower had already begun to bloom. It seems that Mingyan brought it while counting the perfect timing. 

He went to a meeting with Dean Lan and didn’t know whether he should bring something back to eat when he came home.

She was thinking joyfully whether he would like to go for a big meal the day after tomorrow, when suddenly there was a scream from outside, followed by sad crying.

This was very common in hospitals, most of which were the cries of bereaved relatives.

Lan Xue subconsciously recalled that the patients hospitalized in recent days were not serious enough to die, and even several had already begun to heal.

She was about to stand up and see what was going on when the office door was flung open and a woman with a face full of tears rushed in.

“Doctor Lan, Doctor Lan, my husband, he’s vomiting blood. He just told me he had chest tightness…  at some point he began to vomit blood. He said it hurts. You… you should go look…!”

Lan Xue’s pupil tightened sharply and followed her out.


This woman, she remembered, was the wife of patient eight. Both of them were very young, and the man’s illness was not very serious. After an operation, he quickly got better. Now he could get out of bed for a walk. He could have already been discharged from the hospital, but as he still wanted to stay under observation, he didn’t leave yet. 

A few days ago, Lan Xue also saw the wife holding her husband for a walk in the garden with a smile.

At that time, wasn’t he already better?

She quickly came to the ward, and the first thing she saw was a large pool of blood. The patient who greeted her with a smile that morning had an ashen complexion, his eyes closed, his body lying in a twisted posture on the white bed. His body was still twitching and blood kept spilling from his mouth.

The wife, who was already trembling and crying, immediately rushed over and kept testing her husband’s breathing. “Doctor Lan, Doctor Lan, I beg you, save him. Please, Doctor Lan …”

In the end, the patient was still not rescued in time.

Lan Xue had done all she could, the medicine she should use, the things she should do. The whole resuscitation lasted nearly two hours. Her hair was completely sweaty and her white coat was covered with blood, but she could only watch him die.

Because she didn’t know whether it was caused by the previous operation wound, their rescue was carried out in the ward. When the ECG monitoring showed a straight line at the end, the patient’s wife collapsed and knelt on the ground.

“Doctor, I beg you to save him, doctor, I beg you. He was already well, he also went down to dinner with me this morning. Doctor, please doctor …”

“He is already well. Didn’t you say that?! He could be discharged from hospital, he could go home! Doctor!!”

Somebody scrambled to help her up. Listening to the cries in her ear, although Lan Xue had heard those cries many times, she still felt uncomfortable every time.

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The ward quieted down and the medical staff removed the instruments. Lan Xue’s hands were full of the blood that the patient vomited out during the resuscitation just now. She glanced at the woman lying in front of the hospital bed, weeping bitterly. Then she silently turned to leave. 

The patient had died, but the reason still needed to be clarified. He was already healing before. Why did this happen so suddenly?

And his illness, it wouldn’t cause him to start vomiting blood. 

Next to the hospital bed, the patient who watched the whole process was also a little sad, but he was more worried about whether he would end up the same. When he wanted to have another examination, he suddenly felt his chest was stuffy and bloated. After that, a rusty taste was all over his mouth.

“Doctor!! My son vomited blood too. Help, doctor!!”

Lan Xue suddenly turned back and looked at the patient who was clutching his chest. He was coughing and spitting up blood with a painful expression and a completely similar condition to that of the previous patient. For the first time, she made a decision. 

“Close the door, all the doctors and nurses involved in the rescue, don’t leave!”

“Call the director and tell him that an infectious disease is suspected …”


Wei Mingyan was on his way back with Dean Lan’s documents. Dean Lan hasn’t had any hair since the surgery. He was much more energetic after turning bald completely than when he was balding, and the scar on his forehead would always cause questions.

This time, he just needed to implicitly say, “before, I had a brain tumor, but it has been cured by my son-in-law, ” also praising Wei Mingyan while at it.

Wei Mingyan had almost become the ‘signboard of the First Hospital’. As his father-in-law, Dean Lan’s favorite thing now was to show off this son-in-law, who was good-looking and had real talent, so that others would praise him.

However, several people who came to the meeting this time were familiar with each other. No one was curious about Dean Lan’s big bald head. He felt quite angry and asked Wei Mingyan as soon as he got out of the door.

“Can you both come home for dinner the day after tomorrow, I’ll tell the nanny to cook delicious food. “

Wei Mingyan smiled lightly, “We can’t the day after tomorrow, I have an arrangement with Ah Xue. “

“Young people, you and Ah Xue have arrangements every day. “

“We have to go the day after tomorrow. “

“Why don’t you just go tomorrow?  We also don’t have to call the nanny, I’ll cook. “

“That’s okay, Last time you got my measuring cylinder, you still kept it …”

The father-in-law and son-in-law duo were discussing what was better to eat tomorrow when Dean Lan’s cell phone rang. His face was still smiling. He answered the phone, then his ruddy complexion turned pale in an instant.

“What did you say? What happened to Ah Xue?”

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