Editor: Makoto

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The tears on Qi Jingshu’s face just hung on her face, unable to fall.

Her eyes were captivating. At the moment, her eyelids were drenched, and her red almond eyes looked innocent. At this moment, she looked at her lover confusingly and didn’t react for a long while. Her mind, scared thoughtless by the blood before, retraced its memory. “Lottery, lottery ticket?”

“Yeah, it’s now 8 o’clock, right? The lottery is every night at 8 o’clock.”

Qi Jingye was just pushing through the door as he heard this sentence. His face sank as he carried a nutritious porridge in his hand to the table. His voice was low when he muttered, “This is no time to think about a lottery.”

The words spoken were cold and hard, but the eyes that looked over were full of care and worry. “How do you feel now?”

“I’m okay. It’s sore and achy, kind of like when I go for a run in the morning. ” The man lying in the hospital bed laboriously covered his head and loosened his hand after feeling the gauze on his forehead. “Brother Jingye, thank you for coming to see me.”

Qi Jingye put the porridge on the table and walked to the hospital bed with a calm face. His serious appearance scared Qi Jingshu, thinking that her brother was going to do something, and she hurriedly approached the bed carefully and cautiously.

“Thank you for saving Jiayu.”

He was obviously only 30 years old, but the cold hard man with a gray head bowed his head and bowed deeply to Wei Mingyan. His voice seemed to be a bit depressed and hoarse. “Thank you, really, Mingyan.”

Wei Mingyan was flattered. It seemed that it was the first time he had heard Qi Jingye call his name since he met him.

He subconsciously waved his hand. “It’s par for the course, Jiayu is Jingshu’s niece, that is, my…”

Qi Jingshu at the bedside and Qi Jingye who was bowing now all had their eyes on the man with the wound on his face.


He was so used to talking with a smooth mouth and almost said it.

“Jiayu is also my student, and I should protect her.”

The handsome man spoke with a hoarse magnetic voice. Qi Jingshu glanced at his face that had an embarrassed expression, nearly laughing out loud.

“Okay Elder Brother, you go home first. Jiayu and Sister-In-Law need you to accompany them now. I’m here with Mingyan.”

If it were any other days, his beautiful sister wouldn’t not come home at night to share a room with a man. Qi Jingye said before he wouldn’t agree to anything, but now….

“Okay. “He nodded. “There is a free bed here. I’ll get a quilt for you and come back for you tomorrow morning.”

“Wait a minute. ” Wei Mingyan looked down at the watch on the table and sat up with the help of Qi Jingshu. “Brother Jingye, help me turn on a TV. We’re just in time for the lottery.”

Lottery? Is he still thinking about winning the lottery?

Qi Jingye usually disliked those who want to get something for nothing by relying on lottery tickets. If he heard Wei Mingyan say this before, he would never be satisfied if he didn’t properly explain his opinion.

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But now … Who made him Jiayu’s savior?

Qi Jingye turned and turned on the TV.

The TV was tuned to the lottery channel, just as the numbers were announced. 

“Jingshu, bring out the lottery tickets and pair them up.”

“Well, okay. “Qi Jingshu obediently pulled out the lottery ticket she had been carrying and pointed it at the numbers on the TV.


Qi Jingshu’s eyes brightened as she saw them, and as she read, her voice climbed. Wei Mingyan leaned expectantly sideways, and they leaned together, both bright-eyed toward the ticket.

Qi Jingye looked at the little lovers getting together that way and just felt joyless.

It’s better to work hard at a young age than anything else. When Wei Mingyan is well-trained, he can advise him. Not to say that he can’t buy lottery tickets, but they shouldn’t take lottery tickets so seriously.

It’s okay to win 10 yuan in the lottery now. But how could you earn big money?…

“It’s a win!! Mingyan!! It’s a win!!”

His sister’s scream of surprise suddenly erupted, sending shivers down Qi Jingye’s spine as Qi Jingshu’s unbelievable voice reverberated in his ears. “The first prize!!! 50 million!!”

“Mingyan, you won the prize! You won the prize Mingyan!!!”

Won the prize?

Qi Jingye froze in place, looked at a set of numbers on TV, and quickly came to his sister and looked at the little lottery ticket in her hand.

Real, it’s actually real…

Is this a dream?

Or has he not woken up yet?

50 million, this is 50 million …

Wei Mingyan’s eyes also sparkled with joy. Most of his usual smiles were shallow and light, looking cloudy and light-hearted, but at the moment, he was more like an ordinary person.

“Jingshu, I can buy a house and a car and buy a lot of things for you!”



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Sister-in-law Qi was slicing the watermelon with a shaky hand, nearly rolling the watermelon off the counter.

“Are you serious? Mingyan really won 50 million?”

That’s 50 million! Many people would never see so much money in their entire lifetime!

After getting a positive answer, she was happy for the future brother-in-law and then began to give birth to worries in her heart.

“Jingye, did Mingyan say anything when he saw he won the lottery?”

Qi Jingye drifted off at the moment, only feeling that he was still dreaming, racking his brains to recall Wei Mingyan’s words in the ward. “He said that he wants to buy a house and a car, and buy something for Jingshu.”

“That’s good, that’s good.”

Sister-in-law Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and Qi Jingye scratched his head in disbelief. “What did you say? Isn’t it a good thing for Mingyan to win the prize?”

“Men get worse when they have money. Although Mingyan is a good one and good towards Jingshu, we still need to make sure.” Sister-in-law Qi was happy for Wei Mingyan but also worried about the future of her sister-in-law.

The aim of modern society was straightforward. Everything revolved around money, and it was because of money that a whole family could fall apart, making a fuss and an ugly scene on the surface.

Winning the lottery was a good thing, but the sentiments surrounding the winner is not all that good.

Sister-in-law Qi had handled similar cases before she knew Qi Jingye. The whole family was wary of each other because of money, and they all died in the end. She didn’t want such a good man as Wei Mingyan, to abandon Qi Jingshu after gaining money.

However, since he thought of buying things for Jingshu at the first moment he won the lottery, Mingyan would unlikely change his temperament now that he had money.

Qi Jingye didn’t quite understand what his wife was saying, but soon fell into happiness for Wei Mingyan.

Before, he was worried about Wei Mingyan’s life after he quit his job. However, it was okay now. Even if such a large sum of money was put in the bank, from earning interest every day, it was still a lot of money. 

Nonetheless, Wei Mingyan had no plans to keep the money in the bank. After saving a part of it, all the rest were intensively invested into his own small company.

Qi Jingshu was worried about her boyfriend’s behavior, but she also expressed her support. After all, the money was an unexpected gain, and even before winning the prize, the result of their discussion was still the same.


Soon, the company began to operate. Wei Mingyan quickly grew very busy, and the times he visited the Qi’s house became much shorter. Qi Jingye said nothing, but Sister-in-law Qi was worried. Though, several times Wei Mingyan came, the exhaustion on his face was obvious.

“It’s okay, the company is still small, and our employees are all new recruits. Not to mention, the break-in period is still going on, so I have to take care of everything until it gets bigger.”

The handsome man had a tired and happy smile on his face, placing the necklace in his hand on the girl’s beautiful and delicate collarbone.

Looking over at Qi Jingshu touching the necklace somewhat expectantly, he nodded. “Sure enough, it looks gorgeous on you.”

Praised by her boyfriend, Qi Jingshu’s lips could not help but smile. Then, she thought of something and hurriedly asked, “Is this necklace expensive? Now is the time when you need money. Don’t always buy for me …”

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“I need money to make money.” Wei Mingyan smiled and sat beside his girlfriend with a gentle voice. “Making money is to make you live better and feel free. Even if I earn more money, but can’t use on the person I like. What’s the use?”

He has always been a good boyfriend, and Qi Jingshu felt so sweet in her heart that she couldn’t help but lean on his shoulder.

“Mingyan, I know you are doing it for me. Although you might be busy with the company’s development now, you should also pay attention to your health. I’m starting work tomorrow and I don’t have time to watch you, but you need to be more careful, okay?”

“Okay, I’ll listen to my Jingshu. ” His slender white hand took Qi Jingshu into his arms and stroked her hair over and over, tender and cherishing.

“You, too. Don’t tire yourself at work. If someone gives you any problems, don’t just endure it.”

“Look at what you are saying. I am going to work, not going to war. Who will give me problems?”

Qi Jingshu finally found a job yesterday. It was from a well-known enterprise, which was also regarded as a leading power-house in this city. As she was rejected by too many companies before, she didn’t actually think of submitting her resume in this company, but her classmate who was looking for a job encouraged her to submit her resume. Originally, she just gave it a try, but she didn’t expect to receive the admission notice so soon.

Being able to enter this company was a pleasant surprise for Qi Jingshu. Qi Jingye and Sister-in-law Qi specially took a break to celebrate with her. Even Wei Mingyan, who was busy and absent these days, dragged his tired body to her house.

Qi Jingshu’s mood hadn’t been very high these days. Her character was weak, but it didn’t mean that she could accept staying at home without doing anything. Even if Mingyan was wealthy and they were getting married, does he have to earn money alone?

Her major was not destined to be sought by small companies, but the big ones won’t take her. After studying for so many years, she felt useless. The despair in Qi Jingshu’s heart could be imagined.

Besides, if Mingyan’s company doesn’t develop smoothly, she would get a salary, and at least she could help a little.

These miscellaneous threads of doubt wrapped around her heart like vines, making her heart feel heavy and unable to sleep all night long.

Now, at last, the block was opening up!

Thinking about starting work in the future, Qi Jingshu looked forward to it as she worried about whether her family could take good care of themselves. Wei Mingyan, who couldn’t take care of anything when he was busy, was the first person on her mind.

“If you really don’t trust me, how about you call me while you’re eating by yourself, and I’ll answer the phone and go to lunch?”

“Good idea, then do that. When you eat, don’t drink so much wine. If you drink too much, don’t always sleep in the company. Call me, and I’ll pick you up.”

They have been together for a long time, but they were still sweet every day. Maybe some people didn’t like lovers who were too clingy. However, Qi Jingshu lost her parents when she was young, and when she grew up, she was violently bullied on campus, which made her character weak.

When things went wrong, she would always subconsciously endure. As a result, she became fonder of and even more dependent on her reliable, steady, and gentle boyfriend.

They leaned back together sweetly again and looked over the pictures they had taken the day before, their hearts full of hope for the future.


Sister-in-law Qi was cutting vegetables. The little girl with braids and beautiful big eyes on her white face curiously looked at her mother, “Mom, why does Teacher have to hold Aunty? Is Aunty not feeling well?”

When she was sick, her mother also held her. Thus, if her teacher held her aunt then she must be sick…

Qi Jiayu was worried about her Aunt, and her immature voice urged, “Mom, let’s get medicine for Aunty. It’s very uncomfortable to get sick.”

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Sister-in-law Qi twitched her eyes, remembering the two who would stare at each other with loving eyes even at dinner, not knowing how to explain to her daughter. She then bent down and whispered, “Jiayu is so lovely, your Aunt isn’t feeling sick, it’s because … because she likes Teacher Wei, that’s why…”


Qi Jiayu nodded, smiling at her mother with open arms. Her white little face was full of expectation. “Mom, I want to hold you.”

“I like my Mom.”

The child’s simple words flowed into Sister-in-law Qi’s heart like a warm current. With a smile, she took her daughter in her arms.

“Jiayu, Mom also likes you.”

Holding this tiny body in her arms, she was countless times grateful that it was okay, that it was a false alarm, that Jiayu was okay, that this was her baby. The one she couldn’t even imagine losing.

Qi Jiayu nestled in her mother’s arms and began to count on her fingers. “I also like my Dad, Aunty, Teacher, and school …”

She counted and counted, and her lovely face showed some distress. “Mom, what should I do if there are too many people I like? My hand is only so long that I can’t hold many people.”

Sister-in-law Qi couldn’t help laughing and poked her daughter’s little nose. “Sweetie, if we can’t hug them all, don’t hug them. When you grow up, you’ll understand.”

“Understand what?”

Qi Jingye walked in with a roast chicken bag in stride, because his sister had found a job, his usually cold and hard face was also in the mood for smiles.

“Jiayu, look, Dad bought roast chicken, hurry up and call your Aunt out to eat together.”

“Thank you, Dad. I want to hug Dad.”

“Huh? Why do you want to hug your Dad? Good, my good girl, come on, eh-yo, it’s heavy…”

Laughter soon filled the small courtyard.


The next day, Qi Jingshu stood under a building and took a deep breath, giving herself enough mental reinforcement before she stepped inside.

In the future, this was where she worked.

She felt a little excited and a little fear.

Hoping to get along well with new colleagues!

Qi Jingshu entered the office with great ambition, but then met a cool-dressed woman.

Her face almost paled in an instant.

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