Translator: RandomAlex

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Editor: Makoto


The villagers were immediately dumbfounded.

“This, this can’t be. Boss, It’s just a grave, right? Let’s dig it now!!!”

The man who said this was vicious. As he spoke, he waved his spade and began to dig at the grave mount.

“How dare you!!! Zhang Liu!!! You have no conscience! My son at least called you Uncle. Now, you dig his grave?! You have no conscience!!!”

“Bah!” This Zhang Liu looked older than Qiu Wu, and his sideburns were full of white hair. At the moment, with bare arms and a strong black bone, he looked like an ordinary and simple man.

But the words coming out of his mouth right now had nothing to do with appearances. “You are the one who has no conscience! When you were young, you didn’t have a father or a mother to care for you, and starved as you lived day by day. The whole village didn’t care about you. It was the old Xuan family who lent you a hand, gave you food and drink, and helped you survive. Still, you hurt their daughter and son-in-law, and also want to dig their graves. Everyone else in the village can say that I have no conscience, but you, Qiu Wu, you can’t!!!”

He spoke with indignation and righteousness, as if he was consciously doing the rightful bidding of heaven.

The villagers standing behind him all have the same expression, and they all began to talk.

“You couldn’t even eat when you were little and were about to starve to death. It was Xuan’s family who saved you. But after that, you watched their family die.”

“Qiu Wu, you listen to great aunt’s advice, and didn’t you say it yourself? What age is this? Why are you engaging in feudal superstition? Your children have been dead for so many years. Why should you care so much? Quickly move the grave. Isn’t it good for the whole village to get rich together?”

“No way! No way!!”

Qiu Wu’s wife was in tears and on her knees, completely devoid of the arrogance she had when targeting Grandma Xuan during the day. She cried and pleaded to the people of the village who were still a united front before her, “You can’t dig my son’s grave, please don’t dig it. If you dig the grave, his soul will be lost forever!!!”

“How can it be that serious? Get out of the way, get out of the way! Can’t you just get a bigger coffin for your child?”

“No, don’t!! This is my son!!”

Wei Mingyan stood not far away, looking on at the despair on Qiu Wu’s face clearly. He lowered his eyes slightly and looked at the little grave.

“Everyone, stop arguing. It’s okay if this grave isn’t moved.”

Just when everyone was quarrelling, the magnetic voice belonging to the young man resounded calmly, as if a pot of ice water was poured on the fire. All of them immediately quieted down.

All eyes fell on him, but Wei Mingyan remained as comfortable as ever. Some people couldn’t help but ask carefully, “Boss, will you still buy this mountain?”

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“Even if I buy it, I can’t move the grave. Because of that, I won’t be able to open a road here, and the development may be…”

The young man who looked like a city dweller sighed and said so, his handsome face full of dilemma under the light of the torch.

“Boss, please be merciful. Our village is really poor, and you are saving us by buying this mountain!!”

Immediately, someone began to play the sympathy card. As expected, the young man from the city had even more hesitation on his white face. He seemed to be extremely irritated and frowned, hesitantly saying, “How about this, you guys, there’s no need to move the grave…”

Qiu Wu’s husband and wife suddenly showed a happy smile on their faces. They were so glad that they hugged their children’s graves. At the same time however, they were looking forward to the upcoming 25,000 yuan.

“I don’t want to buy the mountain anymore. If someone else sees how I was buying a mountain, and you’re all arguing and making noise, it will appear as if I’m forcing you to sell it to me.”

As soon as these words came out, a lot of hatred befell Qiu Wu and his wife.

If they hadn’t been so ungrateful, they wouldn’t have dragged everyone down and almost wouldn’t have gotten the money.

“However, I am a soft-hearted person. Since you have begged me to buy it, I still want to help the villagers in the village. If the tomb isn’t removed, I can’t build the road I wanted, so I’m going to have to give a discount on the cost of buying the mountain.”

What’s with this talk of discounts?

The villagers looked at each other. “So, Boss, what’s the price you want to give now?”

 “When I was planning to move the graves, the price I could offer was 25,000 yuan each, but now I can’t move it, it’s only 2,000 yuan each. Either way, the development value of this mountain has been greatly reduced by not moving the graves, so that’s the price I’m offering. Please think about it.”

“If you agree, I will buy it, but if you disagree, I will leave. As for the graves on this mountain, don’t make a fuss anymore about moving them. When you sneakily dig up someone’s grave and make a mess of things, I don’t want it even if you give it away for free.”

“Village Chief, I’m not familiar with the way down the mountain, so please accompany me back.”

The Village Chief had not recovered from Wei Mingyan’s words just now, and subconsciously nodded his head and agreed, “Eh, eh… I’m coming.”

“Boss? We can talk about this further, Boss…”

After they were gone, on the mountain, the same group of villagers lingered.

Only now, they didn’t think about digging graves again, fearing that the Boss wouldn’t give them the last 2,000 yuan.

 25,000 turned into 2,000, and everyone’s eyes were full of disgust and hatred for Qiu Wu and his wife.

If Wei Mingyan had only said 2,000 yuan to begin with, they might still be happy to have this windfall, but now, that was 25,000 that could have fallen into their hands!!!

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Now, it’s all gone!

“It’s just moving the grave. Why are you being so pretentious? Such a ‘good’ thing you did. The whole village lost out on this. How can you be so thick-skinned?!”

“That’s right, you two earnestly won’t let us have it easy, right? You were the one who was jumping up and down before, almost making Old Lady Xuan die of anger, and said that you wanted to take us up the mountain to dig a grave, and that you weren’t afraid of the police taking us away!”

“Maybe he just wants to wait until someone catches us, and pushes us out to be scapegoats. This man is so vicious, who knows what he’s planning.”

“Bah! Pretending to be a fool and not making any money, stupid!”

For a moment, Qiu Wu sat paralyzed on the ground covered in dirt, listening to the village people pointing and yelling at his nose one by one. Soon, someone came up towards him and kicked him when he got emotional. Qiu Wu’s voice shook as he tried to defend himself. “That, that’s my child’s grave! How can you dig it? If the Boss says to dig your family’s grave, will you!?”

“Didn’t you still want to dig the Xuan family’s grave before? Why didn’t you ask someone at that time if the Old Lady Xuan was willing? She was bullied because of her age.”

“Before, you tried to dig someone else’s grave. You should have thought that this kind of thing would come back on you too!”

All the village’s hatred were now being directed to the Qiu family, and they couldn’t wait to watch them kill themselves in shame on the spot.

“He also said that it was the ghost of the Xuan family cursing his family. You know what, I think it was Qiu Wu himself who did something wrong and was afraid of everything. At the beginning, everyone agreed to make a mark when they chiseled ice. This boy didn’t do it just to save trouble. If the children weren’t disallowed to go out those days, they were the ones who might have died at that time.”

“That’s right, from killing somebody else’s daughter and son-in-law, to digging somebody else’s grave. Even brutal and cold-blooded murderers aren’t as malicious as he is.”

“Forget it. It’s already late at night. Let’s go. What’s the point of talking to this kind of person? When the time comes, he will feel guilty, and maybe he will climb the mountain and dig the graves of the whole village!”

“Let’s go! The next time I see your child fall into the river, I will never pull them up even if I have to watch. Didn’t you do that in the first place?!”

Qiu Wu and his wife had a fight with the villagers, leaving them covered in sweat and mud. How wretched they must be at the moment. What made them even more afraid was the hatred utterly visible in the eyes of these villagers.

Their coming days in the village will definitely not be as good as before.

The husband and wife collapsed in pain in front of their son’s grave as they wept bitterly.

In between the confusion of tears, Qiu Wu felt remorse for the first time.

Wasn’t it just retribution.

He wanted to dig Xuan’s grave, but today, his son’s grave was almost dug…

He regretted it so much, so much…

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At dawn, Wei Mingyan returned to E City with Xuan Lele, leaving only the contract he simply drafted last night.

Father Wei’s people were on their way, and the other party was a professional. The mountain was expected to be ready by this afternoon.

According to the contract, except for the Qingming Festival, no one else was allowed to go up the mountain without Wei Mingyan’s consent. Others might still hesitate in face if this, but these people couldn’t care less about anything anymore. After seeing the money, they couldn’t wait to sign their names and fingerprints on the contract.

As long as they received the money, the worst thing that could happen was that they would die and be buried on another mountain.

With 2,000 yuan in hand each, everyone was happy at first. A moment later, while clutching the hot bills, they were reminded of the loss of over 20,000 yuan they could have gotten. That’s more than 20,000 yuan!

If they had that kind of money, they could be well on their way to enjoying themselves for a long time.

But now, those chances have been ruined by the Qiu family.

Malice, hatred, all these negative gazes fell on the Qiu Wu couple, causing them to shiver and lower their heads with pale faces.


E City.

Grandma Xuan was taken care of as she was taken to the hospital. After some examinations, Xuan Lele anxiously waited for the results. The doctor looked at the examination results on the computer and frowned slightly.

“The situation is not optimistic, so be prepared.”

Xuan Lele’s face turned white, almost missing her footing as a result.

Wei Mingyan hurriedly caught her as she was falling over and looked at the doctor, “Can it be treated? No matter how expensive it is, we will manage.”

The doctor gave the answer that treatment was possible, but only half possible. It would require a lot of funds, and that it would be best to ask the elderly person’s opinion and decide whether they want to undergo treatment.

His words were kind. After all, the doctor could see that they were still young at first glance, and they came alone with the old woman without any adults present. It looked like they wouldn’t be able to provide enough money for said treatment.

In this case, the elderly would usually reject treatment for the sake of their children at home.

Xuan Lele barely held on and asked the doctor how much they needed.

The doctor hesitated for a few seconds and told them the amount.

Even in 2 years, Xuan Lele couldn’t earn this much money…

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Xuan Lele looked desperate as she was slowly helped out of the office by her boyfriend. Right after they reached a bench to sit down, she couldn’t help but cry.

She cried so sadly that even the nurse couldn’t help but look at her.

This was her only relative.

“Lele, don’t cry.” The man beside her still spoke ever so gently. He held out his hand and gently wiped the tears on her face.

“What do I do? Mingyan, what to do, what should I do…”

Xuan Lele never felt such despair. Without a glimmer of hope, she leaned against her boyfriend’s arms, drawing on his strength.

“What should I do…”

Despite listening to his girlfriend’s sorrowful mumblings, Wei Mingyan’s handsome face showed determination. He opened his mouth and said, “Lele, listen to me…”

“Eh? Lele? What’s wrong with you?”

Yang Qing accompanied her grandmother for a checkup today. When she was just about to come and register at the counter, she saw her friend crying. She frowned and hurriedly came over.

“Yang Qing…”

Xuan Lele cried a lot already, but upon seeing her best friend, she instantly broke down, “My Grandma… She, she got sick, and I don’t have enough money…”

She wanted to think about how to earn the money all at once, but her thoughts were filled with fear, making her unable to think normally.

“Don’t you cry yet, how much more do you need? I’m rich, I’m rich… ” Yang Qing has never seen her best friend cry like this. She wasn’t used to persuading and calming people down, so she flipped out her bag and stuffed it in Xuan Lele’s hand.

“Lele, don’t be afraid. I’ll borrow money from my parents, and it’s still not enough, there’s always something I can do!”

Xuan Lele couldn’t stop crying. “The money is too much. The doctor said that a conservative estimate would be 200,000…”

Yang Qing was stunned and took half a second to recover, “Can you pay in installments?  We can work together. You also have your live broadcast, remember!”

Just as Yang Qing racked her brains to think about any other ways to make money quickly, Wei Mingyan gently held Xuan Lele in his arms, patted her with one hand and took out his mobile phone with the other.

“Dad …”

The handsome young man said in a hushed voice, “I need 200,000.”

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