Xu Xinghe had never felt so troubled before. Even picking a topic for his graduation thesis was easy in comparison.

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Even after browsing the web for more than two hours, he still couldn’t choose a suitable birthday present.

Ling Changfeng didn’t lack anything, nor did he have special hobbies, so picking a gift was extraordinarily difficult.

But after all, it was their first birthday together, and Xu Xinghe wanted to give him a special surprise.

“Why is it so hard to pick a gift? Give me a suggestion, Xiaoqi.” Xu Xinghe rubbed the fluffy cat’s head in his arms with a frown.

“Meow~” Ms. Xiaoqi called out innocently, then rolled sideways. After breaking free from her master’s clutches, she happily ran off the bed.

Xu Xinghe: “…”

At first glance, his cat is diligently going to find her boyfriend.

Xu Xinghe sighed in disgust. “Xiaoqi, you can’t do this. If a man gets something too easily, he won’t know how to cherish it. Not to mention, the intimacy between a couple will soon become tiring. You and Aaron have to maintain that kind of inseparable state of playing hard to get…”

He educated his cat lovingly and earnestly, but when he turned his head, he saw Ling Changfeng in military uniform at the door.

Xu Xinghe: “…”

The atmosphere turned inexplicably awkward.

He hurriedly closed the search page, rolled over, and got out of bed. “When did you come back? No one told me.”

As soon as Marshal Ling returned to the house, he didn’t even take off his coat before going upstairs to look for his little spouse.

Then he heard the other party sharing romance advice to a cat.

Xiaoqi wagged her big fluffy tail, rubbed the Marshal’s feet obediently, raised her head and meowed at her new feeder.

Ling Changfeng squatted down. He rubbed Xiaoqi’s head, then raised his head and said to Xu Xinghe, “I told them not to disturb you. He Han said you locked yourself in the room for an afternoon. What are you doing?”

“Aren’t I just accompanying the cat?” Inexplicable guilt overcame him as Xu Xinghe smiled weakly.

Ling Changfeng looked at him, then looked at the cat again. Then, he stood up to smooth the corner of his clothes, and nodded casually. “Well, I never knew that you have quite a lot of love experience, and can guide Xiaoqi.”

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Xu Xinghe: “…”

The two of them have been together for a while, but they haven’t exchanged their past love experiences with each other at all.

Xu Xinghe knew that Ling Changfeng had zero experience – he heard his old classmates tease him for this at their last class reunion.

However, Ling Changfeng didn’t know that his romantic history was also blank.

Xu Xinghe opened his mouth and wanted to say something.

But explaining it so hurriedly didn’t feel right, so he held back.

As a result, he could only vaguely say: “One doesn’t necessarily have to have experience in this kind of thing if the friends around you have experience…”

Ling Changfeng looked at him and noncommittally hummed.

The gaze made Xu Xinghe’s hackles raise, and his eyes couldn’t help flashing. “What? If you want to know about my love experience, just ask…”

“I don’t want to know.” Marshal Ling shook his head calmly, as if he didn’t care about it.

But Xu Xinghe wasn’t happy. “Why don’t you want to know?”

Shouldn’t normal couples be concerned about each other’s emotional experience??

Ling Changfeng observed his expression. There was an imperceptible smile in his eyes, but he remained calm on the surface.

He suddenly stepped forward and approached his little spouse.

The clear sea breeze pheromone that belonged to him instantly swept through every corner of the room, unobstructed and domineering.

Xu Xinghe was startled by his sudden approach, but did not hide back.

Having just been temporarily marked, he was still sensitive to his alpha’s breath. Teased by the pheromones in the air, his face suddenly turned red.

Ling Changfeng looked down at his lover’s flushed cheeks, and said thoughtfully: “In order to be cherished, play hard to get? It seems to be useful; I’ve learned something today.”

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Xu Xinghe: “…”

Stretching out a fist, he smacked the firm chest opposite of him, and said in a muffled voice: “Go away. I’m talking about a young couple, are we still a young couple?”

“Then what are we??” Ling Changfeng’s eyes narrowed slightly as he calmly looked at him.

Xu Xinghe stared back: “What do you think? We’re an old, married couple!”

Marshal Ling nodded in agreement, and was quite satisfied with this answer.

He leaned over and gave his lover a hug.

The cat has been so clingy lately. Xu Xinghe only thought the side effects of the temporary mark were not over, so he hugged back cooperatively for two seconds, and then pushed him. “You should take off your coat first, aren’t you hot?”

The alpha, who recently tasted the sweetness for the first time, obviously didn’t have enough, so he took off his coat and put it on the sofa.

Then he went back to find his omega again.

The next moment, a red envelope fell out of his coat pocket.

“What is this?” Xu Xinghe asked curiously.

But before he could read the words on it, Ling Changfeng quickly picked up the envelope and stuffed it into the inner layer of his jacket.

Such an act of concealment made Xu Xinghe even more curious.

Facing his lover’s exploratory and suspicious eyes, Marshal Ling straightened his collar without blushing and explained, “It’s nothing, a secret list.”

Xu Xinghe heard the words and raised his eyebrows slightly. “F*ck! You never bring military secrets home. Not to mention why is such a secret list put in such a coquettish red envelope? I think I even saw a heart pattern printed on it!”

Here, Xu Xinghe tilted his head, and touched his chin thoughtfully. “It can’t be a love letter from another omega, right?”

Ling Changfeng: “…”

“No, it’s really just a list.” In order to dispel his lover’s doubts, Ling Changfeng took out the red envelope again, but did not take out the list and the outrageous blessings Qin Yuan had written. He held up the envelope and shook it in front of Xu Xinghe with his usual expression. “Locations for my birthday. I won’t let you see them, and will give you a surprise when the time comes.”

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Xu Xinghe blinked. “Didn’t you just say last night that we’ll go to Georges Grolet on your birthday, and your old classmates will also come celebrate?”

“That’s lunch.” Ling Changfeng explained. “They’ll leave in the afternoon, and it’s just the two of us for dinner afterwards.”

“Oh.” After hearing what he said, Xu Xinghe didn’t ask any further questions.

He naturally raised his hand to help Ling Changfeng remove a wisp of cat hair on his cuff, then clapped his hands and said, “Then let’s go downstairs for dinner. I wanted to be in charge tonight, but I was busy in the afternoon… Tomorrow, what do you want to eat? I’ll make dinner tomorrow night.”

Xu Xinghe finally decided what present to give Ling Changfeng for his birthday:, a memoir book written by himself.

It recorded their first date, their first confession, their first kiss…

And the many words he wanted to say, but couldn’t say.

With the long road ahead of them, there will undoubtedly be many new experiences along the way, which may cause the original memories to gradually fade away.

So he wanted to do something to record the initial beauty of their relationship.

So many years later, when they look at the memoir together, how will it feel?

Xu Xinghe had never thought himself an expressive person.

Over the next two days, whenever Ling Changfeng went to work, he quickly turned around to sit in front of the screen and tapped the keyboard with his ten fingers.

It felt like he was back in college, filled with the kind of passion he had when he actively stayed up late for a project he was interested in.

After two days of rushing, he finally sent the electronic version out to be edited and produced by the manufacturer Cheryl recommended. He asked for rush production and express delivery to ensure that Ling Changfeng could receive his birthday gift on time.

Time flew by, and it was soon December 28 – Ling Changfeng’s birthday.

The estimated delivery time for the gift is this morning. Since private couriers cannot reach the marshal’s mansion and can only be placed at a designated delivery point on the periphery, Xu Xinghe specially instructed He Han to send someone to pick it up early in the morning. He prepared to hide it from Ling Changfeng and surprise him at night.

He also secretly bought red ribbons and colored paper, intending to decorate it with his own hands after receiving the memoir.

In the end, on the morning of his birthday, he didn’t receive the memoir. The birthday present he had carefully prepared for Ling Changfeng was blocked on the road, and wouldn’t make it in time!

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When Xu Xinghe came out of the bathroom wrapped in a bathrobe, he suddenly received the news.

A big hand suddenly stretched out from behind him. Wrapping around his waist to stabilize him, Ling Changfeng said helplessly, “You can even trip when walking on flat ground.”

Xu Xinghe stood up in shock, thinking to himself, it’s over.

Before going to bed last night, he smiled and told Ling Changfeng that he had prepared a birthday surprise for him.

What should he do now?

Can a surprise that cannot be delivered on a birthday be called a birthday surprise?

Thinking of this, Xu Xinghe’s handsome little face almost twisted.

However, when he looked up and saw his lover’s gentle eyes, he quickly calmed down and regained his usual smile.

After all, today is Ling Changfeng’s birthday. No matter what, he has to spend it happily with him first.

As for the gift, maybe he can come up with something to tide things over, and make it up after the memoir arrives in two days?

At eleven o’clock in the morning, the two packed up and set off.


Birthday happenings afoot~

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