They head out to meet several guests at the VIP room of Georges Grolet. In addition to Ling Changfeng and Xu Xinghe, there were several alumni of the First Military Academy and their spouses.

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Xu Xinghe met these people before, so he had no special psychological burden.

The military vehicle galloped all the way above the city, shuttling in the snowflakes that were fluttering in the winter. Finally, they entered the restaurant through a secret route in the sky.

This is the second time Xu Xinghe has come to the upper level of Georges Grolet. Different from the scenery seen on the night of the first snow, the scenery here during the day is even more shocking.

The city stretching for thousands of miles is vivid and clear, like a vast and dynamic picture scroll. Every stroke contains a variety of living beings, spreading mightily under his feet.

In the sky about the city, seeing the miniature city below him, there was a faint dizziness from being overwhelmed.

But soon, he was pulled back to reality by a familiar smell.

The taste of lard, chili peppers, and a mixture of various spices was extremely aggressive, leaking through the half-closed doors in the hall. It came one step ahead of the laughter in the hall.

Xu Xinghe was in disbelief. He glanced at the magnificent and elegant decor around him, and followed Ling Changfeng in with a puzzled expression.

As soon as he stepped into the hall, Xu Xinghe was completely shocked.

Turns out he didn’t smell wrong…

On the round table in the center of the hall, there is really a large yuanyang hotpot!!1hotpot where the pot is split into 2 soups

Xu Xinghe: “…”

What’s going on? Isn’t this a western restaurant??

He glanced at the occupants briefly, and recognized all seven people present. Namely, Major General Walker Waite and his wife Elizabeth Taylor, Colonel Lin Ting and his wife Su Lan, Brigadier General Parrish and his lover Dr. Lu Zimo… and Qin Yuan.

Adjutant Qin’s expression of speechlessness was almost written in capital letters as he complained to Parrish. “I’m almost dead at the end of the year, so why are you still so idle? When did you lower yourself to matchmaking for a living?”

Brigadier General Parrish replied with a smile: “That’s different, how can it be considered matchmaking if it’s for you?”

“…” Adjutant Qin looked at him with faint dark circles under his eyes. “Are you mocking me?”

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Major General Waite interjected: “Didn’t I say it already, Lao Qin? You’re not that young and are still unmarried. Why are you unwilling to find a partner? Look at you, refusing the mastermind and any introductions. Can a wife still fall from the sky?”

“Not to mention, the last unmarried person among us also got married this year. You were the first one in our class to get out of being single, so why are you the only unmarried person among us now?”

‘I don’t want to pay attention to you guys’ was written across Qin Yuan’s entire face. “Can I stop your chatter with a few more bottles of wine?”

At this moment, Ling Changfeng and Xu Xinghe appeared together.

Qin Yuan immediately stood up and waved to them as if he had seen his saviors.

Everyone also changed the topic instantly,

“Yo! The birthday star is here!!”

“Changfeng! Xinghe! You’re finally here. Come, come and take a seat!”

“The main star is here!”

Xu Xinghe hurriedly greeted everyone.

As soon as Marshal Ling entered the door, he felt a headache oncoming from the chatter inside.

He never considered birthdays worth celebrating. This year, Qin Yuan suggested that because it was his first birthday after returning to the capital, to call everyone over and have a big celebration. He reluctantly agreed.

But he regretted it a little now. It’s rare for him to have a free day in his busy schedule. Wouldn’t it be better spent in a two-person world with his little spouse?

Bringing Xu Xinghe over to the main seat, he sat down, and glanced at the big hotpot in the middle with a little disgust. “Why only one pot? Can’t we have a small pot for each person?”

“Because your birthday is in winter, it’s more fun to get everyone together to eat hotpot.” Waite replied.2different styles of hotpot. Some are personal pots, others are the shared one.

Xu Xinghe asked curiously, “How did you manage to order hotpot here?”

Because the smell of hotpot is generally too strong, it’s easy for odors to linger. Therefore, apart from specialized hotpot restaurants, he has never seen any western restaurant provide hotpot.

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Lin Ting said with a smile: “As long as it’s a restaurant, can’t you order whatever?”

Parrish echoed without any seriousness, “Yes, as long as you want, you can also cook hotpot in the Marshal’s office in Double Star Building. “

Xu Xinghe: “…”

As soon as he spoke, Qin Yuan’s temples began to throb. He picked up the spoon and pointed at Parrish. “No. At least in theory, you can’t. Don’t give Xinghe this kind of bad idea.”

Parrish raised his eyebrows. “Are your words useful? You have to ask our Lord Marshal if he can.”

Qin Yuan looked at him speechlessly, and suddenly turned his head to the alpha male sitting next to Parrish. “Zimo, did this guy try to cook hotpot in your clinic?”

Although Dr. Lu Zimo was strong, his face looked gentle, he raised his eyes slightly and said in a low voice, “He dares.”

In a neither light nor heavy manner, Parrish changed tunes with the naked eye. “Since when did I ever have this kind of thought? Don’t slander me, Lao Qin!”

The group burst into laughter.

“Hahahaha Parrish, after so many years, why are you still so cowardly?”

“One thing after another!”

“It’s also a good thing, otherwise with his temperament back then, no one would take care of him, and he would never be able to rise so quickly…”

Snorting at the jeers of his old friends, Parrish turned his head and poured a glass of water for his lover.

Qin Yuan tapped the goblet beside him and said, “Come on, we are here today to celebrate the 53rd birthday of our dear sir. Let’s have a drink first!”

Normally, Changfeng should say a speech, but Qin Yuan saw his boss’ expression “When will the party end, I have something to do tonight”, and didn’t expect him to say anything polite, so he took his place to give a speech to kick things off.

Everyone raised their glasses one after another, with unanimous smiles on their faces.

“Happy birthday!”

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“Happy birthday, Marshal Ling. Take care of your health, we will rely on you more in the coming year!”

“Happy birthday! We’re still waiting for you and Xiao Xu’s wedding!”

Xu Xinghe blushed when he heard this, and hurriedly covered up his flush by drinking.

In the sound of laughter and blessings, Ling Changfeng’s complexion gradually warmed.

He followed the crowd to toast, and took a rare sip of wine.

Then put down the wine glass, and finally opened his mouth: “This year is the first year that I have returned to Capital Star. I have gone through all kinds of things to get to where I am today. It is inseparable from your hard work. Here, I would like to represent myself…”

It was better when he didn’t speak. From the moment he opened his mouth, the familiar rhetoric of an official speech leaked out, making the several military persons in the room sit upright subconsciously.

As Ling Changfeng was talking, he saw his little spouse turn his head and stare at him without blinking.

He paused slightly, turned his head and asked Xu Xinghe, “What’s wrong?”

Xu Xinghe didn’t expect to suddenly be the focus, and was stunned. Then under the gazes of the whole room, he asked in a low voice, “That… umm, do you think that the room temperature has dropped a little bit?”

He found that Ling Changfeng really had the ability to cool the room off, the kind of ability that even a hotpot feast couldn’t save.

As soon as the words came out, there was an instant silence in the empty private room.

Xu Xinghe: “…”

It seems to be even colder.

He had to bite the bullet and said, “You continue.”

After a few seconds, a burst of laughter broke out at the dinner table—

“Pfft, hahaha! After so many years, someone finally dared to say it!”

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“My dear sir, do you know why we don’t dare to invite you to ordinary gatherings?”

“Xiao Xu dared say it!”

“They are legal spouses after all!”

Qin Yuan also chimed in: “Dear sir, your New Year’s speech and public speech are three days away. It’s your birthday party today, no need to say it.”

Ling Changfeng pursed his lips, looked at his long-time classmates who were slumped across the table in laughter, and then looked at his little spouse who was sitting upright by his side, feeling a little helpless. “Let’s have dinner then.”

So, a lively birthday party officially began.

While waiting for the hotpot to boil, Xu Xinghe suddenly leaned over to Ling Changfeng, smiled like a wicked little fox, and asked, “Are you really not good at drinking? One drink will get you drunk?”

He has been observing his lover’s actions. Although Ling Changfeng took a sip of wine at the beginning, the liquid in the glass did not decrease at all. Thinking of the previous class reunion where he did not drink a drop of alcohol, he had a guess in his heart.

Marshal Ling, who had just put down the wine glass, paused slightly with his right hand, and squinted at his little spouse.

A sly and bright light flashed in the doe-like dark eyes, which was inexplicably seductive.

But Xu Xinghe didn’t realize it yet. He lightly touched his elbow and continued to lean closer: “Marshal, what are you like when you’re drunk? Your temperament changes like mine?”


Sadly, we won’t see the marshal get drunk. That’s the eternal mystery of this book.

Translating the extras, I realized how much the author likes describing LCF & XXH’s eyes…

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1hotpot where the pot is split into 2 soups2different styles of hotpot. Some are personal pots, others are the shared one.

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