Editor: Makoto

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Qi Jingshu’s childhood was very happy. Her parents weren’t planning on having another child after Qi Jingye, but then her mother unexpectedly got pregnant. After discussing, the husband and wife decided to give birth to this child.

Hence, Qi Jingye, who was only nine years old then, gained a little sister.

Qi Jingshu still remembered her Mother’s warm hands and her Father’s voice as he told her stories. At that time, her brother was busy at school, but he still took time to draw butterflies for her to play with.

Her childhood was joyful, growing up day by day, until suddenly one day, the neighboring Aunt knocked on the door of her home.

As they knelt in front of their parents’ graves, Qi Jingshu looked at the back of her brother in front of her, listening to the whispers behind them, and tightly pressed her lips.

“What are they going to do. Old Qi and the others are just going to go away and leave these two kids behind. How are they going to live in the future?”

“Jingye is fine, but Jingshu is so young and is still a baby girl. No one can rest assured even if she’s in anyone’s hands.”

Qi Jingshu was puzzled and didn’t know what they were talking about, but she knew inexplicably that these people wanted to separate her from her brother. She didn’t want to leave her only relative, and her kind aunt advised her.

“Jingshu, your brother is still at school. He is still a child, and he can’t take care of himself yet. How can he take care of you?”

The little girl sobbed and wiped her tears, and her voice was stubborn as she choked, “I don’t want my Brother to take care of me. I can take care of my Brother.”

“You child, why won’t you listen…”

Her relative, usually kind-hearted, was now looking sternly at her as if she was the most misbehaved and disobedient child, and they were saying things to try to keep the two siblings apart.

At that time, Qi Jingshu didn’t understand what pension was. A group of people surrounded her, and she was afraid and worried that her Elder Brother really didn’t want her. She could only cry with her head down.

Before, when she cried, her parents would coax her tenderly, but now, those people only shook their heads and sighed.

“Why is this child so unreasonable? We’re doing this for her own good. Now its as if we are hurting her instead…”

“Yes, Jingye is too young. How can he take good care of his sister, how can we not help out when we’re related?”

“Jingye is going to have a girlfriend in a few years, and with a large age difference between Jingshu and him, she will definitely be disliked by the woman then…”

Every word she could hear poked Qi Jingshu’s heart like a knife. She bit her teeth and could almost taste the blood in her mouth.

She didn’t understand. They obviously met before. These people would call her name affectionately, hugged her, and smile. But now, one by one, they were repulsed.

Qi Jingshu didn’t understand, but Qi Jingye knew what these people are after.

He drove away those people, holding his crying sister, who was shaking all over, and his voice was hoarse and firm. “Jingshu, I will raise you. We have the money left by our parents. On what grounds can’t we survive?!”

Qi Jingshu learned to be strong from this day.

Her Brother always had to go to school and work. She can’t let her tired Brother make time to take care of her. Then, she should do it herself!

She tried hard to forget her past as a little princess spoiled by her parents, and learned to cook, wash dishes, and buy food, so that she wouldn’t drag him down. 

She worked hard to grow up and make herself sensible, attended junior high school, high school, university …

When she started work, she’ll be able to share her Brother’s worries.

However, the high school life that Qi Jingshu anticipated turned out to be a nightmare.

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She never knew that people could be so sinister.

Qi Jingshu’s looks were lovely as a child, but when she grew up, her features opened up, and she became a real-life beauty.

Although she was busy studying every day, she didn’t have the mind to dress herself. Nonetheless, good looks were not created by dressing up alone.

At that time, a girl who didn’t use makeup and concentrated on her studies was still very attractive in high school.

Qi Jingshu never wanted to fall in love. She knew that her current focus shouldn’t be on places other than her studies, so she didn’t pay attention to her surroundings.

At first, she received a love letter under her desk, written by a schoolboy in her class at that time. Qi Jingshu read it carefully, and then politely refused him.

After that, it was a nightmare.

Love letters imitating her handwriting were posted on the bulletin board, changing from good students in the eyes of teachers to bad students who love early and lied. 

Countless classmates whispered about her, laughing at her for thinking about the schoolboy.

Clearly, she didn’t do anything.

People around here were indifferent to Qi Jingshu’s defense because some contents in the love letter were really unsightly. The goddess in the eyes of male students fell. They said some filthy fantasies in front of her, and the female students avoided her as if she was a virus.

If that was the case, Qi Jingshu would have been able to tolerate it, but then the cruel violence escalated. From another class, an unknown female schoolmate, whom she obviously didn’t remember at all, began to bring people to surround her.

Her things were thrown on the floor, her face poked, leaving marks from hands with long nails, She was taunted with words, pushed around and shoved. All these things wouldn’t go away from Qi Jingshu’s dreams for a long time.

She looked for a teacher, but it didn’t work at all. The person’s family was powerful and they were let off lightly with a single word.

The school was closed, but she only came home once every two weeks. Qi Jingshu doesn’t have a mobile phone, so she was tortured for two weeks.

One night, she stood on the balcony, looking at the flower bed below, and was seen by that person. She pulled her hair and said insulting words in front of so many people.

“You’re dead. Don’t you want to die? Jump down! You are a waste, disgusting!”

The pain inflicted on her body for no apparent reason was like a slow knife cutting through flesh, eating away at Qi Jingshu’s desire to live.

Later, her brother found out about it.

He seemed like a crazy person who wanted to avenge her.

Qi Jingshu pulled him back.

This society was like this. Because of being underage, they can do whatever they want, and because those people had money at home, they can do things that many people can’t do.

She only has her brother, and she wanted to protect her brother.

Finally, Qi Jingshu transferred to another school and left that school full of nightmares.

Her mood couldn’t be turned back, and she almost went through with suicide. Fortunately, her brother pulled her back. Although she can’t go back to her old self, at the very least, she’s alive.

Qi Jingshu graduated from a new school and was admitted to a satisfactory university. Her previous experience still influenced her personality. For four years in college, she again repeated her previous life, studying, studying and studying.

She didn’t want to change or fall in love, until much later, when she picked up her little niece from school, she saw the handsome teacher.

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That’s her boyfriend, Mingyan.

They loved each other, her brother and sister-in-law are getting closer and closer, Jiayu has transferred schools well, and everything is perfect.

But why, at this time, this place, she met the woman who nearly killed her.


“Qi Jingshu, long time no see.”

The woman sat behind the chair, her ordinary face full of pride. Her eyes flashed with jealousy after seeing the beautiful face of the opposite person. She didn’t let Qi Jingshu notice this jealousy, but then knocked on the table, and her mouth was cold as they curled up. “Remember me?”

“… Cao Jing …”

Qi Jingshu, who was full of anticipation of her new surroundings, blanched and took an almost subconscious step back.

This was, fear.

Seeing that the opposite person was afraid of herself, Cao Jing’s smile widened. “Come, sit down and I’ll tell you what you need to do.”

After saying that, seeing that Qi Jingshu was still standing still with a pale face, she put away her smile, and her expression was relaxed. “Are you still remembering what happened in high school? Don’t be so stingy. It’s all in the past.”

How, how can she be so careless …

In the beginning, she was pressed on the edge of the balcony, looking at the flower bed underneath. Her eyes were dizzy as she grabbed the railing desperately, fearing that she would be pushed down.

In front of the whole class, she was told filthy things that she had never even heard of, and laughter resounded around her.

Even after a long while, these things seemed to happen only yesterday, and they kept appearing in front of Qi Jingshu.

How, how can it be like this, as if nothing had happened …

She gritted her teeth and turned to leave.

“Where are you going?”

The woman’s voice behind her was sharp, and she let out the hidden bad intentions again. “Do you want to resign? Resign on the first day of work. If our company publicizes this matter, do you think you can still find a job?”

Qi Jingshu’s footsteps stuck in place.

Cao Jing’s voice was like a poisonous snake spitting out every word, which made people feel cold. “Qi Jingshu, why are you always so timid? It’s been so many years, and we are not students. What else can I do to you?”

She said so, but her heart was very carefree.

Being able to make Qi Jingshu afraid and scared made Cao Jing feel happy.

In the beginning, the person she liked fell in love with Qi Jingshu and was rejected, but she still had to pursue it with perseverance.

He refused her, but he liked Qi Jingshu. So, he took a fancy to that face!

Or maybe he’s like those people who find Qi Jingshu pure?

Then, she decided to tear up her purity. Even if it’s false, no one would believe it, and everyone will only hide from her to prove that they aren’t like her.

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She arbitrarily bullied Qi Jingshu.

Anyway, she had already checked her family thoroughly. Her parents were no longer alive, and there was only one little policeman brother, so as long as she was coquettish with Dad and gave the policeman a little stumble, she didn’t have to stop.

Cao Jing succeeded.

She was the perpetrator, but she got away with it. She also got the man she liked. Wherever he went, she followed, and they got married before graduating from college.

Cao Jing really liked her husband. He was handsome, gentle, and a person with great ability and vision in business.

She was an only daughter, and she would inherit her family business in the future. As her husband, the man will certainly help her.

He did a good job, and Cao Jing and her father were very satisfied.

But then, she found something wrong.

In bed, her husband never looked at her face. He would call her name softly, “Jingjing, Jingjing, I love you …”

It’s a beautiful sentiment and a shot that disintegrated Cao Jing’s heart.

She felt that her husband must be very fond of her, or else he wouldn’t be so affectionate.

But then, what did she find?

This husband, who claims to still love her, actually hid Qi Jingshu’s photo in private, so lovingly and carefully.

So, it’s this ‘Jing’ ah…

Cao Jing didn’t allow herself to lose to an orphan girl who had nothing but a pretty face. Through her former classmates, she found out which school and university Qi Jingshu had gone to.

It’s just so coincidental that Qi Jingshu’s major was within her grasp.

Isn’t that man still remembering the pure girl she was?

Then she had to bully her arbitrarily in front of him, like in those days, and show him the most embarrassing appearance of Qi Jingshu.

Cao Jing was a princess, and had everything she wanted since she was a child. What was once a girl’s love has now completely evolved into possessiveness, and even if she knew that man didn’t have herself in his heart, she still had to trap him by her side stubbornly.

She knew that her husband was obedient to her right now because of her Dad, and she also knows that the name he called so affectionately was not her. Nonetheless, she was reluctant to hate him at all.

She had no one to hate, so she’ll find someone to hate.

Qi Jingshu! One of the biggest mistakes she made was not ruining that vixen face of hers while she was young!


Qi Jingshu spent her first day at work.

On the surface, everything seemed normal. However, behind it, she always felt like she was being watched, dark and cold. 

She’s been distraught all day about what happened in the first place. The day she almost died, and Cao Jing’s cold eyes.

She tried to comfort herself, reminding herself this wasn’t school, and she was not a student who didn’t know anything and didn’t dare to resist. Regardless, the fear in her heart kept rising.

Qi Jingshu was about to get up when she was told that the department was having a dinner tonight.

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“This is a tradition. Every year when new people come, our department will have a dinner gathering.” Some well-meaning seniors told her. “It’s just food and drinks, and we don’t have to pay for it anyway.”

Qi Jingshu didn’t want to go, but as a newcomer, how can she not go?


“Director Cao should bring her husband. He’s so handsome and capable and is right next door to our department. I heard he’ll be promoted again soon.”

“Yes, yes, didn’t you say that Manager Zhao is so handsome. How come he’s with our Director Cao…”

“Who made Director Cao a big Miss ah? Shhh, stop talking. Manager Zhao is coming …”

Qi Jingshu looked up at the people around her and looked curious.

The man approaching the door was dressed in an expensive suit, and his features were indeed considered to be quite good and looked handsome.

However, he was certainly not as good looking as Mingyan. Mingyan’s face, just from looking at it would always make her dazed.

Speaking of which, she hasn’t had time to tell Mingyan about her company dinner in the evening, so now was a good time to give him a call before it started.

She took a look around and went to get her mobile phone, ready to call her boyfriend. Unfortunately, she didn’t notice the man who attracted people’s attention was looking at her in disbelief.

“Mingyan, I’m having dinner at the company tonight. Remember to eat by yourself. Don’t always just make do with whatever.”

Wei Mingyan turned the car key in his hand as he listened to his girlfriend’s voice in his cell phone and warmly said, “Okay, okay, I’ll listen to our family’s Jingshu. I’ll definitely have a good meal. When will you finish tonight? Let me pick you up.”

“No…” said Qi Jingshu in mid-sentence of her refusal, and then she thought of Cao Jing and after two seconds of silence, and said “Okay, I’ll call you when I’m done with dinner tonight.”

“Don’t hang up first.” Came the man’s raspy voice, and before Qi Jingshu could ask, he said, “Kiss before you hang up.”

“It’s across the phone, stop it. I’m hanging up.” Although she had long been accustomed to her boyfriend’s lack of decorum and the people around her couldn’t hear him, Qi Jingshu couldn’t help but have her face flush.

Hanging up the phone, some colleagues laughed and joked, “Jingshu, boyfriend?”

The sweet smile on her lips hadn’t cancelled out and she nodded, admitting generously, “Yeah, my boyfriend.”

The girl, who was in her early twenties, had a light smile on her face, sweet and bright, as she talked to someone else while turned sideways. She was completely unaware that there was a pair of eyes watching her steadily.

“Husband, eat your vegetables.”

Cao Jing looked at the line of sight of the man beside her, and her eyes sank. Even so, she still quietly put food in front of his face.

Watch and see. Wait until this evening, she will see if this person will still like Qi Jingshu.

Zhao Guang remembered that his wife was still beside him, and he hurriedly looked back and smiled gently at his wife, but his eyes remained a little emotional.

She was still so beautiful, so hard to look away from.

But why didn’t she react when she saw him.

Qi Jingshu, who had long forgotten what the schoolboy’s name and how he looked like in the first place, took a bite of her food and pondered how it would affect her family if she quit her job.

In the slight darkness of the evening, Wei Mingyan sat in a comfortable luxury car and drove towards the location that Qi Jingshu had told him about.

He was going to pick up his girlfriend.

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