Translator: RandomAlex

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Editor: Makoto


Wei Mingyan followed the Village Chief all the way to his house, and when he saw the old man looking back uneasily, he smiled. “Village Chief, are you worried that something will happen to them?”

“Yes. I saw just now; everyone’s mood wasn’t very stable…”

The wrinkled face of the Village Chief was full of worries and guilt. He always wants to make the villagers live in peace. However, after so many years, he could only watch it get worse and worse. 

He promised Wei Mingyan to help him just now. For the Village Chief who has never done anything bad in his whole life, it was hard.

“Don’t worry, Village Chief, those people are fine. Even if they want to kill each other, they won’t start doing it in broad daylight. Aren’t they afraid of going to jail?” Wei Mingyan said.

 When he saw that the Village Chief still looked worried, he smiled more gently, “You should leave them alone. You have been the Village Chief for so many years, so shouldn’t you understand how they are already? Even if it’s your family that were to move the grave today, they would force you to do it for money.”

“But, they are all from the same village. What we did, didn’t mean for them to make each other, each other …”

The wrinkles on the old man’s face became even more wrinkled. Knowing that he still couldn’t calm his heart, Wei Mingyan raised his eyebrows and warmly said, “I didn’t lie to them. I really want to buy this mountain, and I want to move this grave. Even if you don’t help me, I have the money on hand and the connections, and I can still buy it.”

“Instead of thinking about these people, you might as well think about your son. He is honestly moving bricks out there and having to swallow the bitterness of being cheated because of not having a degree. Your granddaughter is only ten years old, so young, and shouldn’t even be reluctant to eat a piece of meat.”

The young man smiled and patted the wrinkled hand of the Village Chief. “My father always said that he is looking for an apprentice chef. Someone that’s honest. After he has learned the methods, he can stay in the hotel to work, and can earn at least 5,000 to 6,000 a month. It will be a bit tiring, but it’s better than your son working himself to death outside and getting dragged down by a black-hearted boss.”

The Village Chief’s hand trembled. “Mr. Wei, are you really willing to introduce my son to work in your hotel? He’s, he’s stupid, but I promise he’ll be very diligent in helping you. He is the most diligent at home.”

“Of course, not to mention what happened today, I would like to thank you for bringing up the bodies of Lele’s parents back then. Besides, you’ve just, uh, done me a favor, haven’t you?”

Getting rid of anxiety he had, the uneasiness of his son’s future life in the Village Chief’s heart was also reduced. He didn’t doubt the authenticity of Wei Mingyan’s words. After all, this person just showed him how much money there was in the card he owned.

“Well, if you don’t feel at ease, call your son now. I remember that my family just opened a branch in the City A you mentioned. I’ll call my Dad and let him be an apprentice now. How about it?”

“With all these people watching me now, I can only trouble you to take me in for the night.”

The Village Chief was full of excitement. 5,000 to 6,000 yuan a month!

That’s 5,000 to 6,000 yuan! If his son can earn so much money every month, his granddaughter could buy a new schoolbag and wear new clothes, and no longer have to be reluctant to buy snacks.

Compared to his most beloved family members, the weight of the village people who never listened to him and only vigorously bullied others was so much lighter.

He gradually relaxed. Yes, according to the people in front of him, these choices were made by the villagers themselves.

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Moreover, this time, they really went too far.

Wei Mingyan stayed at the Village Chief’s house, watched him make a phone call, and then watched him catch a chicken to stir-fry and stew with a happy face, and then busied himself in the kitchen. So, he knew that his son had succeeded in going to the hotel.

After all, Father Wei listened to Wei Mingyan, not to mention just arranging an honest person to be an apprentice chef, he was even willing to let him raise someone for free.

Of course, Wei Mingyan couldn’t take advantage of the Village Chief who was already left behind by his family. Although the old man tried every means to avoid it, he paid for the chicken, just as if he had bought it.

At 9 o’clock in the evening, Wei Mingyan sat up, looking at the stars on the opposite mountain. He softened his brow, smiled mildly, got up, took the chicken soup that had been ready to be ladled out and warmed in the pot, served it in the bowl given by the village chief, and carried it out the door.

He recalled the path back from memory, turned on his cell phone flashlight, and made his way to the Xuan family’s door.


Knocking on the worn wooden door, Xuan Lele’s wary voice immediately came from inside, “Who is it!?”

“Lele, it’s me.”

Hearing the gentle voice of her boyfriend, Xuan Lele hurriedly got out of bed and opened the door. There were no streetlights in the village, relying on the moon’s natural glow. Under the meager moonlight, the man in a black vest stood and smiled at her.

Xuan Lele’s eyes instantly turned red.

She rushed up and hugged him, with no thoughts of anything else.


No one knew how scared and worried she was that her Grandma would just leave her today.

Although her boyfriend called and texted her to keep in touch all the time, being alone was always scary.

“Okay, don’t cry. I brought chicken soup for you and Grandma. It’s still hot, so eat it quickly.”

Wei Mingyan carefully patted the girl on the back with one hand, coaxing her with a warm voice, “It’s okay, it’s okay. I’m here.”

Xuan Lele was amused by his tone. She wiped a tear from her eye and straightened up with a smile, “Why do you treat me like a child?”


Wei Mingyan took her cold hand gently with his left hand, and looked at it gently in the moonlight. “I regard you as my treasure.”

Xuan Lele looked at her boyfriend, her eyes glistened with tears. She nodded heavily, “Hmm! I know!”

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She turned on the light, and in the dim light, the two young people gathered around the wooden table and brought out the chicken soup.

“You eat first, I’ll feed my Grandma.”

Wei Mingyan saw Xuan Lele take out chopsticks, carefully picked out all the soft meat in the bowl, and knew what she was going to do. He reached out and took the chopsticks, and turned to sit on the bedside.

Xuan Lele moved to look at her boyfriend, and sat over, gently calling, “Grandma, Grandma …”

The old woman in bed woke up several times today, repeatedly saying that they couldn’t move the grave, and then went back to sleep. Xuan Lele called several times, and she opened her eyes in confusion. Under the light, her yellow face turned pale.

“Lele, Lele … don’t move the grave, can’t move the grave …”

“Don’t worry, I’ve already told them that no one will ever move their graves.”

As soon as she finished speaking, a strange male voice responded with a warm tone. Grandma Xuan was much more conscious than during the day. She looked up slightly in disbelief and met Wei Mingyan’s gentle and handsome face.

“You, who are you…?”

Listening to Grandma’s weak voice, Xuan Lele quickly replied, “Grandma, this is my boyfriend, Wei Mingyan. Just call him Mingyan.”

“Yes, Grandma, I’m Lele’s boyfriend. I especially came to see you.”

Putting the bowl aside, Wei Mingyan carefully supported the old woman up and prepared to feed her.

“Boyfriend…” Grandma Xuan repeated in confusion, and then her eyes lit up. “My family’s Lele, has a friend?”

“Yes, Lele is very popular in our school. I worked very hard to catch up with her and become her boyfriend.”

Xuan Lele’s face turned red when she listened to her boyfriend lie and boast about herself.

Grandma Xuan, however, smiled happily and gently placed her thin hand on Wei Mingyan’s slender hands. “You and Lele go to the same school? How is she doing in school?”

Every time Xuan Lele called, she said that she was doing well, but Grandma Xuan was still worried in her heart that the child was lying to reassure her.

“It’s going well there. Lele goes to class every morning, goes to the canteen at noon, goes to study at night, and goes back with her dormitory classmates. They have a good relationship and go out shopping on the holidays.”


The smile on Grandma Xuan’s face grew wider, and she kept nodding, listening again to the young boy, who was holding her up, as he continued, “Everyone at school likes Lele. She is good-looking, gets good grades, always gets a scholarship, and even when she goes to the cafeteria, the cafeteria lady would give her an extra scoop of food.”

“However, Lele also has shortcomings. She is too frugal. She always orders those cheap meals. Luckily, later, once we were together, we bought food and cooked it ourselves. We saved money and ate much better than before.”

“If it’s about doing it yourself, Lele, the girl, is just too frugal. I’m the one who dragged her down. She can’t even afford a nice dress…” If Grandma Xuan still had some disbelief in what Wei Mingyan said before, after that later line about her granddaughter being frugal, she’s completely believe it.

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“Lele always lies to me about what she was willing to buy at school. If she was willing, how can she still send money home every month if it wasn’t saved by her? Sometimes, seeing as this child is so young and can’t be bothered to buy clothes, I wish I had passed away early…”

Grandma Xuan was so emotional today that she sobbed after saying a couple of sentences. 

She smelled like an old person, not unkempt, just a smell unique to her age that the average village person wouldn’t go near, but Wei Mingyan patted her hand gently, as if he hadn’t smelled it, and comforted her, “Don’t think that way, Lele cares about you a lot. After I’ve been with her, she is happiest when she calls you, and every time she hears your voice, she becomes so happy that she smiles so sweetly and says that you are her motivation to study.”

“Here, you lean over here and I’ll feed you some chicken soup.”

Grandma Xuan listened with a smile, “Aiyo, how can you make an old woman spread vinegar? I’ll do it myself. My hand is still strong.”

 (TNote: spread vinegar = make other people jealous.)

“It’s okay, I’m your future granddaughter’s husband. What’s wrong with feeding you some chicken soup, Grandma? Let me tell you something about Lele at school. She loves to go to the study hall every time she has no class. When I chased her, I went to the study hall once …”

Xuan Lele sat at his small table, eating chicken soup one mouthful at a time as her eyes fell on the two people sitting on the bed. She saw Grandma Xuan had a rare happy smile, shakily eating a mouthful from Mingyan, and she looked at the handsome man, who talked about how fun school was while patiently feeding the elder some soup with a spoonful, under the dim light. Her heart was warm and she felt more at ease than ever before.

When the old woman finished drinking the soup, she lay down and slept warmly. Wei Mingyan also sat down at the table and whispered, “Lele, let’s take Grandma back.”

“She’s not in good health, it would be better to take her to the hospital early. I have a doctor Uncle that I know in E city, and their hospital isn’t far from our school. When you take your Grandma to the hospital, you can still check on her from time to time.”

Xuan Lele calculated the rest of the money in her hand, including those she saved up during this period of time doing live broadcasts. She will definitely survive in the short term, but in the long term…

“Don’t be afraid, I have money here too. Don’t always feel bad about using my money. We agreed to graduate and get married right, isn’t what’s mine yours? Besides, you can see the environment in the village. Even if we don’t take Grandma away, would we have to leave her alone here? Otherwise, would you take a break from school to spend time with her?”

“It is better to take her to E City. We can go to see her every day. There, the elderly are usually assisted downstairs to go for a walk, and would be in a better mood. Their body would heal better. Staying in this terrible place will cause a lot of harm and nothing good.”

When her sweetheart’s words fell into her ears, Xuan Lele was convinced. Her hesitation turned into determination, as she agreed “Okay, I’ll take Grandma out of here.”

No matter how bad it was elsewhere, it wasn’t as bad as being here.

Before, she was incapable. Now, although she hadn’t saved a lot of money, the money from the daily live broadcast made Xuan Lele’s heart settle a little.

“Good. I’ll call a car and you’ll leave here tomorrow with Grandma. Go pack your things and I’ll contact that Uncle, he can handle affairs easily.”


Now that the decision has been made, Xuan Lele also stood up immediately, ready to tidy up.

She really didn’t want to stay any longer in this village. 

Wei Mingyan said a few words again and went out of the door. He wandered to the door of the Village Chief’s house and looked at the fire on the opposite mountain. His lips quirked up, and before he could push the door open, it opened from the inside.

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The Village Chief came out of the house in a flurry. As soon as he opened the door, he saw the young man standing under the moon. His beautiful face had his eyebrows slightly raised, innocent and confused. “The Village Chief? What are you doing so late?”

“Qiu Wu called me and said that the villagers secretly dug his family’s grave in the middle of the night. Shouldn’t I hurry to help?”

After the Village Chief answered subconsciously, he remembered what he had promised during the day for his son’s future. He hesitated for a second and looked at Wei Mingyan. “Mr. Wei, do you think I should go?”

“Go, you are the Village Chief. Of course, you have to go when something happens in the village.”

Wei Mingyan smiled, “I’ll go with you, too. They’re making such a fuss that it won’t be easy for me to end it.”

Thinking the young man was scared too, the Village Chief nodded and walked up the mountain in a panic.


They didn’t hear it at the bottom, but when they reached the foot of the mountain, they could clearly hear a woman’s shrill cry, “You’re digging my son’s grave! You will all die a horrible death!!!”

The Village Chief was in a hurry, but Wei Mingyan followed him leisurely. They quickly reached the top of the mountain, where a small grave bag was surrounded by people.

There were villagers who he had seen during the day, some with shovels, and some with flashlights. There was some charred blackness on the ground that had been extinguished, so it was clear that someone had tried to set fire to the graves before.

Someone was saying to Qiu Wu, “Didn’t you want to dig the Xuan’s graves before? Weren’t you the one who told us during the day that we should come over at night and secretly dig her up, and that those are all feudal superstitions anyway. What’s wrong with us digging your family’s grave now!!!”

Qiu Wu’s voice was hoarse, shouting at the top of his lungs, “Would you like for me to dig your grave?!!”

“Did the boss say anything about moving my family’s? Qiu Wu, didn’t the boss say there was compensation? You won’t let us move the graves because you didn’t get enough money? Then why don’t we make it up to you in the village later?”

“Who wants your stinking money!?! That’s my son buried in there, and no one is touching him! No one is allowed!!!”

“That Xuan family’s grave is still occupied by someone’s daughter and son-in-law. Why did you touch it? Quickly get out of the way. Isn’t it good for everyone to make money?”

The villagers were talking noisily. Seeing someone going to shove them, Qiu Wu shouted angrily and took the stick from the ground next to him that was thrown by someone unknown. His face was fierce. “I’ll kill anyone who dares to touch my son’s grave today!!!”

“If you don’t want to die, don’t come!!!”

As soon as this was said, the villagers looked at each other and didn’t dare to do anything.

“What’s all the noise!!!”

The Village Chief’s voice was heard and Wei Mingyan followed him and also said, “In that case, forget it, I don’t want to make a scene and make everyone look bad.”

“I’m not going to buy this mountain.”

Of course, the money he offered was rescinded.

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