“Just a temporary mark?!”

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On the 88th floor of the Double Star Building, in the Marshal’s office.

Qin Yuan looked at his superior in disbelief, and couldn’t help asking again to confirm: “It’s really just a temporary mark?”

This isn’t a question a subordinate should ask. Even as a classmate and comrade-in-arms, such a straightforward statement is a bit abrupt.

But as a good friend who has known the other side for many years, Qin Yuan could no longer restrain his inner shock and embarrassment.

He stood in front of the desk with a petrified face, looking at Ling Changfeng with very complicated eyes.

There even was a bit of mourning for his misfortune and anger for what it implied.

One must know, the situation at the time was –

1) An omega was injected with an aphrodisiac and fell into estrus violently;

2) This omega is your spouse, and you are an alpha who has been single for more than 50 years, and only pierced this window this year, let alone tasted meat;

3) You have confessed to each other. It can be said that you are in love with each other, and your hearts are connected;

4) At that time, it was quiet and sparsely populated…

If it was you, what would you do?

At the very least, it should be like dry firewood meeting sparks, rain pouring from the clouds, and then taking the opportunity to give a lifetime mark!

As a result, Marshal Ling actually only gave him a temporary mark!

How does this make sense??

Qin Yuan looked at Ling Changfeng sadly, and almost asked, “You can’t eat the meat that is delivered to your mouth?”

But the parties involved obviously didn’t think like this.

Sitting upright behind the large desk, Marshal Ling’s expression seemed calm, but the complacent spring breeze-like aura emanating from all over his body could not be concealed at all.

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Although he doesn’t have Chu Yufei’s talent, his familiarity with his superior is unmatched.

He has always been able to distinguish the other party’s emotion. Easily distinguishing the sorrows to joys from Ling Changfeng’s subtle facial expressions, so seeing his look of spring breeze these days, Qin Yuan thought that he and Xu Xinghe had been completely combined.

Until he vaguely asked Xu Xinghe if he wanted to start preparing for pregnancy, but was told that nothing happened. Major General Qin felt that his three views shattered at that time.

Not only because he thought what happened was outrageous, but also because he didn’t seem to understand what Ling Changfeng was thinking.

“To be honest, what are you thinking?” Qin Yuan asked directly without going around in circles.

With no outsiders present, he casually leaned against his officer’s desk, holding the report in one hand and supporting the edge of the table in the other, turning his head to look at Ling Changfeng.

“I don’t mean to try to intervene, I’m just curious – do you like platonic love? Or simply don’t want children?”

Ling Changfeng, who was reading the document, finally looked up at him after hearing his words, and calmly replied: “It’s not time yet.”

“It’s not time yet??” Qin Yuan turned around suddenly. “You two are already like this… Didn’t you say that Xinghe’s post-traumatic stress disorder is basically all right?”

“It’s not because of this.” Ling Changfeng shook his head and said slowly, “I don’t want to mark him for life in a dilapidated and abandoned factory.”

Qin Yuan was stunned.

He never imagined that this would be the reason.

Frankly speaking, Marshal Ling, who has always acted resolutely, is not a romantic person.

Falling in love probably also requires talent.

And Ling Changfeng seems to be born with little talent in this regard, so usually even Valentine’s Day gifts and dating places are arranged by his adjutant.

But even such a straight ball seems to be opening up a bit recently…

Qin Yuan looked at the serious and focused appearance of his boss. After a while, the corner of his mouth hooked upwards and he smiled silently.

He thought too much.

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You don’t need talent to love someone.

When one is willing to hold a person in their heart and at the top of their heart, their perspective when thinking through a problem will naturally be different.

So, rather than saying that Ling Changfeng finally got enlightened, it’s better to say that he finally met the right person…

“I suddenly remembered something.” Qin Yuan said with a smile. “Back when you received the notice of matching, there was a period when I was planning how to help you reject this match…”

As soon as his voice fell, the mismatched eyes seated opposite narrowed slightly.

Qin Yuan hurriedly raised his hands in surrender. “Don’t, don’t, I just made a prediction based on your usual thinking. ‘A matched marriage is the most boring thing in the world. Being forcibly bound together is unreasonable’ …Isn’t this what you said?”

Ling Changfeng pursed his lips and said nothing.

“But when I was ready with three plans to avoid it, I suddenly changed my mind.” Qin Yuan smiled. “Do you know why?”

Ling Changfeng looked at him silently, with the impatient face of “do you have something to say?”

“Because you seemed very happy at that time.” Qin Yuan cast his eyes out of the window, looking at the miniature of the city under the blue skies. “I didn’t know what this marriage would bring you back then, but you looked very happy, so I temporarily changed my mind.”

“I was thinking at the time, whether it’s love or marriage, as long as two people can be happy together, then its existence is meaningful.”

Hearing his words, Ling Changfeng’s eyes moved. No one knew what he thought, but a faint glow flitted across his eyes.

He closed the document in his hand, and asked Qin Yuan indifferently: “After talking so much, why are you still single?”

After a pause, he asked: “Is it because you don’t want to?”

Qin Yuan: “…”

F*ck! If he cares about his business again, he’s a pig!

Adjutant Qin patted the draft report in his arms on the table, and said angrily: “After this period of time, I have to apply for a vacation! These days have been too tiring, I don’t want to work!”

“Speaking of business…” Ling Changfeng flipped through the draft report and raised his eyes. “Is everything settled?”

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Like the flip of a switch, Qin Yuan stood up, and his sloppy tone returned to seriousness. “The clean-up work is still in the final stages, but Barron’s people have all surrendered. Some have submitted, and others face military punishment. They can’t make any more waves. The military committee is currently working on Barron’s charges. He committed too many things, so sentencing will take some time.”

Three days have passed since the incident that night. During those three days, Ling Changfeng slammed a thunderous fist down on the old Military Department, taking down the rebels led by Admiral Barron one by one, and quickly ended the so-called “rebellion”.

The Lambda galaxy delegation also left Capital Star, and everything seemed to return to normal.

“Then there is the matter of Norman. After his death, a lot of secret videos of officials he’s worked with were released. It is said that the Nine Stars Council is now in chaos, and council members are starting to bite each other. Seeing the situation turn bad, the Wells family published a statement that they would cut all ties with him. To a certain extent, it’s saved us some trouble.” Qin Yuan said, flipping through the materials in his hand.

“But there’s one more thing, no matter how wicked Norman is, there must be a reason for his death.” Qin Yuan raised his head. “I still suggest that he died of accidental injury by the rebels, because to be honest, exposing the things he’s done, and the things Xinghe went through will not help how the situation develops. Instead, it may create certain troubles for Xinghe.”

In this regard, rarely do the media and public treat victims well.

People will indeed scold the abuser at first, but over time, they will also label the victim as a “tortured person”.

And face them with sympathy, pity, and even schadenfreude.

If the unscrupulous media hypes it up again with exaggerated half-truth stories to grab attention, it will create a second round of trauma for Xu Xinghe.

Ling Changfeng’s eyes sank.

“I know. But whether or not to expose this matter depends on Xinghe’s own decision. Whether he wants to stand up and share it, or treat it as if it never happened, I support his choice. Prejudice is not a reason for him to be concerned. His excellence is obvious to all and he does not need anyone’s sympathy.” At this point, a little pride that was not easily detected leaked into Ling Changfeng’s words.

“He will prove himself with time. Not to mention I’m here, and I’ll make him the happiest omega in the world.”

“As for the media, if there is a media outlet that dares to add fuel to the story and make up stories…” Ling Changfeng’s voice became cold. “For example, the previous T club, if they can’t remember their lesson after being suspended for a month, you can shut them down completely.”

Qin Yuan nodded. “I see. Then I’ll revise this report and hand it over to your desk before the end of the day.”

Ling Changfeng hummed in agreement, then added, “Earlier is better. I plan to get off work early.”

When Marshal Ling said this, he seemed to be in a good mood again, as if an invisible big tail was wagging behind him.

The feeling of wanting to go home and hug his omega is obvious.

Qin Yuan: “…”

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Temples throbbing, he turned around and left the office, meditating silently in his heart.

So after getting off work, in addition to a detailed report on the events of the night, there was an additional long list that appeared on Ling Changfeng’s desk.

“What’s this?”

Marshal Ling, who was ready to go home, raised his chin towards the red envelope on the table.

“I’m giving you your birthday present in advance.” Qin Yuan smiled slightly.

“Since you’re often late to work and leave early, and you don’t pay me overtime pay, I’m not going to pay for this year’s gifts. But I still put my heart into it.” Qin Yuan said with a very thoughtful smile, pointing to the envelope on the table. “Alternative location, where it’ll be better for the first time to happen.”

Ling Changfeng: “…”

The word “roll” slipped out his lips, but his hand was already one step ahead as he calmly pocketed the red envelope.




At the same time, at the other end of Nebula City.

Laying on the big bed of the Marshal’s mansion with Xiaoqi in his arms, Xu Xinghe was worried.

In a few days, it will be his Ling big cat’s1Ling big cat? Big cat Ling? Aka Ling Changfeng birthday.

What gift should he prepare?


What do y’all think the “best birthday gift” in the chapter title is/will be?

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1Ling big cat? Big cat Ling? Aka Ling Changfeng

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